HIV/AIDS rate in DR

Tony C

Jan 1, 2002
Re: guy

Birdie said:
Me again... P.S. I do know a heterosexual guy with AIDS. He hasn't died, thanks to the new AIDS drugs, but was diagnosed at 19... He's in the U.S., and not the D.R. (I couldn't tell you where he vacationed/s...)

You know one guy! Wow.
And you have proof that he did not indulge in any Homosexual activites or intravenous drug use? You are positive he is not lying?

I can go into statistics and epidemiolgy here but why? The Industry of AIDS/HIV has scared the public into believing everything they say.

Don't you think that if AIDS was spread by Heterosexual contact 3/4 of the DR would be dead by now?


Jan 2, 2002
Abourt this AIDS BS....

When they did an HIV test on the blood (frozen) samples from the 50's guess what, there were many who were HIV positive. Where was AIDS then? Then we have many people who are dying from AIDS symptoms but are HIV negative. Do they have AIDS? The truth is, when people were examining the AIDS patients in the early 80's, they found this HIV virus in 47% of the patients, thus led to the the conclusion that it was HIV that was causing the AIDS. There is no solid proof that HIV causes AIDS. AIDS is a huge business and DR gets alot of money for ballooning the AIDS cases in DR.
First AIDS was a group of only a few diseases and a person was sure to die with-in 2 years after the infection of HIV. Then they said 2-8 years of life expectancy. Now they say you can be symptomless for up to 12-20 years or more. Now we have about 25 diseases under the AIDs ambrella. Soon we will have alot more diseases in this group that would classify as AIDS syndrome. Soon, everyone will die from AIDS because it doesn't matter if you are HIV pos. or Neg. If you have a distroyed ammune system then you will die from AIDs. I am 40 years now, if I am HIV infected and die after 25 years, then, I too will be classified as an AIDS' victim.
Get over it folks. This HIV thing is pure BS. There is a MD who injected HIV infected blood in his hand from a patient on live Italian TV. That was in 1995 and he is still healthy and continue to stay healthy if he takes care of his health. He claims to inject HIV infected blood 100 times on any TV if they allow him to do so.
He is a Retro-Virus expert and he claims there is no relationship between HIV and AIDS.
You can't give AIDS through sexual contact. Since there is no virus (HIV) that makes your immune system weak then you can't make another person's immune system weak by having sex with them. You folks better worry about other lethal diseases and forget about this Gay disease for a change.
Most people who claim to be straight and yet have AIDs, I bet alot of them are closet cases. You would be surprised to see how many of them use drugs and have sex with other men.


Jun 4, 2003
Kinsly Study: Well how about this question then . . .

Tony, Criss, Larry and AZB all seem to feel AIDS is not a (sexually transmitted) danger to them as long as they are straight. So let me pose these questions to you:

1) Do you use a condom when you have sex with someone for the first time?
2) Have you ever been tested for HIV?
3) Do you know anybody that is HIV+ or has died of AIDS.

For me the answers are

1) sometimes.
2) yes
3) not really, I know of some people who were HIV+ but they were not good freinds, I never followed up on what happened to them.

Sure you can shoot down the content of my message and tell me I'm confused or something, but please also try to include the answers to these questions.

I suspect all that reply will ignore the questions and just talk, talk talk, yada, yada, yada away.



Mar 22, 2002

To answer your 3 questions:

1) sometimes


3)yes and they were all gay. I also know scores of friends and co-workers, past and present, who lead promiscous, heterosexual, lives and never use condoms. I have known these people for years(many over a decade)and none appear sick. Go figure.



Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
It sure is big business, cost me RD$1,425 to have my blood tested the other day. HIV, Hepatitis, colestral etc.

After being involved in Ophthalmic research for a number of years, it's amazing how wallets and check books open up when you put an AIDS slant on a research proposal. Makes you wonder?

I'm not going to get into the HIV/Aids debate, it can get as bad as politics.


People that are HIV+ can live very healthy lives with the right medication etc. But still they are discriminated against in many ways. In the work place, travel etc.

The risk is real, why play with it...


Mar 22, 2002

I do believe that hepatitis A and B are easily transmitable through heterosexual sex and very dangerous. Assuming you were to contract either one, what are the treatments and how effective are they? This is something that heterosexuals should be aware of.


Jun 4, 2003
With the advent of the web . . .

From what I have read hepatitis A and B

Hep A: You get sick you fell sick with out any agravating factors you will get better and it will/should have no long term effect on you.

Hep B: You get sick you may not feel sick, the virus remains as a burden to you system and my aggrivate other conditions for a long time to come.

Hep C: You have a long term condition that will slowly wear you away.

Look this up on the web to confirm what I say:

Hep A: no treatment unless you are in mortal danger, if so then interferon as a viral inhibitor. I don't think Hep a is a retrovirus, I think Hep B and C are retroviruses.

Hep B and Hep C you may get interferon treatment long term ( but this is very expensive).

There are like three other types of hep out there, but the 3 others are uncommon, or more well known and common in asian countrys.


PS: My question still stands on HIV that I posted before, I guess Robert didn't care to answer. . .

US has free testing for HIV if you know where to go. All other tests are about $100 no matter what it is, so $1500 pesos is realatively cheap compared to US screening tests.


Tony C

Jan 1, 2002

To answer your questions

1. Rarely
2. Every 6 months for insurance reasons
3. I have lost many friends. A few who were quite close. Every one of them was either gay, Bi or closet Bi(most of those were Dominican)

I can list many other afflictions that worry me before AIDS or HIV.

You have to understand that AIDS is a Multi Billion dollar Industry. DO you really think that these people want you to know that AIDS is really only a threat to the 4 H's?
Aside from hemophilliacs, And that problem has been addressed, there would be no massive sympathy for the vivtims and funding would dry up.