HIV/AIDS Study In Sosua

May 29, 2006
Seems to me like someone wanted some academic credit for their Spring Break. A sample size of 32 interviews with people who serve alcohol? We used to call that "bar hopping."


Sep 27, 2011
one should always use a full divingsuit and goggles before indulging in sexual activity

Ah, I've been to your parties, I don't mind the rubber suit and being suspended from the ceiling, but the ballcock strapped in my mouth while anally plugged by a 19stone guy in pampers put me off the newyear gig. Maybe next year!


Jan 6, 2011
I think HIV was described first beginning of 80's, but most liekly it was there for a much longer time...

Randall Bell

New member
Feb 17, 2012
I apologize if this is in bad taste, but Criss Colon needs to be featured in this after "thousands of women"!

May 29, 2006
I think HIV was described first beginning of 80's, but most liekly it was there for a much longer time...

One current theory is that it got to Hispaniola from migrant Haitians sex workers who got it from Cuban soldiers returning from Angola where they were active from 1975-1988. Some 350,000 Cuban soldiers were deployed there over that time.

The book, The Cominig Plague has a detailed premise on the rise of HIV which makes the case that it first got into humans through the lab monkey trade. The lab monkey trade also caused an outbreak of Marburg, which is something like Ebola, but not as deadly.
Not sure if folks are aware of this study, took part, or witnessed it

HIV/AIDS; Studies in the Area of HIV/AIDS Reported from University of Michigan</STRONG>
25 February 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week

(c) Copyright 2012 Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week via
2012 FEB 25 - ( -- Investigators publish new data in the report "A syndemic analysis of alcohol use and sexual risk behavior among tourism employees in Sosua, Dominican Republic. 'The Dominican Republic has high rates of HIV infection and alcohol consumption. Unfortunately, little research has been focused on the broader sources of the synergy between these two health outcomes," scientists in Ann Arbor, Michigan report.

"We draw on syndemic theory to argue that alcohol consumption and sexual risk behavior are best analyzed within the context of culture and economy in Caribbean tourism spaces, which produce a synergy between apparently independent outcomes. We sampled 32 men and women working in the tourism industry at alcohol-serving establishments in Sosua, Dominican Republic. Interviewees described alcohol consumption as an implicit requirement of tourism work, tourism industry business practices that foster alcohol consumption, and an intertwining relationship between alcohol and sexual commerce. The need to establish relationships with tourists, combined with the overconsumption of alcohol, contributed to a perceived loss of sexual control, which participants felt could impede condom use," wrote M.B. Padilla and colleagues, University of Michigan.

The researchers concluded: "Interventions should incorporate knowledge of the social context of tourism areas to mitigate the contextual factors that contribute to HIV infection and alcohol consumption among locals."

Padilla and colleagues published their study in Qualitative Health Research (A syndemic analysis of alcohol use and sexual risk behavior among tourism employees in Sosua, Dominican Republic. Qualitative Health Research, 2012;22(1):89-102).

For additional information, contact M.B. Padilla, Dept. of Health Behavior and Health Education, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, United States.
The publisher's contact information for the journal Qualitative Health Research is: SAGE Publications, USA , 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, USA.

This article was prepared by Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week editors from staff and other reports. Copyright 2012, Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week via

Where are all these people with Aids in DR?????? I have been there on a regular basis for over 20 years an if Aids was so prevelant we would all have it by now. I have seen the same girls on the streets of Sosua for years on end and they are as healthy as ever. So where are all these people dying of Aids?????

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"Looks" can be decieving!
"Old Hookers never die,they just lower their prices
"HIV/AIDS" is a terrible illness.
However,it is also "Big Business"!
NGOs,Drug Companies,"Charities, all want a "Piece-of-the-Pie",a BIG piece!
I worked in medical research for almost 30 years.
Nothing like a "cause" to keep getting your grant money!
More lives would be saved,by giving clean water,and vaccinating poor children against "Common" diseases,than pouring billions into AIDS research.
Besides,like the "Plague" in the Middle Ages,a certain percentage of the population would not be affected anyway.
Then we "Start Over" with stronger STOCK!


Aug 5, 2007
"We draw on syndemic theory to argue that alcohol consumption and sexual risk behavior are best analyzed within the context of culture and economy in Caribbean tourism spaces, which produce a synergy between apparently independent outcomes."

Graduate assistants in the Gender Science department used public funds for a sex-destination "tourism space" trip.
Then used a random bureaucratese generator on their State paid PC to "publish" in a UniPress echo chamber in order to get the points needed for next year's grant. And: "apparently ilndependent outcomes". What apparent? The connection has been documented since Phoenicia!

Was their ever a better argument for disbanding Civil Services everywhere?
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May 29, 2006
The infection rate in the DR has estimates anywhere from 2%-6% depending on how they collect their data. It actually has a fairly low transmission rate as far as STDs go, unless the uninfected person already has lesions(such as from another STD). Circumcision is thought to reduce transmission, but there hasn't been a study yet that meets scientific rigor.

Infection rate per 10,000 exposures:

Receptive anal intercourse (2009 and 2010 studies) 170 (1.7%)‡ [30–890][37] / 143 [48–285][32]
Receptive anal intercourse (based on data of a 1992 study) 50 (0.5%)[38][39]
Insertive anal intercourse for uncircumcised men (2010 study) 62 (0.62%)a [7–168][32]
Insertive anal intercourse for circumcised men (2010 study) 11 (0.11%)a [2–24][32]
Insertive anal intercourse (based on data of a 1992 study) 6.5 (0.065%)[38][39]
Low-income country female-to-male 38 (0.38%)‡ [13–110][37]
Low-income country male-to-female 30 (0.3%)‡ [14–63][37]
Receptive (female) penile-vaginal intercourse 10 (0.1%)[38][39][40]
Insertive (male) penile-vaginal intercourse 5 (0.05%)[38][39]
Fellating a man 1 (0.01%)†b[39]
Man being fellated 0.5 (0.005%)†b[39]

HIV - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But there are plenty of other bad buggies out there that you don't want to get. Hep C is bad news.

About 10% of Europeans are actually immune to HIV:
Biologists discover why 10% of Europeans are safe from HIV infection


Dec 16, 2011
The infection rate in the DR has estimates anywhere from 2%-6% depending on how they collect their data.

Not sure how this accounts for issues like underreporting, but, in general, I would think the majority of cases would be in places like Boca Chica and Sosua so it might be more valuable to disaggregate the data by city or region.</SPAN>

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"Viajero",why "Sosua",and "Boca Chica????

I'm sure that you have had fewer,if ANY, sexual contact with prostitutes in either of those cities?????
Therefore,you,like many many others without those experiences,surmise that having sex with a sex worker is more likely to spread sexually transmitted diseases.
Most sex workers demand that their "clients" wear condoms.:cry:
And, the majority of their customers come from First World Countries,and are aware,and VERY AFRAID of unprotected sex.
Dominican men,for the vast majority,demand "No Condom"!
I am the exception,rather than the rule.
I have engaged in all of "Peter's" above listed acts,well,the ones involving women,for over 25 years,both in the DR,especially Sosua, and Boca Chica,and other "Sex Tourism" destinations.
I almost never use a condom.
I don't have "HIV/Aids",or any other sexually transmitted disearses.:laugh:
"Allah Be Praised"!!!!
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New member
Jan 26, 2011
I am not condoning going bareback, but these are stats from the American Medical Journal (2010):

The odds of contracting HIV, after having unprotected vaginal intercourse one time:

If the person is know to be HIV+ = 1 / 8000

If the person is in a high risk group = 1 / 1.5 million

If the person is in a low risk group = 1 / 5 million

For comparison sake, the odds of getting hit by lightning is 1 / 600,000. In the USA the high risk group is considered homosexual males, IV drug users, and hemophiliacs - as of 2010 female sex workers were not on that list (not sure about the DR). Fortunately for men, the odds of men contracting HIV from a woman are significantly lower than a woman being infected by a man.

There are only 4 fluids that can contain HIV. Blood, semen, vaginal fluid, and breast milk. Saliva, tears, precum, mucus, ect, can not contain high enough amounts HIV to infect someone. Also keep in mind that the HIV virus can only survive outside the body for a fraction of a second. When it comes in contact with oxygen it instantly dies. So getting it from oral sex is nearly impossible.

Basically, for a male to contract HIV, he needs to be with an infected partner, who has an open cut or wound in her vagina, and has an open cut or wound on his penis. Those two open wounds must come into contact, and blood from the female must enter the bloodstream of the male (or vice versa).

Unprotected anal sex can cause tearing and bleeding in the anus and the penis - the odds go WAY WAY up if you do that. That is why homosexual males are in the high risk group.

Many researchers believe that without an existing open cut or sore on your penis / vagina, the odds of contracting HIV from vaginal sex are nearly impossible.

On the other side of the fence, every single article, medical journal, and study I have ever read suggests wearing a condom for all types of sexual activity.

Now having sex with a known person infected with HIV is absolutely stupid, but the risk is not as high as some people think.


May 29, 2004
I have a friend who is finishing up med school. A lot of his time is now spent in the towns of Jarabacoa and Bonao getting practical experience. He told me last week that the worst part is 'treating' all of the cancer and AIDS patients when there's basically no facilities or funds to do so. A doctor acquaintance of his, is HIV positive after nicking himself with a needle used on an infected patient.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
I learned a new word,"Precum"!!!
So THAT's what it's called!
Is "Post Cum" a cigarette????
Thanks for reminding me to NEVER have anal sex with an HIV infected prostitute under a tree in a lightning storm!:cheeky:


New member
Sep 19, 2009
I mean I respect and hear what was said here. No need to bash him. Culturally, dominican men who wear condoms are viewed as not real men or pansies. Many men laugh when gringos wear condoms. And all the men down here do not have an std or hiv. It is not as easy to get this disease as you think. normally, it takes multiple sexual intercourse times over a long periods of time to get HIV. I wear condoms but only because I dont want another women in the DR trying to hit me for money so she and some tigre can eat thanx to the dumb gringo while I am in the USA. BUr dominicans, puerto ricans no they do not wear condoms. women are just objects for them to enjoy hint hint with no condom or anything in the culture.