News updates from Haiti


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Feb 20, 2019

The arrival of a third military aircraft from the United States continues to stir interest in following actions the United States may be taking to step up its overt involvement in Haiti. Officially, these aircraft are bringing agents that will be preparing the way for the United Nations’ effort that is scheduled to begin in about two weeks with the arrival of the police troops from Kenya.

Under-Secretary of State Todd Robinson told the Miami Herald that the arrival of the US contingent was the forerunner of the official mission from the UN. No further details have been forthcoming.

It was also revealed that the United States Defense Department has set aside US$190 million to finance the equipment and support of the UN mission.

It was reported that entire families have abandoned their homes in the barrios of Port-au-Prince to head to safer spaces.

The United...

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Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Contractors arrive in Haiti to build base for Kenyan-led forces

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Jun 10, 2008
Contractors arrive in Haiti to build base for Kenyan-led forces

It sounds like a reasonably good plan. And it will probably help avoid a major refugee crisis. When you are leader of the world and a country right on your doorstep is in need there is no way around it. Great idea with the Kenyan soldiers working in this case for the US and Canada. Sometimes in this debate there is this perception that it is always the US footing the bill all over the world. That simply isn’t true. And here we are talking about a neighboring country. Not down in Latin America or Africa or in Asia.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
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Jul 10, 2004
It sounds like a reasonably good plan. And it will probably help avoid a major refugee crisis. When you are leader of the world and a country right on your doorstep is in need there is no way around it. Great idea with the Kenyan soldiers working in this case for the US and Canada. Sometimes in this debate there is this perception that it is always the US footing the bill all over the world. That simply isn’t true. And here we are talking about a neighboring country. Not down in Latin America or Africa or in Asia.
The US is footing the lions share of the bill.

It’s expected to be a somewhat small group, up to 200 personnel, Johnston also told NatSec Daily. And that number of forces is very unlikely to quell the violent gangs wreaking havoc on Haiti.

When the first forces step foot in Haiti, they also might not have a place to go. The Defense Department hasn’t finished construction on a facility in Haiti that would house the security forces, Johnston and the others said.

The Pentagon pledged to build a base and medical facility, “but that has yet to happen,” Johnston said. “Without the infrastructure, it’s unclear how any sort of larger-scale deployment would be feasible.”

It’s unclear where else Kenyan forces would be housed. The National Security Council, State Department and Defense Department did not respond to NatSec Daily’s request for comment.

While it is in the DR's best interest that 1,000 Kenyans can fix the problems in Haiti, that is not a realistic expectation. At the end of the day, I expect little change in Haiti besides some dead Kenyans if they ever show up and have a place to stay.

Will the gangs interfere on the building of the structures that will cause their potential demise?

Jun 10, 2008
The US is footing the lions share of the bill.

While it is in the DR's best interest that 1,000 Kenyans can fix the problems in Haiti, that is not a realistic expectation. At the end of the day, I expect little change in Haiti besides some dead Kenyans if they ever show up and have a place to stay.

Will the gangs interfere on the building of the structures that will cause their potential demise?
Yes in Haiti the US will always be the main contributor.

A thousand Kenyan police or whatever they are. Does sound low.
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Jun 10, 2008
Let’s hope it works out with the mission with the Kenyan police backed by the US and Canada. But a 1000 sounds low. 10000 maybe would be better
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Jul 10, 2004
Let’s hope it works out with the mission with the Kenyan police backed by the US and Canada. But a 1000 sounds low. 10000 maybe would be better
10,000 for 100 years might make a difference.

Sending 200 to start? A really bad start, that will be. I guess they want to see how long they last before they are all dead and send the remaining 800.