Grupo Ramos - Walmart


Jul 10, 2004
Walmart is the scourge of the retail community. It kills communities and puts little guys out of business for miles around them. They have lowered the qualitity of most items (retail wide)...shut down so much local manufacturing and out sourced it overseas for lower prices. They have caused a flourishing temporary work force...killing full time jobs. All of this stuff trickles down to all companies trying to compete with them. Walmart creates its own customers by lowering the standard of living in the areas around it so that people have to shop there and buy the cheap, inferior quality products made in china.
It draws weirdos to it...bring your camera!! LOL
Funny Pictures at WalMart

If the same products that were in a WalMart in the US showed up at a La Sirena in the DR, the level of quality would be improved dramatically over the level of the grade of Chinese third rate items currently sold in La Sirena.