New Labor laws for Service Lady/Domestic Help?

Apr 13, 2011
There were articles in the local papers that were about the discussions of amending the labor laws for domestic help/"service lady" at a house (not hired by a business), specifically around adding them to the requirements for insurance, liquidation rights, etc.

My question is: Has the labor laws for domestic help been amended? If yes, what are they now?
If not yet (or no), does it look like they will amend the law for domestic help?
I ask because they additional requirements will most likely put the possibility of having a Service Lady outside of being able to afford. I would pay her a decent rate per month (probably 10,000 pesos/month), and plan for her vacation time and "13th month" Christmas bonus - but if I start adding to many other things, then that will push it outside my budget.

If anybody knows, I appreciate the info. Thanks.
There are people who think the new labor requirements for domestic help has already happened. But I have not found anything after the discussion of the Secretary of Labor looking into the amendment adding domestic help, so it looks like domestic help at a house for a family is not under any new laws around liquidation or those other things...
Does anyone know??
Apr 13, 2011
Many people have viewed this question. I am guessing that no one knows if there are new labor laws/requirements for domestic help/service lady? Where can I find the answer?


Jun 7, 2008
For a clear answer I think you need to wait for and hope the legal adviser/moderator answers this.


Sep 27, 2006
current codigo de trabajo says:
Art. 258.- Trabajadores dom?sticos son los que dedican de modo exclusivo y en forma habitual y continua a labores de
cocina, aseo, asistencia y dem?s, propias de un hogar o de otro sitio de residencia o habitaci?n particular, que no importe lucro o negocio para el empleador o sus parientes.
No son dom?sticos los trabajadores al servicio del consorcio de propietarios de un condominio.
Art. 259.- El contrato de trabajo de los dom?sticos se rige exclusivamente por las disposiciones de este T?tulo. C?digo de Trabajo de la Rep?blica Dominicana 
Art. 260.- Salvo convenio en contrario, la retribuci?n de los
dom?sticos comprende, adem?s de los pagos en dinero, alojamiento y alimentos de calidad corriente.
Los alimentos y habitaci?n que se den al dom?stico se estiman como equivalentes al cincuenta por ciento del salario
que reciba en numerario.
Art. 261.- El trabajo de los dom?sticos no se sujeta a ning?n horario, pero ?stos deben gozar, entre dos jornadas, de un
reposo ininterrumpido de nueve horas por los menos.
Art. 262.- Los trabajadores dom?sticos disfrutan del descanso semanal establecido en el art?culo 163.
Art. 263.- (Modificado por la Ley n?m. 103-99, G.O. 10029 del 15 de noviembre del 1999). Los trabajadores dom?sticos
tienen derecho a dos semanas de vacaciones remuneradas cada vez que cumplan un a?o de servicio, as? como al salario previsto en el primer p?rrafo del art?culo 219 del presente C?digo.
P?RRAFO: (Modificado por la Ley n?m. 103-99, G.O. 10029 del 15 de noviembre del 1999). El monto del salario navide?o ser? igual a la suma de dinero pagada por el (la) empleador(a) en virtud del art?culo 260 del presente C?digo.
Art. 264.- (Modificado por la Ley n?m. 103-99, G.O. 10029 del 15 de noviembre del 1999). Todo(a) trabajador(a) dom?stico(a) tiene derecho a que su empleador le conceda los permisos necesarios para asistir a una escuela, al m?dico o a un centro de salud, en caso de enfermedad, siempre y cuando sea compatible con su jornada de trabajo o en (los)
d?a(s) acordado(s) con su empleador.
Art. 265.- Si el dom?stico contrae una enfermedad por contagio directo de uno de los miembros de la familia a la cual presta servicios, tiene derecho a gozar de su salario ?ntegro hasta su completo restablecimiento.


Sep 27, 2006

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Often, the law doesn't apply to part time workers.

Our lady is 2-3 times a week..... and the occasional dinner cleanup help.
Apr 13, 2011
Thank you for these answers. And yes, I do hope that the legal moderator might have a little more info, because a neighbor even said that her service lady was going to go to the Secretary of Labor (???) - she wanted more than she was getting, even though the neighbor was paying 10,000/month - so she was using this as her "leverage", even saying that she would "get a lawyer" because she is supposed to get liquidation.
I really want to understand what is actually the requirements/law as of now.
And from reading the articles posted by dv8, it seems that if they implement any changes, then it would be at least one year before they took effect.
So, hopefully, I can get more understanding around that as well.
Thanks in advance for any additional input in understanding this situation.
I travel for work, so having someone around to help with the kids would be extremely helpful - and I have no intention of taking advantage of a domestic worker. I just want it to be fair - as I would consider myself middle class, not rich, so I want to understand better so I do not get taken advantage of myself.
Apr 13, 2011
Is there anywhere to look and find out if the proposed amended labor laws for domestic workers has even been voted on?
dv8 posted a codigo and articles, but people are telling it has been amended or changed.
I will also wait to see if the legal mod has any info on the actual requirements as opposed to the confusion of what people are just saying in the neighborhood.


Sep 27, 2006
the articles i posted are from april, they state proposed reform. i have not seen anything else on this subject which means nothing has changed.


Sep 27, 2006
all things considered domestic service is not subjected to normal labour laws. they are entitled to some liquidation (a portion of their holidays and xmas salary) but nothing above that.

Fabio J. Guzman

DR1 Expert
Jan 1, 2002
No changes to the Labor Code so far. There has been talk about amending the provisions regarding severance pay and domestic workers, but no bill has been presented in Congress to that effect.