Do "Nice" Dominicanas ever ask for money?

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New member
Jan 17, 2012
i am happily married to a Fine dominican women. You will know if its right. Everyone needs help with money these days it seems. We skyped all the time so i knew where she was. She was more worried about me fooling around then me about her. Women even in the states cost you money just dating them.


Nov 3, 2010
Money for her education? More than likely it will be money for "his" education. He will quickly learn how his money is being spent on "other" things besides her education. If he did not meet her, trust me, she would find a way to pay for her education. She does not need help. She just wants help. Giving an unemployed adult "free" money is disastrous. When will you guys learn?


Feb 3, 2002
No one with an ounce of self respect will ever ask for money. Personally I would rather go hungry than ask/beg anyone for money and if I ever have to rest assure is a loan which I would pay to the last penny. My grandma used to tell me if you borrow a penny you pay that penny back, because if you don't pay a penny then you certainly wouldn't pay a larger debt, but I digress...point is she sounds like a player. Living alone? Hmmm not many self respecting Dominican girls are. At a minimum she would be living with another female (i.e. if she was going to college). She either had a "chulo" living with her or she's a player...most likely the latter.


New member
Jan 17, 2012
You guys are so down. My daughter went to college and graduated a Doctor in Santiago. She liveed by herself. where do you come up with these opinions of women???


Nov 25, 2012
No one with an ounce of self respect will ever ask for money. Personally I would rather go hungry than ask/beg anyone for money and if I ever have to rest assure is a loan which I would pay to the last penny. My grandma used to tell me if you borrow a penny you pay that penny back, because if you don't pay a penny then you certainly wouldn't pay a larger debt, but I digress...point is she sounds like a player. Living alone? Hmmm not many self respecting Dominican girls are. At a minimum she would be living with another female (i.e. if she was going to college). She either had a "chulo" living with her or she's a player...most likely the latter.

I have been to her apartment (too small for a "chulo" unless of the midget variety :)) No offense to little people.....Player is always a possibility and my greatest concern.....


Nov 3, 2010
There are exceptions to every rule. Most Dominican women would not live alone. Most would have a roommate or a papi who visits on a regular basis. All the single Dominicanas I know live with family. Even if they have one child, they still live with other family members. Economically, it does not make sense for most to live alone. It's the Op's life. He can choose to become a statistic if he so wishes. It's his life, if he is not careful, he can lose it rather easily.
Dec 26, 2011
We can't make assumptions with total accuracy. One cannot ascertain the true situation of person based on a few paragraphs on a discussion forum.


New member
Mar 29, 2011
A lot of great advice

You've received a lot of great advice. I have had a number of experiences with DR girlfriends. I have both had relationships when I was living there and the long distance relationships. I've seen guys get taken for a ride on the Western Union money train. Regarding normal girls, unless she is a well of dominican with a good job, there will always be underlying issues or back story with her or family members and the only way you will find out is with time.

Her real motives or sincerity will be revealed sooner or later. Trust your instincts, and if you have doubts there is probably a reason for it. Fine tune you instincts and doubts like "spidey senses". :squareeye

Good luck.


New member
Aug 5, 2011
If you're both happy together and money isn't an issue, why not enjoy and play it out!


hasta la tambora
Apr 4, 2005
You could hire a private eye to find out if she has another significant other.


Nov 25, 2012
You could hire a private eye to find out if she has another significant other.

I will be staying in Santiago for a month so I can just follow her around and see where she goes...(just kidding :speechles ... Shift+R improves the quality of this image. Shift+A improves the quality of all images on this page.).

By the way if my girl is a player, shes better than all the chicks in Los Angeles and all the girls i have encountered in more than 30 countries combined....her act up to this point has been flawless.


New member
Jul 9, 2010
Taking into consideration the overall poverty on the island, yes " nice girls " do ask for $$$. The perception is that you're a gringo and that you're rich. Seriously, I have Dominican in laws that truly believe that if you live in the U.S. the government just sends everyone a check and no one is poor.

The average Dominican earns less than $300.00 a month U.S., and usually, an entire family lives off of the earnings of 1 or 2 individuals lucky enough to have a job or income. Whether or not her needs are legit, you're the only judge of that.

Eventually , time will tell what her motives are. That and a little snooping. But I wouldn't give her the boot because she asked for money, not unless you knew for sure you were being scammed.

yacht chef

Sep 13, 2009
My x lived alone for a mounth only because I payed for the first 3 mounths , she now has a roommate as soon as the electric bill came in . The place us soo small I would not spend a night. Two girls in this place is like a womens prison. Any way if the op's girl had a job and lost it she most likely she could stay a while and not pay . It is not easy to get someone out in the DR .


New member
Nov 25, 2012
Some basics

Meet her family, Mom and Dad, that will tell you a lot about her. If they are poor, they have not been giving her money, so she told you a lie and is a player. If they are middle class you will know something about her background and how she was raised. Then tell her you want to see the bill from the University, so you can pay it directly. (My daughter goes to a university in Santiago and every time I see her, she shows me her grades and classes which are posted on line.) Many Dominican women study languages in order to only meet tourists, it does not mean she is in a university. I assume you are sleeping with this woman. If you are paying her rent and she has no roommate, drop in when you are not expected. She should be pleasantly surprised, if not you have a problem. Trust but verify. Many Dominican women have many "boy-friends" at the same time, especially if their boy-friends do not live here, they do a balancing act and get money from each of them.


Nov 22, 2007

I mean really? This is not rocket science, find out what her rent and school is and pay them directly. Tell her to give you the information cuz you are not handing her cash. Find a trustworthy friend in Santiago (you dudes can always seem to find women but never can find decent friends) and each month give the damn friend $10 to go to her apt complex, pay her rent, go by her University, pay her school and provide you with the receipts.
You're all gung-ho about this "nice" girl, she living in a third world country, and you're asking if you should pay her rent and education....I wish she knew you were on here asking this so she could dump your a$$.
It's not like she said she needed a new LCD TV or a new Blackberry or I-phone. These expenses in DR for her probably arent more than $350/month. Lets see you get more than 2 dates with an American woman spending less than $350. Cheap a$$.

I would be the first to slam her if she was asking for unnecessary pleasures which alot of them do but she asked you for RENT and EDUCATION. This is the same chic you claim to be "nice" that I'm sure you want to be at your beck and call each time your skinny white butt (I'm assuming) lands in Santiago.

Man up for once in your life....

It costs to be the boss

Aug 21, 2007
If you really knew her (well enough to be intimate with her), you wouldn't be in a position to ask this question publicly. If you really care for her, why don't you know her more than this and need to ask this question of strangers?

My advice? Get to know this woman. Spend time with her. Go with her to pay her rent. Go with her to pay her tuition. Go meet her family. Ask how they have been helping her lately.

If she is the real deal, all the things she has been telling you will prove real and this will make your relationship stronger. If you see some red flags, than you have all you need to know to make the right decision for yourself.

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