moving to the DR soon!!!

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Oct 16, 2012
I have observed #2,10,12,13, and 14. My wife's cousin has 3 girls with three different women. He has always paid for their schooling and clothing.I know it true because I've known these girls for 14 years. Numerous women that have children at our school receive money from their child's father for school fees....etc. Even guys that have screwed around on their wifes and had a child with another women pay child support. I even know two women that are paying child support. Lots and lots of fathers come to the school to talk about how their children are doin...etc as well as to pick up their children. I know there are plenty of Dominican guys that deserve a bad rap as fathers/sperm donors but I know many that don't fit that profile.

That's equivalent to someone saying:

Some people are victims of crime and some people are not victims of crime.
Without PERCENTAGES, it's a bull$hit response.
Besides being a bias answer, based on people going to your school.
Thousands more DO NOT go to your school.

(Go ahead give me your 2nd dislike, I hope the 1st one made you feel better!)
Dec 26, 2011
Oh and #9? I don't care about prostitution. But devout religionists(it's a very Christian country you know) cheating on their wives rubs me the wrong way. I apologize for being so sensitive about this but I recently had an experience with a family member that was very disappointing. His defense was that he wasn't really cheating on his wife because he didn't have a condom with which to fully penetrate his coworker. Yes. He really rationalized it that way. Did RD invent the game? Of course not. But like baseball, they're good at it.


Nov 2, 2011
Wow. Then go home. Flights leave daily. In fact, if you don't have the dollars, let us all take a collection. I don't want you to have to stay here in hell. Just get on a plane, show them your almighty passport and go.

Please for the love of God, stop telling people how horrid it is here, and then stay. That makes no Goddamn sense.

1. There are people who have good skills in workmanship, but unlike Canada they don't have papers to prove it. And they don't cost 200 pesos, so you can't afford them. Thats your problem.
2. My hometown in Canada also has rampant drinking and driving, the farmers there are the worst. If you don't like it here or are scared at night, don't drive at night...or go home!
3. Again, if you are scared at night, stay in or go home.
4. The police force can be corrupt anywhere. Trayvon Martin? Police are poorly paid here, maybe it will get better. If it bothers you so much, go home.
5. If spending 200 pesos on such bull**** bothers you, go home.
7. AMET once helped me cross the road in busy traffic, other than that, useless. If they bother you so much go home.
8. Tip employees by putting cash in their hands here. Other than that, not my problem. If it makes you cry at night, Go home.
9. Prostitution? Doesn't bother me. Better than Vanier in Ottawa with girls standing on the street. If sex bothers you so know it....go home.
10. Sigh, everywhere you will find dishonesty. If you can't sleep at night then .... go home.
11. Some men are proud fathers, some aren't. Just like in Canada or elsewhere. Thank God we have Criss to buy leche and pampers for the whole country.
12. Using sterile water to **** it is overrated and expensive. We only drink five percent or less of the water we use daily. If you need to drink out of the tap, you know it.... go home.
13. I have proper sanitation services here...
14. Really? Well let us all lament the lack of manners. I usually just assume they are Russian. If I need to hear a please and thank you and politeness I find a Canadian, other than that who cares?
15. I haven't seen this, I don't want to either. Perhaps we use our knowledge and power to make this a better place? I would just take the victims to the hospital, I wouldn't just leave them in the sun to rot, but that is just me.

Yes. This is a DEVELOPING COUNTRY. It is actually developing though. Do not judge individuals based on individual experiences. There are bad fathers and bad cops world wide. There are crazy things in every country.

Why are we trying to convince OP that this place is so bad and don't come here? Your here. I'm here. We aren't stupid are we? Do we have a death wish? No.

Miss Rainbows and Sunshine

Its nice to see people excited about the D.R. and seeing the best it has to offer. But please Miss Rainbow try to find the middle of the road between all the posts. If you were to reread this post two years from now you will know why you shouldn't get involded in taking strangers to the hospital, the pitfalls of night driving , trusting the police to name a few.Its not that the other posters dislike the D.R. they are honest about the lay of the land. Its learning the ugly side of culture, and every culture has its ugly side. Best to see it for what it is to assimilate better. Just my 2?
Oh Travon Martin wasn't killed by the police. It was a member of neighborhood watch.
Good luck and I wish you all the best ! Cheers


New member
Dec 23, 2012
I think it will be 28 degrees tomorrow, like usual. Sunny. A slight breeze. I will give up on posting here on DR1, instead I will go snorkelling, maybe I will take a nice walk on the beach and have a super cheap lunch for 100 pesos first. I hope the OP does come here, with an open mind, an open heart. And like me, she will be too busy enjoying life to care about the nay sayers...except for when it rains. I can only do so much laundry and baking when it rains.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
That's equivalent to someone saying:

Without PERCENTAGES, it's a bull$hit response.
Besides being a bias answer, based on people going to your school.
Thousands more DO NOT go to your school.

(Go ahead give me your 2nd dislike, I hope the 1st one made you feel better!)

I can only comment on my experiences, not yours. I have found the same with other Dominicans I know. I acknowledge that I could be mistaken about some people,as I'm sure you are. I also acknowledge that I know plenty of rude Dominicans. You got a bone up your Azz?


New member
Dec 23, 2012
So, you don't have a Dominican boyfriend or a Dominican husband or Dominican children!
Do you have a non-Dominican boyfriend and/or non-Dominican children?

Not that it really means anything, but you did open the door for that question!


Repite por favor...okay...simple nothing is left to question.
I am Canadian, my husband is Canadian...We are Canadian...My son is Canadian...he is a Canada....I have no other children. He is from a previous relationship. I may adopt some day here a child who really is in need, but we are all Canadian as of right now. I did not marry a Dominican. If it wasn't for my son, I would live here all year round, but for now I can only do it three months out of the year, while he stays with his father for school. My son is special needs, so he cannot go to even private school here. When he is eighteen in a few years we will all be here full time.

Not that it even matters.


Jun 7, 2008
Im Canadian and have been living here for 4 years, not 4 months. Yes the DR lows are equally matched in Canada :squareeye lol :classic:

Yes we're here for the sun and simplicity etc. But trying to say " The bad happens in Canada as well" Is a weak arguement. The exception there is the daily rule here. This said, I agree, being hypocritical and trashing the place we call home over where we once called home, is idiotic.


Sep 27, 2011
Which of the following do you find most charming about RD, Miss Sunshine?:

1. The pervasive spirit of mediocrity in workmanship.
Thankfully we have plenty illegals here to compensate.
2. The rampant drinking and driving.
This is great for us who moved here as alcoholics, so if anyone has a few DUIs and still want to drive, the DR is the place to be. I spent my first 4 years here unable to remember how I got anywhere.
3. Drivers that blind you with their highbeams.
The all or nothing concept comes from the same place their attitude to music does. Lights? All or nothing. Music? Number 12 or off! I've decided it is cultural, they do it because everyone else does
4. Drivers that operate vehicles without lights at night.
See above.
5. The apathy and corruption of the police force.
Another bonus for any not very good career criminals, if illegal activity is your money maker then this is the place to be, not a thing you can't buy your way out of, and you get to share the streets with murderers, rapists, drug dealers and paedophiles on a daily basis.
6. Illiterate kids in soldier uniforms that carry rifles and direct random drivers to pull over for a mordida.
a great concept that keeps kids off the streets, put the dumb ones to good use and offers a future for those who don't really deserve one. Again a really good pointer should you have any really stupid teenagers, they could feel rather intelligent and gain a confidence booster if allowed to mix with the average Dominican teen.
7. AMET idiots.
Again, for those with a grudge against authority, you can come here and beat the sh1t out of as many AMET as you like and get away with it. You will struggle to find an authority anywhere that holds less weight than AMET.
8. Companies in the tourism industry that steal from their employees by forcing them to hand over their tips, keeping some of it for themselves/supervisors/management.
another plus if you disagree with taxation and use. At least here your fellow man robs you rather than a lying government, it is soothing to have it just taken from you rather than it just appearing in a stealth like fashion with a poor excuse.
9. All of the caba?as. You know what they're for, right?
Extremely considerate in such a religious country, if you are going to sin then please do it in comfort. And it is evident the amount of sinning going on if you can measure this by the amount of cabanas. Awesome.
10. Pervasive dishonesty. From the top down.
Truthful dishonesty is a concept I've only come across here, again, a real magnet for those who live off crime, they can feel comfort in the knowledge they can do it honestly.
11. The generalized reluctance of the men to acknowledge and support their offspring.
And the attraction of this concept is evident due to the amount of foreigners who come, cum then leave a mess behind.
12. Not being able to drink tap water.
over rated anyway.
13. Lack of proper sanitation services.
over rated anyway.
14. The pervasive lack of consideration for others and manners that even Dominicans lament.
Yip, a lot of foreigners moved over and grasped this part of culture with both hands and integrated completely in no time at all.
15. That casualties in accidents are routinely robbed and left to decompose for hours in the heat and humidity before the police arrive.
The understanding that you can't take it with you is very strong, and true I said, a very religious country
16. On and on and on
Yes stop already, otherwise we will have a surge of people at the borders waiting to get in, enough promotion thank you.
Dec 26, 2011
It's surprising that the Canadian doesn't understand satire given the great number of smart comedians the country's contributed to modern culture.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
It's surprising that the Canadian doesn't understand satire given the great number of smart comedians the country's contributed to modern culture.
Maybe your satire isn't as obvious as you think it is. I mean some people find Bill Maher funny, others don't.


Apr 11, 2010
Oh and #9? I don't care about prostitution. But devout religionists(it's a very Christian country you know) cheating on their wives rubs me the wrong way. I apologize for being so sensitive about this but I recently had an experience with a family member that was very disappointing. His defense was that he wasn't really cheating on his wife because he didn't have a condom with which to fully penetrate his coworker. Yes. He really rationalized it that way. Did RD invent the game? Of course not. But like baseball, they're good at it.
Pollo if you are familiar with the says some where that if a married man does it with a single not consider an infidelity except if the woman IS married. Now..if a woman do always is.


Nov 2, 2011
It's funny everyone always mentions the Dominicans when discussing rip offs, I've beeen ripped off once, it was a Yankee Expat

A good friend of mine told me " remember this tip, shady people hang out in the sun" and " a Dominican will get you for a couple of 100 pesos, expats will get you for $1000s"
Feb 15, 2005
Let's see New York:

1. Costs $200 a month to have Internet, 2 tier cable programs, and a phone (that you hardly use)
2. Price of a round trip subway far is now $5US.
3. Price to cross a bridge to come back from New Jersey is $13US.
4. Price to cross a borough bridge is now $6.50US each way.
5. You have to drive 1-2 hours each way to find a decent beach, with cold ass water, even in the middle of summer. Oh yeah, you have to hide your beer or glass of wine in a coffee cup.
6. EVERYTHING is rush, rush, rush, rush etc etc
7. Cost of a mobile phone family plan with data is almost if not, $200US.
8. The weight of welfare recipients is caving in states like New York and California, causing state taxes to go over the roof.
9. Life passes by at an alarming and scary rate. (see 6). Some Dominicans haven't been back to the island in 7-10 years because they cant' afford it. Your week are really days or hours in disguise.
10. One feels like a caged animal during the winter, again life passes by watching TV or on the Internet all day long. No sunshine.
11. Try parking in NYC. You have to move your car Monday-Thursday, Tuesday-Friday, Saturday. Can't park in NYC street, 6pm-11pm. Some signs are so confusing, you wonder if it's done on purpose.
12. Traffic...optional stress, if you drive to work.
13. Can't sit outside your apartment and have a beer without getting a fine.
14. Your kids are forced to get a flu shot, even if it may be detrimental to there health.
15. Fresh vegetables are more expensive than meat. Oh yeah, they have "heath and natural supermarkets" now costing hundreds for a family of 4.
16. Health care in NY is ridiculous, which could be avoided by eating better, more sunshine, and less stress. Oh yeah, I forgot we're talking about NY, the city the never sleeps.
17. NOBODY says Hi, even if you say it first.
18. You live in your apartment building over 20 years, and say hi to 2 neighbors at the most. If something happens, no one will know for days.
19. The family, friends or social structure in NY sucks, no one stays in touch (call or get together) cause they're too BUSY.
20. 60-70% of the teenagers smoke weed, if you don't think so, lol you have your head in the sand or in a darker place.

Anyway, you get my point. People forget why they moved to begin with and bitch about anything where they're at.
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Dec 26, 2011
Let's see New York:

1. Costs $200 a month to have Internet, 2 tier cable programs, and a phone (that you hardly use)
2. Price of a round trip subway far is now $5US.
3. Price to cross a bridge come back from New Jersey is $13US.
4. Price to cross a borough bridge is now $6.50US each way.
5. You have to drive 1-2 hours each way to fine a decent beach, with cold ass water, even in the middle of summer.
6. EVERYTHING is rush, rush, rush, rush etc etc
7. Cost of owner a mobile phone family plan with data plan is almost if not, $200US.
8. The weight of welfare recipients is caving in States like New York and California, causing state taxes to go over the roof.
9. Life passes by at an alarming and scary rate. (see 6). Some Dominicans haven't been back to the island in 7-10 years because they cant' afford it.
10. One feels like a caged animal during the winter, again life passes by watching TV or on the Internet all day long.
11. Try parking in NYC. You have to move your car Monday-Thursday, Tuesday-Friday, Saturday. Can't park in NYC street, 6pm-11pm. Some signs are so confusing, you wonder if it's done on purpose.
12. Traffic...optional stress, if you drive to work.
13. Can't sit outside your apartment and have a beer without getting a fine.
14. Your kids are forced to get a flu shot, even if it may be detrimental to there health.
15. Fresh vegetables are more expensive than meat. Oh yeah, they have "heath and natural supermarkets" now costing hundreds for a family of 4.
16. Health care in NY is ridiculous, which could be avoided by eating better, more sunshine, and less stress. Oh yeah, I forgot we're talking about NY, the city the never sleeps.
17. NOBODY says Hi, even if you say it first.
18. You live in your apartment building over 20 years, and say hi to 2 neighbors at the most. If something happens and you're elderly, no one will know for days.
19. The family, friends or social structure in NY sucks, no one stays in touch (call or get together) cause they're too BUSY.
20. 60-70% of the teenagers smoke weed, if you don't think so, lol you have your head in the sand or a darker place.

Anyway, you get my point. People forget why they moved to begin with and bitch about anything where they're at.

You make many fine points.
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