How to stay safe in DR


New member
May 24, 2010
I've researched this topic on previous discussions and know all the general rules to staying safe, however I was somewhat bothered by a posting on Dominican today stating that 61% of Dominicans don't feel safe. Do people currently living in DR not feel safe in general? I'm trying to see what I can do besides the obvious to not be a target.

I have a habit of walking from Gazcue to El Conde in the afternoon's, as well as the Malecon. Should I not do that and just take a trusted taxi everywhere? I have a mid range Michael Kors watch that only cost $250.. should I not even wear a watch? Do most crimes happen at night or do many occur during the day? I can't imagine what could possibly happen if I will almost always be surrounded by people. I'm just going through my usual anxiety since I leave on Friday. I would appreciate anyone's input. Thanks.
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Jan 1, 2002
Whenever I am in SD, I stay in a hotel in general area of Clinica Abreu and walk to the Conde. I also walk along the Malecon. Have no reason to think it is not safe.

Much of the crime occurs in the barrios, not in the areas frequented by tourists.

Come, enjoy your stay, and just continue doing what you have been doing.


New member
May 24, 2010
Whenever I am in SD, I stay in a hotel in general area of Clinica Abreu and walk to the Conde. I also walk along the Malecon. Have no reason to think it is not safe.

Much of the crime occurs in the barrios, not in the areas frequented by tourists.

Come, enjoy your stay, and just continue doing what you have been doing.

Yeah that clinic is in Gazcue.


Jan 3, 2007
Santo Domingo is as safe as Washington, DC.

In both capitals you need to know where the lines are drawn or you are prey.


Moderator - North Coast Forum
Apr 3, 2009
Santiago DR
No jewelry

I have a mid range Michael Kors watch that only cost $250.. should I not even wear a watch?

What is inexpensive to you is a fortune to the next person.....
I have very expensive jewelry and when I go back to the states in January for a month I am selling it all. Play it safe, don't wear ANY jewelry, including a CHEAP watch, they don't know it's cheap.
If you look like an Americano, your every move is being watched.....

B in Santiago and loving every minute

baby bori

New member
May 18, 2010
How to be safe in the DR??? Stay away from dangerous barrios, don't hang around with low lifer tigueres, mind your own business, and always ask a woman or man if they are truly single and to prove it before starting a relationship with them!!! Want to keep your wallet safe??? Stay away from barrio women, night clubs, and carwash chicas,etc.


New member
May 24, 2010
What is inexpensive to you is a fortune to the next person.....
I have very expensive jewelry and when I go back to the states in January for a month I am selling it all. Play it safe, don't wear ANY jewelry, including a CHEAP watch, they don't know it's cheap.
If you look like an Americano, your every move is being watched.....

B in Santiago and loving every minute

I am American but don't look like a typical gringo. I'll be safe and go without the watch. I appreciate the input.


New member
May 24, 2010
How to be safe in the DR??? Stay away from dangerous barrios, don't hang around with low lifer tigueres, mind your own business, and always ask a woman or man if they are truly single and to prove it before starting a relationship with them!!! Want to keep your wallet safe??? Stay away from barrio women, night clubs, and carwash chicas,etc.

lol good advice.


Jan 3, 2007
How to be safe in the DR??? Stay away from dangerous barrios, don't hang around with low lifer tigueres, mind your own business, and always ask a woman or man if they are truly single and to prove it before starting a relationship with them!!! Want to keep your wallet safe??? Stay away from barrio women, night clubs, and carwash chicas,etc.

Wallet? Tourists don't need wallets. They also don't need bulges of any kind in their pants pockets. Disperse cash by denominations in several pockets. Travel with a photocopy of your passport. Leave the room key at the front desk. I wear a plain Timex with a leather band. It is very modest yet very functional. I also have a cheap Dominican cell phone which no self respecting Chulo would ever be caught dead using. Hide your American cigarettes in your sock or you'll look like the Pied Piper leading all the smokers out of town. Most of the clothes I wear there came off the clearance rack at Marshall's and I doubt if any one item was over $10 (except for my $20 walking shoes) but I'm clean and my clothes match and I look good. Good and modest and alert and the look on my face, although friendly says "Don't ask me for ish".

Stay away from night clubs and barrio women? Are you nuts? I was born and raised in a barrio and visit them often because the most fun is always around the corner from the most danger. What the heck would anyone want with a bunch of stuck up, sadiddy debutantes sitting around at a social ball and giggling about one another's dresses, hairdo's and accessories? Thanks but I'd rather be at the night club right up 'till the point where the DJ makes my ears bleed.

Nope. I'll take the "Round-the-Way" Girl every time. There's less fake going on there. Some of my favorite Dominicanas check their guns at the club entrance. Like I danger, no fun.

Oh yeah. Forget about aikido (Milos). It doesn't work with large groups and muggers like to come in groups. Be ready to run. Wherever you happen to be in life always have an exit planned.


Mar 31, 2010
I am American but don't look like a typical gringo. I'll be safe and go without the watch. I appreciate the input.

I am always amazed by these statements. Dont try to fool yourself - Dominicans know immediately that you are not a local! They ALWAYS know.

Even after years of living here, they will still KNOW.


Jun 19, 2009
I am always amazed by these statements. Dont try to fool yourself - Dominicans know immediately that you are not a local! They ALWAYS know.

Even after years of living here, they will still KNOW.

I believe you DMV when I go to my country in Africa, they can tell I am not from there since I was born and raised in Europe.
I never understood how, but they just know. I was even told that they could tell by the way I walk.:paranoid:
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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
I am always amazed by these statements. Dont try to fool yourself - Dominicans know immediately that you are not a local! They ALWAYS know.

Even after years of living here, they will still KNOW.

Yep, when I visit, I am know as "el boriqua" w/o saying anything!!!!!;)


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Damm greydread I feel your flow you told the truth. I may look like a big teddy bear but the look on my face say Don't f@#k with me,ask me for s#@t,don't bother me for sh@* unless I want to be bothered, I keep it simple have fun and no problems.Peace


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
I've said this before, but I'll say it again. My dad worked in the fine jewelry mfg. business for 40+ years, so I have a lot of nice jewelry, plus all my mom's. Here at home I wear it and enjoy it every day. Several days before we leave for DR, I bring it all to the safe deposit box and only wear a plain, thin, gold wedding band and an inexpensive watch, a pair of thin gold hoop earrings that could pass for costume jewelry, and that's it. The LV handbags stay home too.

I'm always surprised when I read here how the 'upper crust' of DR wear fancy jewelry, clothing and accessories to impress each other. That has not been my experience. One very well-to-do couple we have known well for 20+ years [she's Dominican, he's Lebanese] are a good example. They live in a gorgeous, well appointed home, and lack for nothing. Since I'm a 'jewelry person' I do notice what others are wearing, and she wears very little jewelry and what she does wear is very understated.

That being said, I have to say the younger [college age] nieces and nephews like their designer stuff. They know the brands and wear them without care. Makes me think that maybe Dominican-Yorks and tourists are the targets.



Jul 25, 2007
I am always amazed by these statements. Dont try to fool yourself - Dominicans know immediately that you are not a local! They ALWAYS know.

Even after years of living here, they will still KNOW.

Not exactly. I have been asked if I am Dominican many times in my 5 years here and have even been mistaken as a mototconcho. Not only that Dominicans are very accepting of foreigners if they learn to speak the language and act accordingly. Dominicans are proud of their country in spite of it all and are typically interested to find out if foreigners like their country and if they do and can speak the language they are typically visibly pleased.


New member
Feb 8, 2010

i walk from my hotel in gazcue to the malecon and el conde all the time. there is usually alot of police right by the clinic, and in el conde. I havent walked along the malecon at night so i havent noticed any police presence there.

When it gets dark i makesure i am in well lit areas with people. I also wouldnt trust the AMET at night. Ive never had trouble(been robbed) with Politur

I always have trouble identifying each law enforcement service. AMET are the thieves in grey uniforms and mottos? and the the politur are in green with the cool hats? There should be a sticky with each law enforcement group and which ones look for their nightly propina and which ones dont mind getting one....


Mar 31, 2010
Not exactly. I have been asked if I am Dominican many times in my 5 years here and have even been mistaken as a mototconcho. Not only that Dominicans are very accepting of foreigners if they learn to speak the language and act accordingly. Dominicans are proud of their country in spite of it all and are typically interested to find out if foreigners like their country and if they do and can speak the language they are typically visibly pleased.

I was not suggesting you or others were not accepted! And I agree that when we learn or at least try to learn the language they are pleased..... We act appropriate and fit in very well - some of us...... BUT make no mistake they know what we are.


Jul 25, 2007
Also, in tourist areas it's normal to locals assume all "whites" are gringos, but they even do that to white Dominicans too.