

New member
Mar 9, 2005
A man goes to hell.

Upon arrival he learns that there are different hells for each nationality.

Curious of the difference between hells, he goes to the first hell which is American, and asks someone at the door what the hell consists of.

The man replies, "Well first they put you in the electric chair. Next you are placed on a bed of knives and finally the American devil whips you until the end of the day."

The man decides that that isn't very pleasant and goes to the next hell which is German.

He asks a German what his hell consists of and the man replies, "First they put you in the electric chair, then you are placed on a bed of knives, and finally the German devil whips you until the end of the day."

Again the man is put off and finds the Dominican hell where there is a huge line of people waiting to get in.

The man asks a person at the end of the line what the Dominican Hell consists of.

The man in line replies, "First you are placed in the electric chair, then you are put on a bed of knives, and finally, the Dominican Devil whips you until the end of the day.

The man says, "Hey, that is no different from any of the other hells. Why is there such a long line to get into this one?"

The man at the end of the line replies, "Well, first there is no electricity so the electric chair doesn't work. Thieves have stolen all of the knives from the bed of knives. And the Dominican Devil comes and signs in his name then takes the rest of the day off."