Drinking Water


Jan 1, 2002
From time to time we get threads started about drinking water in the DR. A troubling item in today's DR1 news summary on that subject:

"9. Only a third of homes have water inside
"According to a report by Osiris de Leon, "The Diagnosis of Water in the Americas", only 36 out of every 100 households in the Dominican Republic have water inside their homes, and the water does not reach the 95% level of suitability for drinking.

"He said that the situation is worrying and that Dominicans have to buy water for their basic requirements, and drink bottled water that often does not reach the required quality either.

"The study was publicized yesterday morning to celebrate International Water Day and was presented in the Science Academy in the Colonial Zone in the capital."

If appears that relying on bottled water to keep you safe is not always a sure thing,either.


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
From time to time we get threads started about drinking water in the DR. A troubling item in today's DR1 news summary on that subject:

"9. Only a third of homes have water inside
"According to a report by Osiris de Leon, "The Diagnosis of Water in the Americas", only 36 out of every 100 households in the Dominican Republic have water inside their homes, and the water does not reach the 95% level of suitability for drinking.

"He said that the situation is worrying and that Dominicans have to buy water for their basic requirements, and drink bottled water that often does not reach the required quality either.

"The study was publicized yesterday morning to celebrate International Water Day and was presented in the Science Academy in the Colonial Zone in the capital."

If appears that relying on bottled water to keep you safe is not always a sure thing,either.

Believe nothing of what that 'expert" says in the media...

He's a well known "tool" of the PRD and his study is nothing short of a made up number in his kitchen table...

He goes on to say that people in the capital are bathing and drinking water from wells that have been contaminated from seeping septic tanks all over the city. LOL!! All the water from the pipes in the capital from the local water network comes from reserves miles away from the city and rivers.

The water should not be used for other than baths or stuff other than to drink and cook meals for the high concentration of minerals and low chlorination to make it 100% potable in some instances.

His 36 out every 100 homes is laughable to say the least! I guess he considers huts by the river banks as "homes" that the state should address with running water and paved streets as well! LOL!!!

This reminds me when he say not to RIDE the Metro Line 1 to the public as the columns would fail and the whole thing collapse everywhere. The tunnels would just sink in the deep caverns that crisscross the city's underground. The stations were death traps during a quake. God knows the list didn't find an end to his expertise!!!

Now it's water!

He says Dominicans drink and use water from wells in the capital???? LOL!!!!!

Study? LOL!!!


Moderator - North Coast Forum
Apr 3, 2009
Santiago DR
If appears that relying on bottled water to keep you safe is not always a sure thing,either.

Do you know if he was referring to the large 5 gallon plastic or/and the 20oz. sold in cases at places like Pricemart.....
Drinking bad water is NOT a laughing matter......

B in Santiago


Sep 27, 2006
His 36 out every 100 homes is laughable to say the least! I guess he considers huts by the river banks as "homes" that the state should address with running water and paved streets as well! LOL!!!
He says Dominicans drink and use water from wells in the capital???? LOL!!!!!

god forbid but it looks like he may consider those living in the huts by the river as humans. LOL! what's next? maybe he'd say that other dominicans should treat those "people" (wink, wink) like human beings, respect them and their rights? totally ROLF!!!!


Kansas redneck an proud of it
Apr 23, 2004
does this have any effect on the number of MIDDLE CLASS HOUSEHOLDS? That would drop the percentage I would think but Pick has already started the spin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
god forbid but it looks like he may consider those living in the huts by the river as humans. LOL! what's next? maybe he'd say that other dominicans should treat those "people" (wink, wink) like human beings, respect them and their rights? totally ROLF!!!!

So by your LOL, you consider that the state should actually built a water system to those huts by the river banks? Pave streets atop wetland???

Are you fer real!



RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
Perhaps the State should build a water and sewage system in Juan Dolio - the south beach of the Caribbean. In my villa there just off the Boulevard we had a well as no water which was contaminated by all the huts around who had latrines and all houses there have septic tanks as there is no sewage system.

Whether you believe it or not those statistics are right. Apart from in the main towns many people do not have water and even those that do don't get it all the time. Mine has arrived today - first time in two weeks and tinaco was running dry and how many have mains drainage?



Sep 27, 2006
So by your LOL, you consider that the state should actually built a water system to those huts by the river banks? Pave streets atop wetland???
Are you fer real!

god help me! where did i ever say that? provide water? pave streets? LMAO!!!! are you kidding me? we do not need that! what this country needs to step up and spend some serious money on helping the most needy: so many government officials still do not have jeepetas! OMG, can you even believe that? many do not have overseas accounts and those who do have difficulty passing them into six figures. this is clearly NOT ACCEPTABLE.
and those pobres? come on, they normally get sick and die BEFORE they get to the voting age.


New member
Mar 23, 2012
HI Everyone. Not that I want to post any comment on this subject as I'm a newbie. Please help me to find the Post mark so I can introduce myself properly. Needless to say, I'm also ignorant in forums. Thanks anyway. Claude.


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
Perhaps the State should build a water and sewage system in Juan Dolio - the south beach of the Caribbean. In my villa there just off the Boulevard we had a well as no water which was contaminated by all the huts around who had latrines and all houses there have septic tanks as there is no sewage system.

Whether you believe it or not those statistics are right. Apart from in the main towns many people do not have water and even those that do don't get it all the time. Mine has arrived today - first time in two weeks and tinaco was running dry and how many have mains drainage?


Perhaps the Juan Dolio builders should had provisioned such services and infrastructure when they developed previous vacant regions of the country, with the nearest pipe miles away in the small and real towns? Yes? And I'm sure 100% they did!

There's no point in believing or not, the facts are where they stand when I said the Capital dwellers get their piped water not from wells, but from miles away sourced from water reservoirs and rivers.

As for your water source in Juan Dolio being from a well for the new villas investors built there? LIES!

As for long time residents from the nearest towns getting their water from wells? More lies!


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
god help me! where did i ever say that? provide water? pave streets? LMAO!!!! are you kidding me? we do not need that! what this country needs to step up and spend some serious money on helping the most needy: so many government officials still do not have jeepetas! OMG, can you even believe that? many do not have overseas accounts and those who do have difficulty passing them into six figures. this is clearly NOT ACCEPTABLE.
and those pobres? come on, they normally get sick and die BEFORE they get to the voting age.

The needy that built on river banks and creeks are not needy but people that want to live rent free and at the same time play the chair game with the gov for free housing. This is a never ending thing here.

Blah, blah, blah...


Dec 11, 2009
Whether you believe it or not those statistics are right. Apart from in the main towns many people do not have water and even those that do don't get it all the time. Mine has arrived today - first time in two weeks and tinaco was running dry and how many have mains drainage?


If you know the right person you can pay someone RD 1000 to open the line to your cistern. I did this last week when my cistern ran dry due to the bomba tank rusting out.


RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
Perhaps the Juan Dolio builders should had provisioned such services and infrastructure when they developed previous vacant regions of the country, with the nearest pipe miles away in the small and real towns? Yes? And I'm sure 100% they did!

There's no point in believing or not, the facts are where they stand when I said the Capital dwellers get their piped water not from wells, but from miles away sourced from water reservoirs and rivers.

As for your water source in Juan Dolio being from a well for the new villas investors built there? LIES!

As for long time residents from the nearest towns getting their water from wells? More lies!

Lies? I didn't live in a new villa and I promise you it had a well and there was no street water. I'll tell you what, lets have a look at the census data provided by the government in 2010 Censo Nacional de Poblaci?n y Vivienda 2010 :: Welcome

That will show us whether the man who wrote the article saying that only 36% of Dominican homes have water inside the home was lying as well, as you said.

Number of homes with water inside the house: 787,566 36.32%
Number of homes with water in the garden: 544,122 25.10%
Number of homes using water from public tap: 398,727 18.39%
Number of homes using water from the river: 112,730 5.20%
Number of homes using water from well: 146,644 6.76%
Number of homes using rainwater: 32,321 1.49%
Number of homes using water from delivery truck: 145,855 6.73%

Oh dear, looks like he was telling the truth as well.



Moderator - North Coast Forum
Apr 3, 2009
Santiago DR
Lies? I didn't live in a new villa and I promise you it had a well and there was no street water. I'll tell you what, lets have a look at the census data provided by the government in 2010 Censo Nacional de Poblaci?n y Vivienda 2010 :: Welcome

That will show us whether the man who wrote the article saying that only 36% of Dominican homes have water inside the home was lying as well, as you said.

Number of homes with water inside the house: 787,566 36.32%
Number of homes with water in the garden: 544,122 25.10%
Number of homes using water from public tap: 398,727 18.39%
Number of homes using water from the river: 112,730 5.20%
Number of homes using water from well: 146,644 6.76%
Number of homes using rainwater: 32,321 1.49%
Number of homes using water from delivery truck: 145,855 6.73%

Oh dear, looks like he was telling the truth as well.


Great post...well done

B in Santiago


Sep 11, 2010
...it requires a certain amount o waterpressure ,not sure the number

so make sure before you buy


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Lies? I didn't live in a new villa and I promise you it had a well and there was no street water. I'll tell you what, lets have a look at the census data provided by the government in 2010 Censo Nacional de Poblaci?n y Vivienda 2010 :: Welcome

That will show us whether the man who wrote the article saying that only 36% of Dominican homes have water inside the home was lying as well, as you said.

Number of homes with water inside the house: 787,566 36.32%
Number of homes with water in the garden: 544,122 25.10%
Number of homes using water from public tap: 398,727 18.39%
Number of homes using water from the river: 112,730 5.20%
Number of homes using water from well: 146,644 6.76%
Number of homes using rainwater: 32,321 1.49%
Number of homes using water from delivery truck: 145,855 6.73%

Oh dear, looks like he was telling the truth as well.

The census was flawed though - on that very question our surveyor put 'wells' as the answer, saying that the water supply in our area came from wells. I tried to explain that the purpose of this question was to find out the percentage of homes with piped running water and that in our case she should put 'water inside the house' but she didn't get it.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
...it requires a certain amount o waterpressure ,not sure the number

so make sure before you buy

A great option for your water purification needs is an Agua Pure filter. As anyone who has lived in the DR for any extended period of time, water contamination is a big issue. Visit any doctor who works with gastro intestinal illnesses and you will soon know the severity of the issues here in the DR.
The Agua Pure filter needs no water pressure as it is a gravity fed, silver infused clay filter. Made locally and adhering to Sespas standards of drinking water. This is a natural method, made with clay, sawdust and silver. The sawdust burns away leaving a structure of silver coated pores, and a layer of activated charcoal within the membrane. The water passing through is purified and ionized. The filter has a life of 3 years and costs only RD$ 1300.
AguaPure Filtros o Filtros Agua Pure proveen agua a los ms necesitados.Organizacin sin fines de lucro.

THis project is a healthy alternative to bottled water and also a locally made sustainable project. A great option until we can get potable water to 100% of the population with potable water access. Even those living on the river.


Dec 14, 2008

There is hardly any safe water supply or functioning sewage system in the country.
That's why water is sold in 'botellones' and from trucks (which BTW is not very safe either).
Those who can not afford this are subjected to survival of the fittest.

Whenever the rainy period sets in diarrhea, leptospirosis, cholera come with it.

Inundaciones por lluvias provocan brote de c?lera en diversos sectores de Santiago | Noticias SIN

El Caribe ? Detectan al menos 30 casos de c?lera en Tamboril



Jul 10, 2004
And now there is another thread about the dangers of drinking purified bottled water because of carcinogenic chemicals that leach into the water from the plastics used to make the bottles. Just when you think you are protecting yourself another issue pops up.