New to site, have a question ?


Jan 3, 2007
What always get me is how they find countless ways to rationalize prostitution and I assume the guilt and moral conditions that go with it. Baked goods without frosting and candles may not be a birthday cake but it is still a cake.

I'm just getting through a cold and it hurts like hell when I laugh. This one almost kilt me!

"Ho-cakes" Owww!
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Nov 5, 2005
Hola, I am new here.I live in the US, my name is Juan. I was born in Spain, my mother is from Spain and father is from Barbados. I speak Spanish and English fluently, but I prefer to speak Spanish.

I have lived in the US for over 20 years, but I am not Americanized at all, my Latin culture to me is more important.I don't like the American way of life, I will not date or marry a White or Black American, don't like them too much, my Latin people are everything to me.My whole life revolves around my culture...Music,Customs, etc.

I am 38 years old,single I work in Radio.I signed up a little while to, a great site. And I met a real nice girl from Santiago she is 18 years old, student and speaks very good Spanish.

We talk on the phone all the time and online. I am planning on going to go see her in a few months, she has told her family about me and they want to meet me.She is looking for serious relationship as I am.

I would consider myself to be an attractive man, people think all the time I am Puerto Rican, because I have so much mixture. In DR, people tell me I would be considered "Indio Claro".

So tell me what you guys think of this girl ?..And is it an advantage that speak Spanish ? Just please give some thoughtful insight and talk.

Muchas gracias,


Let's don't like the "American way of life" but I take it you like those dollars every week in your paycheck. Do you date in the US? Doesn't sound like it. There has to be plenty of Latin women in the US in your circle of friends? Perhaps not if you are looking on dating sites. Good luck but long distance relationships are difficult at best. Exciting and passionate at first then if you move here the reality sets in.

Sounds to me you are kind of like those gringos that move to the DR and are constantly bashing the People and the Country here. Dominican this and Dominican that. If you don't like the US move if the gringos don't like the DR move tambien.
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Feb 18, 2006
good one Tambo.

Perfect, after you take her to Sunday mass, buy her and her family a few grandes and you'll be on your way to a cabana!

this guy must be a sock puppet, is incredible how inmature he sounds....

this Man should ask himself one more question? how do people perceive a 38 year old man wanting to get it on with an 18 year old girl? before being concern about what people think of his ethnicity.............ugggg :mad:


hasta la tambora
Apr 4, 2005
this guy must be a sock puppet, is incredible how inmature he sounds....

this Man should ask himself one more question? how do people perceive a 38 year old man wanting to get it on with an 18 year old girl? before being concern about what people think of his ethnicity.............ugggg :mad:

What is wrong with younger women, my novia is over 10 years my junior!
Miamol...tell me you never "dated" a handsome older man with a job?
Are you hinting I should consider switching to a nice well kept cougar?


Feb 18, 2006
jajaj you crazy

What is wrong with younger women, my novia is over 10 years my junior!
Miamol...tell me you never "dated" a handsome older man with a job?
Are you hinting I should consider switching to a nice well kept cougar?

Im not talking about you loco!!!

ten years is nothing , the OP is 20 years older.........


Jan 3, 2007
this Man should ask himself one more question? how do people perceive a 38 year old man wanting to get it on with an 18 year old girl? before being concern about what people think of his ethnicity.............ugggg :mad:

Yeah, right...and when Hugh Hefner announced his engagement to his 23 y/o bride to be his 80 year old behind was "cute". ;)

I don't really remember much about being 38 (I was too busy with work to enjoy birthdays back then) but there were definitely a few 18 y/o Women who could get a standing ovation from me then or now. I just can't deal with the 18 year old mentality so I don't act on the "want". Most healthy adult males over 35 understand the difference between "wanting to get it on" and the reality of getting it on. There are consequences and repercussions when dealing with a very young adult and the relationship gets a little lopsided in the nurturing department but that's a whole 'nuther conversation for after the wedding.

I'm with 'Hef'. 23 sounds just about right to me.

The OP wouldn't be the oldest Man walking around the D.R. with an 18 year old under his arm that's for sure so please, let the young Man drink his Kool-Aid the way he wants to.


Jun 3, 2006
I actually dated a man who was 17 years older. But he looked like the type of a guy that I like, talked right, was very smart and active. I don't think it is about the age, soulmates come in all types of looks and ages. A lot of young women like older men because of their brain, life experience and personality.


Nov 17, 2004
A lot of young women like older men because of their brain, life experience and personality.

That's because they are looking for the father figure they never had.

How in the world can an 18 year-old Dominican woman appreciate an older man's life experience? Do they sit around in rapt attention listening to his tales of international adventure as if they were dating a modern-day Commander McBragg?

YouTube - Commander McBragg - The Flying Machine


Nov 22, 2009
A lot of young women like older men because of their brain, life experience and personality.

And that they typically had spent that preceding 20 years before she was born working and earning. Consequently, he should have more money, possessions and access to things to shower the greedy young woman with. She can eat Ramen with her peers or Linguini with her "daddy".
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bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
this guy must be a sock puppet, is incredible how inmature he sounds....

this Man should ask himself one more question? how do people perceive a 38 year old man wanting to get it on with an 18 year old girl? before being concern about what people think of his ethnicity.............ugggg :mad:

Yes, Tambo that was good. I think 38 is too old for 18, but this is only speaking for myself. If the OP is only interested in Latin women he should be going for a woman not a girl. There are plenty in the 25-30 year range that are mature women that have no child(if that's a problem), hold down full time jobs....etc. Considering the USA has people from every culture living there and the OP doesn't like any of them how would getting together with a Dominican girl whose main motivation is probably getting to the land of milk and honey improve his life. Just go for a visit, act yourself, keep your mouth shut about financial assets, don't be a big spender and see how things go.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
I don't really remember much about being 38 (I was too busy with work to enjoy birthdays back then) but there were definitely a few 18 y/o Women who could get a standing ovation from me then or now. I just can't deal with the 18 year old mentality so I don't act on the "want". Most healthy adult males over 35 understand the difference between "wanting to get it on" and the reality of getting it on. There are consequences and repercussions when dealing with a very young adult and the relationship gets a little lopsided in the nurturing department but that's a whole 'nuther conversation for after the wedding.

The OP wouldn't be the oldest Man walking around the D.R. with an 18 year old under his arm that's for sure so please, let the young Man drink his Kool-Aid the way he wants to.

Well said.


Jan 3, 2007
That's because they are looking for the father figure they never had.

How in the world can an 18 year-old Dominican woman appreciate an older man's life experience? Do they sit around in rapt attention listening to his tales of international adventure as if they were dating a modern-day Commander McBragg?

No. Most of us 50 somethings relate to this guy....

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>

"Stay thirsty, my friends"

Texas Gringo

New member
Feb 22, 2010
OP - where exactly do you live here in the states?

what drew you to dominincan women/ latinas?

i'd always be leery of dating sites, especially ones that are where girls are geared to be looking for Western men.

and yet, as good looking as you are, fluent in Spanish - you set your sights on a really young girl? not a woman, but a girl..

she's 18.

go back and remember all the 18 year old girls you knew at 18.

they'd change their mind and mood faster than the second hand on the clock.

marriages around the world seem to be more successful when people of like morals and social class (relative to their own country) marry.

take things sllllloooooooooooowwwwwwwww...
meet her family, do your best to get a read on their reputation and their moral convictions and so forth.


every red flag should be a towering inferno to you and you should back out immediately upon seeing the 1st red flag.

don't set yourself desparately on the first woman.

I have never tried to goto those sites like that to look for women, however- if you have been on a US dating find plenty of ladies who are really not that serious....I would imagine it is the same or even worse...

that being said, i'm a FB guy and at one point a bunch of ladies from DR and Colomb, etc and some other countries in Africa (there are some GORGEOUS morenas y mulatas down south) were suddenly adding me as their friend.

it became quickly evident how many players there were with the ladies...trying their stories of hardluck on me, etc...but in the end - all those stories revolved around dollars.

i've met beauty queens, actresses and runway models, vying for me to meet them, come see them and so forth....absolute 20's....

you just gotta sift thru it all and take your time and go sllloooowwwwwww....

you will find out who is genuine and who is not. but only after time....the ones that aren't will give you the hard luck story OR will be disinsterested rather quickly or will tell you they do not have a BF when clearly they do.

again, i think the FB thing is a better way to meet girls, (that wasn't what I was on there for) because you can see their "life" a bit better than you can only via email...

just my two cents.