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Sep 3, 2013
I am in uncharted waters here so please bear with me. I can understand why you see that post as rude and crude. On the other hand your logic on why the LBGT community should get it's own thread does not really hold water. Can I ask a simple question? What percent of the DR1 population does the LBGT community make up? I think it is probably a very very tiny % vs the total? So, I am not quite sure why you seem to feel that there is enough interest to start a separate thread. The risk you run on any subject on this web-site or on-line in general, as you know, is that there are a wide range of opinions and many with thoughts that don't match your own. When you express your thoughts and feelings on any subject on DR1 you expose yourself to those that don't agree, don't care about your thoughts or just are looking for a reaction from you. I think Robert's logic is correct that if enough interest is generated on DR1 to warrant a separate thread than maybe it is needed. Right or wrong this is real world internet feedback and as much as you might want to you can't "moderate out" or edit the thoughts and feelings of others. Bottom line is right or wrong everyone is entitled to express their opinion. It may not be socially or politically correct but that is a direct reflection on society in general. There are many that are gay bashers or those that defend gay rights. The LBGT community has the right to exist and be public but that does not mean they will find tolerance from everyone they encounter. I am sure you have the individual right, to post your thoughts and feelings re: LBGT community but don't expect that you will receive open arms in support of that right. As I am sure you are well aware, in our social media driven world, it is not easily given.

My point is that every time someone tries to start a conversation about LGBT things, we just seem to attract a whole backlash of comments from straight people who feel this need to question who we are and what we do. It would be really good to be able to post information about LGBT-friendly services and get a discussion going amongst people who are interested in using those services, without this constant attempt for non-LGBT people to hijack the thread. I'm not a woman so I stay out of the women-only threads. I'd just like the same respect from others about LGBT-related things. This really is a "thing", I know several people who are put off from posting on DR1 because of this. So unless we have different moderation, there will never be sufficient posts on DR1.


Oct 15, 2015
My point is that every time someone tries to start a conversation about LGBT things, we just seem to attract a whole backlash of comments from straight people who feel this need to question who we are and what we do. It would be really good to be able to post information about LGBT-friendly services and get a discussion going amongst people who are interested in using those services, without this constant attempt for non-LGBT people to hijack the thread.

I'm not a woman so I stay out of the women-only threads.

I hear you. I posted what I thought was reasonable question. Unfortunately, it attracted a reply from somebody immersed in USA politics. Result: Thread Locked.


New member
May 17, 2004
Edited by Robert: You make another post like that again and you are erased from DR1.
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Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
Maybe if some of the LGBT group would start to get serious about posting real threads of value, then maybe then I would get serious about supporting you.

To date, we have had 11 pages of bitching and moaning, poor me, those entitled woman, blah blah blah. Is it any surprise you get some of the responses you do?

If you want things different, then make a difference!


New member
May 17, 2004
Maybe if some of the LGBT group would start to get serious about posting real threads of value, then maybe then I would get serious about supporting you.

To date, we have had 11 pages of bitching and moaning, poor me, those entitled woman, blah blah blah. Is it any surprise you get some of the responses you do?

If you want things different, then make a difference!


New member
May 17, 2004
Dr1 never allowed specific talk about sex, about hookers, etc.

Want specifics, go where they allow that.


Oct 15, 2015
I don't think it's a sex forum, per say. I'm definitely guilty of dancing on the line with one of my earlier posts, but LGBT can feel very estranged and isolated from the rest of society. They have specific life issues which are different from other people.

Despite Robert's whining remark, there was an earlier statement of inheritance or being allowed to marry. Estrangement. Having your partner visit you on your deathbed even though the "family" rejects. Coming out and be ostracized by your family for years. Violence and hostility. It's a unique community that lives inside (or along side) the main stream.

I always felt different and probably why I sought out similar people and have had so many gay friends across my lifetime. Having your family reject you. One friend of mine had his mother go to Catholic mass for 5 years, everyday, to pray for him, and light a candle as if he was already dead and in purgatory.

Just like "main stream" culture there is a lot of fabric, culture, friendship, family, relationships, etc that fall outside of the realm of the sex act.


Feb 7, 2013
My point is that every time someone tries to start a conversation about LGBT things, we just seem to attract a whole backlash of comments from straight people who feel this need to question who we are and what we do. It would be really good to be able to post information about LGBT-friendly services and get a discussion going amongst people who are interested in using those services, without this constant attempt for non-LGBT people to hijack the thread. I'm not a woman so I stay out of the women-only threads. I'd just like the same respect from others about LGBT-related things. This really is a "thing", I know several people who are put off from posting on DR1 because of this. So unless we have different moderation, there will never be sufficient posts on DR1.

Then go ahead and post some information. Ask a question.

Sounds like you want a safe space. Ridiculous balkanization.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
Which comes first: the chicken or the egg?

Demand for a forum or a forum?

If LGBT folks feel intimidated by non-LGBT folks making comments, perhaps there should be a forum, safe from outsiders, so they can chat about that world in the DR.

Count my vote for "yes" to an exclusively LGBT forum with the same rules as the Ladies Forum.


New member
May 17, 2004
Which comes first: the chicken or the egg?

Demand for a forum or a forum?

If LGBT folks feel intimidated by non-LGBT folks making comments, perhaps there should be a forum, safe from outsiders, so they can chat about that world in the DR.

Count my vote for "yes" to an exclusively LGBT forum with the same rules as the Ladies Forum.
What are the rules and how would they be inforced?


The "REAL" SantiagoDR
Jan 12, 2006
Which comes first: the chicken or the egg?

Demand for a forum or a forum?

If LGBT folks feel intimidated by non-LGBT folks making comments, perhaps there should be a forum, safe from outsiders, so they can chat about that world in the DR.

Count my vote for "yes" to an exclusively LGBT forum with the same rules as the Ladies Forum.

What are the rules and how would they be inforced?

Well, that part would not work, it would leave out every one but women!


Jul 9, 2010
My point is that every time someone tries to start a conversation about LGBT things, we just seem to attract a whole backlash of comments from straight people who feel this need to question who we are and what we do. It would be really good to be able to post information about LGBT-friendly services and get a discussion going amongst people who are interested in using those services, without this constant attempt for non-LGBT people to hijack the thread. I'm not a woman so I stay out of the women-only threads. I'd just like the same respect from others about LGBT-related things. This really is a "thing", I know several people who are put off from posting on DR1 because of this. So unless we have different moderation, there will never be sufficient posts on DR1.

It sounds like to me you don't really know the pulse of DR1. Many of the posters here are not shy in expressing their opinion on any subject that comes front and center on this site. Many of us have been on this site for years. You can either pipe up or stay silent. No one is forced to enter the fray, but if you do than be prepared to get 360 degrees of responses to your questions or comments, If not than this is not the forum for you. Sadly, that is the nature of participating on an on-line forum. Coming to this site with a sense of entitlement will get you very little and probably more negative than positive feedback.


May 1, 2005
..... but LGBT can feel very estranged and isolated from the rest of society. They have specific life issues which are different from other people.......

Obviously you know what you are talking about. You don't have to be one (LGBT) to feel sad when a teen takes their own life because life is too tough to deal with..........

Transitioning teen: 'I am so sorry to do this but I have killed myself.'


May 1, 2005
There is a whole other side of the story, do you really want to go There?
Does Robert?


You asking for a place to speak about your issues and now you want to question if you should go there............. Give me a break.


Jul 9, 2010
My point is that every time someone tries to start a conversation about LGBT things, we just seem to attract a whole backlash of comments from straight people who feel this need to question who we are and what we do. It would be really good to be able to post information about LGBT-friendly services and get a discussion going amongst people who are interested in using those services, without this constant attempt for non-LGBT people to hijack the thread. I'm not a woman so I stay out of the women-only threads. I'd just like the same respect from others about LGBT-related things. This really is a "thing", I know several people who are put off from posting on DR1 because of this. So unless we have different moderation, there will never be sufficient posts on DR1.

You have three options. Don't post on this forum. Post whatever your questions or concerns are and except the feedback or start you own forum if you feel that the current ones on-line don't meet the needs of the LGBT community. No one is forcing you to do any of the three but please, please stop whining about straight people not understanding you. You post on this forum and want us to feel your pain. I'm as empathetic as the next person but please don't blame the straight community if we don't completely get where you are coming from. I am not in your shoes but after 66 years on this planet I think I have heard and seen it all. I was fine 30 years ago before the age of social media. You seem to feel it is your right to use social media as you see fit. That is where the problem is. Too many people think it's their right and don't treat it as a privilege for constructive debate.
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