I'd like to try some primal bliss


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003

bellissima_81 said:
its always gonna be like that if a man talks about infedelity and how many woman he slept with hes a big hero when a woman does the same shes called a puta ! more power to u if ure honnest about it !
Well, according to me, and this is my opinion:

A MARRIED woman who "bangs" someone other than her husband is a WHORE!.

A MARRIED man who "bangs" someone other than his wife is a WHORE!.

At least now you know where I stand!.



By the fricking way:

NOT only males members think that her "honesty" crap sucks, READ and see SOME females members throwing their 2 cents into it and not agreeing with her "honesty"!!!.
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New member
Jun 2, 2003
My point being that men seek women for, among other things, sex. If single then any woman. If married then any woman. If gay then any gender that applies. Ultimately this translates into a "female" counter part. So, is there any wonder that a women has the feelings expressed by the op. We are all looking for that mysterious something that ALL FEMALS have. Clear?


New member
Jun 2, 2003
Women are SEXUAL to the nth degree. It's there nature. We (men) want that.
Is it any wonder that a women is aware of her nature and wants, needs to express it.
Not only "bad girls" do it. All girls do it.


Jul 27, 2005
AnnaC said:
I have a question for all of you.

Is it the fact that this is a women saying these things?

According to what I've read here ( so it must be true) :rolleyes: there seems to be plane loads of married men coming down to have the very thing this women is talking about.

Why is it so shocking when women talk about what so many men do? ;)

It's just a question.
Anna, I don't think the type of reactions stem form the fact that it's a woman saying this, but it's related to the things the OP writes. Maybe that has something to do with differences between men and women itself, but that's just another question too. Most of the posts of men with similar desires one reads here are rather practical, like "which city has the hottest women?" or "can I bring more than two female guests at a time into my All-Inclusive hotel?" or "how much does viagra cost?", etc. Those post generally do not focus on the question whether it's OK or not, or whether other people have the same feeling and want to share, coupled with some dr. Phil style self-analysis. They generally also do not mention their wives or the fact they are married. Why, why mention your loving husband in a post like this? If you do you're bound to get reactions. Why post this post at all?
I don't cheat and generally don't encourage it, but here I almost want to cry out, just get it over with, get primal, do what you gotta do, but spare us the inner feelings part, please.
So, no, I think the difference in reactions is not in the OP being a woman but in the content of the post.
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Oct 13, 2003
Musicqueen said:
One of the very few HONEST posts in some time, and all the guys can do is joke and post dumb stuff...

The poster is not asking for advice...just stating what all of us think but few dare to say outloud!

Good for you...2nd...if you can really go back home and pretend nothing happened, and your conscience is not gonna bother you being unfaithful to your husband, then I say...go for it!!! Enjoy!!! It's gonna be one lifetime experience you'll never forget...

But be prepared to NOT be able to get it out of your mind for a looooonnnggg time!!! That's why there are so many women here looking for their 'sankies'...they are truly UNFORGETABLE!!!

Good luck!



I don't consider myself a big prude but to actually encourage a person (male/female) to go out and cheat on her husband... giving how you talk about your husband.. I don't understand it coming from you..

Do you actually think it is a good thing to go on a holiday, cheat on your partner and try and forget about it (which won't happen; these persons will easily succumb to another temptation)..

As I see it; I completely agree with qgrande in this respect.


May 31, 2005
bellissima_81 said:
more power to u if ure honnest about it !

Just because you are "honest" it does not make it right to cheat on your spouse. Honest in this case can be whatever you want. Honest to your self or honest to your spouse.
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May 31, 2005
MerengueDutchie said:

I don't consider myself a big prude but to actually encourage a person (male/female) to go out and cheat on her husband... giving how you talk about your husband.. I don't understand it coming from you..

Do you actually think it is a good thing to go on a holiday, cheat on your partner and try and forget about it (which won't happen; these persons will easily succumb to another temptation)..

As I see it; I completely agree with qgrande in this respect.



Thank you. I was thinking the same thing but did not know how to say it.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
If the OP has no problem with her husband going on vacation, having sex with some cute young girl, who has slept with god knows who, with the possibility of bringing home some disease, and passing it on to you, then go for it and be prepared for the consequences. Most, not all, of the North American men that are going down to the DR for sex, are divorced or single.
There is no double standard here, if you respect and love your partner, you will not act your temptation, and leave it as a fantasy, but this is a personal decision, and not something to discuss on a board.


New member
May 30, 2006
mountainfrog said:
I am sure your Spanish is good enough to explain this to your Dominican man....


Yes my Spanish is good enough to explain this to any Dominican man...I am a good girl!!! And if a man cannot respect that, sankie or not, he will be no man of mine...;)

And as to honesty...it is great that the OP is being honest about her fantasies, but she needs to be honest with her husband about them as well!!!
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Jun 3, 2006
In a lot of cultures and I think DR is an example of that men think that they can never say "no" to sex. Otherwise people might think he cannot do it or something and it is the worst thing that can ever happen to them. So, if a woman at least looks at them - they pretty much think they should take some action. And if she ends up sleeping with them - that means she started it all and it is her fault. But they also think that a woman has to be in love to want sex - otherwise she is a whore. Correct me if I am wrong.
Oct 13, 2003
Avrora said:
In a lot of cultures and I think DR is an example of that men think that they can never say "no" to sex. Otherwise people might think he cannot do it or something and it is the worst thing that can ever happen to them. So, if a woman at least looks at them - they pretty much think they should take some action. And if she ends up sleeping with them - that means she started it all and it is her fault. But they also think that a woman has to be in love to want sex - otherwise she is a whore. Correct me if I am wrong.

There is some merit to your first point. However imo it is used as an exuse for those who want to be mucheriegos and are looking for an excuse not to make the (sometimes difficult) decision of just saying no..

The last point is less common I think
May 31, 2005
Avrora said:
But they also think that a woman has to be in love to want sex - otherwise she is a whore. Correct me if I am wrong.

I am not a man but I have older brothers and lots of male friends. A lot of the time it is the women that are initiating the sex. Not just because they are in love but because they simply want sex. And the men know this. They do not think that the woman is in love just because they want to sleep with him.

The whore part might be correct. Unfortunately you might be labeled a whore if you are straight forward about wanting sex with a man whom you are obviously not in love with.


Jun 3, 2006
Dragonfly32837 said:
The whore part might be correct. Unfortunately you might be labeled a whore if you are straight forward about wanting sex with a man whom you are obviously not in love with.

So, it is much more beneficial to lie about being in love with whoever you are sleeping with to avoid "whore" label:)


On Vacation!
Dec 8, 2003
Carte Blanche

MerengueDutchie said:
MQ,.... to actually encourage a person (male/female) to go out and cheat on her husband... giving how you talk about your husband.. I don't understand it coming from you.....

Good advice for Tony, too.
(Hope, he reads it. ;) )

So, she is just preparing her heart for the treatment she'll get from the "love of her life".

Wise girl.
Semper paratus.

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May 31, 2005
Avrora said:
So, it is much more beneficial to lie about being in love with whoever you are sleeping with to avoid "whore" label:)
No. They will see right through you. Just don't lie. If that is who you are, then that is who you are. :cross-eye


Jun 3, 2006
Dragonfly32837 said:
No. They will see right through you. Just don't lie. If that is who you are, then that is who you are. :cross-eye

Of course they can tell. The thing is that I absolutely don't want to have anything to do with a man if I am not in love with him even if he is the hottest and sexiest animation team worker on earth :) A woman who does something like that obviously has a problem with her self esteem and ego. There are other ways to boost those besides sleeping with someone you don't know - get yourself a hobby that excites and stimulates you, get a new promotion on the job or something like that.
May 31, 2005
Avrora said:
Of course they can tell. The thing is that I absolutely don't want to have anything to do with a man if I am not in love with him even if he is the hottest and sexiest animation team worker on earth :) A woman who does something like that obviously has a problem with her self esteem and ego. There are other ways to boost those besides sleeping with someone you don't know - get yourself a hobby that excites and stimulates you, get a new promotion on the job or something like that.
I agree with the part that says that there are other ways to boost your self esteem without sleeping with someone.

I also see no problem in having sex with someone that you are not in love with as long as you are both single and consenting adults.

To each their own!!!


Miami Nice!
Jan 31, 2002
MerengueDutchie said:

I don't consider myself a big prude but to actually encourage a person (male/female) to go out and cheat on her husband... giving how you talk about your husband.. I don't understand it coming from you..

Do you actually think it is a good thing to go on a holiday, cheat on your partner and try and forget about it (which won't happen; these persons will easily succumb to another temptation)..

As I see it; I completely agree with qgrande in this respect.



if you can really go back home and pretend nothing happened, and your conscience is not gonna bother you being unfaithful to your husband, then I say...go for it!!! Enjoy!!! It's gonna be one lifetime experience you'll never forget...

I'm quoting myself here to make something clear...maybe I should have highlighted the word IF...I'm not encouraging her to cheat on her husband, I don't condone that at all...if you really knew me you would know that I'm totally against infidelity...but...like I said before she's not asking for ADVICE...just expressing her fantasies...and being honest...

I merely stated to her that IF she can do this without her conscience bothering her after all, then it's her decision...but she will have to pay some kind of consequence for her actions...

Do you people read and try to assimilate what's being written before you answer a post? Or just answer for the hell of it?


MOST of you guys do this all the time, just don't talk about it...and you have told us all about your fantasies...it's just different now because it's coming from a woman...and the women that don't agree with her are just being hypocrites...they have the same fantasies just wouldn't dare admit it to themselves...and want to come off as 'goodie two shoes' here on the board!

Give me a break!!! :eek:: You can accuse me of anything here, just don't accuse me of not being HONEST!!!