new intl dominican airline


New member
Jan 1, 2002
Dominicana started in 1944, as the national airline of the Dominican Republic
The 1950s saw domestic expansion, and the airline began flying heavily between Santo Domingo and other Dominican cities, such as Puerto Plata, La Romana, Punta Cana and Santiago De Los Caballeros. The 1950's also saw the addition of Curtiss C-46 and ATL-98 Carvair planes to their fleet.

When the 1960s arrived, so did jets for Dominicana. The airline used the DC-8 for their longer flights, such as to JFK International Airport in New York. They also bought Boeing 727s and DC-9s during that era.

Joel Dominicana's First airplane in 1944-was a Ford Trimotor that Pan AM brought from Cubana,but also used during all years the airline was in ops,DC4-DC6,DC8,DC9(crash on take off) DC10,L-1011,B-767,Airbus-300,B-747,727s.

Betwen 1990 and 1992 DOMINICANA had a fleet of 6-727s and 1 Airbus-300
Sep 20, 2003
Thank you for that very informative post.

Did CDA go bankrupt in 1992? What brought the airline down? Too much competition from American airlines?

Are there any books that deal with the history of CDA?

I've read that Raphael Lovaton(Trujillo's son with Lina Lovaton) was involved with an airline called PAP. Was that a Dominican airline? How long did it last?


New member
Jan 1, 2002
Dominicana's problems start at the 1993 summer when the faa imposed the the category III to the country,at that moment the airline had very good to Argentina, Brazil, return to Dallas,Europe and Mexico an agreement with TAP was signed to flight to Lisbon, increase the flights to the USA ,lease two DC-10s and more 727s.Cat III brought more problems because every time it wanted to expand his routes or to increase frequencies had to ask the faa for permission and they were always denied,that led to "fiesta"of renting planes to other airlines with very high costs And the AA strong competition.

All that along with the bad reformistas and perredeistas administrations,corruption bad desitions taken by the administration like suspend the pilots,mechanics and flight attendants UNION.And the one who gave to Viasa the route to caracas, Viasa was paying 20 dollars for transported passenger, and it is good to specify that Dominicana was flying to caracas with 80 % of occupation, so desition NON SENSE.


New member
Aug 8, 2004
Luftansa denied Agreement with Dom. Gov.

Madrid (EFE).- La compa??a Lufthansa no prev? cofinanciar una compa??a a?rea con el Gobierno de la Rep?blica Dominicana que inicie vuelos entre Alemania y el pa?s caribe?o a partir de octubre de este a?o, indicaron a EFE fuentes de la aerol?nea alemana.

El secretario de Estado de Turismo de Rep?blica Dominicana, F?lix Jim?nez, anunci? el pasado lunes en Madrid que su pa?s hab?a llegado a un acuerdo para la creaci?n de una nueva compa??a a?rea, Aerol?nea Dominicana, que contaba con una participaci?n de Lufthansa.

Asimismo, el secretario de Estado, en declaraciones a EFE, mostr? su optimismo ante esta nueva aerol?nea ?que va a permitir crecer a nuestro pa?s?, y se quej? de la ?poca atenci?n que nos han prestado las l?neas a?reas espa?olas, que fueron a las primeras a las que les ofrecimos esta posibilidad?.

Este acuerdo, que seg?n Jim?nez se va a hacer p?blico en la feria de turismo de Berl?n, ITB, considera la inclusi?n en la operaci?n de la compa??a estadounidense Global Aviation Enabling (GAE), en la que participa Lufthansa.

Las fuentes consultadas por EFE indicaron ?desconocer? esta operaci?n y negaron ?que se haya firmado o se vaya a firmar un acuerdo entre Lufthansa, como aerol?nea, y GAE?.

No obstante, las mismas fuentes recordaron que Lufthansa es un Grupo formado por m?s de sesenta empresas, incluidas los operadores con aviones Thomas Cook y Condor, y a?adieron que quiz? alguna de ellas sea quien haya firmado el acuerdo.


Jan 12, 2003
well, 51% IN HANS OF DOMINICAN STATE, THAT'S INTERESTING. Did they think ever of making sort of research to know if there is a need to do something like that? What routes will this airline serve, do they have an idea how to compete with almost free fares from DL, or they want to carrier european tourists?????? Where will they fly?


New member
Jan 1, 2002
Europe and central america they havent talk yet about going to USA!

"Su direcci?n t?cnica, comercial y administrativa estar? en manos del Grupo alem?n, mientras que en el capital se dar? entrada al Estado y a empresas dominicanas. Los protagonistas no han querido desvelar m?s detalles de la operaci?n, que se dar?n a conocer en la ITB de Berl?n, pero caribe ha podido saber que empezar? a operar en el ?ltimo trimestre del a?o y que realizar? no s?lo vuelos entre Europa y Caribe sino intrarregionales entre destinos centroamericanos."


New member
Jan 1, 2002
Yes my friend i do believe on that, you know sometimes we have to left behind pessimism and look forward.

Until the country continues in cat II they know like you and me that,the airline cant fly to the USA.

I wish them all good luck and hope everything go out well
Apr 26, 2002
Dominicana was a pitiful state-owned joke of an airline. A carrier of last resort surviving off of its flag and regulated skies. I remember once, in the late 1980s, a flight being cancelled (not unusual for them) because its two 727s had been levied for debts by Pan Am after Dominicana made the mistake of putting them both on the ground in the US at the same time. They kept on running the ancient 707 back and forth to Caracas, though.

By the early 1990s, Dominicana had become mostly a wet-lease operation (thus the A300 and the caca-brown former Braniff DC-9). I remember once being solicited for a bribe from a check-in agent just to get my pre-paid ticket. Ultimately, that flight was operated by the later doomed TAESA in a beatup 757.

The 1993 World Aviation Directory lists Dominicana as owning 3 airplanes (two 727s and one 707) and having 2000 employees!!!

Lufthansa would not be dumb enough to get into a situation where it's eating the crumbs of a Dominican state enterprise. The state's 51% ownership will be "constructive" ownership IF this happens - meaning that they will agree to some fixed amount of rent and call it dividends. Naturally, the aircraft, equipment and fixtures will remain German owned AT ALL TIMES!!!


Jan 12, 2003

Of course, let them spend taxes paid by poor workers and bonos soberanos, it seems that subway in S Domingo is not enough, now another huge project includes airline. Well, maybe they will fly nonstop to Singapore. By the way, how much money can you make with 1,2,3 or even 5 planes???????????? Are there any routes where new airline can earn money from SDQ, do you think Jet Blue left SDQ just because they wanted it? How will you convience One World passengers to trade Iberia for this carrier?

Let's wait, but remember that until now it is only plans on papers, who knows how much funccionarios will spend on this project and then nobody will even remember it, like many Dominican projects by government.
Apr 26, 2002
aegap said:
Porfi, what's your assesment on the possibility of such a deal?
Aviastar said it. The concept will keep the functionaries busy for a while.

I presume the appeal to Lufthansa would be to have the "Dominican" airline act as a regional feeder to its transcon service to compete with Iberia and Air France. The opportunity is timely because AA and other American airlines have been hurt in the Latin America to Europe market due to new security/visa requirements. It is also possible that Lufthansa sees opportunity for intracaribbean routes as one regional carrier after another fails.

I can't believe that Lufthansa would use the Dominican flag to fly north-south. AA would be all over the legality of the ownership and the appeals would go on forever.

As with all big Dominican projects, the odds are obviously well below 50:50.


Jan 12, 2003
By the way, if Aeromar, Air Santo Domingo and others were not able to survive, and people who were behind those companies have a good expirience in aviation, imagine what will happen to airline which is created to give jobs for PLD members and sisters of current ministers?