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Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
Rese?a (Book Review)- La Traves?a de Enrique- Sonia Nazario

Hace un par de semanas compré este libro, y una vez más no sabía nada de esta escritora. Los comentarios de la casa editorial me motivaron a comprarlo.

Sonia Nazario es periodista en la ciudad de Los Ángeles y como tal está al tanto de las travesías de jóvenes mexicanos y centroamericanos (especialmente de Honduras, El Salvador y Guatemala) que tratan de llegar a los EEUU en busca de una vida mejor. Debido a la pobreza extrema en estos países muchos niños viven con sus parientes porque sus padres se fueron a los EEUU para trabajar y poder enviarles dinero para subsistir. La escritora relata la odisea de Enrique, un hondureño que salió de su país en busca de su madre.

Para llegar a los EEUU desde Centroamérica, se tiene que atravesar la frontera con México y posteriormente la de México y EEUU. Esas travesías como polizontes en trenes de carga son peligrosas y las intentan varias veces hasta conseguir su objetivo. Si llegan a México, tienen que hacer frente a policías corruptos y a pandillas que les roban el dinero y la ropa, los golpean y violan a las mujeres. También pasan hambre, mendigan y son atacados por animales salvajes.

Enrique tenía dieciséis años cuando salió en busca de su madre y su travesía no fue nada diferente a la de otros polizontes. Después de cada intento aprendió algo nuevo y llegó un poco más lejos hasta que arribó a la frontera. Sus nueve viajes en tren a través de México fueron arriesgados y difíciles. Sin embargo, con la ayuda de un contrabandista en Nuevo Laredo Enrique cruza la frontera y se reúne con su madre en Carolina del Norte. Su reencuentro es conmovedor como era de esperarse pero poco después los problemas empiezan. La rebeldía de Enrique se debe a los años que vivió sin ella en Honduras.

La historia de Enrique y muchas otras son ejemplos de un círculo vicioso como resultado de la pobreza y el desamor en el que crecen los niños centroamericanos cuyos padres emigraron a los EEUU. Enrique se vuelve drogadicto e irresponsable. Su comportamiento es el resultado de haber crecido sin un hogar estable.

La lucha entre Enrique y su madre continúa y con el tiempo él se muda para alejarse de la casa donde vive con ella y otros inmigrantes. Su vida en los EEUU es una ardua lucha, no por falta de oportunidades, sino por su actitud y sus vicios. Se endeuda y Lourdes (su madre) le ayuda para que sobreviva y no se meta en más problemas.


El solucionar este problema no es tarea fácil. Lo lamentable de esta situación es que la gente de bajos recursos y poca educación es víctima de este triste panorama debido a la indigencia en Centroamérica. Se desespera y piensa que la única solución es irse a trabajar a los EEUU. En la mayoría de los casos es la mujer quien emigra para no tener que prostituirse en su propio país para alimentar a sus hijos. Sin embargo, sufren por tener que dejar a sus seres queridos y vivir en un país que no conocen. Muchos son los casos de jóvenes que llegan a ser delincuentes y de jovencitas que quedan embarazadas a muy temprana edad.

No es fácil para los padres el tener que enfrentar el maltrato de los lugareños, de los policías mexicanos corruptos y de las pandillas. Además los polizontes pierden sus brazos, piernas y tienen quemaduras cuando saltan del tren tratando de salvarse de la migra (Cuerpo de la Policía de inmigración de los EEUU). Lo irónico es que arriesgan sus vidas para ir a los EEUU y muchas veces, por ser indocumentados, viven en condiciones aún peores de las que vivían en su propio país.

La escritora relata la historia de una travesía real. Seguro que hay muchos casos semejantes y aún peores. Este libro me hace ver la situación de los indocumentados y los inmigrantes desde una óptica diferente.

My rating 5 stars +



My original summer book list that I selected in May has not been forgotten. It simply will now be my fall/winter list. (See here book list ). I realize now that it's not easy to stick to a pre-planned list. As well, my next book to read is one that I have had for a while now. It's a Dominican author, Pedro Antonio Valdez and I am quite anxious to sample his literary style and compare it to books I have read over the past year including some of the ones in this thread.


Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
Re: The importance of reading & new book release-

Here in Panama a friend and I went on our regular bookstore browsing something we always do whenever I am in town. One aspect that continues to amaze me is the amount of bookstores there are (as compared to the DR) and even the biggest pharmacy chain Farmacia Arrocha has a very diverse book section that can certainly tease even the casual book reader.

In my opinion bookstores in a city and/or country signify that a population reads or at least the accessibility to books means that the population has the opportunity to read. The education problem in the DR has been discussed on this board on numerous occasions and there is no question about it there is definitely a correlation between education and reading. IMO reading is cultural and fostered via a good education, which explains why there?s a crisis in the DR. An education crisis has surfaced in Panama over the last six months however, in general terms 'the education problem' has prevailed all over Latin America.

Reading in Spanish is a must whether it's a personal goal, to help (your) children and to maintain a high level of Spanish reading, writing and speaking capability. Although Spanish has changed in Latin America it is not comparable to the low caliber of Spanish spoken in the USA. Out from reading good sources, speaking with those who speak well, education etc. one can maintain a high level of Spanish that will always outlast the slang, Spanglish, broken speech that is so often heard especially by youth speakers. As well proper Spanish opens doors to professional opportunities. Just so that one does not misconstrue or try to 'tergiversar mis palabras' language is dynamic (although the purists will certainly beg to differ) but that does not mean that improper grammatical forms and Spanglish must be accepted as norms of the language.

Under the motto of leer es crecer there are plenty of good books on the market. For those of you who are fans of Paulo Coelho his new book is selling well and the reviews are excellent. I went to three bookstores yesterday and it was the first book on the new arrivals stand in each store. I am interested in reading it but I will have to wait until I am finished the book I am reading currently. However, I wanted to mention it here as well as provide the link to the commentary thus far.

New release: Paulo Coelho
Title: La bruja de Portobello
Link: Espacio para los lectores de La Bruja de Portobello at La Bruja de Portobello

There are other titles that are selling well by Mario Vargas Llosa, GGM, Rosario Ferr?, Isabel Allende and local Panamanian literature, which I find very interesting.

Saludos (desde Panam?)

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Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
Rese?a (Book Review)- La rabia en el coraz?n- Ingrid Betancourt

EL CONFLICTO interno colombiano dura ya m?s de cuarenta a?os. Como resultado hay muchas personas desplazadas que viven en pobreza extrema.

La rabia en el coraz?n, de Ingrid Betancourt, relata la realidad de Colombia y su lucha pol?tica. La historia se remonta al per?odo presidencial de Ernesto Samper a finales del a?o 1996. La protagonista Ingrid se presenta como candidata a las futuras elecciones y promete luchar contra la corrupci?n del Estado.

La primera parte del libro es un recorrido por su ni?ez que estuvo llena de momentos dif?ciles por la separaci?n de sus padres. A trav?s de los a?os, Ingrid logra superarse y decide estudiar Ciencias Pol?ticas como carrera universitaria mientras se mantiene al tanto de los acontecimientos pol?ticos de su pa?s.

La segunda parte trata de los comicios presidenciales, cuando Ingrid se involucra en la arena pol?tica y es candidata al Senado. A pesar de los riesgos que ello conlleva, Ingrid se empe?a en ganar la batalla. Los lectores se enteran de lo dif?cil que es ganar una campa?a pol?tica y sobretodo del dinero que los candidatos pagan para vencer a sus opositores. Muchos pol?ticos reciben dinero de manera ilegal y as? aprendemos de lo corrupto que es el sistema pol?tico de este pa?s. A diferencia de otros pa?ses, el caso de Colombia es a?n m?s complicado y peligroso por el conflicto interno que influye en el desenlace de cualquier campa?a.

Ingrid Betancourt arriesga su vida por un futuro mejor de su pa?s. Durante su campa?a hace una huelga de hambre, es victima de amenazas y ella y su familia viven en peligro. Los acontecimientos que relata sirven de ejemplo de la dif?cil situaci?n pol?tica de la Colombia actual. Al final Ingrid fue elegida al Senado por lo tanto sus esfuerzos por poner fin al conflicto interno de su pa?s no fueron en vano. Su pr?xima lucha es ayudar al presidente electo Andr?s Pastrana contra la corrupci?n del Estado.

Para los que quieran enterarse de esta situaci?n enrevesada que ha cambiado la vida de muchos ciudadanos colombianos recomiendo este libro y otro de Gabriel Garc?a M?rquez titulado Noticia de un secuestro. En el a?o 2002 Ingrid Betancourt fue secuestrada y hasta la fecha no se sabe nada de ella.

El pueblo colombiano tiene que seguir luchando por la estabilidad pol?tica y por la paz.



In post #41 I mentioned that I would be reading a book by Pedro Antonio Valdez. The change in literary style at the time seemed a bit overwhelming and as a result the book did not capture my interest. However, I will attempt to read the book again especially now that I know what to expect from this author.

Overall, it's been a good year of reading for me. Life keeps me busy but I still make it a goal to set aside time to read due to the great importance that it holds as I mentioned many times before. My list of books to read is endless therefore if I keep up with the same ambition 2007 will be a year of good reading too. I just started Jos? Saramago's 2005 release Las intermitencias de la muerte and so far it's shaping up to be another Saramago classic.

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Aug 3, 2004
Abril Rojo

Anyone read this one yet? Santiago Roncagliolo, a Peruvian author, has written what looks to be like a very interesting little "policial," which may have some of the metaphysical trimmings of books like Les Gommes. It won the prestigious Premio Alfaguara. (I am very intrigued,as I am thinking of doing something similar set here in St Domingo.) Meanwhile, just wanted to hear from anyone who might have already read this book.


Books and such

Even though I read Spanish fairly well some of the non-fiction stuff I have read seems to be really "out of this world" for me an American. It's like that with my experience with the movies made in Spanish as well. I can't say that I have ever seen a good Spanish movie in my 7 years of watching them. Ditto for my wife as well and she speaks no English. She can site and watch a movie from start to end in English and be thoroughly entertained and actually pick up the story line fairly well.

I hope this bad luck changes with my purchase of a copy of "Perico Ripiado" because everyone says it's a riot.

Oh yeah back to the real topic of this thread, the last non-fiction non-religious work I read on my own was the "Old Man and the Sea" and it was very enjoyable. Of course that was alost 20 years ago before I started studying to be an engineer. Ever since then I can't seem to muster the desire to read anything recreational - I guess it's after 8 plus hours of reading technical junk all day all I want to do is reach for a presidente and let the mind "wander".


New member
Jan 11, 2007
Leslie, despu?s del primer libro que sac? Zo? Vald?s (La nada cotidiana), que promet?a mucho, su producci?n literatia posterior me ha ido desilusionando cada vez m?s. En primer lugar, escribe libros con la velocidad de quien hace salchichas, uno detr?s de otro, repitiendo temas y apelando continuamente a recursos de mercado (sexualidad f?cil, lenguaje chabacano), sin aportar nada nuevo. Tambi?n me ha decepcionado como persona, pues parece que el ?xito del primer libro se le subi? a la cabeza y ha llegado a decir en varias entrevistas que la literatura cubana debe escribirse ANTES y DESPU?S de ella. :ermm:
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Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
RE: Zo? Vald?s

En t?rminos muy generales estoy de acuerdo contigo con respecto a los libros de Zo? Vald?s. Para que sepas no he le?do muchos de sus libros pero me gustar?a leer m?s para poder comparar su estilo con el de sus compatriotas y con otros escritores contempor?neos. Siempre incluyo su nombre en mis listas de escritores porque s? que a muchas personas les gustan sus obras. Sin embargo, entiendo lo que dices de Zo? Vald?s pues muchas personas me han comentado lo mismo. Ese libro que mencion? lo compr? para leer alg?n d?a de estos.



Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Zo? created a bit of a stir at last year's Santo Domingo bookfair, insulting the organiser in public. Sounded like prima donna behaviour to me.


New member
Jan 11, 2007
Zo? created a bit of a stir at last year's Santo Domingo bookfair, insulting the organiser in public. Sounded like prima donna behaviour to me.

Yes, that is her way: to draw attention appealing to politics or rudeness in orden to get press and sell a "dissident" image. But that is not what makes a writer a good writer. Many readers like me now realize that her first book was like the proverbial flaute that someone played once, producing some melody by pure chance.


New member
Jan 11, 2007
En t?rminos muy generales estoy de acuerdo contigo con respecto a los libros de Zo? Vald?s. Para que sepas no he le?do muchos de sus libros pero me gustar?a leer m?s para poder comparar su estilo con el de sus compatriotas y con otros escritores contempor?neos. Siempre incluyo su nombre en mis listas de escritores porque s? que a muchas personas les gustan sus obras. Sin embargo, entiendo lo que dices de Zo? Vald?s pues muchas personas me han comentado lo mismo. Ese libro que mencion? lo compr? para leer alg?n d?a de estos.


Yo hac?a lo mismo al principio, pero dej? de hacerlo. Despu?s de leer los desastres que han sido novelas posteriores como "Lobas de mar" (Red Literaria) dej? de gastar mi dinero, mi tiempo y mis recomendaciones en sus libros. Si quieres divertirte (o indignarte) haz clic en el enlace del sitio "Red Literaria" para que leas la cantidad de errores y disparates que pueden encontrarse en sus novelas.

Por mi parte, prefiero quedarme con autores como Da?na Chaviano, Rosa Montero o Carlos Ruiz Zaf?n, que escriben como dioses.


Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
RE: enlace

Muchas gracias por el enlace. Lo voy a leer (con calma) durante el fin de semana. Me parece muy interesante y s? que me va a gustar sobre todo el comentario sobre sus errores ling??sticos.

Una vez m?s estoy de acuerdo contigo con respecto a las otras escritoras como Da?na Chaviano y Rosa Montero. En el otro hilo de conversaci?n "Entrevista- Isabel Allende" coment? que son excelentes. Todav?a no he le?do a Carlos Ruiz Zaf?n pero s? que es un escritor fenomenal; su libro de gran renombre La sombra del viento lo tengo y est? por leerse. S?lo es cuesti?n de tiempo.


Feliz fin de semana



New member
Jan 11, 2007
"La sombra del viento", de Zaf?n, es una de las grandes novelas de los ?ltimos tiempos, escritas en espa?ol. ?sa, y "La isla de los amores infinitos", de Chaviano. Estoy seguro de que vas a disfrutarlas mucho. Te envidio... Quisiera no haberlas le?do a?n para tener el gusto de volver a leerlas otra vez.


Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
Entrevista- Pedro Juan Guti?rrez

I was pleased to find this article/ interview in today?s El Tiempo (a newspaper from Bogot?, Colombia) about Pedro Juan Guti?rrez. For those of you who are book aficionados may or may not know about Pedro?s Juan literature. He?s a Cuban writer who has published a series of books about Cuba after the fall of the Soviet Union.

Pedro?s literary style has stirred much controversy for his raw expos? of Cuba. No flowery phrases, no fantasizing about how Cuba used to be. His books tell the tale of a country that has ceased to progress economically since the Cuban Revolution and its ultimate demise from 1994 onward. His books vividly reveal the day-to-day struggle while not mentioning anything political.

I don?t remember what lead me to start reading Pedro Juan?s literature but after having read one book I pursued reading all them except for one release Nuestro GG en la Habana which I will read eventually.

In the literary sphere he enjoys praise and strong critique. Some say his speech is too crude and too bold, others find that the crudeness of his writing is what makes his books interesting and real. Why paint an erroneous picture of a country whose people have suffered economic hardship, personal growth and development due to the tyranny of a dictator?

The article answers a few questions I have always had regarding Pedro Juan since he?s incomparable to other Cuban writers that I have read and are renowned for their literary style. He confirms that he only has two Cuban role models as writers and Alejo Carpentier is one of them.

In the interview Pedro makes some interesting statements about being a writer. He was a journalist for many years and he said being a journalist allowed him to get a strong command of the language. This is so true. Speaking a language and writing a language is not the same and although some people apparently speak well, grammar issues, run on sentences, incoherent phrases etc. become evident when one has to write. Being a journalist was also an opportunity for Pedro to become a good writer.

I will comment that Pedro uses an abundance of 'cubanismos' in his books, which is also a reflection of the rawness of his style. His characters depict reality. Someone who lives on the street and has not eaten for days will not speak with eloquence when s/he needs to get his or her point across. Pedro also states his writing style is indeed difficult but over the years he has mastered it. He states:

Me llev? treinta a?os aprender a escribir de esa manera. Y da trabajo. Elegir en qu? registro escribir, en qu? nivel de idioma, c?mo hacerlo. El aprendizaje es inconsciente, y pr?cticamente nadie te puede ense?ar.

Lastly, in the article Pedro Juan makes and interesting statement that explains the nostalgia that Cubans feel for their country. Many writers like Da?na Chaviano and Cristina Garc?a express their nostalgic sentiment via their literature.

?Y no ha pensado en irse a otro pa?s, a otra ciudad?

No. El cubano en general es muy mal emigrante. Afuera vive lleno de nostalgias. Este pa?s tiene pegamento. Yo lo extra?o mucho; mi gente, la forma de hablar, las mujeres...

Recommended books:

Trilog?a sucia de la Habana, El Rey de la Habana and Animal tropical. I have not seen the English version of any of these and don?t imagine that they can be as effective linguistically due to Pedro Juan?s style.

I saw a new novel on Amazon, El nido de la serpiente, which I will purchase in the near future.

Here is the article: EL TIEMPO.COM - Cultura -> Pedro Juan Guti?rrez, el escritor 'sucio' de La Habana


...back to my reading
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Aug 3, 2004
great interview

my favorite line from the interview: "La literatura tiene un poco de paranoico y de esquizofr?nico y hay que alejarse de eso." it does indeed. Excellent interview, thanks for bringing it to the fore. I had started to read the Trilog?a a year ago but had to put it aside (purely for circumstantial reasons). I think it is time to pick it up again. I think it will help me with my spanish -- to develop a terser syntax, get away from the English habits I am importing into my spanish prose. Excellent timing on this.


Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
RE: "a terse syntax" in Spanish-

Macocael, I found your response to the article/ interview on Pedro Juan G very interesting and I delayed in responding partly due to the fact that I wanted to find a good example for you since you mentioned your desire to develop a more terse syntax. You mentioned this before and I know you are aware of the fact that two key ways to achieve this is through reading and writing. To polish your syntax in Spanish means polishing your grammar, reading well-written literature and then ultimately putting pen to paper.

While I enjoy Pedro Juan's literature and IMO his syntax, grammar and other literary elements are prime in his novels, the series of books on Cuba post 1994 really have a unique writing style and are geared towards a specific audience which he himself admits in the interview: Me llev? treinta a?os aprender a escribir de esa manera. Y da trabajo. Elegir en qu? registro escribir, en qu? nivel de idioma, c?mo hacerlo. This phrase is so important because if you read his books you will understand this statement is absolutely accurate about his own literature. Pedro Juan is also a good essay writer. I have had the pleasure reading a few of his essays. I recommend them and they are not solely about Cuba. Here is his official website to explore at your leisure Pedro Juan Guti?rrez. Todo sobre Pedro Juan.

Regarding developing a more terse syntax, reading good Spanish material of any kind on a regular basis will help you to achieve this however, I wanted to provide an example of a recent excerpt from Rosa Montero, who is one of my favorite contemporary Spanish writers. As mentioned by a poster in post #50 when referring to Rosa and two others contemporary greats he states "escriben como dioses". I could not of said it better myself.

Here is an excerpt from a commentary posted last month in El Nuevo Herald's Opinion section which contains commentaries from various columnists, journalists, essayists on a daily basis. Every now and then there's a surprise article by one of my favorite writers. Rosa is renowned for her simple but very elegant writing style. As a fan of her literature, her writing always leaves me with an insatiable thirst for the creme of the crop.

Posted on Tue, Jan. 16, 2007

La tentaci?n de rendirse


... Los humanos somos unos bichos tan malditamente complicados, tan desequilibrados y contradictorios, que podemos pasarnos toda la vida creyendo que deseamos algo con todas nuestras fuerzas, cuando en realidad estamos invirtiendo toda nuestra energ?a en conseguir que ese deseo no salga adelante. Y as?, nos enamoramos de los hombres o las mujeres m?s inconvenientes, aquellos con los que justamente ser? imposible construir una pareja estable; o decimos que queremos ser escritores pero nos las arreglamos para no escribir jam?s; o tomamos decisiones laborales que nos alejan de un ascenso y decimos que lo hacemos porque queremos vivir con tranquilidad, cuando lo cierto es que no nos atrevemos a afrontar el reto. Hay mil maneras de fastidiarse uno la vida, todas ellas enmascaradas con estupendas y convincentes explicaciones.

Es verdad que uno debe de sentirse muy libre cuando no tiene nada que perder. Pero es una libertad que cuesta demasiado, una ligereza de equipaje muy poco envidiable. Vivir conlleva siempre un riesgo, un reto y un dolor. Imposible vivir una vida digna de tal nombre sin aceptar de entrada esos ingredientes. S?, es cierto: a menudo sientes que se agita dentro de ti el peque?o gusano de la rendici?n. Por qu? seguir insistiendo en enamorarte. Por qu? seguir pele?ndote para conseguir montar tu propia empresa. Por qu? continuar ti??ndote el pelo, haciendo deporte, cuidando la dieta. Por qu? esforzarte en ser actor, o fot?grafa, o corredor de motos, en vez de apoltronarte en un empleo seguro dentro de un banco. Y as? sucesivamente. Es tentador rendirse, fracasar de entrada y sin luchar, antes de que te fracasen los dem?s. Pero es una elecci?n bastante est?pida. Porque el ?nico fracaso irremediable y verdadero es no vivir; y porque el miedo al dolor es siempre peor que el dolor mismo.

PD. Regarding the book you mentioned Abril Rojo, there are two commentaries from readers on Amazon that you may want to read since you were looking for feedback. Ironically, I had just heard of him prior to your posting.The books sounds intriguing and a welcome contemporary Peruvian voice in literature. I will add him to my list based on the comments.

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Aug 3, 2004
Thanks Lesley. your assessment chimes perfectly with what i was thinking. I know that PJG's style is in fact unusual, and while I wouldnt adopt it as a model of terseness per se, I figure that I might jolt me out of some bad english habits precisely because it is a bit novel. I am looking forward to tackling Abril Rojo first actually. I am just swamped with various things and havent been able to keep up with the writing and reading -- and some times a break is a good thing. I will be back at it soon. I continue with the grammar book btw.


Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
RE: Peruvian authors-


I can completely relate to what you are saying about being busy. I am just about finished reading Las intermitencias de la muerte and it has taken me longer than I had hoped to read it due to time limitations. A review will be posted shortly.

Abril Rojo sounds like a treat and surely it will live up to your linguistic expectations as well. New contemporary voices are moving to the forefront which is normal cycle in literature. From a Peruvian perspective it's great to have an upcoming author represent Peru per se. Mario Vargas Llosa is a legendary author, however, his last few novels had mixed reactions by those who read the books.

For example I have been tempted to read El para?so en la otra esquina and Travesuras de la ni?a mala many times. However, the reviews are so mixed that I have decided to delay reading them. MVL has never been a favorite of mine, nevertheless IMO, it's important to read novels by reputable authors.

Jaime Bayly, who is Peruvian is very controversial and in my experience one either likes his books or not. Every author can have a bad novel here and there but JB just stirs up controversy. One book of his that I find is very balanced and not too radical is Fue ayer y no me acuerdo. His command of Spanish and the way he uses the language to express his thoughts is impressive. His novels tend to have plenty of Peruvian colloquialisms which may deter readers who are looking to read a Spanish novel with less regional expressions and vocabulary. Jaime B also has a weekly commentary in El Nuevo Herald.

You will most likely read Abril Rojo before I do because I have my next two books already lined up. One is a somewhat controversial novel by a young Colombian voice, Gustavo Bol?var Moreno. It involves two girls and narcotraficantes therefore one can already tell it will be intriguing. The second novel will be Da?na Chaviano's La isla de los amores infinitos. I was highly inspired by a poster in this thread. I already purchased the book and look forward to reading it.

I am also glad to hear that you are continuing with the grammar book. There are so many quality ones on the market each offering a different aspect about Spanish grammar at different levels. One is not enough but that one will surely help you.



Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
Rese?a- Las intermitencias de la muerte- Jos? Saramago


The theme of book is very unique and once again Jos? Saramago provides his readers with an aspect about life to consider. However, the book definitely has a first and second half which in my opinion one can easily lose sight of the plot. The first half of the book is very intriguing and second half is dominated by one character that Jos? introduces. I suggest reading one or two of Saramago's previous novels first in order to understand how he develops his themes.

Here are a few phrases from the book (except for the third one) that caught my attention:

1/ "... una tierra donde nadie, por m?s que se haga consigue morir". -p?g. 50

Other than the title itself this proved to be one of key phrases in this unique novel by Nobel Prize winner Jos? Saramago. Have you ever pondered what life or the world would be like without death? The situation presented in the novel is about an unamed country in which the people stop dying (la gente deja de morir). Regardless of their physical state or age in this country no one can die.

2/ "....pacientes en situaci?n de muerte parada"- p?g. 63

As the story unfolds the news spreads throughout the country that life is perpetual even for those who are ailing and have been living in agony. The government has no solution to the problem or knowledge of when the situation will change. The first act of desperation is by a family who has two ailing members who need to die. The grandfather and a young child are extremely ill. The grandfather's wish is to take them to the border and cross over to one of the neighboring countries where death is possible and a normal part of life. The family members grant the grandfather his wish and the mother reluctantly bids farewell to her child as they take them to the border to crossover to a country where life can end.

3/ ...cuando los vecinos se dieron cuenta de lo que pas? cundi? la noticia en todas partes. Por lo tanto el gobierno tom? medidas en el asunto y encarg? a vigilantes (es decir un tipo de cuerpo militar) de vigilar a las familas y a la frontera; una operaci?n a escala nacional- Lesley D

As a desperate measure to control people's reactions to their situation around them the government established patrol points at the border to vigilize anyone who tries to crossover into border countries where the progression of life is normal and where ailing people and people in general are not destined to live indefinitely. The interesting part about this operation is these "vigilantes" called "la maphia" (purposely spelt with "ph" in the book to distinguish them form the traditional "mafia") were also underhanded. Saramago adds a touch of reality and real life corruption to the book.

4/ "...siempre habr? alg?n ma?ana para resolver los problemas que hoy parec?an no tener solucion"- p?g 101

The book is full of phrases of wisdom (la sabidur?a) and knowledge gained from life experiences which is typical of Saramago to inject in his literature. In a desperate siutation among individuals in this unnamed country the statement is the ultimate expression of a glimmer of hope.

5/ "...Convencida desde el principio de que la abolici?n de la muerte s?lo podr?a haber sido obra del diablo ....." p?g 159

This is the opinion of the church.

Rese?a- por Lesley D

Sin discusi?n, este libro es un ejemplo fehaciente del estilo literario de Jos? Saramago. Est? lleno de misterio desde el principio hasta el fin lo cual hace que uno siga leyendo. Una vez que el lector/ la lectora empiece a leer el libro, el tema principal, "las intermitencias de la muerte" sale a la superficie. En un pa?s donde nadie puede morir, los lectores presencian la desesperaci?n humana y la muerte forzada. No voy a entrar en grandes detalles porque creo que es un libro que lo debe leer cada uno por su propia cuenta.

Con esta obra creo que Saramago logra plantear la cuesti?n del sentido de la vida a trav?s de quitar la muerte. Antes de leer este libro recomiendo "Ensayo sobre la ceguera" para que se entienda mejor los temas de algunos de sus libros y como los desarrolla con ?xito.


Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
Mejor libro en lengua espa?ola en el certamen Florida Book Awards-

La semana pasada le? este art?culo acerca del libro de Da?na Chaviano, La isla de los amores infinitos. Como ya mencion? tengo planeado leer el libro muy pronto y me hace sentir muy feliz que haya ganado un premio. Para los que no sepan, Da?na es una de mis escritores favoritas no s?lo por sus temas muy interesantes sino por su estilo excepcional de escribir en espa?ol. Hay muchos escritores que escriben, pero hay muy pocos que pueden expresarse de una manera que captan la atenci?n de sus lectores a trav?s de la redacci?n.

Estoy segura, que podr? hacer m?s comentarios cuando haya le?do el libro.

Novela de Da?*na Chaviano, mejor libro en lengua española en el certamen Florida Book Awards - Art?*culos y noticias de Cuba



New member
Jan 11, 2007
Gracias por la noticia sobre la Medalla de Oro para "La isla de los amores infinitos", de Chaviano. Leslie, definitivamente t? y yo no nos equivocamos respecto a nuestros autores favoritos. :classic: ?Sabes que esa novela se est? traduciendo a casi 20 idiomas? Guao!! Qu? record, ?no?

Por cierto, estuve leyendo unos posts anteriores sobre Pedro Juan Gutierrez. Te cuento que soy de aquellos a los que NO les gusta su prosa. En mi caso, no tiene nada que ver con que sus textos sean pornos literarios, sino con el hecho de que NO CUENTAN NADA. Todo el tiempo no hay m?s que escenas de sexo, cada vez m?s fuertes, para "epatar" o "shockear", pero honestamente no encuentro historias interesantes. Esos cuentos no me dicen nada. Por eso no me gustan.

Tengo la sospecha de que muchas personas que dicen que encuentran su prosa interesante se debe a que no han le?do literatura porno. Yo les recomendar?a que leyeran tres o cuatro libros (no er?ticos, sino --repito-- pornos, en espa?ol) para ver si no son exactamente iguales a la prosa de Guti?rrez. Una vez que le quitas la "novedad" estil?stica (que para m? no existe, porque le? muchas novelitas pornos cubanas cuando era adolescente), una vez que te das cuenta de que esa forma de contar es exactamente igual a la de esos libritos que se vend?an por centavos en los a?os 50 en Cuba, no encuentras nada m?s.
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