Good News for retireees - NEWS story question


Jul 10, 2004
"Good news for retirees
The Chamber of Deputies has approved a legal package for foreign pensioners who choose to retire in the DR, with the hope of increasing the amount of foreign investment in the country. The package, Incentives for Overseas Renters and Pensioners, aims to give citizens who are living abroad the same benefits and exemptions as those received by foreign investors in the country, when they retire here. PRSC member Victor Bisono introduced the legislation and was quoted in Diario Libre as saying that it is a way to dynamize economic activity in the country. The bill has yet to be reviewed in the Senate."

The above story just appeared on DR1. Does anyone know what it really means for those that are retired or are planning to retire to the DR?


Jan 1, 2002
It means there was an bill introduced and a member of an opposition party is getting a little publicity. Very few of the bills that are introduced in the legislature of any country in the world are passed and implemented. Much too soon to be getting excited about this one.