
Mar 3, 2011
"This year's report points to corruption, tax rates, inefficient government bureaucracy, inadequately educated workforce, access to financing, inadequate supply of infrastructure, crime and theft, and restrictive labor regulations as the most problematic factors for doing business. The DR is ranked as the world leader (142nd) in both wastefulness of government spending and reliability of police services in the 2011-12 ranking. The DR is ranked 141st in favoritism in decisions by government officials, 140th in diversion of public funds, 135th in public trust of politicians, reflecting the collapse of institutions in the Dominican Republic under the Fernandez administration.

The DR also made the bottom top 10 rating in quality of education system (136th) and quality of math and science education (139th). "

sucky ass report card - hard blow for leonel.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
DR1 News on Friday
Corruption burdens the DR
President Leonel Fernandez was a speaker at the World Economic Forum debates in Davos, Switzerland in January and then again in Rio, Brazil in April of this year, but ironically, the DR's rankings in the recent Global Competitive Index report continue to reflect a lack of leadership and efficiency in government.
After almost eight years of Fernandez administration, the DR slumps to the 110th place of 142 countries in the important index. The DR in 2010-2011 was ranked 101st on a list of 139 countries.
This year's report points to corruption, tax rates, inefficient government bureaucracy, inadequately educated workforce, access to financing, inadequate supply of infrastructure, crime and theft, and restrictive labor regulations as the most problematic factors for doing business. The DR is ranked as the world leader (142nd) in both wastefulness of government spending and reliability of police services in the 2011-12 ranking. The DR is ranked 141st in favoritism in decisions by government officials, 140th in diversion of public funds, 135th in public trust of politicians, reflecting the collapse of institutions in the Dominican Republic under the Fernandez administration.
The DR also made the bottom top 10 rating in quality of education system (136th) and quality of math and science education (139th).
Areas where the DR made the upper top 50 places were: strength of investor protection (47th), prevalence of foreign ownership (41st), business impact of rules on FDI (41st), flexibility of wage determination (45th), cooperation in labor-employer relations (37th), soundness of banks (34th), control of international distribution (49th).
The Global Competitiveness Report's competitiveness ranking is based on the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), developed for the World Economic Forum by Xavier Sala-i-Martin and introduced in 2004. The GCI comprises 12 categories n the pillars of competitiveness - which together provide a comprehensive picture of a country's competitiveness landscape. The pillars are: institutions, infrastructure, macroeconomic environment, health and primary education, higher education and training, goods market efficiency, labor market efficiency, financial market development, technological readiness, market size, business sophistication and innovation.


Jul 25, 2007
I expect somebody will come along and admonish our poor English reading skills all the while butchering the language and then explaining what these figures really mean - something along the lines that the Dominican system of government is just a couple of years behind the US and before long the Metro will drive us into prosperous economic future(more like financial oblivion).


Aug 11, 2002
when greedy companies and politicians trample the poor and lower middle class eventually they get tired of it and we wind up with a fidel castro, a hugo chavez, or the recent violence that we have seen in london. generations have lived in the DR without lights while the prez flies around the world. my first wife was from an upper middle class family in caracas. the nice part of the city is in the bottom of a valley, beautiful buildings, on the mountains going up the sides are where we find the tin roof shacks. my mother in law at the time used to say that someday those people on the hill in the shacks are going to come down here and take everything. she was dismissed as crazy. we now have chavez and she is laughing her arse off back in spain where she was born, she got out just in time. all the wealthy people i know in SD also have a place in miami and keep money there in US banks. crime is getting out of control, the war on drugs is a losing battle, i'm not saying we'll have a revolution tomorrow but if, and when things change,,,,,,it may not be pretty...........