Leg prosthetist needed.


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
Amado had left us a message last night that he would not be here today. He called just a little while ago. They operated on Ramon this morning and had to remove the dead tissue that was up into his knee area, so they cut above his knee. He said that Ramon was still way out of it and everyone there, many all night and waiting today are now at his side and are exhausted.

Most of our plans stay the same but Ramons' recovery and rehab will take a lot longer without his knee joint. The artificial leg will be more complicated and needed to be adjusted often and replaced every few years. Everything is doable.

Let's hope that no more surgery is needed and he can get on with healing.

I'm exhausted just writing this.

Apr 13, 2011
I hope he is getting better and will not need more surgery!!!!

This is an inspiring story of friends and community coming together and supporting!

I had not read this thread initially because I did not think I would have anything to say based on the title of "Leg Prosthetist Needed" - but I am glad I went back and read it.

Please keep us updated!

La Profe_1

Moderator: Daily Headline News, Travel & Tourism
Oct 15, 2003

This strikes home to me, as you well know. Amado and Ramon have a good friend and support in you.

As someone wrote to me recently, it is good to know that there are people who are willing to help, even if it is just one person at a time.


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
Thanks. You are kind. It really does come down to how a poor community pulls together and for me to see our son, Amado, showing his own strength and a person.

We are trying to stay in the background and letting Amado and his community handle this. Of course, some things we will do from our background position, such as getting the leg, via ctrobs' link help, and a few other things.

We think that the worse thing for us to do is go to the hospital and appear as big shot gringos. IMO, wrong thing to do. So we support Amado and he does the rest.

Trying to get back to Amado and tell him to take tomorrow off and get some rest himself. I can shovel horse "stuff" all by myself. Done it before. lol.


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
Not good news so I've been doing a lot of research today.

They took his leg off leaving only about 8" from the hip. So the prosthesis is very much more complicated and a mold of the stump will be needed to custom fit it. That can only be done after all the scare tissue and swelling are gone. That can be 8 weeks or more. Also many more measurements will be needed. We hope that the people in S.D. that HB recommended can do that and then tell us what parts of order.

His balance is going to be way off so rehab is going to take a long time. We are also starting to look for good crutches, walking cane and a wheelchair. He will have to learn how to use those also.

Amado will be here tomorrow so we can get more information about what else should be considered.

He is a young 22 years old, energetic and fit. So we are hoping to find the right equipment to meet his needs so he can continue his life as closely to normal as possible and hopefully we can get most of it donated.

Thanks guys.


Dec 11, 2003
Ringo, I know that one of the major US hospitals which specializes in leg issues.. mostly birth deformities, I think, comes to SD every year through the Masons. They operate their cliniics out of the Red Cross HQs in Santo Domingo who would have information for you if that might be any help. Might not be but I just thought I would pipe in to give what I could. Bless you for what you are doing and love to the injured man.

keep us posted on what is needed.

gonzo two

Jan 13, 2010
there was someone in the hospital at the same time as me that had a similar accident - I believe he was a hairdresser in cabarete, I dont know if anyone knows what happened to him or has any information they can pass on to you about his treatment. I believe the leg was removed quite high up the same as your friend. (this was at CMC)
I guess he went back home for further treatment


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
Thanks ma. I'm working everything that I can. YOU know that it is not easy.

My wife and I have talked a lot and the leg will take a lot longer and the rehab more. So we think that Ramon needs to hit the ground running. And realistically no one lives with their prosthesis on and other modes of comfortable movement is needed.

Wife and I talked and since Ramon's situation has changed we are learning about wheelchairs. And we think that the chair should match the driver. Something sporty but can get him around the rough roads where he lives. Add larger front wheels, partial arm rests and maybe a couple of other things.

Quickie GPV Sports/Everyday use Wheelchair | 1800wheelchair.com

What do YOU think?

Thank you.


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
there was someone in the hospital at the same time as me that had a similar accident - I believe he was a hairdresser in cabarete, I dont know if anyone knows what happened to him or has any information they can pass on to you about his treatment. I believe the leg was removed quite high up the same as your friend. (this was at CMC)
I guess he went back home for further treatment

We know CMC and they have provided a couple of leeds that we will be talking with.

Thank you very much. CMC has been very good for our community.


New member
Nov 22, 2012
Hi ...omg...I am in tears....now I know I should read all the posts and threads! What can we do to help We lived in Michigan and I have several doctor friends at University of Michigan. Also the fire departments in Michigan supply free crutches, wheel chairs, canes etc to those in need, my parents live up by the Mackinaw Bridge and the fire department gave them all the items for nothing My sister lives in Michigan and I can have her check to see if she can get these things, take them apart and ship them here...we will pay for shipping....would this help

La Profe_1

Moderator: Daily Headline News, Travel & Tourism
Oct 15, 2003
Thanks ma. I'm working everything that I can. YOU know that it is not easy.

My wife and I have talked a lot and the leg will take a lot longer and the rehab more. So we think that Ramon needs to hit the ground running. And realistically no one lives with their prosthesis on and other modes of comfortable movement is needed.

Wife and I talked and since Ramon's situation has changed we are learning about wheelchairs. And we think that the chair should match the driver. Something sporty but can get him around the rough roads where he lives. Add larger front wheels, partial arm rests and maybe a couple of other things.

Quickie GPV Sports/Everyday use Wheelchair | 1800wheelchair.com

What do YOU think?

Thank you.


I won't be back to Puerto Plata until early October, but when I arrive I might be able to help you locate crutches, a cane and maybe a wheelchair. They probably won't be free, but won't be expensive. If you want to follow up earlier, PM me for contact information.


New member
Mar 13, 2012
I have a pair of crutches that I can bring with me when I come down to POP on Sept 27th if they are still needed by then. They are practically brand new - I used them for about 2 weeks when I got my double knee prosthesis.
Let me know by Sept 20 please so I put them aside.


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
I love Michigan... just too cold for my old bones now. lol

I'm giving all the info that I can. I'm looking for all the info that I can get. I'm overwhelmed with the info and support that Ramon is getting. He knows of some but we are holding back until I feel that I/we can deliver.

Ramon will be using what ever aids for the rest of his life. And those aids will need to be serviced, fixed and replaced his whole life. At this point I'm looking for good versatile equipment at an affordable price.

Anyone that wants to help sponsor and help with Ramon... Gets some free rent at my place.

We have our shipping come out of Florida to here so no big deal at this time.

So much that we have to look at, learn, evaluate and price out.

Thank you so much for your post and support.


Dec 11, 2003
I am thinking that there were probably a LOT of wheel chairs and crutches and amputatations here as a result of the earthquake... And that the local Red Cross.. which was really the point organizer for all the Haiti aid would be the organization to contact.

Cruz Roja Dominicana

this would be one time to act like the bossy gringo and ask to speak directly to the person in charge since there are no pressing current disasters.

then just say that you heard that they were in charge of the Haitian earth quake victims and that most likely there were wheel chairs that were not now being used, and could you have one for this young injured Dominican? Could his doctor call him?

If you get it, I can go over and put it on the bus for you.


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
LOL. So have it it ma. You know who to talk to. But we both know that the price will be way to high.


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
I have a pair of crutches that I can bring with me when I come down to POP on Sept 27th if they are still needed by then. They are practically brand new - I used them for about 2 weeks when I got my double knee prosthesis.
Let me know by Sept 20 please so I put them aside.

Yes. Please do. Ramon will wear out everything over his years. I'd be pleased to meet you at POP and take you to your destination and Ramon gets the crutches.

Send me a PM as to your name, flight, dates and times. And where I can take you.

Thank you.

La Profe_1

Moderator: Daily Headline News, Travel & Tourism
Oct 15, 2003
I have a group of nurses and doctors putting together a barrel to ship to me in in Puerto Plata using the puerta a puerta service. If you can find out what Ramon will need - gauze pads, ace bandages, meds, etc, I can have them include those items on the list that will be circulated to participants in the program.

I know that when I had my "run over by a car" experience in Puerto Plata, I was constantly buying rolls of gauze, medicated dressings and antiseptics. It got expensive.