Enforced child maintenance.


Sep 27, 2011
You want to marry/have kids ?? Well for any man worth his salt, the USA is out of the question.

DR would have been a decent choice, but apparently, the same statist/communists/fascists who have destroyed the family system in the US are intent on transplanting the same system in the DR. So it looks like DR is ruined - or soon to be anyway - (give it 5 years).

find somewhere else where the nonsense has yet to take hold: try going further south if you like the Latin vibe.

Couldn't agree more, sound advice!


Sep 27, 2011
to answer the OP question: i talked to our maid today, she recently asked the father of her daughter for more money. she appealed to the fiscal, they summoned the guy. he drives carro publico. used to pay 1000 pesos, now it will be 1500 pesos a month. not much of a difference but always something...
Hmm, I doubt he had outside income though, so not really on th nail to the op


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Bottom line...you play, you pay. Be a man support your child, however by no means does that mean support the mothers lifestyle. Make the agreement legal or pay for what the child needs, clothes, pampers, milk, school, medical, food..etc...Above all, make sure the child is yours or you have accepted the responsibility of the child. There are many expats here that support children that are not their own and do 100x more than the biological father does. You know what they say..a boy can father a child but it takes a man to raise and support a child (or something like that).


Sep 27, 2011
I don't agree with this.......there has to be a way and every problem has a solution. My take on this is that foreign men living in the Dominican Republic need to become better acquainted with asset protection. If foreign men have no rights in the DR then it is stupid beyond belief to purchase property here. Reading the comments of you and kdolo is just one more reason why I've changed my mind regarding owning property in the DR. if you have no rights then that means you have no right to any property you own meaning the government and or your ex can seize it in a divorce settlement or for child support.

Here is my question.....how can your Dominican ex or the government here seize property/assets if they don't know it exists and or they don't know its location? Child support can't touch offshore accounts, foreign safe deposit boxes, or money buried in the wall or a hole in the ground. The only assets they can take are assets they know about which means the wise foreign expat won't sink his money into land or real estate here which would be ripe for the picking. The solution to this problem can be found in a book called Art of War by Sun Tzu. Sun Tzu teaches that if you know your enemy and yourself, you need not fear the outcome of 100 battles. Okay, so what do we know about the Dominican government and its laws protecting women and children? How do they seize your assets? How do they force you to pay? How do they identify you?

ok since we are being stupid, then if you want to bury you life in a hole on the beach and pretend the home you have is not yours then you can live quite normally.
i doubt they'd seize a house, but you'd be fleeced which is the point. But we're being stupid so anything goes right!


Sep 27, 2011
What I am saying is you said 'you doubt what is said, there MUST be a way', well there are lots of ways, but if you want to be a normal person there isn't. Property, no they won't get that unless married, but they will get everything in it and a good pension from you.


Sep 27, 2011
I don't think anyone here is disputing the fact that fathers should raise their kids. What is being disputed is fathers being screwed by the government and mother while having no rights. Now on another thread here on DR1, a father revealed that he is fighting to get custody of his kid from the Dominican mother who is clearly nuts. She beats the crap out of this guy and is extorting him for money and the Dominican government sides with her and this guy is in the worst possible situation I could imagine. He is being denied access to his son YET still being extorted by an insane woman and her equally insane government. This is what we're disputing.

If you agree with me then make it obvious rather than writing in a fashion that comes across as though you don't.
As for the crazy biatch beating her man? They are all crazy at that level, desperate and crazy. From what I've seen from my time at the ministry I'd rather see these women drowned than the dogs I get sent to me with lungs full of water from the local bins, they are evil, other level shockingly disturbing human beings, some of them. Not a do inican thing in people, or women, it is international, but the claught these woman have is even more disturbing, and the protection. Making a mockery of the real cases and in the end it will be the real cases that suffer when no one listens any more because 'they are all' full of sh1t. For years they have been introducing this movement, now they have it, they have corrupted it and abused it beyond its worth, really, just a matter of time before woman beaters are ignored again and low life scum are getting away with murder again, literally.


Nov 2, 2011
This advise is coming from a guy that had the system used against him to the fullest. So with that said, this is a very easy solution, get a vasectomy or use a condom. Be responsible, and if you own property .....use a cabana!!!!!!


Sep 27, 2011
I can now update everyone on how this goes down in court.

You are asked to produce a contract of your earnings within the DR, the court does not ask for or require international earnings. She can request her lawyer investigate this, but it is very very difficult for her to get authority to produce evidence of extra income, almost impossible unless she has loads of money and can employ someone who can open some back doors.
So, they will ask for half your earnings, that is the maximum they can ask for, if your income is over RD100,000 monthly then there is a good chance the fiscal will award her half, but if your salary is below RD25,000 then the lawyers will scuffle a little but the court finally issues a pension of between RD7-8,000.
Once the initial hearing has taken place, after 6 months she can apply again for a rise, of which apparently they up it until it is half of your DR earnings over the next couple of years or so....................

La Rubia

Jan 1, 2010
I can now update everyone on how this goes down in court.

You are asked to produce a contract of your earnings within the DR, the court does not ask for or require international earnings. She can request her lawyer investigate this, but it is very very difficult for her to get authority to produce evidence of extra income, almost impossible unless she has loads of money and can employ someone who can open some back doors.
So, they will ask for half your earnings, that is the maximum they can ask for, if your income is over RD100,000 monthly then there is a good chance the fiscal will award her half, but if your salary is below RD25,000 then the lawyers will scuffle a little but the court finally issues a pension of between RD7-8,000.
Once the initial hearing has taken place, after 6 months she can apply again for a rise, of which apparently they up it until it is half of your DR earnings over the next couple of years or so....................

Half seems excessive! (For a person that doesn't have foreign income.) Does that include alimony?

It's like having the obligation of being married, without any of the benefits.


Sep 27, 2006
Half seems excessive! (For a person that doesn't have foreign income.) Does that include alimony?
It's like having the obligation of being married, without any of the benefits.

gringo justice. i did mention our maid who is getting 1500 pesos a month now from the father of her younger child. not even 10% of what he is making as carro publico driver...


Jun 11, 2006
This is one of the most real, albeit crazy, threads I've ever seen here.
Frank12, move over, this is not fiction. A classic.


New member
Apr 26, 2013
I am also in a similar situation.I was with a girl I knew a couple hours in Boca Chica. While having sex the condom broke when I was done all I seen was the lil ring on me . The girl didn't even panic . I said to my self I bet this was a set up. Three weeks late I am getting calls like MAD from her saying she pregnant. So I paid for a ultrasound the ultra sound is a few weeks off so I might or migh not be the father .I said to the girl since im not sure if im the father I will send u 40.00 dollars a week to eat properly .(keep in mind this might not be my kid the girl is from boca chica ) I thought this was a fair deal . The girl told me she wants me to send her 600.00 per month or im a malo Padre. So now I told her I will send her nothing until a baby is born and if it looks similar to me I will fly there and have a DNA done.Then if it is mine I will have my lawyer draw me up a contract and see if I can make a deal to bring the kid to the staes if it is mine.I already found out this girl has a criminal record. I will be happy to have a child but im not going to give her money to scam me and not provide for the child .


Sep 27, 2011
Half seems excessive! (For a person that doesn't have foreign income.) Does that include alimony?

It's like having the obligation of being married, without any of the benefits.

Half is the most they can request, they most likely wont get it, but whenever she applies for a rise which she can, every 6 months there give it until she takes half and then she has to wait until he gets a rise before she can request more.
Unless married she is actually entitled to squat, but if a child is involved then she takes half of whatever has been bought ov the time you have been together, that is looked at as the child's entitlement, and so still not the mother, she legally is entitled to squat.
It is a bit of a silly system as the both of you are asked to make a run down of the child's expenses monthly, including the value you put on the childs accommodation, the bedroom, clothes, school fees, food, milk whatever, everything. In the first instance a middle number is negotiated and then it is the woman's obligation to provide half also, so she is required to get a job. The idea that it is the guys responsibility entirely is not even recognized in the first instance, it is a 50/50 split.
Somehow when the fighting starts this is forgotten very quickly.
but no, the woman is legally entitled to nothing unless married, the furniture is seen as going to the child.


Sep 27, 2011
I am also in a similar situation.I was with a girl I knew a couple hours in Boca Chica. While having sex the condom broke when I was done all I seen was the lil ring on me . The girl didn't even panic . I said to my self I bet this was a set up. Three weeks late I am getting calls like MAD from her saying she pregnant. So I paid for a ultrasound the ultra sound is a few weeks off so I might or migh not be the father .I said to the girl since im not sure if im the father I will send u 40.00 dollars a week to eat properly .(keep in mind this might not be my kid the girl is from boca chica ) I thought this was a fair deal . The girl told me she wants me to send her 600.00 per month or im a malo Padre. So now I told her I will send her nothing until a baby is born and if it looks similar to me I will fly there and have a DNA done.Then if it is mine I will have my lawyer draw me up a contract and see if I can make a the deal to bring the kid to the staes if it is mine.I already found out this girl has a criminal record. I will be happy to have a child but im not going to give her money to scam me and not provide for the child .

Dream on, read the thread I posted earlier about your rights, if you play tough here then expect to be locked up. You will never get the child to USA, that's her meal ticket. I am gunna sound harsh here, but in this situation the child is going to have a crap upbringing, whether you send money, try to visit or not, all you will do is bring yourself a load of constant stress, month in month out, for the next 18 years. Knowing what I know I would walk away from this kind of situation, this system is really designed just to screw you, it is very very tiring and expensive to get through everything. There is absolutely nothing at all to stop her just continuing to make accusations against you and continue to cream RD10,000 from the lawyers and fiscal each time.