Integracion Juvenile


New member
Oct 18, 2004
Does anyone have any knowledge of the nonprofit for at-risk youth in Puerto Plata and also has a site in Muniz called Integracion Juvenile?
I've been researching places to volunteer at and will be doing fundraising before I go down there. Trying to set things up with what organization I want to work with.
I've found lots of info on Dominican Dream and Fund Patria (SP?) on this site, but not much on this one.


New member
Oct 18, 2004
So do you think they're doing an effective job? Heard anything about donor satisfaction? Out all of the organizations there, this one appeals to me the most since I've done some work with inner-city kids here in the states. I'm planning on doing a fund drive before I go down there. Then I will return in the summer 2005 to volunteer during my month-long vacation. I work at a University and have a lot of potential donors. The fact that it's providing training and resources for education will appeal to to people here. I always make sure the organization gets what they need the most, and the stuff goes where it's supposed to go, that's why the donors trust me. All it takes is one unethical organization to ruin it for everyone. Please PM me. Thanks.

La Profe_1

Moderator: Daily Headline News, Travel & Tourism
Oct 15, 2003
They also run programs from a location near the Playa Dorada. If you speak Spanish, PM me and I will give you contact information. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I am in Puerto Plata and was able to arrange a visit by a teen group last year.


New member
Apr 21, 2005
Integracion Juvenil

Pardise, I work with an international development agency ( that will be supporting this organization. We have gathered a little background information. I have been in touch with a volunteer who has spent some time in the woodwork shop that the centre has. He has been very impressed by the work of Integracion Juvenil, and touched by the children the work with.

I am happy to learn that you are integrating volutneering and fundraising into your travels. It interesting how the Dominian Republic is increasingly known at a beautiful and safe place to vacation (and rightly so!), but that the poverty that so many Dominicans live in is not seen/known. My organization sends groups of volunteers to live/work in rural San Jose de Ocoa on community development project. Volunteering is an excellent way to visit a country, but also to come to know people.

All the best with your travels and fundraising.


Jan 1, 2002
Welcome to DR1 HopeinDR. I heard of your involvement with I.J. earlier today from Gordon & Barbara & am delighted to see you posting here too. I am hopeful that we may get the handbags, evening bags & belts from the woodwork shop ready to sell by September so they can be in the shops in time for Christmas (Note, I did not state WHICH Christmas - this IS the Dominican Republic afterall!!).

Thank you so much for the pledge for the computers. I am working on getting the Pro-forma Invoice up to you. MrMike from here on DR1 will be the supplier (extra discount Mike for the plug??), so hopefully we can work together on meeting everyone's needs - especially the children of I.J. ~ Grahame.