I've really done it this time!!!


Jun 24, 2003
Hey What happened to the DR Radio Gig?

I was waiting to hear about MusicQueen's future Radio job in the DR myself! Hope you keep posting your story..It was quite entertaining. Just do not let people bother you..Just use alias names next time as there are so many Rafael's the kids would be hard pressed to find the one you are speaking of! :) Keep smiling and writing...I think MANY people enjoyed your stories. Robert will get the Myway person I am sure...Not many "sock Puppets" survive on DR1.. :) Pam


New member
Apr 18, 2002
It's a shame that some things can't remain private and others like to attack others. What kind of a person hides their true identity and attacks another member as a sock puppet? Maybe "myway" was trying to pick at MQ's crumbs that she didn't want and couldn't get no play? Maybe it is an envious 400lb whale without MQ's charisma and wishes she was MQ? Who knows but I always like to face my accusers/enemies face to face.


Miami Nice!
Jan 31, 2002
OH, boy is right!

Thank you all! for coming to my defense!

But you know what? I don't think I will honor them with a reply.

I know I did wrong in maybe naming names, even though I never said anything bad about anyone, just told my story, and really didn't want to hurt anyone!

My friends at the resorts most definetly don't have a computer, and much less know about these boards...I truly believe it was someone like I said trying to get something...

I feel sorry for both the person that tried to hurt me and this 'new' member that felt the need to attack me on their very first post...

Hey, I think I earned my 'tag line' ...don't you guys agree?

Poor souls...may the Lord have mercy on them...y que a mi no me desampare!

Thank you againg nice people of DR1...

I will keep posting, and yes, goatfarmnga, I was also hoping that by this time you could have heard me on a Santo Domingo station, they are still waiting for me...but you know what they say...money talks...

Hope to see you all soon!


*** Sin Bin ***
Jan 2, 2002
MyWay is just another poster...

Read and enjoy (or don't).

Why is it that when a poster doesn't agree (kiss ass) with the "regular", he/she is lambasted by the other "regulars". All of you folks are so full of your online personas, that you forget that this is a "public" place (so long as you abide by the "rules" which MyWay has, and that Roberto so arbitrarily applies).

Thank you, MyWay, for your candid thoughts. I, too, am amused by her exploits but slightly saddened about the permeating fact that she has missed out on "true love" and must resort to her well publicised search for "young studs". But the DR is perfect hunting ground. She, obviously, feels comfortable with it.

Go with it, MQ, and know that the "regulars" have got your back and the general public is mildly entertained. That's what you wanted, right???


Miami Nice!
Jan 31, 2002
I told you I've really done it this time!

I feel so sad that some people have to resort to 'judging' someone they know nothing about!!!:(

I don't think I should reply to you either, bOBNOXIOUS...but I have nothing better to do at this time...so here it goes...

How do you know whether I missed out on 'true love'???:angry:

I don't go there 'searching for young studs'...it just happens that I find some of them attractive, I AM SINGLE, and can do WHATEVER the heck I want when I'm on vacation. I DO feel extremely comfortable with it, I am a woman with a career, nobody has ever paid my bills, I do make quite a bit of money, and have earned the right to do with my life as I see fit!:mad:

Don't you agree?;)

Now you can judge, since you know a little bit more about me...:confused:

Go on...:(

Tony Cabrera

New member
Sep 24, 2002
Sorry to hear

about that MQ, but maybe just maybe, the person name "Myway 900" is that little girl you were talking about....


Jan 1, 2002
bobnoxious said:
Why is it that when a poster doesn't agree (kiss ass) with the "regular", he/she is lambasted by the other "regulars". All of you folks are so full of your online personas, that you forget that this is a "public" place (so long as you abide by the "rules" which MyWay has, and that Roberto so arbitrarily applies).

The "lambasting", bobnoxious, is mostly because the person didn't have the guts to use their regular board name. First time posters don't use their maiden post to write a scathing attack on a popular, long time poster.

And because this is a public board, which none of us have forgotten, we know we also have the right to lambast a poster we strongly disagree with. But we do so using our regular board name so that the person on the receiving end knows who it is coming from.


New member
Sep 4, 2003
Ken said:
.....write a scathing attack on a popular, long time poster.

Jesus, this DR1 site is more addictive than chocolate chip cookies.....find myself reading almost everything that's posted.

Anyhow, sorry Ken, but from one "outsider" viewpoint, some of the" popular," long time posters [not you MQ before anyone gets excited] may be part of the problem.

You'd have to be blind not to note that some of them do more than their fair share of scathing attacks, as often as not with little or no finesse [cynicism, sarcasm and irony work best in clever, well-thought-out commentary, not by brute force or long dialogue]. And while I'm pinging on them, I also sense in a few little or no patience with new comers who deign to open their cyber mouths.

That's it for the day I swear....have Isabelish things to attend to.

Best, P


Jan 1, 2002
pasha said:
Anyhow, sorry Ken, but from one "outsider" viewpoint, some of the" popular," long time posters [not you MQ before anyone gets excited] may be part of the problem.

You'd have to be blind not to note that some of them do more than their fair share of scathing attacks

pasha, if you are going to quote me, please have the courtesy of quoting me correctly. Do not take something out of context. What I said was:

Ken said:
First time posters don't use their maiden post to write a scathing attack on a popular, long time poster.

But at least you had the guts to use your own board name to take issue with something I posted. Just as do the other posters you make reference to. That is more than can be said for MyWay900, aka ?


*** Sin Bin ***
Jan 2, 2002
Here comes the judge...

My dear MusicQueen,

My post wasn't directed at you. The thread happens to be by you and about you. And you just directed it back to you. (You should look up "Egoism" or "Egotism"... it's all about you, sister)

I simply object when your cronies here gang up on someone and start flexing the collective "regulars" muscle. Nobody needs to have credentials or credibility to post here.

And you don't need to justify your behaviour to me. I didn't ask for your pedigree or your motivation. How you deal with your midlife crisis is your own business.

My observation was, quite simply, that women your age that are not married have obviously missed the "true love" boat. If you could trust another with your entire life and future, you'd know what I mean.

I'm glad you are comfortable with your actions and sharing them with the world. Just work on thickening your skin, because you invite these responses. Call it judging if you will.


Jan 1, 2002
bobnoxious said:
My observation was, quite simply, that women your age that are not married have obviously missed the "true love" boat. If you could trust another with your entire life and future, you'd know what I mean.

Wow! That should get a hot debate going. I know from reading past threads that a lot of people, including many women on this board, are likely to take issue with the notion that women only find happiness if they get married.

Anna, how about moving this and make it a thread starter? Maybe even put it in debate? Should keep the pot bubbling for quite some time.


Jan 2, 2002
Ken I'm powerless outside of my own forum. I can move threads out but can't move anything in. Maybe one of the ladies can start a thread about that subject as long as we keep the DR content in it.

Hey even better idea Ken. You start one. You've been around a long time here, seen and read it all I'm sure.
Last edited:


New member
Sep 7, 2003
Ken said:
Probably written by one of those "fat cows" that AZB is always referring to. And certainly someone without the guts to use their recognizable name. I'm certain this is not a newcomer to the board, despite the fact this is the first post.

Words fail me when I try to express my disgust.

Long time lurker I am, Ken the day words fail your verbose and self importance will be the day this board ceases


New member
Sep 7, 2003
Anna Coniglio said:
Where's that delete button when you need it. I'm sure someone didn't just sign on and decide to attack musicqueen.

You must be very brave to hide behind a fake name. Where's Robert.
Robert???? Who's this gutless wonder??

My only screen name, first post but referenced many surpressed feelings. what in hell would happen to you bunch of whining schoolkids if you had to stand up for yourself

Join the real world, have your MASTEr post whatever he likes, like mots of you I am not dependent upon the approval of BOARD MEMBERS to establish my thoughts

Get a life


Jan 1, 2002
Myway900 said:
Join the real world, have your MASTEr post whatever he likes, like mots of you I am not dependent upon the approval of BOARD MEMBERS to establish my thoughts

Do you have any thoughts? Or at least any thoughts that are of benefit to this board?

Lurking and sniping contribute nada.

Still wondering if you aren't one of those "fat cows" AZB writes about.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 29, 2002
where the heck was I when all this started?!!??

I missed it all!!


MQ, just be careful next time :)


Jan 1, 2002
My dearest MQ

Sorry to come late to this thread. My bad. I "remember" the story, it was when you were in the East. funny, too.

I wonder why all the hubbub?? Oh well, to each his own.

Wondered where you were.


HB, with a rose