Mi hijo, el ilegal?

Fabio J. Guzman

DR1 Expert
Jan 1, 2002
There may still be a legal way out. Article 42 of Law #659 of 1944 states:

"En pa?s extranjero, las declaraciones se har?n a los agentes diplom?ticos o a los c?nsules dentro de los 30 d?as que sigue el alumbramiento. Este plazo podr? ser prolongado en virtud de decreto del Poder Ejecutivo, el cual fijar? la medida y condiciones de esta pr?rroga."

("Abroad, declarations [of birth] shall be made to the diplomatic agents or consuls within 30 days of the birth. This term may be prolonged by an executive order enacted by the President, which will determine the conditions of the extension.?

Besides petitioning the President for an extension, there is also the possibility of asking the Junta Central Electoral, the government authority in charge of the civil registry, to step in with an advisory opinion which may lead ultimately to registration in the DR


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Thanks Fabio, I will relay these suggestions to my husband and we'll see what can be done to follow up.

Thanks also to all the others who posted useful advice in this thread.

Hope to be able to post a new thread some time in the near future with 'mi hijo legalizado' as the title. ;)
