Importing a vehicle from the US

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Rest in peace Amigo!
Aug 21, 2002
Mr. Wales

lives in Nova Scotia.

I understand that house values in Ketch Harbour have taken a significant jump in value when Mr. Wales' neighbours realized that his house was on the real estate market (indicating his departure from the community). The property remains unsold.



Mar 8, 2004
Wales said:
Looked at your web site. If that is the best you have to offer to this board.

Well Good luck. You will not be one of my treasured friends at our dinner parties. Wow! This certainly enables us to sieve the wheat from the chaff.
Otherwise we will just have a lot of hangers on.

Again please accept my sincere apology. I did not mean to infer that I had a web site, DR related or not. This site is simply a place to share my photos with my friends, family and others.


English Twit!
May 21, 2004

chuckuindy said:
I am so sorry, you see I am dyslexic. That?s right it is a chink in my armor. I am not sure if it is a mental or physical problem but I have had it most of my life. I am sure that this condition has kept me from achieving the wealth and status of a man like you, so please take pity on me.

I feel sure that my condition is not life threatening, in fact I have been able to do some traveling as you can see from the following link.

If you know of some cure please let me know.


Will someone please check all of this Jerk?s post to see if he has ever misspelled a word or made a grammatical or syntax error?

I seem to remember Robert edited the last post begging. I wonder how he missed this.


English Twit!
May 21, 2004
Beards and telephone #

Criss Colon said:
Looks like you,and the guy from "GM", know almost nothing about the DR! Or maybe "GM" has a list of all cars imported into the DR that I don't know about!
We may not have "lights",or water,but we do have all the latest cars,including "GM" cars! But if you lived here,or knew anything about cars here,you would sell your GM car,and buy a Toyota,Corolla,Camry,something a living legend like you would drive,a Land Cruiser!
You see,you can get parts for the Toyota,but you will get old waiting for GM parts,and pay through the nose when and if they get here!
I thought that Americans could be obnoxious,but we can't hold a candle to this guy!!

PS:.."Chuck",I like your pictures! Especially the one of your girlfriend!!It always pisses off the other guys when the fat old guys with white beards get the best looking girls! I feel I can say this,because I am "Older","much "Fatter",and "Whiter" than you!
Please send me her telphone # so I can keep her warmed up when you are not here!I wish!!!!!!!!Here is a "Tip",I had a full beard,and my wife asked me to cut it off and just leave the mustache and "gotee"(Can't spell,but I do other things well!)Makes me look younger,more "hip",and the Dominican girls like it better! Please call me when you are in Santo Domingo,you seem like "fun"!! Cris Colon

Believe me my wife would not even give you the time of day and nor will I. I am not fat. Some else who is off the list.


English Twit!
May 21, 2004

FireGuy said:
lives in Nova Scotia.

I understand that house values in Ketch Harbour have taken a significant jump in value when Mr. Wales' neighbours realized that his house was on the real estate market (indicating his departure from the community). The property remains unsold.


I do not live in Ketch Harbour and my house is sold.


English Twit!
May 21, 2004

Criss Colon said:
and even he makes his excuses after 15 minutes claiming that he has a headache!!! :lick:

I do not think so. Until you have eaten what I cook, keep your comments to youself.


Mar 8, 2004
I think I will keep Tonya's phone number away from CC. He is a legend with the ladies in SD and understands the blacker the berry theory. Trust me I doubt that he is interested in Wales?s wife. Right now I still am looking for a 1 month swap with AZB?s SD wife. Thanks for the offer CC.


Mar 4, 2004
Chuck, Criss, Porfio, FireGuy..... have me confused. I'm not certain if I'm supposed to be starting the list of the "uninvitees" or opening the book on whether this is the last house ET ever buys? :confused:


Mar 8, 2004
The list

Lambada said: have me confused. I'm not certain if I'm supposed to be starting the list of the "uninvitees" or opening the book on whether this is the last house ET ever buys? :confused:

I believe I still have an inviation to his home, CC and HB are out, Robert and NV will not make the cut, I believe Grahame has fallen from favor, Joah and KrackedKris will not be coming, Porfio blew his chance, Migule called him a Twit, and that leaves Anna C., Fireguy, Escott and you. Bon Appetit!

BTW: Have the process servers found Robert yet?
Last edited:


English Twit!
May 21, 2004
chuckuindy said:
I believe I still have an inviation to his home, CC and HB are out, Robert and NV will not make the cut, I believe Grahame has fallen from favor, Joah and KrackedKris will not be coming, Porfio blew his chance, Migule called him a Twit, and that leaves Anna C., Fireguy, Escott and you. Bon Appetit!

BTW: Have the process servers found Robert yet?

No you do not.

gringo in dr

New member
May 29, 2003
Wales said:
No you do not.

Wales do us all a favor and stay where you are. We don't need another arrogant asshole on the island.

Personally you couldn't pay me to eat at your table with your attitude.

The dominicans have a way of dealing with people like yourself. They will smell you coming. You will pay dearly for your attitude here my friend. Enjoy your visit, it will be a short and expensive one. Maybe I'll consider going to your bon voyage party.


Jan 14, 2002
james said:
I also beleive that one of the guidlines for importation is that you must have owned the car in your own personal name for minimum of 2 years PLUS the car must be under 5 years old.
As a new resident you can bring in a car at little or no duty if you have owned it for 2 years and it is less than 5 years old. You can bring in a brand spanking new one if you pay duty on it. You cannot bring in a car older than 5 years old under any circumstance I believe. I believe these are the proper guidlines.

PS> whats for dinner?


New member
Jun 11, 2004
new to forum

Hello everyone. I have looked into this forum for quite a while and I finally decided to join in. I have found a lot of useful information. But one thing stands out in this forum, instead of using it to distribute advice and information about DR for many is a means to broadcast their inflated egos. For the benefit of all Dominicans and foreigns alike, let?s keep it informational. Kindly keep your negative comments and sarcasm to yourselves. This kind of behavior does not benefit anyone. There are many people, including myself that would appreciate and exchange good information through this medium. Some of you live in the DR others abroad, not one of us is a know-it-all, and a lot of the information posted here is relayed information, it may right or it may be wrong or somewhere in between. So if something is posted and is wrong, simply and politely contribute with your thoughts, there is no need to be sarcastic or respond with ill and smart remarks. Your egos are way out of control, this is not a contest of wits and knowledge, THIS IS a quest for knowledge to help your fellow man make informed decisions in whatever venue they decide to venture. It would be to de betterment of this forum and all participants to refrain from such childish and uncivilized behavior. Let?s share good advice and information and keep this forum clean since it is to the benefit of all. If you feel the need to vent your transgressions, anger and sarcasm please do it somewhere else, maybe in one of those chat rooms around the net, not here please.

gringo in dr

New member
May 29, 2003
Robert, I didn't know you sold the website?

I'd like to be the first to welcome the new owner, Rui.

Thank you for keeping all us children in check.


New member
Jun 11, 2004
That is what I am refering to.

This is exactly what I am talking about. It is so hard for you to contribute constructive criticism and good information? Contribute in good faith, is not that hard. Or am I to expect this from everyone in the dominican republic when I move there. I join the forum to gather as much good information and intel before I move there, and quite frankly is reflecting negatively on DR people when you do this. A lot of foreigners visit this site and this is what we see. I am in no way saying this is my site. But I am certain that the owner intended this to be a site to share information, no idiotic rhetoric and remarks. Make case in point, I asked a JERRY K for some information in one of the threads, he politely replied with good information and is well appreciated. It seems you do not look at the bigger picture of things, your actions reflect badly on people I know to be hard working and with great hearts. It would be a pitty if you communicate the wrong impression to prospective visitors and others considering to move a live among such a beautiful people and country. If you were in a different country, lost and confused, you asked me for directions chances are I would kindly direct you where you want it to go, and I know most everyone would do same. Asking for information and sharing information via this medium is no different. NO I DO NOT OWN THIS SITE BUT IS UNBECOMING OF YOU TO REPLY IN SUCH A MANNER.

gringo in dr

New member
May 29, 2003
This is a forum. Relax a little. Take a couple of shots of brugal.

You are taking things way to seriously. If you are "uptight" in a forum on the internet I don't think you could take living here.

People tend to joke around online and in person. That is the nature of things especially when you live in La La land.

BTW- We are getting off topic and that will get the thread locked by Robert.


New member
Jun 11, 2004
It is true, we are getting off topic. Do not misunderstand, there is nothing wrong with joking as long as it is done respectfully. No need to make you fellow forum contributor or information seeker foolish or ignorant, that's all. Do you agree?


Jan 2, 2002
I hope Riu never has a run in with our more colorful and outspoken members. ;)

Oh Oh now I'll have to hear about it. My bad, off topic. :eek:

So how do we import a vehicle from the US or even Canada eh?


New member
Jun 11, 2004
Here is some info Anna

To export an automobile from US these are the Customs regulations. I am sure that your shipping company can take care of most of the documentation required.



One auto per person Autos must be registered/owned by Customer for at least one year.

If Dominican citizen, Customer must have lived abroad a minimum of two years.

Limited to no larger than 2000 cc and maximum of six cylinders
"Luxury" autos not allowed

Documents required:

Original title must be certified by the Department of Vehicles and legalized by the nearest Dominican Consulate.
Original of registration for past three years.
Residence Visa.
Original Dominican Consular invoice stamped at the nearest Dominican consulate.
Original Drivers License.
License Plate.

On the DR side here is the telephone number to find the tax imposed on your vehicle. This is the Dominican Republic Customs Office at 809-688-7070 Ext. 289. Just tell them the vehicle make/model/year and they will tell you the tax to be paid upon arrival. These changes as the exchange rate changes. So if the dollar is RD$50 to $1 today and RD$40 to $1 today you will be paying less for the latter quote. As far as paperwork, licensing, registration etc. in DR I have no information on that. If anybody has information on the procedures it would be appreciated. The shipper will charge an average of US$2000 for shipping a vehicle depending on size.
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