FOX News' solution to the Haitian problem


Jul 25, 2007
The author of the Op-Ed did not attend Mercy College. He teaches there part time.

Here is his bio from the Think Tank he co-founded:

Hard to call this guy a dunce.

Wow, this guy appears to be intelligent, at least in a credentialed sort of way.

Then again, after reading the article a second time, it is is apparent that the "bold initiative" implemented by the world's "economic powers" will somehow have to discard the sovereign will of both the Haitian and Dominican people to make this work.

Furthermore, the Dominican Republic is hardly referenced in the article so it appears the author must have some idea as to how to subjugate us but since we are hardly worthy of any mention maybe any resistance on our part will not be assumed worthy of mention either.

This guy is no doubt intelligent, but it seems his intelligence is something you might expect from a 12 year old math savant, not someone who leads a think tank and instructs government officials on whatever. Kind of scary that, actually - nonetheless maybe quite telling though :)

Adrian Bye

Jul 7, 2002
haiti is not in much of a position to play hardball while everyone else has to keep solving their problems.

the DR could be made an offer they couldn't refuse.


New member
Dec 2, 2006
El tigre: it wouldn't be a true merger. haiti would just be taken over.

what has been in place for 200+ years hasn't worked, its time to try something new.

So Haitians won't have right to elect their own people?

Let's consider that piece: They can't elect capable people. If merged they will want some of their people in senate, in capitol and even president candidate.

They will vote their own. They have 9 millions like DR. What about Haiti leadership ruling the new Dominican-Haiti Republic ? Will this success?


New member
Dec 2, 2006
Andy Dauhjare, the economist who almost brought the DR to the ground graduated in Harvard.

Note also his partner Louis Malkum graduated from MIT

But the guy of the article is clueless to say the least, he stated in that article that the west side of Hispaniola Island was once dominated by the British before the French regimen.

The guy also says that Haiti was ruled by Dutch (yes, by Dutch!!!) and "eventualy" got ruled by France.

Almost completely clueless.


Jul 27, 2006
“Dominican Haiti Republic” yak, how about something like Hispaniola. By what I have read the flag of DR was model by the Haitian flag. Don’t also forget Haiti has a very proud history that can’t be denied. I would love to see both nations united, but the two peoples are too different and will add to the destabilization of both sides of the Island. DR is still too poor to overcome a merger like that.


New member
Dec 2, 2006
?Dominican Haiti Republic? yak, how about something like Hispaniola.

The original article says:
This new nation state, perhaps called the ?Dominican Haiti Republic?, can evolve into a nation with a combined population of 19 million, who would be able to harness its natural resources collaboratively and govern in unison.​

BTW Dominican flag isn't derivated from Haiti (some haitians says so and also some people with obscure interest). Dominican flag is neither original. It's based on french flag.

By 1830 Duarte was traveling to USA and Europe, visited Spain, France and UK. Returned to DR in 1833, formed La trinitaria in 1836. In "La Trinitaria" manifesto (which each member must swear) the new flag is described as:

"(...) free from all foreign domination, that will be called the Dominican Republic, and which will have its tri-colored flag in crimson and blue quarters traversed by a white cross."​
France's flag
Dominican flag
Haiti flag

According to my teacher's class (back to primary in 1989) the flag was conceived as a derivate from France's flag.

Note similarity with Netherlands' flag also.


Aug 10, 2005
?Dominican Haiti Republic? yak, how about something like Hispaniola. By what I have read the flag of DR was model by the Haitian flag. Don?t also forget Haiti has a very proud history that can?t be denied. I would love to see both nations united, but the two peoples are too different and will add to the destabilization of both sides of the Island. DR is still too poor to overcome a merger like that.

Let me make this easy. For some reason or another you people think that Dominicans are going to bend over and say yes sir give me more. In order to unite the island France or Canada will have to kill about 90% of the Dominican population. Your approach is going to start a civil war in Dominican Republic and then the whole island will become Haiti. Dominican will fight to defend their nation not matter what. Uniting the island is not the way to go.


New member
Dec 2, 2006
Dominican will fight to defend their nation not matter what. Uniting the island is not the way to go.

Only politics have the word and they don't fight. If there's money they'll surrender.

"The people" will have wishes to fight, but "the people" only have guns, can't fight with a 9mm or an 'escopeta'.

The big question (for both sides: Haitians and Dominicans) is "Who will take care of government?" Dominican will not accept an Haitian government, neither a shared government. Haiti will not accept a Dominican rule. It's said.

We're discussing our point of view. Let's ask Haitians their point of view: they want to be free too. Poor but free. Nobody wants a foreign rule.

Adrian Bye

Jul 7, 2002
Let's ask Haitians their point of view: they want to be free too. Poor but free. Nobody wants a foreign rule.

thats an interesting question: would haiti truly prefer their current level of poverty over foreign rule?

what if the deal was that rest of the world didn't come to their aid after future disasters since they chose to continue on their current path?

haiti chose independence in a time when the country was economically very strong.


New member
Dec 2, 2006
thats an interesting question: would haiti truly prefer their current level of poverty over foreign rule?

Remember one thing: At countries like ours, the government doesn't represent the masses of people.

Up to 500 haitians says "no" and that's no. Maybe 7 millions says "yes, a dominican rule" and 5,000 guerrillas can turn this in a caribbean Kosovo.

In 2004 a bunch of about 300 police from Cap Haitien (North) made a revolution and took Port-au-Prince, forcing Jean Bertrand Aristide to leave out. In fact americans had to take Aristide in a plane to save his live.

Dominican economy based on tourism doesn't support a guerrilla or terrorism. We can't play to Gaza or Kosovo.


Aug 10, 2005
Only politics have the word and they don't fight. If there's money they'll surrender.

"The people" will have wishes to fight, but "the people" only have guns, can't fight with a 9mm or an 'escopeta'.

The big question (for both sides: Haitians and Dominicans) is "Who will take care of government?" Dominican will not accept an Haitian government, neither a shared government. Haiti will not accept a Dominican rule. It's said.

We're discussing our point of view. Let's ask Haitians their point of view: they want to be free too. Poor but free. Nobody wants a foreign rule.

Do you believe that the Haitians want to unify the island I bet you they do not. They want to be a free sovereign country. Unification is not the way to go. A bigger problem will be created. Dominican Republic has nothing to do with the corrupt government of Haiti. For the last 00 years many nations have been throwing money into Haiti and helping Haiti and what have come out it? more and more corrupt Haitian politicians who do not give a crap about their country.

Do you want a fix? It is easy make sure that any politicians running Haiti go to jail if it is proof that they were corrupt. Treat them as drug dealer get them not matter where they go. This does not only have to happen in Haiti but in any third world country where the politicians are the reason for the country not surviving as a nation. Now will this idea will be accepted I bet you not. Do you wonder why?


New member
Feb 11, 2010
This i oposted at Fox news comment on this

This outrageous proposal is not new, there have been always foreign interest in merging both countries. But what is deeply saddening is to use a humanitarian disaster like the recent earthqauke to support this most absurd initiative. Let me put this straight, we dominicans are the ones who are helping Haiti the most now. In the field. We were the first to send help, we have donated voluntarily millions iof US$, we are treating Haiti's injured for free in our public hospitals, paid by us the DR taxpayers, sneding food, portable stoves, etc. This is what we ought to do in solidarity. But merging? What a a nonsensical proposal. Why not merge USA with Mexico then? Do you think that would be absurd? Well, let me tell you THAT would be more viable than to merge DR with Haiti. We have different culture, religion, worldview, etc. We became independent from Haiti in 1844! One thing is to engage in bilateral agreements, cooperation treaties, etc. But another is to merge 2 countries! Honestly, Mr. Rodriguez, you should at least apologize to the DR and recant of your most bizarre proposition.


Jul 3, 2002
By blaming FOX you are shooting the messenger. I think the idea is interesting but of course it would not work. But it should be looked at, there is nothing wrong with ideas and discussions, but there IS something wrong with the suppression of discussion.

Personally I am glad that FOX reports many things that the mainstream media does not report.
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Tropical geek in Las Terrenas
Jan 1, 2002
By blaming FOX you are shooting the messenger. I think the idea is interesting but of course it would not work. But it should be looked at, there is nothing wrong with ideas and discussions, but there IS something wrong with the suppression of discussion.

Personally I am glad that FOX reports many things that the mainstream media does not report.
I completely agree.
De facto, DR & Haiti are already considered as a unique entity...
Don?t let culture, race & language fool you.
Problems don?t magically stop at Rivi?re Massacre :)


Aug 10, 2005
I completely agree.
De facto, DR & Haiti are already considered as a unique entity...
Don?t let culture, race & language fool you.
Problems don?t magically stop at Rivi?re Massacre :)

Definitely, it will happen when Canada and the US become only one country. This is another great idea to look at and talk about it too. I think that the comedy channel, I mean fox should talk about this too. Just an idea worth to discuss.