Monica Lewinsky is writing a book

Aug 6, 2006
It is true that Clinton, an extremely charismatic figure, had a problem with nookie. That is why Monica was installed in the WH. The GOPers are evil, but there are some very crafty plotters among them. The Monica affair was similar to the sort of trickery that the CIA has used in foreign countries to ruin politicians that they felt were against US corporate interests. Stuff like this has been used in Chile, Uruguay, Indonesia and even Australia.


Jan 3, 2007
It is true that Clinton, an extremely charismatic figure, had a problem with nookie. That is why Monica was installed in the WH. The GOPers are evil, but there are some very crafty plotters among them. The Monica affair was similar to the sort of trickery that the CIA has used in foreign countries to ruin politicians that they felt were against US corporate interests. Stuff like this has been used in Chile, Uruguay, Indonesia and even Australia.
Everybody who thinks that the writers for the TV series "Mission Impossible" came up with that stuff all on their own raise your hand.
May 5, 2007
She was called before Starr's kangaroo court AFTER she had already voluntarily testified once before, because what she said at the first, voluntary event contradicted what Linda Tripp dragged out of her.

She was not read her rights, she was not informed that she did not have any obligation to testify. The whole thing was planned: Monica was selected deliberately to appeal to Clinton. Clinton did nothing that Harding, Eisenhower, JFK or LBJ did. We know that now.

It makes perfect sense for her to write a book. Her reputation cannot be ruined any more than it already is. I am sure it will be a better book than the two pieces of crap that Palin had ghostwritten, which were purely for money.

I doubt that i would buy her book, but since all knowledge is preferable to none, all books are in some way better than no book at all, even crappy things like Palin's, which reveal why Palin should never be elected to anything, ever again.

Monica won't be elected to anything, either.

The entire episode to impeach Clinton distracted the administration from its more important duties. I don't think that 9-11 would have been so likely had the evil GOP not spent so much time on the fruitless pursuit of Clinton. Had the impeachment not happened, Gore would have been elected and there would have been no war on Iraq, either.

Why would she be read her rights under Miranda is she was not the subject of an investigation. she was in no peril and therefore was not subject to Miranda

As far as "no obligation to testify," you need to read what the powers of the Independent Council are, though I disagree with how they were used and find Ken Starr to be an ass
May 5, 2007
It is true that Clinton, an extremely charismatic figure, had a problem with nookie. That is why Monica was installed in the WH. The GOPers are evil, but there are some very crafty plotters among them. The Monica affair was similar to the sort of trickery that the CIA has used in foreign countries to ruin politicians that they felt were against US corporate interests. Stuff like this has been used in Chile, Uruguay, Indonesia and even Australia.

Evil, EVIL??? As I Have said previously, I am a left leaning democrat but to believe one of the political parties in the United states is inherently evil is foolish. Many members may be evil, but saying the republican party is evil sounds really foolish


Feb 8, 2014
Torturing people is evil. The GOP doesn't just support and employ torture, they also joke about it, that's evil. It?s not enough to torture people? You have to joke about it too?

Vilifying the poor and constantly chipping away at the social safety net is evil. You can't pretend to be Christians while you torture people and starve women and children. You can't pretend to be pro-life when you perpetrate these acts. Bringing us into the Iraq war based on lies was evil. And they knew they were lying. Over 4000 American soldiers died for that lie. They joked about the inability to find WMD's. It's estimated that over 100,000 civilians died, we'll never have an accurate count because they refused to keep a count. That's evil.

The GOP stands for nothing except greed. How dare they call themselves Christians? How dare they try to pretend they are pro-life while they torture and kill based on lies, and even here at home, taking food out of the mouths of children and the elderly?

Calling them evil is no stretch at all. They are racist, they are misogynistic, they are greedy, they are pathological liars, and they are sociopaths. I question the humanity of any person who could support what they stand for.

That's just my opinion.
Aug 6, 2006
Why would she be read her rights under Miranda is she was not the subject of an investigation. she was in no peril and therefore was not subject to Miranda

As far as "no obligation to testify," you need to read what the powers of the Independent Council are, though I disagree with how they were used and find Ken Starr to be an ass

She had no obligation to testify under oath.
She was falsely told that if she refused to testify, she would be sent to prison. As I said, she was cruelly used by the GOPers.
I do nbot think arr GOPers are inherently evil, but the ones who plotted this impeachment crap were certainly evil. Dick Cheney was evil much of the time, as were Dick Armey,Tom DeLay and the Newtster.


Jan 3, 2007
May 5, 2007
She had no obligation to testify under oath.
She was falsely told that if she refused to testify, she would be sent to prison. As I said, she was cruelly used by the GOPers.
I do nbot think arr GOPers are inherently evil, but the ones who plotted this impeachment crap were certainly evil. Dick Cheney was evil much of the time, as were Dick Armey,Tom DeLay and the Newtster.

What is false about being told you will be incarcerated for contempt of Starr's Grand Jury? As others need to find out, simply "As you say" does not change Constitutional law or alter facts I don't know who did what to who but I do know Starr had the authority to compel her testimony regarding Clinton, her actions were not a part of the probe so she had zero jeopardy You do understand that if a prosecutor, especially one such as the Independent Counsel, directs you to testify before a grand Jury you have no option except jail? You remember susan McDougal don’t you?

Lewinsky was granted immunity from prosecution so her Fifth amendment rights do not apply as she could not incriminate herself

I’m not a big fan of the iC, it’s idea was good but it has proven to be a power trip heading off in way too many direction and no one can do anything about it, the IC reports to no one, supposedly the AG has authority over the IC but has never done anything about the IC’s antics

If you have never read the IC statue it’s eye opening at best, terrifying at worst the un controlled power they have
May 5, 2007
Remember a few years ago when the RayGun administration bombed Libya and the video of them dancing and clapping each other on the back IN THE WHITE HOUSE when it was learned that a 4 year old daughter or granddaughter of Qaddafi (there was some confusion in the media at the time) was killed. What great fun. My brothers were in the room watching it on TV and the religious ones both clapped with delight. Evil is a good word for that type of thinking.
Der Fish

C'mon Fish, do you really believe they were celebrating over the death of the 4 year old or just maybe it was that the entire mission was an overall success

I have never met one soldier, politician or man not obviously mentally unstable that would celebrate the killing of a 4 year old by any means

War sucks, killing innocent people sucks, sucks even worse for those who have to actually perform the actions, but sometimes military action is the logical answer to a problem


Jan 3, 2007
Remember a few years ago when the RayGun administration bombed Libya and the video of them dancing and clapping each other on the back IN THE WHITE HOUSE when it was learned that a 4 year old daughter or granddaughter of Qaddafi (there was some confusion in the media at the time) was killed. What great fun. My brothers were in the room watching it on TV and the religious ones both clapped with delight. Evil is a good word for that type of thinking.
Der Fish

Now, Fish.

They weren't celebrating the deaths of Women and Children. They were celebrating the death of Khadafi 25 years in advance of his actual death.

I remember when a "mission accomplished" meant something. Now it's a punchline to a political joke.


Aug 6, 2006
I really, really doubt that they would have sent her to jail, even if they had the power to do so. Of course, she also had the power to just flee and then to make a big deal of any attempt to arrest her. It would have gone very, very bad for Starr and his goons had she done this.
May 5, 2007
I really, really doubt that they would have sent her to jail, even if they had the power to do so. Of course, she also had the power to just flee and then to make a big deal of any attempt to arrest her. It would have gone very, very bad for Starr and his goons had she done this.

Are you serious? Susan McDougal Starr had unlimited/unchecked power this is the man that could/did order the President of the United states to do as he commanded The IC was created for just that, the ability to do what he felt necessary to high elected officials without fear of reprisal

Starr was on a power trip and would have loved the feeling of power and publicity of ordering the FBI to arrest Lewinsky and anyone else
May 5, 2007
Now, Fish.

They weren't celebrating the deaths of Women and Children. They were celebrating the death of Khadafi 25 years in advance of his actual death.

I remember when a "mission accomplished" meant something. Now it's a punchline to a political joke.



I’ll never forget going on a tour of Naval Aviation Museum Pensacola After touring the inside exhibits, I hopped on simulated “trolley” for the “flight line” A retired Master Chief was giving the narration, describing each aircraft, it’s origin and purpose

We came upon a really nice looking Lockheed S 3 sea Viking; The Master Chief started explaining the planes origin and it went something like “This is the actual aircraft President George W Bush was in when it landed on board USS Abraham Lincoln under the banner Mission accomplished” Being such a historic event, the first landing of a sitting President onboard a US Carrier, we asked the White House if we might have President Bush’s flight suit for our museum. They declined, saying “We are sorry but the President sleeps in that suit” They sent us the plane instead”

Why in my mind can I see “Shrub” sitting in the Oval Office in that flight suit
Aug 6, 2006
Picking on a young woman for refusing to reveal her sex life does not sound like something that would make Starr coerce her by putting her in jail. And if he did, THEN she could have written her book and sold a bazillion copies.


Jan 3, 2007
Picking on a young woman for refusing to reveal her sex life does not sound like something that would make Starr coerce her by putting her in jail. And if he did, THEN she could have written her book and sold a bazillion copies.

Actually the whole adventure took on a bad smell with Vernon Jordan operating in the background in his capacity as Clinton's "Cleaner", using his business contacts to hook her up with a fat paycheck in NYC which is all perfectly legal but it just had a smell to it. There are People in the government who work careers and there are People in government, usually at Departmental Headquarters in D.C. who got into positions as favors to donors, organizers and supporters and they go from butt cheek to butt cheek, kissing everything in sight in hopes of landing a cushy career position which doesn't require them getting their hands dirty but the smell never goes away and their noses never get their color back.

Lewinsky was just another "somebody important's Daughter" who got in on the ground floor of the intern program (different animal from congressional pages, but similar) and competed with everybody else for an edge. She found it and we all paid the price. I'm not blaming her. I've seen People do much worse and get away clean but she was so blatantly naive and transparent that it was easy for Linda Tripp to identify and manipulate her, much to the delight of the People who HATED Bill Clinton. Rush Limbaugh's career rocketed thanks to the hatred which he spewed against the Clintons. It was Rush who coined the term "billary" to describe the both of them.


Jul 9, 2010
I am sure the Clintons are cringing at the thought of Lewinsky coming out with a tell all book. This will not bode well for them, especially in light of the fact the 10 years has past of now Hillary wants to be President. Personally, I really am not interested in this, although it is amusing and the press will love it.

May 5, 2007
I am sure the Clintons are cringing at the thought of Lewinsky coming out with a tell all book. This will not bode well for them, especially in light of the fact the 10 years has past of now Hillary wants to be President. Personally, I really am not interested in this, although it is amusing and the press will love it.


It was of interest when Bill was President, now??? Hillary was smart when she got in front of it saying she was now aware of what happened and they would deal with it as a family, took the wind out of the infidelity part.

The issue of the President having sex in the Oval Office has been pretty well explored, to sell her book I'm sure Lewinsky can come up with some garbage but unless Clinton was talking on the phone with National Security Advisor at time I doubt it will raise any eyebrows


Jan 3, 2007



It's amazing. Every chubby Daddy's Girl has been indoctrinated with the expectation that one day a handsome and powerful Prince or Sultan or President will annoint her with his magic skeet and that moment will usher her into a wonderful new life of gala balls, beautiful gowns, universal celebrity and untold wealth.

The reality is that she was just another clay pigeon at the skeet range and her life won't be anything more than she, herself is capable of making of it. How can she be disappointed? The way it turned out is her own fault. A more shrewd and realistic Woman would have understood the power of discretion and capitalized in a lasting way. At least she had her shot....