Observation from the Frontier. US Troops

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New member
Jan 8, 2002
Hear Yea, Hear Yea, Update Aqui !!

Tme to give the troops a big thank you !!!!

Spent the day in La Cienga with the lead medical officer ( major ) and his chief liason officer, she being a Captain and a Dominican American whose aunt lives in Barahona. Believe she was from Marietta, Georgia and good looking so I did not get where the Major was from.

Knew I had to be getting close to something as my driver circumvented the roads of this lovely beach communitiy when we encountered a procession of children coming down a hill from a school. Each had what it looked to be a pet of some variety in tow. Kids with ducks, dogs on ropes, a few piglets, saw one small baby donkey and others.

Followed the line of kids back up the hill to the school. Full street of military trucks and equipment. Generators at the ready, electric power was on at time of visit but they had backup. Line of people streaching three blocks back down the hill in the other direction. Various stages of preliminary screening at the gates to the school yard with both US and Dominican troopers about. Met the Major and Captain here and got the tour.

In a far section of the school yard was the vet setup. Seemed to be a small animal group ( kids ) and then someone looking at a horse with a mule in waiting.

School was divided into various different medical treatment areas each with its own line of what I was told are the pre screened folks.

Dental: Two different doctors, one US military, one Dominican. Two REALLY fully equiped chair setups, the lay ya back shove the big light in your mouth type. Told they are not doing major surgury, but if the tooth has got to come out, out it comes.

Eyes: Same set up here. Two doctors with FULL equipment setups.

TB Clinic in conjuction with some international health group

General Medicine with a staffing of both US military doctors and a contingent of local doctors who have joined in the exercise. This factor I was told was an unexpected addition to the original plan but was being accepted.

Then there was the screened off Women's Medical section which I was told had its own special equipment. Lots of big bellies in this line.

Then there was the Kid's medical area.

All in all an impressive site. This was the second day in La Cienga with one more to go. They HAD spent three days in Paraiso, so quite I had lunch there on Tuesday that no one even mentioned them being around. They will be here one more day then be off for 4 days in La Mountanito. That will end the stay for this Army group. They are to be followed by a Air Force Group who will do their things to the North of Barahona in a group of villages is that area.

Have not seen any actual construction of clinics being built but this might be in more rural areas.

Numbers in the news article are hyped a bit. The Major told me they are seeing a little over 500 a day... they had seen a little over 200 when I was there about 11am.

While there, an older lady had some type of attack, hard to breath etc. One of the local doctors said she could treat her at a clinic in Barahona and the Major immediately dispatched one of the US Army Ambulances with drivers to transport her and the doctor.

Major told me that they were also allowing their non medical personnel ( truck drives, etc. ) free time to wander the village. On the way out of town, saw small groups walking about with some getting all the way to the beach.

That is it for now mi amigos.

Did shoot photos for any non believers.

kFrancisco de Cabral
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Rick Snyder

Nov 19, 2003
Kfrancis you're a great person and I thank you for that report but as a typical American I want more. Did you have the opportunity to talk to any of the local Dominicans both young and old to ascertain what their feeling are towards all this and if they are aware of protests being conducted against this occupation? Thank you.



Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
But...But...But...But...I thought the US Military and their commanders were eeeeeeevil...


New member
Dec 3, 2005
eternal vigilance, etc.

kfrancis, thank you for the bird's-eye lowdown. Are you sure this isn't just a softening-up for something more sinister? The old "charitable medical activities" scam could be the Trojan horse for the Beltway Gang and their tired, imperialist "Wash Your Hands And Brush Your Teeth" mantra, or even a new Amway downline beachhead (just kidding, Caballo).

Mr. Snyder, you are waxing eloquent... damn.



Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
A Report on all this----

should be sent to the news media in SD. Namely to "Dominican Today" c/o Jorge Pineda. Dominicantoday.com
Kfrancis, you write like a professional. My hat is off to you. Complete and accurate reports are the heart and soul of any medium which isdedicated to the news. Your reports personify that.
The many "protests" manufactured by certain organizations in this country are designed for the sole purpose of insidiously undermining the incumbent government, no matter which party is in power and they should be identified for what they are; subservsive activities with their own opposing agenda.
I need to say that I don't see a "commie" under every rug, but instead I have also learned to look askance at those that take every opportunity to foment discord amoung the populace.
Not on a "soapbox" so don't take it as such. Just write the article and send it in to DT.

Texas Bill


New member
Jan 8, 2002

I would like to keep this Thread what it is, an Observation.

Our previous thread on this subject was closed ,quite rightly, for everyone getting into the " why and what nots ". I care not, for what is happening in the outside world, I have enough to keep me busy for the rest of my life right here in Paradise.

True, the Military presence is now fullfilling the previously mentioned Mission Statement released by all government enities, Medical assistance.

But take it from an old battalion S-2 that I do know high tech communication equipment going into the mountains when I meet the trucks coming up the road on my way down from the coffee plantation.

So let us leave it at, someone got what they wanted and now we get the something in return. I liked what I saw today and could tell by the smiles and attitude of the locals that they did too.

Rick, as for your inquiry into local attitude about protest, there is none. They just have not heard or do not care. We are not on the Frontier for nothing. You all are all over there, if someone has problems over there with the troops, so be it. Our isolation is our blessing.

Here life goes on as it does each day, nice and slow.

The only down side I see is that we have 3,500 forced " tourist " visiting us here and each is taking loads of pictures of our quite little seaside villages, beautiful multicolored seas and lovely mountains and telling everyone back home of " Paradise Found ". Have even received real estate inquiries already from a few of the brass and one from a E-8 sargent. And we try so hard to keep the Larimar Coast a secret.

Will keep all informed.

kFrancisco de Cabral


New member
Dec 26, 2004
Chris please be so kind as to remove my name and password from DR1. I bow to your political ideology censureship. Peace and Grace to you bubba.


Mar 18, 2002
fatratpass said:
Chris please be so kind as to remove my name and password from DR1. I bow to your political ideology censureship. Peace and Grace to you bubba.
If you want to avoid Crista's censoring, just avoid the Living forum. Other forums have other moderators.


Oct 21, 2002
rellosk said:
If you want to avoid Crista's censoring, just avoid the Living forum. Other forums have other moderators.

Seems to me someone put an ant up your pants ;) I can guess, but it is just too much trouble .. It is so clear that you're talking out of another mouth (at least, I hope it is a mouth). Perhaps you should put your money where your mouth is and show us just where 'living' was 'censored' outside of a very liberal interpretation of DR1 rules. I actually believe in free speech, but I don't believe in irresponsible speech. Geez, that was a statement of ideology.. I think!

Another ideology, I really would like for this thread to continue with the very excellent first hand approach from the area in question.
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On Permanent Vacation!
Apr 15, 2004
Latest developments...

1) The US military (Operation New Horizons) has completed fencing in an area of 100 square kilometers north of Barahona and close to the Haitian border. The local population is not allowed inside the area.

2) A section of beach close to the town of Juan Esteban (Barahona) has been blocked off and set aside for the exclusive use of Operation New Horizons personnel.

3) My informants have witnessed US military personnel applying injections to selected groups of local inhabitants, without apparent supervision of local health authorities. Considering the US military?s long history of conducting secret medical experiments, this could be very serious indeed.



Mar 22, 2002
Mirador said:
Latest developments...

3) My informants have witnessed US military personnel applying injections to selected groups of local inhabitants, without apparent supervision of local health authorities. Considering the US military’s long history of conducting secret medical experiments, this could be very serious indeed.



God, Mirador, I am at a point where all I can say is that I feel sorry for you.......



On Permanent Vacation!
Apr 15, 2004
Larry said:
LOL......Jeeze. God, Mirador, I am at a point where all I can say is that I feel sorry for you....... Larry

Larry, don't take my word for it! Go ahead, and google: "secret medical experiments" plus "US military", there are over 700 hits, and many documents suggest it was the reason for closing the Vieques US military base in Puerto Rico....



Mar 22, 2002
OK Mirador,

Tell me what do you think the US government has sent the military here to inject Dominicans with as an experiment?

I'll give you 1 shot to come up with a concrete, BELIEVEABLE response before I go back to ignoring you and your rediculous conspiricy theories.

Go ahead. I am listening.



On Permanent Vacation!
Apr 15, 2004
Larry said:
OK Mirador,
Tell me what do you think the US government has sent the military here to inject Dominicans with as an experiment?
I'll give you 1 shot to come up with a concrete, BELIEVEABLE response before I go back to ignoring you and your rediculous conspiricy theories.
Go ahead. I am listening.


Larry, I can't imagine myself. Who knows? Maybe they are testing something for some future weapon? Just a moment... let me see if I can find something through google.....

Voila! Here's a headline from BBC...

The US military investigated building a "gay bomb", which would make enemy soldiers "sexually irresistible" to each other, government papers say.

The US Air Force Wright Laboratory in Dayton, Ohio, sought Pentagon funding for research into what it called "harassing, annoying and 'bad guy'-identifying chemicals".
The plans were obtained under the US Freedom of Information by the Sunshine Project, a group which monitors research into chemical and biological weapons.




Mar 22, 2002
the good old BBC

Mirador said:
Larry, I can't imagine myself. Who knows? Maybe they are testing something for some future weapon? Just a moment... let me see if I can find something through google.....

Voila! Here's a headline from BBC...

The US military investigated building a "gay bomb", which would make enemy soldiers "sexually irresistible" to each other, government papers say.

The US Air Force Wright Laboratory in Dayton, Ohio, sought Pentagon funding for research into what it called "harassing, annoying and 'bad guy'-identifying chemicals".
The plans were obtained under the US Freedom of Information by the Sunshine Project, a group which monitors research into chemical and biological weapons.


So the US could be testing out this "gay serum" on innocent Dominicans hmmmm?

If this is true, I have a feeling the sankie population is about to skyrocket :).

Now back to the real world.

Thanks Mirador. It's been real..........well...........it's just been real.


Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003

I really thought better of you!

You may find citations in support of your allegations, but can you PROVE that the mean old US Military are ACTUALLY conducting such "experments" in that area???
Couldn't it be that these "non-medical" personnel are actually military medics administering standard innoculations to a poulation whose OWN GOVERNMENT has ignored, from a health standpoint, for so many years???
Who is your "informant"? What are his/her credentials? Is he/she a member of one of the groups who have been "protesting' all this time?
Better yet, have you gone to the area to observe firsthand, the operations which you alledge to be in contravention to "good neighbor" efforts?
You may not really realize that you are fomenting the spreaad of vicious rumors and international dischord with your UNFOUNDED comments and accusations, but you are.
If that is your agenda, then you're doing a good job. If it is not, then take note of what you are doing and that you are "feeding the fire" and laying the groundwork for further subversive activity and philosophy.
Enough of that is already being done by agents of both Venezuela and Cuba in their efforts to drive a wedge between the US and the Caribbean Basin, Centaral and South American countries.
Are you part of that problem and using DR1 to spread the venom??

Don't "crawfish", give me and others on this board a straight answer.

And NO, I don't "see a commie under every rock", but I do read and interpret the words written, no matter how veiled thay may be.

Texas Bill
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Rick Snyder

Nov 19, 2003
Obviously some people forgot why this thread was started because of the other thread that went the way some are trying to direct this one.

This thread, regardless of what some of you my think, was started as a means to receive reports directly from where the operation is actually taking place. I have posted that which the Dominican newspapers have published concerning this operation in "their" country only because some people may not be aware of what the media is reporting.

Other then what the Dominican press has to say and what the reports that we receive from actual observations, not third party said, your gibberish has no place on this thread. Unless you are trying to close this thread also.

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