FTA satellite TV website


Nov 2, 2006
I was enjoying my Nano2 until quite recently. It broke. But as you know how the postal system works here, you are better off ordering a new one rather than paying return postage to get it fixed under warranty.

Instead of going for another nano, I've ordered an Ilink. So I spent yesterday connecting it all up and trying a to find a file to make it work.

I've just found out that my favourite website for satellite systems has just been busted! Dummychat is no more! All of the other website I've searched want a fee to download bins.

I know FTA is popular here as a great way to get English speaking telly for free. Does anyone know of a free support website?


Nov 2, 2006
I'm not stealing anything. If they want to broadcast radio waves onto my property, what I do with them when they arrive here is my business!


The "REAL" SantiagoDR
Jan 12, 2006
Surprised you are allowed to openly talk about theft here... FTA w/ bins etc is theft.

I use my FTA receiver to get the many True FTA channels (I watch mainly English Channels). But I do enjoy the channels in a foreign languge for the music videos and belly dancing shows. ;) lol

Watching live feeds of the networks is also very interesting at times.

The web sites are very good for providing reports of FTA reception.
Feb 7, 2007
Surprised you are allowed to openly talk about theft here... FTA w/ bins etc is theft.

Here even the largest national cable companies use FTA or subbed cards to get SOME of the channels they provide to their subscribers.

Also, go to Santo Domingo, e.g. los Cacicazgos (the most $$$ 'hood in SD) in Mirador Sur, and just start counting the satellite dishes there on roofs of all those high-rises, mansions, and other buildings...I think there are more dishes in plain view than your yearly salary expressed in DSominican pesos... and 99% of those people don't sub.

In the DR. people are not worried about Charlie, or Dick, or View...


Nov 2, 2006
Which I-link do you have?

Just got the 9000plus off ebay for $139. So far so good. A little freezing now and then but I'm using the public server, service isn't much different from the nano2.

I might see if I can get the nano fixed. It has a switching problem. It won't switch between LNBs. Probably a bad capacitor. I'll open it up and have a look one day.