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New member
Dec 5, 2003

I know Dominicana was the national carrier in DR and the had a fleet of different type of aircrafts, but mostly they were using Boeing 727's in its last days.
So here goes my question, does anybody know how did they get those airplanes???

Like, if they bought the 727's brand new from Boeing in the 70's or just dry leased them.

And also, how did they get the Boeing 707 and the 747???


S? que Dominicana fue la l?nea a?real nacional en RD y que ten?an una flota de diferente tipo de aviones, pero, mayormente, estuvieron usando Boeing 727's en sus ?ltimos d?as.
Aqu? va mi pregunta:
?Sabe alguien c?mo obtuvieron esos aviones?

O sea, si los compraron nuevos de Boeing en los 70's o solo los arrendaron.

Y tambi?n, ?C?mo obtuvieron el Boeing 707 y el 747?

That's all by the moment...

Eso es todo por el momento...


New member
Jan 1, 2002
Flakko 3 Boeing 727-100 y 200 series fueron comprados a la Boeing diectamente, ellos compraron 1-727-100 que deveria de ir a Varig y al final no lo tomaron CDA lo cogio tambien.

El 707 lo rentaron primero a TAP Air Portugal y luego compraron tambien,recuerdo que trabajando en TAP me encontre con un capitan Portugues que habia sido check-pilot con pilotos Dominicanos en el 707.

Despues por ahi por el 85 el gobierno Dominicano compro un 727-200 a Royal Jordanian Airlines el cual denominaron "EL JORDANO".

Al mismo tiempo rentaron y tambien luego compraron el 747-100 a una aerolinea Americana que ahora mismo no recuerdo el nombre.
Y despues por el 92 vino el declibe la muerte de CDA comenso en el 92 cuando se comensaron a rentar aviones con acapites muy dudosos A-300 y 727-200s.


Jan 4, 2002
Transat said:
Flakko 3 Boeing 727-100 y 200 series fueron comprados a la Boeing diectamente, ellos compraron 1-727-100 que deveria de ir a Varig y al final no lo tomaron CDA lo cogio tambien.

El 707 lo rentaron primero a TAP Air Portugal y luego compraron tambien,recuerdo que trabajando en TAP me encontre con un capitan Portugues que habia sido check-pilot con pilotos Dominicanos en el 707.

Despues por ahi por el 85 el gobierno Dominicano compro un 727-200 a Royal Jordanian Airlines el cual denominaron "EL JORDANO".

Al mismo tiempo rentaron y tambien luego compraron el 747-100 a una aerolinea Americana que ahora mismo no recuerdo el nombre.
Y despues por el 92 vino el declibe la muerte de CDA comenso en el 92 cuando se comensaron a rentar aviones con acapites muy dudosos A-300 y 727-200s.

No te olvides tambien con la Cat 3 que ah cumplido ese mismo a?o.
Por asi vemos que una linea aerea dominicana no tiene que volar con aviones leases en un pais en cat 2 o 3, necesitamos cat 1 para tener una fuerte linea aerea!


Grande Pollo en Boca Chica
Jan 9, 2002
Another 0% Posting

Help to tourists: 0%
Related to current travel to the DR: 0%
Related to deals or bargain air fares to the DR: 0%
Related to schedules or trip planning to/from the DR: 0%

Isn't there some airline fanatic web site for this stuff, guys? You can't be the only 4 or 5 people on earth who live and die for ancient airline stuff like this.


New member
Jun 10, 2003
ricktoronto said:
Help to tourists: 0%
Related to current travel to the DR: 0%
Related to deals or bargain air fares to the DR: 0%
Related to schedules or trip planning to/from the DR: 0%

Isn't there some airline fanatic web site for this stuff, guys? You can't be the only 4 or 5 people on earth who live and die for ancient airline stuff like this.

I guess someone died and left you moderator of this site.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 29, 2002
I am here

The thread will live, but only if it stays on topic.

thank you all for your cooperation.


New member
Dec 5, 2003
Gracias por la informaci?n Transat, ya s? que por lo menos una vez en la vida tuvimos una l?nea a?rea con aviones nuevos y propios; es decir aviones jet, porque cuando Trujillo Dominicana ten?a muchos aviones, pero no s? si eran nuevos.

ricktoronto, if you were smart enough, you could just read the post and ignore it, cuz it doesn't have anything interesting you.
But not, you rather say something against it, why???

If you don't like it, be smart, don't read it, don't reply and that's it.
It's not necesary at Bachelor's degree to understand that...

Cmedina, I'm sorry about my reply.
Hope you don't erase it.


New member
Jun 10, 2003
Flako also the DC-6 that they operated and i believe is still in the hangar or behind it.


New member
Jan 1, 2002
Your right Eli!!

Dominicana's fleet in 1980 was ntegrated of 8 727s plus the Dc-6

Not mentioning the aircrafts on lease Dc-10 and L-1011


Grande Pollo en Boca Chica
Jan 9, 2002
It isn't on the topic is why

Flakko said:
ricktoronto, if you were smart enough, you could just read the post and ignore it, cuz it doesn't have anything interesting you.
But not, you rather say something against it, why???

Here's the Forum's point:

Airline Info
Who's flying from where? Cheap tickets and deals.
Plus many other useful pieces of airline related info.

I think visitors and people who live and work in the DR need tips on deals, schedules, fare opportunities , changes to schedules, etc., hence the description of the forum.

Obviously several of you are keen on airlines past and present and I was saying there must be more of you and there thus is a site somewhere for this type of dialog that is of interest to you but hasn't any real relevance to the point of the forum. Key word being "useful". My Dad is a big airplane guy - as much as you guys. He doesn't come here to kibitz but: goes to other sites about this stuff.

The poor tourist or potential visitor gets very little from posts that are of no help.

Did you know that AA is changing its MIA- SDQ flights radically on May 1st? Dropping the 8 a.m. flight, Flt 1711 leaves 40 minutes later, Flt. 783 is introduced at 12:56 etc. There's relevant info for travellers. Affects connections and things from other cities as well.

Just ideas as to helpful to know , DR related, useful stuff.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 29, 2002
Plus many other useful pieces of airline related info applies to this thread


so sad

i thought it was simple; stay on topic
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