Instilling good methods, customs and cultures

Rick Snyder

Nov 19, 2003
As there is time on my hands then I believe it is time to respond to those critics who don?t think it is correct to instil upon Dominicans those methods, customs and cultures which have, over time, proven to be beneficial to mankind. This willingness to embrace change is the major reason that the USA is so much better in comparison to the DR. Because of the USA being the ?great melting pot? it has implemented many different methods, customs and cultures from those that discovered and populated the land. The magic words in the above statement are (willingness to embrace change).

Now to address the critics :

Keith R - I'm not certain this is the best example for you to use of an "archaic mentality." The way my (Dominican) wife makes rice, there is never any part burnt. Sure, browned con-con, but not hard and/or burnt. The kids love the con-con, and we never have anything left in the pot to throw out.

While I personally don't care for con-con, I happly eat the rest of the rice, as it's quite tasty -- at least the way my wife makes it.

How is this archaic?

Pib - Heathen!

If the rice is burnt at the bottom there is something wrong with your wife's cooking. And although most of the time I cook rice in the microwave (I know, I should be stoned), your way is not necessarily the proper way, only what you prefer. 8 million people plus my husband will disagree with you. There is absolutely nothing archaic, or wrong, about it.

In a post from another thread I mentioned my difficulty in changing the way my wife cooks rice. In the other post I used the word ?burnt? when in fact I should have used the word ?scorched?. The word burnt is a synonym of the word scorched and I?m sorry I didn?t make myself clearer to those of you that automatically assumed scorched to the point of turning black when I meant scorched to the point of turning brown and sometimes a little black. In both cases, brown or black, the end result is burnt. Now let?s discuss the fact that raw rice contains more nutrients than cooked rice and the more cooked the rice is the more nutrients that are lost. If you agree to this ratiocination then it stands to reason that when you cook white rice and the finished product is in fact white, without any scorching, the benefits both nutritionally and digestively are better for you.

There are more or less 2.5 Billion people in the world that depend on rice as their main food. Eight million people here in the DR only represent a small portion of those that depend on this staple and if you look at the way that the rest of the world cooks their rice then you will see that the way it is done in the DR is not the norm. Let?s investigate the reasoning behind this together. First let?s look at it on a nutritional plane. As stated above the less cooking the more nutrition and for a developing country with health statistics like the DR they could use all the nutritional help then can get. Secondly let?s look at it on an economical plane. Let?s just say hypothetically that the average Dominican household throws away 1/2 ounce of scorched rice a day. Now for arguments sake let?s say there are two million households in the DR. This would mean that each household throws away 11 and ? pounds of rice a year and let?s say that the going price, estimated low, is 10 pesos per pound. You do the math!! Now with the economic situation that the DR presently faces and with over 50% of the population always having been at the poverty level you tell me how the Dominicans can and ever could afford to throw food away. 22,500,000 pounds or 225,000,000 pesos yearly is you craaaaaaaaaazy? Let me tell you the dogs, cats, chickens, birds and pigs eat well in this country. As you have that computer in front of you search for any recipe for cooking rice and they are the same all over the world and the end result is a light fluffy rice with no scorching. Even in the MICROWAVE you don?t want scorched rice and I don?t think you scorch your rice do you Pib? Try it like the recipes call for it one time you might like it !!!!!!!!!!

Mr DR - Who cares about the burned part of the rice even if you have to throw it away especially if you are in the US?

If you are worried about wasting that that small portion of rice i must say that you are once cheapo and hungry fella....You have Dominican families that are much poor than you that dont care throwing that part of the rice away...Plus you must not be very familiar with the Dominican culture when it comes to a men getting involved in women's issues especially something that has to do with cooking....To those men that interfere they are called MUJERCITA.

Mr DR I take offense at your last sentence. Because the Dominicans have that culture doesn?t mean that I will adhere to it. I have the right, prerogative, and responsibility to keep those cultures that I know for a fact are better for me and mankind as a whole and (willingly embrace), see above, those that I find are better for me and mankind. I know for a fact, having eaten at many Dominican houses and restaurants, that I am a better chef than a lot of women and most men in this fine country. I have a question for you Mr DR. Women possess what intrinsic issues? Having worked as a chef in a couple of restaurants and with my 22 years in the military I can categorically state that I can cook, clean, iron, wash clothes, do dishes, make beds and a lot of other things much better then a lot of Dominican women and the majority of Dominican men. There have been times in my life where I didn?t have a woman there where I was to do all those things for me so I could either learn or starve and live like a pig of which neither was an option to me. Where I come from we call men or women that won?t help themselves MEQUETREFE. (If the shoe fits).

Let me adduce that if you truly want this country to change for the better you will in fact try to change those methods, customs and cultures that you know are detrimental to the well being of you, the people and mankind. The Dominicans have many fine customs but they also have an over abundance of bad ones and until enough people tell other people that what they are doing is wrong nothing will change. People throwing trash in the streets, speeding, loud radios, parking there motors or cars on the sidewalk, corruption and a host of other things all contribute to this country failing to achieve an ascendant position and your silence to these bad customs only shows your complicity in the DR not bettering itself. ;)


Jan 1, 2002
Strange as it may seem, I agree with you...

The one, dominante excuse I have always heard is :"Estamos en Dominicana!"

This is the excuse for driving the wrong way on a one way steet, for pushing ahead in a line, for wasting precious water washing down the street outside of the house, for doing all of those things that a "civilized" society finds so upsetting.

The manner of cooking rice is just one of the patently absurd things that occur. But I don't think I am going to get my undies all in a ball trying to fix it. When there is a severe shortage of rice, or rice goes to RD$50 a pound or $100 pesos a pound, perhaps they will start using the Chinese method of cooking rice, one that leaves no grain un-cooked and not a single grain of "con-con" . It's not that they don't know how to do it, they don't want to do it.

And you know the funny thing? It is the poorest families that use the "Dominican" system of oil for cooking the rice and leaving a goodly percentage stuck to the bottom of the pan.

I think I'll go try PIB's rice when she gets back from her trip (cruise)....


You know it is possible that the Dominican Dental Association is the cheif promoter of this style of rice cooking? Think about it.... What is the main reason for going to the dentist? To fix a tooth that cracked as you munched down on some "con-con." ......Hummmm


El Leon de los Cacicazgos
Mar 27, 2004
I agree but not so much with the con-con but more with:

Hillbilly said:
This is the excuse for driving the wrong way on a one way steet, for pushing ahead in a line, for wasting precious water washing down the street outside of the house, for doing all of those things that a "civilized" society finds so upsetting.

I believe the DR & every country should teach a civilty & moral classes, grades 1-12. Dominicans should learn corruption is not good, doing anything in excessive (drinking) is bad for you, transporting drugs is not a job, stop treating the poor haitians like slaves, stop talking bad about haitians & other latin american countries, and many more little things.


May 12, 2002
Rick Snyder said:
Mr DR I take offense at your last sentence. Because the Dominicans have that culture doesn?t mean that I will adhere to it. I have the right, prerogative, and responsibility to keep those cultures that I know for a fact are better for me and mankind as a whole and (willingly embrace), see above, those that I find are better for me and mankind. I know for a fact, having eaten at many Dominican houses and restaurants, that I am a better chef than a lot of women and most men in this fine country. I have a question for you Mr DR. Women possess what intrinsic issues? Having worked as a chef in a couple of restaurants and with my 22 years in the military I can categorically state that I can cook, clean, iron, wash clothes, do dishes, make beds and a lot of other things much better then a lot of Dominican women and the majority of Dominican men. There have been times in my life where I didn?t have a woman there where I was to do all those things for me so I could either learn or starve and live like a pig of which neither was an option to me. Where I come from we call men or women that won?t help themselves MEQUETREFE. (If the shoe fits).

Let me adduce that if you truly want this country to change for the better you will in fact try to change those methods, customs and cultures that you know are detrimental to the well being of you, the people and mankind. The Dominicans have many fine customs but they also have an over abundance of bad ones and until enough people tell other people that what they are doing is wrong nothing will change. People throwing trash in the streets, speeding, loud radios, parking there motors or cars on the sidewalk, corruption and a host of other things all contribute to this country failing to achieve an ascendant position and your silence to these bad customs only shows your complicity in the DR not bettering itself. ;)

Wow Rick,

You picked a nice day to stirr up a good thread...Well i am gonna take it easy because it is christmas after all.

I have to admit that i agree with you on most of the issues that you mentioned and i have no problems with them.

Although, from just reading your post i can certainly see that you could easely make a good Trujillo because you would love to have people do things your ways which i reapeat again are not bad but it is like Hillbilly said "when the rice goes to $100.00 pesos then that is when they are going to learn''.

Now, some of the things that you mention about the loud music, the horn, the yelling and the partying in the middle of the streets is what gives the DR it's characteristics and that is why you have to be selective to how much of these are you willing to put up with and carefully choose to go to areas where you wont see such things because i am very sure the country is big enough and you would find them.

It is only my opinion and i am not gonna lose sleep over it and if you wanna get techincal what about all the food that gets thrown away in the US? all the mash potatoes and gravy, ham, spaghetties, bizquits, hotdogs, hamburgers, chicken, ribs and much more? and there isn't any excuses that is being thrown away because it is burned.

You must always check yourself before you square your neighbours away I am very sure that you having been in the military for 22 years know that.

Rick Snyder

Nov 19, 2003
They just don't get it

Capodominicano please be so kind and explain what part of the scorched (burnt) rice you don?t agree with that much. Is it possible that you believe the nutritional value of the food that the Dominicans eat doesn?t matter that much or is it possible that you think throwing money away doesn?t matter that much? I would be interested in hearing your views on this matter. If it were possible to take a survey of the 2.5 billion people in the world who depend on rice as a part of their diet and 75% said that rice that isn?t scorched (burnt) was better for them or you, what would you transduce from this survey? I don?t know if you are Dominican or not but if you are is it also possible that you would think that 2.1 billion people don?t know what they are talking about but 8 million do?

Capodominicano - I believe the DR & every country should teach a civilty & moral classes, grades 1-12. Dominicans should learn corruption is not good, doing anything in excessive (drinking) is bad for you, transporting drugs is not a job, stop treating the poor haitians like slaves, stop talking bad about haitians & other latin american countries, and many more little things.

Why, why, why is it that I hear those same words spoken by so many people? Why is it a vagary within the masses here to rely on the government and/or the education system to teach those very, very basic things like civility, morality and virtue. Sorry to burst your bubble but those things are what parents and guardians are for. I too believe that the Dominicans should learn not to do all those things that you mentioned and when I see a vagrant disregard of the law I say something to the perpetrator. My question to you is what do you do when you see an infraction to the law do you say something or are you complaisant? One of those things that has happened and has stayed in my mind was this local little 5 year old boy who was always throwing stones, a favorite Dominican pastime, at animals and an 81 year old woman. I asked his grandmother, grandfather and uncle, who were his guardians, why they taught this boy to do this because at least one of them was always present when he did it. They swore up and down that they didn?t teach him to throw stones at which point I explained to them that when they didn?t object to his bad actions, (civility-see above), they were in fact condoning his actions. They didn?t get it and that is a major problem in this country, the Dominicans just don?t get it.

Mr DR - Although, from just reading your post i can certainly see that you could easely make a good Trujillo because you would love to have people do things your ways which i reapeat again are not bad but it is like Hillbilly said "when the rice goes to $100.00 pesos then that is when they are going to learn''.

Now, some of the things that you mention about the loud music, the horn, the yelling and the partying in the middle of the streets is what gives the DR it's characteristics and that is why you have to be selective to how much of these are you willing to put up with and carefully choose to go to areas where you wont see such things because i am very sure the country is big enough and you would find them.

It is only my opinion and i am not gonna lose sleep over it and if you wanna get techincal what about all the food that gets thrown away in the US? all the mash potatoes and gravy, ham, spaghetties, bizquits, hotdogs, hamburgers, chicken, ribs and much more? and there isn't any excuses that is being thrown away because it is burned.

You must always check yourself before you square your neighbours away I am very sure that you having been in the military for 22 years know that

My way? I beg your pardon but please, please, please read what I write not what you seem to want me to say. To instill is to impart gradually and what I would love to do is instill some of those things that have PROVEN to be beneficial to other people and I?m positive they would be beneficial to Dominicans as well. If the Dominicans fail to show (willingness to embrace change) then it is not I who suffers it is the nutrition and health of the Dominicans along with their pocketbooks. So be it. Same with the education system here. Have you read the letter that I sent to the president and Sec of Ed posted in a different thread? The same letter, almost, that I sent to your buddy Ladron Hippo and his Sec of Ed. Not much to offer other than the idea of teaching the children to recite the alphabet with all 29 letters and preferably before the first grade. Just something that the rest of the world does but not in the DR public schools. With you comparing the USA to the DR is like comparing apples and oranges. The majority of Americans usually can afford to throw away some leftovers but very few Dominicans can afford to throw away any food due to the amount of poverty and the economic situation and if they would learn a better way to cook the rice, (willingness to accept change), then they wouldn?t HAVE to throw away any scorched rice AND it would be more nutritional for them. From what you?ve posted I am under the impression that you are not Dominican but regardless, you just don?t get it either.

Yes, with my military experience I have learned to have all my duckies in a row, especially before opening mouth and inserting foot. ;)
Last edited:

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
As Far As Dominicans Treating Haitians worse Than Dogs,That's an EAST ONE!

In the Dominican Culture,"NOTHING" is EVER your fault! (This is part of their "NEVER ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY""Ethic"!)SSSooooooooooooo,who better to blame than those "Black People" who live "next door"!I bet even Pena Gomez thought he was "Indio"!(A Dominican is NEVER BLACK!)

Now on to the "RICE" thing! I have spent many years living in the "Orient",Vietnam,Thailand,and visiting for extended trips to "China",and the Phillipines.Now these "People" have a VERY long history of eating rice,and know a few ways of cooking it,(Rice)NONE of them "Burn The $hit" out of it,or throw it away! The first thing any of these People who have electricity and $25.00 do is buy a "Rice Cooker"(Perfect Rice Every Time!)The "Thais",who eat "Glutenous Rice","Sticky Rice" soak it for a few hopurs,and then steam it!All Thse cultures us "left Over" rice in "Fried Rice" creations.It is better to use "old" rice,as it is dry,and doesn't get "mushy"!The rice you eat ion all Chinese restaurants is what they "RE-USE" off the tables!
"I" think that part of the "Problem" with the Dominicans,is that they live on an island.Until recent times,they were influenced ,mainly,by two "Cultures",Spainish,and "African"! For about 500 years they did things as "Spanish,and African" peoples.When "New" things came along,they rejected them.I have never met a People who are sssooooooooo predictable! You know how they are going to respond to any given situation before it happens! EVERY Dominican will respond when they are caught doing something "wrong",by lying! And they are NOT "good liers either!"Catch them stealing "red handed",they will deny the obvious!!! Right to your face!!Just once,just once,I would like a Dominican caught lying to say to me,"Yes,you are right,I am SORRY,and I will not do it again"!!
Every "American" reading these words was told by their mother and father that they would rather have the child tell them the "TRUTH" about doing something wrong,than to be lied to about it!! "I will NEVER punish you for telling me the TRUTH,my parents told me!! 1000 TIMES!!
Dominicans can't stand to see a child cry! No Matter What!! They don't like to "discipline"(and I am talking about "Verbally",let alone Corporally) their children.If it makes them cry,they don't do it! Some,however,will give their kids a "slap" on the head! But only because it is "easier" than explaining to the child what they have done wrong,and they won't have to interrupt their "Domino" or card game to do it!

Now,just so you don't think that I find nothing good about the Dominican people,you are WRONG!!!
If your car stalls in the middle of an intersection during rush hour,150 Dominicans will come to your resue!!! They will literally push your car to the nearest gas station,or "repair" joint! Then those same 150 Dominicans will give you 300 different reasons your car stalled,and all of them WRONG!!!


Mar 4, 2004
You do it by example, not 'preaching'

People DO pick up & copy if it is done by example, not by 'preaching'. I'm still punctual for appointments, even after 12 years here, although, of course I understand that Dominicans are not. The dentist & I have reached an 'agreement'.........he is punctual for me because I am 'British', that is the rationale he uses for himself (plus I get up & walk out if he does not arrive at the surgery within 20 mins. of when he should!). Likewise, my male partner will be seen by Dominican workmen in the house, preparing his own lunch. Those that bother to ask why the 'man of the house' should undertake this 'domestic' function, will be given an explanation. I have never found Dominicans unwilling to try a 'new' way of doing things, provided they themselves see sense in the explanation. A bit like me, really. I wouldn't try new ways of cooking or anything else unless I could understand a benefit in so doing. I guess it all depends on HOW it is put across.


Jan 1, 2002
I am particularly baffled that you chose me (and even Keith) to go on a rant (what's to debate in your post) about Dominican's lack of desire to change and use rice as an example to illustrate it. I would be offended, but I have no wish to be offended by disingenous veiled accusations.

Every country has its culinary traditions. As it is I don't believe conc?n is dangerous to one health, and I am not going to take your word for it, if it is a bit more expensive, well, that is why it is considered a delicacy here, usually you pay more for things that you like. If your wife's rice is brown, or scorched, or burnt, she needs to fine-tune her cooking or change her pot. That is a fact. Not all concon has to be burnt. I could go on a rant here about how some wish to homogenize culture and turn everyone into a perfect model of western drones... but this is not the time. I am all for countries to keep their CULINARY traditions.

As per your other bullcrap about not changing other noticeably harmful "traditions", I am not going to argue that, since it is not what I addressed in that other thread. You erected a giant straw man, now, what you're gonna do with it? cause I am not going to touch it. As a matter of fact I am not going to even return to this thread.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Right, that's the rice taken care of.

In relation to the 'reciting the alphabet' question:

I know for a fact that there are other countries/languages where teaching pre-schoolers to recite or sing the alphabet is not customary, yet they have pretty exceptional literacy rates and educational standards. Possibly Japan, because AFAIK their alphabet doesn't work that way, and Israel, because I know from having gone through the school system there myself.

The conclusion has to be that the Dominican education system's deficiencies lie elsewhere.

As to the other stuff like discipline and civic pride, it depends who you mix with. In the DR or anywhere else.


Mar 22, 2002
To the original poster

Although I can see where you are trying to go, I think using the burnt and wasted rice was a poor example. As Pib said, it is a culinary tradition. Not everyone takes such a pragmatic approach to eating as you seem to. Even if a family is dirt poor, wasting a small portion of their rice is up to them. If they enjoyed the meal better by cooking it a certain way and the result was that some was wasted then that is their perogative. And you saying that they should change the way they cook for nutritional purposes, well, there are plenty of people who eat foods that are bad for them because they enjoy them. You can tell me to stop putting butter on my toast but if I enjoy it that way, that's how I will eat it. Like I said, not everyone take such a pragmatic approach to eating as you.

Now the points you were really trying to make....the garbage in the streets, the noise, the general lack of consideration for others, etc. I can completely understand how these things bother you. If I was living there, they would bother me too. However, consider the title you gave to this thread. You do not INSTILL good customs and cultures. As CC said, these have been the customs and cultures of the island for 500 years. You are not going to instill anything. I think you should only be concerned with the people who you deal with on a regular basis and how their actions may disturb you. If someone you deal with is behaving in a way you don't like, then let them know. Aside from that, you are not going to change anything outside of your immediate environment and thinking you can do so will only bring you more aggravation and grief.


Rick Snyder

Nov 19, 2003
This is to Pib

Pib I wasn?t ranting when I used your prior post to respond to. In my prior post in the other thread I mentioned as to how my wife previously cooked rice the same way that your husband and 8 million other people like it and you decided to cast aspersions on her ability to cook when in fact she was cooking it the way that Dominicans do. I don?t want you to be offended but at the same time understand that I was in no way making disingenuous veiled accusations. You beset the way my wife cooks and you had no reason to do that. Looking at your last post I am only able to ascertain that you don?t read what is written because I said in the first post of this thread in response to your post from the other thread;

Rick said
In a post from another thread I mentioned my difficulty in changing the way my wife cooks rice. In the other post I used the word ?burnt? when in fact I should have used the word ?scorched?. The word burnt is a synonym of the word scorched and I?m sorry I didn?t make myself clearer to those of you that automatically assumed scorched to the point of turning black when I meant scorched to the point of turning brown and sometimes a little black. In both cases, brown or black, the end result is burnt.?

Or you don?t really know what conc?n is because in your prior post of this thread you say:

Pib said
?Every country has its culinary traditions. As it is I don't believe conc?n is dangerous to one health, and I am not going to take your word for it, if it is a bit more expensive, well, that is why it is considered a delicacy here, usually you pay more for things that you like. If your wife's rice is brown, or scorched, or burnt, she needs to fine-tune her cooking or change her pot. That is a fact. Not all concon has to be burnt. I could go on a rant here about how some wish to homogenize culture and turn everyone into a perfect model of western drones... but this is not the time. I am all for countries to keep their CULINARY traditions.?

Conc?n doesn't cost any more than regular rice because conc?n is scorched rice be it scorched brown or scorched black and scorched is scorched, and then you attack my wife?s cooking again. What?s your problem? If you don?t return to this thread then so be it but in all honesty I believe you owe me an explanation as to why you wish to degrade my wife when she hasn?t done anything to you and you have never meet her.

Rick Snyder

Nov 19, 2003
All true

Larry that was a good post and everything you said is true. The reason I started this thread was to respond to the 3 quotes that I posted. These quotes were made to a post I made on another thread and couldn?t respond there due to not wanting to highjack the thread. A number of titles entered my mind for a subject to this thread and the one I picked just sort of fit into the other things that I wanted to say.

You said :
Aside from that, you are not going to change anything outside of your immediate environment and thinking you can do so will only bring you more aggravation and grief.

This is very true and I am trying to change some things within my immediate environment and am hoping that other people outside my immediate environment might actually use there voice, knowledge and wisdom to change those things within their particular environment. If you can get a lot of people saying the same thing then there is always the possibility of bringing about change. ;)

Rick Snyder

Nov 19, 2003
Go to the other thread

Chirimayo said;
The conclusion has to be that the Dominican education system's deficiencies lie elsewhere.

This is a very touchy subject to me because of the phonetic simplicity of the Spanish language and the idea that ( they just don?t get it). If you wish to see my ideas and what I am talking about concerning the alphabet then go to:

You can not draw any conclusions until you have read the above listed thread. ;)


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Rick Snyder said:
Chirimayo said;

This is a very touchy subject to me because of the phonetic simplicity of the Spanish language and the idea that ( they just don?t get it). If you wish to see my ideas and what I am talking about concerning the alphabet then go to:

You can not draw any conclusions until you have read the above listed thread. ;)

I've read them, and my conclusion is you're barking up the wrong tree.

You cannot reply to this post until you read my user name. ;) ;)


El Leon de los Cacicazgos
Mar 27, 2004
Hi Mr. Snyder,

Yes I am Dominican but in DR raised in NYC but go back to DR 2-3 a year. Anyway I just believe there are more important issues than wasting rice, I understand your concern I have studied Environmental Science and I know how strained are the world resources. I believe overall that Dominican society should be rethought the values of agriculture & saving (not just ecomonically speaking), maybe we should start with rice, I understand why you are upset about throwing away a valuable source of human nutrition "just because".

Rick Snyder said:
Capodominicano please be so kind and explain what part of the scorched (burnt) rice you don?t agree with that much. Is it possible that you believe the nutritional value of the food that the Dominicans eat doesn?t matter that much or is it possible that you think throwing money away doesn?t matter that much? I would be interested in hearing your views on this matter. If it were possible to take a survey of the 2.5 billion people in the world who depend on rice as a part of their diet and 75% said that rice that isn?t scorched (burnt) was better for them or you, what would you transduce from this survey? I don?t know if you are Dominican or not but if you are is it also possible that you would think that 2.1 billion people don?t know what they are talking about but 8 million do?

I know parents & guardians are the ones to teach the simple things in life, right & wrong but if the parent or guardian doesn't know right from wrong who will teach the kids. It like my saying you have to teach the savages to be civil, im not calling dominicans savages but it's an expression, if you don't teach how will they learn? Your example is great with the 5 year old boy, his guardians knew what he was doing yet they didn't scold him, those people are acting like children. The government is meant to keep law & order (thats why gov should play a part), I believe the younger you teach a person right from wrong and tell them why, the smart they become.

Rick Snyder said:
Why, why, why is it that I hear those same words spoken by so many people? Why is it a vagary within the masses here to rely on the government and/or the education system to teach those very, very basic things like civility, morality and virtue. Sorry to burst your bubble but those things are what parents and guardians are for. I too believe that the Dominicans should learn not to do all those things that you mentioned and when I see a vagrant disregard of the law I say something to the perpetrator. My question to you is what do you do when you see an infraction to the law do you say something or are you complaisant? One of those things that has happened and has stayed in my mind was this local little 5 year old boy who was always throwing stones, a favorite Dominican pastime, at animals and an 81 year old woman. I asked his grandmother, grandfather and uncle, who were his guardians, why they taught this boy to do this because at least one of them was always present when he did it. They swore up and down that they didn?t teach him to throw stones at which point I explained to them that when they didn?t object to his bad actions, (civility-see above), they were in fact condoning his actions. They didn?t get it and that is a major problem in this country, the Dominicans just don?t get it.


Mar 22, 2002
capodominicano said:
Your example is great with the 5 year old boy, his guardians knew what he was doing yet they didn't scold him, those people are acting like children.

His example with the 5 year old boy was great? How so? I thought how he handled the situation was completely wrong. First of all, you are not going to
change anything by influencing how ONE child is raised. Secondly, you don't approach the parents/guardians of someones child and tell them how to do their job. If I had been the child's father and you came and told me I was doing a bad job raising my son, I would knock you on your ***. If the child is not being diciplined by his parents, that is their buisness. If he throws rocks at you, you don't go and explain to his parents that they should do something about it. Instead, you should throw a rock back at him. Either that or just walk away.



New member
Dec 18, 2003
Rick Snyder said:
As there is time on my hands then I believe it is time to respond to those critics who don?t think it is correct to instil upon Dominicans those methods, customs and cultures which have, over time, proven to be beneficial to mankind. This willingness to embrace change is the major reason that the USA is so much better in comparison to the DR. Because of the USA being the ?great melting pot? it has implemented many different methods, customs and cultures from those that discovered and populated the land. The magic words in the above statement are (willingness to embrace change).

Let me adduce that if you truly want this country to change for the better you will in fact try to change those methods, customs and cultures that you know are detrimental to the well being of you, the people and mankind. The Dominicans have many fine customs but they also have an over abundance of bad ones and until enough people tell other people that what they are doing is wrong nothing will change. People throwing trash in the streets, speeding, loud radios, parking there motors or cars on the sidewalk, corruption and a host of other things all contribute to this country failing to achieve an ascendant position and your silence to these bad customs only shows your complicity in the DR not bettering itself. ;)

Willingness to embrace change? This is very odd since the very country you use as the benchmank for this is the sole first world country un-willing to change it's ways when it comes to pollution, no not throwing garbage in the street like in the D.R. , which by the way is NOT part of the culture here, it is a mere result of ignorance perpetuated by poverty.

What does seem to be part of the culture in the US, is the culture of excess. The culture of wanting and wasting more "things" per-capita than any other country on earth. Instead of going in the direction of almost every other first world nation and trying to reduce it's levels of pollution and contmination it chooses to build larger more polluting and gas consuming cars, oversize servings at fastfood places, the culture of dependence on oil insted of alternate energy sources, and ultimately the culture of wanting to dictate policy in other countries which includes the above poster, without first cleaning his own house.

Never forget you are a guest in a foreign country, making insults againts your host is frowned upon anywhere in the world. You are just preeching to the choir here on this site, as I doubt any of the Dominicans reading this need your help in correcting their ways, instead I suggest you teach by example to those you see around you that need the lessons you my provide.

PS: personally I happen to love many things about American culture and especially those dirty, loud, polluting engines..

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
All you have to do is walk near any school here in Canada to see that children throw garbage anywhere if no-one is there to police them. Education is certainly part of the equation, but enforcement is also necessary to prevent litter from being everywhere. There are large areas of Jarabacoa where there is little if no garbage, perhaps pride of ownership is also important. Many of the observations made by posters are the opposite of what i have witnessed. I have seen little boys swatted(spanked) for giving people the tongue, scoulded for littering.....etc. As far as the rice thing, my wife loves con-con and nothing goes to waste in this house with three teenagers and a dog and cat. Larry, if you can affect positive change in one person, that person can also affect change in others, so if you can change one person, through the multification factor you may be changing many.


*** Sin Bin ***
Dec 13, 2004
la misma vaina

Criss Colon said:
In the Dominican Culture,"NOTHING" is EVER your fault! (This is part of their "NEVER ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY""Ethic"!)SSSooooooooooooo,who better to blame than those "Black People" who live "next door"!I bet even Pena Gomez thought he was "Indio"!(A Dominican is NEVER BLACK!)

Now on to the "RICE" thing! I have spent many years living in the "Orient",Vietnam,Thailand,and visiting for extended trips to "China",and the Phillipines.Now these "People" have a VERY long history of eating rice,and know a few ways of cooking it,(Rice)NONE of them "Burn The $hit" out of it,or throw it away! The first thing any of these People who have electricity and $25.00 do is buy a "Rice Cooker"(Perfect Rice Every Time!)The "Thais",who eat "Glutenous Rice","Sticky Rice" soak it for a few hopurs,and then steam it!All Thse cultures us "left Over" rice in "Fried Rice" creations.It is better to use "old" rice,as it is dry,and doesn't get "mushy"!The rice you eat ion all Chinese restaurants is what they "RE-USE" off the tables!
"I" think that part of the "Problem" with the Dominicans,is that they live on an island.Until recent times,they were influenced ,mainly,by two "Cultures",Spainish,and "African"! For about 500 years they did things as "Spanish,and African" peoples.
criss colon mas chopo que tu nadie puede ser, hasta pena gomes es indio in DR. everybody knows that he is a ******* haitiano. nosotros sabemos quien es indio o de raza indigena ciguayos or macorix , the one that put a black or mulato as indigena son ustedes los pueltos pueltos jjico. hasta ya tiene un % de indigena en el census ja ja ja ja ja ja jka = == == = sh..... shhhhh ni USA, or el chile.

listen 500 years of african uhhhhhh, I thuoght that african was slave and just participate in sugarcane. the black DR one thing and DR culture is other. the only people with black culture in DR is cocolo from british island and the haitian invasors in DR. or maybe the PR that you are so close to the black america. I dont see any different between both. la misma vaina o mierda

Rick Snyder

Nov 19, 2003
How it came about

Once upon a time

There was a campesino sitting on a rock outside of her house enjoying the breeze and holding her 4 month old baby in the crock of her arm. She was still feeling hot so she unfastened a button on her red blouse to allow more air to caress her body. A small thread about 2 inches long hung from the button which hindered her from unbuttoning the blouse so she grabbed it and yanked it off. With the small thread between her fingers she automatically stuck it in her mouth and started moving it around using her tongue and formed it into a ball. After a short time she removed the balled thread with her thumb and forefinger. THE BABY !!! Her child had acquired a severe case of the hiccups and this startled the woman who quickly grabbed the baby with both hands. In her haste of grabbing the baby with her other hand the balled, wet thread stuck to the child?s forehead. All of this commotion startled the baby and for some unknown reason the hiccups stopped. The woman held the baby up at arms length and thanked the heavens, stars and God that the ordeal was over. It was at this holding the baby up that she say the balled thread on his forehead and she knew that this was the reason that the hiccups had stopped. The fairy guardian of all babies had directed her to masticate a short lengthy of red thread and apply it to the forehead of the baby to ward off the hiccup devil. And so a Dominican custom was born and passed on to all people who then passed it down through the generations and it lives on today.

I don?t know if this is the exact sequence of events that started this custom but here in the DR anything is possible.

So the question at this time is do you, the reading public, believe in this custom? Would you use it on your baby? Would you recommend it to your friends? Do you think it?s a good custom? EDUCATE, EDUCATE, EDUCATE (instilling change) and then you are faced with (willingness to except change). ;)