In trouble!!!! Urgent!!!!!


Jan 1, 2002
Kuda said:
Effectively confirming that it was valid. You go, you gamble, and you pay. He/She might have to work some OT to make it so. I'm sure he/she wouldn't be bitching if she won several grand.

But in the big picture, this is one of the reasons why DR will suffer as a travel destination. This person will tell 30 of their friends what a butt**** their experience was, and so on, and so on. Might as well go to Cozumel and party, rather than be stuck in DR with a nasty debt over your shoulders.

But hey, the Presidentes are cheap, right???

Can't say that the Presidentes are that cheap anymore.


El Mujeron
Jan 7, 2004
Oh my God, I wouldnt even ask what to do... I would be calling my cc company from the airfone on the plane.

I hope he keeps us posted.


New member
Apr 16, 2003
Tell All

TEHAMA said:
PM me with the 2ticket/2airport advice, please.
Cut and paste will be fine.
Ya never know when it might come in handy.

Hey Lambada, just tell all, its a Forum........M.


New member
Oct 10, 2004

Lambada, please let me know too. I might need to get out quickly as well some day. Help me in advance. Maybe we need to start a thread on how to get out of the country as soon as possible.


Mar 4, 2004
Good heavens!!!! Do we have a lot of guilty people or just people who are good at advance planning? ;) And I used to be a probation officer..............
Look, I am sure you are not all so intellectually challenged that you cannot deduce this one for yourselves. Auntie Lambarda's advice is live right, pay your dues, be a nice, decent human being & it is MOST unlikely this situation will ever arise. And there could be REAL crooks out there, so I'm certainly NOT going to post anything which would help them. And for sure, not in a LEGAL Forum!
But if anyone is in a real pickle & they are innocent, they can PM me. I will require proof of innocence. And to the people who have done just that today, really I wasn't expecting this........I will answer each of them, but it may take a few hours. Please be patient.
Who was the idiot who called herself Marjorie Proops a few months ago................yes, got it in one. :rolleyes:


New member
Feb 3, 2004
That is a very smart and fair reply. Although it is not at all what I expected, it is extremely reasonable. I am not, nor do anticipate being in any trouble. I guess you can place me in your latter category of advance planning persons.

I dont think I will ever need your approach. I hope never to. But I am going to figure out your proposed method operation. I wont bother you every day or week, but if I figure it out will you then let me know if I got it right?

I like a mental challenge.


*** Sock Puppet ***
Nov 9, 2004
May as well make my first post an interesting one

Can the Casino or any establishment you legally or illegally owe money to physically prevent you from leaving the country?

It would seem there need to be a judgement against you and some reason to think you would not pay the debt if you left the country. I mean if you don't have the money, can they throw you in jail without a hearing and keep you there like the old "debtors" prisons?

Very new to this and I don't know if you mean there would be armed thugs waiting at the airport or what. It would seem the embassy of your country would look unkindly on anyone holding you "hostage" for anything less than conviction or allegation of a crime

Wouldn't the Dominican authorities be concerned with relations with whatever country this person is from if they were physically intimitaded from leaving.

I don't know Dominican law, but in most countries that would be either kidnapping or unlawful restraint


Victor Laszlo

Aug 24, 2004

Lambada said:
I pmed her the day before & told her about the 2 ticket/2 different airport method of exiting. Hope it was helpful. ;)
...I'll bet it's the same method we used back in '42.

Did you warn her about the Letters of Transit?

No joke tho, hope she gets out of this OK.


Mar 4, 2004
Texasfool said:
Can the Casino or any establishment you legally or illegally owe money to physically prevent you from leaving the country?

It would seem there need to be a judgement against you and some reason to think you would not pay the debt if you left the country. I mean if you don't have the money, can they throw you in jail without a hearing and keep you there like the old "debtors" prisons?

Very new to this and I don't know if you mean there would be armed thugs waiting at the airport or what. It would seem the embassy of your country would look unkindly on anyone holding you "hostage" for anything less than conviction or allegation of a crime

Wouldn't the Dominican authorities be concerned with relations with whatever country this person is from if they were physically intimitaded from leaving.

I don't know Dominican law, but in most countries that would be either kidnapping or unlawful restraint


I'm not a lawyer, so it is probably best to wait for Dr. Guzman, but as far as I am aware, legally a prohibition on exiting the country (impedimenta) is only applicable in criminal cases & not civil ones. Debt is, to the best of my knowledge, a civil matter.
Whether the Casino would employ enforcers is anyone's guess. I expect they would deny it if anyone accused them of this! And in any event please don't expect your Embassy or Consulate to toil night & day on your behalf........that has not been my experience here! Which is why I have become involved in visiting innocent people in prison. And the 'most countries' rule does not necessarily apply in practice here, even if it is on the statute book!
Right.............back to the PMs!


Jan 8, 2003
Victor Laszlo said:
...I'll bet it's the same method we used back in '42.

Did you warn her about the Letters of Transit?

No joke tho, hope she gets out of this OK.

I don't know for sure, but I would venture a guess that Rick has those Letters of Transit!



Jan 8, 2003
Texasfool said:
Can the Casino or any establishment you legally or illegally owe money to physically prevent you from leaving the country?

It would seem there need to be a judgement against you and some reason to think you would not pay the debt if you left the country. I mean if you don't have the money, can they throw you in jail without a hearing and keep you there like the old "debtors" prisons?

Very new to this and I don't know if you mean there would be armed thugs waiting at the airport or what. It would seem the embassy of your country would look unkindly on anyone holding you "hostage" for anything less than conviction or allegation of a crime

Wouldn't the Dominican authorities be concerned with relations with whatever country this person is from if they were physically intimitaded from leaving.

I don't know Dominican law, but in most countries that would be either kidnapping or unlawful restraint


Toto, your not in Kansas any more. Aka, Texasfool the DR ain't the USA.


Mar 22, 2002
CyaBye3015 said:
Toto, your not in Kansas any more. Aka, Texasfool the DR ain't the USA.

I think the biggest mistake Americans in the DR make is that they insist on applying American ideals to every situation and that they are unwilling or unable to recognize that they cannot and adapt accordingly.

As for the original poster, I hope she cancelled that CC immediately and got her *** out of the country.



Oct 7, 2003
I think you guys missed something..

However, the credit card company declines to approve the transaction of $5900. My questions are the following:

She/he had already stated that her credit card company declined that amount to her visa so if she/he didn't really need to cancel them before posting asking for help. Of course, she/he will need to cancel them when she/he gets back home for precautionary measures.

Sure wish she/he would log on and let us know what is happening!!!


New member
Apr 16, 2003
couldnt resist.

Lambada said:
I'm not a lawyer, so it is probably best to wait for Dr. Guzman, but as far as I am aware, legally a prohibition on exiting the country (impedimenta) is only applicable in criminal cases & not civil ones. Debt is, to the best of my knowledge, a civil matter.
Whether the Casino would employ enforcers is anyone's guess. I expect they would deny it if anyone accused them of this! And in any event please don't expect your Embassy or Consulate to toil night & day on your behalf........that has not been my experience here! Which is why I have become involved in visiting innocent people in prison. And the 'most countries' rule does not necessarily apply in practice here, even if it is on the statute book!
Right.............back to the PMs![/QUOTE
....I guess the people you visit are Presumed Innocent until proven guilty.......They are in Prison here, so...... I still think the system is OK. here. Mind you I dont go out at night.,, Cheers. M.


New member
Nov 7, 2004
Back In The Usa

Hi, this is clarity, and I made it on the plane to get out of the DR in the nick of time. But guess what? This casino decided to try to charge all three of the credit card numbers they made me show them (under implied threat of bodily harm). Two of the credit card companies declined the charges, but one of them irresponsibly put thru a $12,000 US charge!! Mind you, this is in excess of the amount that I signed for ($5800). This also occured after I called in asking for a cash advance the night before USING FALSE SECURITY INFO as the guard was standing right there!! In other words, my greedy credit card issuer (one of the major banks) approved a charge way over my ordinary cash advance limit, for an amount way over my largest historic charge, in a forign country, in a casino, without my true signature, after they denied the charge the previous day that I called in WITH FALSE INFO FROM THE SAME LOCATION!! This sounds like I have a strong case for dispute of the CC charges in their entirety, dont you think??

PS. THANK YOU VERY MUCH EVERYONE for your help on this manner!! If it wasn't for you, I may have had much worse things happen to me!


New member
Nov 7, 2004
follow up question

This is clarity, and I want to also know what I can do to help prevent this from happening to anyone else?