Off Topic Forum Closed

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Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
And many of the responses in this thread are what was a big problem in OT. Lack of respect for opposing opinions and ideas, totally going off on unrelated tangents, etc.

A decision has been made by the owner of this site. We hope those of you who mostly posted in OT will continue to contribute in the rest of the forums.

What will NOT happen is a transfer of the OT chaos to the Dominican threads. That ends right now.
I was surprised you (and the team) allowed it to go on as
long as you did. Will do my not to take the bait going forward.


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
Haha. There was not ONE advertiser on DR one for years. Just recently Guzman came back.
I can assure you the information you often shared
with us regarding flights/ airlines was dearly missed
during this "pandemic." Three freakin cancellations
prior to finally making my American Airlines flight Santiago
to Miami a week ago. Welcome back.


Jul 21, 2003
Sto Dgo Este
This is a sign of the times. People are hyper sensitive now. They don't want diversity of ideas they want a monolith to nod in agreement no matter how ridiculous or frivolous their assertions might be. They want to be intellectually lazy, they don't want to do the research that is required to defend their worldviews. It is all about feelings now, people just want to complain, bitch and partake in cancel culture. Nowadays everyone is a snowflake, everything is racist, and normal mundane simple things trigger the intolerable single minded simpletons. What happened to live and let live? This newly minted culture of 'everything offends me' wants to control every aspect of everything, even thought, conformity is what they want. This new mindset is ruining everything, comedy is ruined, colleges and universities are now ruined and unbearable, theaters, movies, politics and even book aren't exempt from this madness.

I remember when we could make good fun of our differences and have a laugh without being judged or it being misconstrued into something malicious. Today it is virtually impossible to have any type of fun or discorse without someone's feelings getting hurt. We should all be afraid of the fun and thought police or that's what some here want. Apparently it's a crime, or considered toxic, to trade barbs in a political thread in the OT forum to past the time. The punishment, at least here, is a closed OT forum followed by an announcement thread to serve as public shaming. So too has the lunacy of intolerance creeped slowly into this forum but to what end?

What I fail to understand is why not treat every thread on this forum like the cable channels on your TV. Watch the ones you like and skip those you dislike but don't complain to the cable operator and ask that channels you dislike be removed. Stop being selfish, a Karen, the world doesn't need to conform to your Utopian worldview. We share this space together, literally and metaphorically, and everyone has the same right to enjoy whatever they like as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. Why is it so hard for some to understand this simple concept. I wonder if they ever stop to think, why do we have so many colors or flavor of ice cream? ...different stripes for different likes? Perhaps the crux of the issue is exactly this; lack of thought.

In whichever direction DR1's owners decides to steer the site, I wish them the best. I've been here on this forum close to 20 years. I've even attented a get together with my wife at Rocky's in Sosuat thesame month and year I created my account here. I met and enjoyed the company of many interesting DR1ers including Dolores, Robert, AZB and too many others to list. Those were truly great times for the DR1 community. If I'm lucky and DR1 is so blessed, I might be here for another 20 years budding heads with cyber friends as usual.

End of rant.


Nov 2, 2006
Great news. I've been a DR1 member for 14 years. The off topic forum hasn't contributed at all to the concept of fellow expats discussing life in their new chosen country.

We are all in the same boat. Guests (apart from those that became citizens) in this country. Unity is what gives a community strength. When a community is divided, it falls apart. The polarising views aired in OT was destroying that unity.

Well done Dolores. Normal service will be resumed shortly.

Although I suspect some of the mods will have their work cut out for them in the next few days. Some individuals still need to vent their agendas and won't pass up an opportunity to do so in a DR related thread. I'm pretty sure there is a lot of unfinished business in the US politics thread.
Sep 22, 2009
Great news. I've been a DR1 member for 14 years. The off topic forum hasn't contributed at all to the concept of fellow expats discussing life in their new chosen country.

We are all in the same boat. Guests (apart from those that became citizens) in this country. Unity is what gives a community strength. When a community is divided, it falls apart. The polarising views aired in OT was destroying that unity.

Well done Dolores. Normal service will be resumed shortly.

Although I suspect some of the mods will have their work cut out for them in the next few days. Some individuals still need to vent their agendas and won't pass up an opportunity to do so in a DR related thread. I'm pretty sure there is a lot of unfinished business in the US politics thread.
Mawnin' Beeza!

A very succinct and elegantly passive agressive commentary.

Make it a great day!
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bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
This is a sign of the times. People are hyper sensitive now. They don't want diversity of ideas they want a monolith to nod in agreement no matter how ridiculous or frivolous their assertions might be. They want to be intellectually lazy, they don't want to do the research that is required to defend their worldviews. It is all about feelings now, people just want to complain, bitch and partake in cancel culture. Nowadays everyone is a snowflake, everything is racist, and normal mundane simple things trigger the intolerable single minded simpletons. What happened to live and let live? This newly minted culture of 'everything offends me' wants to control every aspect of everything, even thought, conformity is what they want. This new mindset is ruining everything, comedy is ruined, colleges and universities are now ruined and unbearable, theaters, movies, politics and even book aren't exempt from this madness.

I remember when we could make good fun of our differences and have a laugh without being judged or it being misconstrued into something malicious. Today it is virtually impossible to have any type of fun or discorse without someone's feelings getting hurt. We should all be afraid of the fun and thought police or that's what some here want. Apparently it's a crime, or considered toxic, to trade barbs in a political thread in the OT forum to past the time. The punishment, at least here, is a closed OT forum followed by an announcement thread to serve as public shaming. So too has the lunacy of intolerance creeped slowly into this forum but to what end?

What I fail to understand is why not treat every thread on this forum like the cable channels on your TV. Watch the ones you like and skip those you dislike but don't complain to the cable operator and ask that channels you dislike be removed. Stop being selfish, a Karen, the world doesn't need to conform to your Utopian worldview. We share this space together, literally and metaphorically, and everyone has the same right to enjoy whatever they like as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. Why is it so hard for some to understand this simple concept. I wonder if they ever stop to think, why do we have so many colors or flavor of ice cream? ...different stripes for different likes? Perhaps the crux of the issue is exactly this; lack of thought.

In whichever direction DR1's owners decides to steer the site, I wish them the best. I've been here on this forum close to 20 years. I've even attented a get together with my wife at Rocky's in Sosuat thesame month and year I created my account here. I met and enjoyed the company of many interesting DR1ers including Dolores, Robert, AZB and too many others to list. Those were truly great times for the DR1 community. If I'm lucky and DR1 is so blessed, I might be here for another 20 years budding heads with cyber friends as usual.

End of rant.
Yep, Groupthink has found us.


Jul 10, 2004
Virtually any other thread, with enough posts, will show division. All people do not share the same views.
If you put almost any two people in the same room, eventually they will find something to disagree about.
That is human nature. They did not come up with Godwin's law for no reason.

I see ignoring such discussions as part of the head in the sand, birds of a feather , lets pull the plug on this approach that social media has now in
attempts to limit that type of discourse. DR1 was always a private forum, so anything that the owners want can be done.
Sep 22, 2009
This is a sign of the times. People are hyper sensitive now. They don't want diversity of ideas they want a monolith to nod in agreement no matter how ridiculous or frivolous their assertions might be. They want to be intellectually lazy, they don't want to do the research that is required to defend their worldviews. It is all about feelings now, people just want to complain, bitch and partake in cancel culture. Nowadays everyone is a snowflake, everything is racist, and normal mundane simple things trigger the intolerable single minded simpletons. What happened to live and let live? This newly minted culture of 'everything offends me' wants to control every aspect of everything, even thought, conformity is what they want. This new mindset is ruining everything, comedy is ruined, colleges and universities are now ruined and unbearable, theaters, movies, politics and even book aren't exempt from this madness.

I remember when we could make good fun of our differences and have a laugh without being judged or it being misconstrued into something malicious. Today it is virtually impossible to have any type of fun or discorse without someone's feelings getting hurt. We should all be afraid of the fun and thought police or that's what some here want. Apparently it's a crime, or considered toxic, to trade barbs in a political thread in the OT forum to past the time. The punishment, at least here, is a closed OT forum followed by an announcement thread to serve as public shaming. So too has the lunacy of intolerance creeped slowly into this forum but to what end?

What I fail to understand is why not treat every thread on this forum like the cable channels on your TV. Watch the ones you like and skip those you dislike but don't complain to the cable operator and ask that channels you dislike be removed. Stop being selfish, a Karen, the world doesn't need to conform to your Utopian worldview. We share this space together, literally and metaphorically, and everyone has the same right to enjoy whatever they like as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. Why is it so hard for some to understand this simple concept. I wonder if they ever stop to think, why do we have so many colors or flavor of ice cream? ...different stripes for different likes? Perhaps the crux of the issue is exactly this; lack of thought.

In whichever direction DR1's owners decides to steer the site, I wish them the best. I've been here on this forum close to 20 years. I've even attented a get together with my wife at Rocky's in Sosuat thesame month and year I created my account here. I met and enjoyed the company of many interesting DR1ers including Dolores, Robert, AZB and too many others to list. Those were truly great times for the DR1 community. If I'm lucky and DR1 is so blessed, I might be here for another 20 years budding heads with cyber friends as usual.

End of rant.
Yep, Groupthink has found us.

Be fair Bob. Yes, there's a lot of the usual rhetoric, but he makes a few valid points. I esp like the part about coming out with a public shaming announcement thread. Some of our colleagues like Beeza couldn't wait to jump on the lambón post train. NotLurking called it accurately.
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Nov 9, 2006
Great news. I've been a DR1 member for 14 years. The off topic forum hasn't contributed at all to the concept of fellow expats discussing life in their new chosen country

I disagree, the OT Forum let us join with with others who had the DR in common and have OT discussions (US Politics) with them. Our commonality was the DR.
I will miss it. I doubt I will go elsewhere online and discuss politics with people I have nothing in common with.

I'll most likely pop in here once in awhile to ask a question. But I'll probably be here much less frequently.
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Jul 5, 2010
The best part of closing the off topic forum is that you didn't get to make the cut and we were spared from the shovels of dung you were going to contribute. See there is always a silver lining, we just need to look for it.
Thats what I was going to say. It was a place for real men to discuss real issues.


Living my Dream
Apr 18, 2013
Yesterday this thread was closed, and obviously it is now open. Is there a chance that the OT thread will reopen as well.
The comments above by Not Lurking sum it up very well and I totally agree with him.
I hope the owners and management of DR1 reconsider and vow to not bow to the vocal PC few in the future.
To me closing that thread is just another form of censorship. But if it really pisses me off I guess I'm free to start my own forum
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chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
I am triggered that the Off-Topic was closed.
Where else can we bitch semi-angry but unlike Antifa types without taking to the streets.
Now I have to become a raging alcoholic, - fortunately because of the toque de queda I have stocked the house will large bottles of spirits to accomplish my noble goal
Sep 4, 2012
I've met him in person.
Nothing bad to say about him at all.
He helped a good friend of mine find
a great deal on a very reliable vehicle
a few years ago.

The Gorgon was the poster that added the most all around to this site, and he was banned, discarded off, just because personal vendetta of a Mod against him - he, the Gorgon, wasn't ever liked by that specific Mod, and it showed as a constant on many threads by the comments posted by the same Mod.

We all know who that is.

Why is the OT Forum being erased, stopped, boot it off, but we still have a "WOMEN ONLY FORUM?"

I mean, I respect the fact that someone decided to have a gender specific forum, doesn't bother me - why could we not parallel to this continue to have an OT Forum?

The argument for those "self-selected" OT haters is that what happened in the OT Forum would not contribute to the overall concept of DR1, right?

Then why was the OT so visited, why so many would speed up the process to obtain 500 post to be able to access, why would so many post and read the USA Politics threads, why would poster skim the regular forums and just read and post in OT by choice?

There is something about those 500 post to reach OT that kept on bringing poster back to DR1, if the Administrators are so blind to see this, and rather lose potential members, just because a few "self-haters" have decided that OT isn't good enough for them, then DR1 deserves to lose all that traffic.

What are we gonna talk all day about, how to cook Mangu, Plato del Dia, o Las Putas de Sosua?

Have your pick!


Active member
Mar 22, 2020
The point of your insult is?
Point being the thread was dominated by like minded individuals that jumped on people that held differing opinions like a bunch of hens at a peckin' party. It's obvious enough members were offended by the lack of civility (I am somewhat guilty of contributing to that) and complained to close the off topic threads. I have mixed feelings regarding the closing of the off topic forums as it did provide some interesting insight into the thought process of some of the people that contribute to this site.

On the whole it's likely a good decision by the ownership as this is a Dom Rep forum. If they bring it back they should drop the onerous 500 post rule.


Jul 5, 2010
Point being the thread was dominated by like minded individuals that jumped on people that held differing opinions like a bunch of hens at a peckin' party. It's obvious enough members were offended by the lack of civility (I am somewhat guilty of contributing to that) and complained to close the off topic threads. I have mixed feelings regarding the closing of the off topic forums as it did provide some interesting insight into the thought process of some of the people that contribute to this site.

On the whole it's likely a good decision by the ownership as this is a Dom Rep forum. If they bring it back they should drop the onerous 500 post rule.

Last post every here, the left hates anywhere where their narrative isn't treated as gospel.
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