Origin of DR1ers

Where are you from?

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william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Somebody speak for the Cdns and their 'melting pot' mentality.

After I left Canada, things got out of hand - correct me here somebody, if I err - the streets and signs in Chinatown-Toronto are dual (forget the French for a moment) and one immigrant, after being admitted to the Mounties, refused the hat - insisting on his turban .
As I recall, he won his case !!!!! Ludicrous

The immigrant population began to petition for, and be granted, the right to carry their FULL culture into Cdn society.

I'm all for protecting heritage, but shouldn't it follow, not lead, the Cdn culture.???


Aug 26, 2012
I suspect that moving forward into the 21st century we will begin to see huge changes in how everyone relates to the idea of borders, nationalism, patriotism etc............
As ease of communication expands our access to all thing worldly, so does the world around us shrink before our eyes.
In 100 or 200 or maybe even fewer years the very idea of multi-culturism or melting pots could be viewed as antiquated at best, if not downright silly. At that point, humans from planet earth may well be mingling with life forces from other
To quote that well known Qu?becois, Elvis Gratton; ;)
"Think big!" :alien:


Jan 2, 2002
Somebody speak for the Cdns and their 'melting pot' mentality.

After I left Canada, things got out of hand - correct me here somebody, if I err - the streets and signs in Chinatown-Toronto are dual (forget the French for a moment) and one immigrant, after being admitted to the Mounties, refused the hat - insisting on his turban .
As I recall, he won his case !!!!! Ludicrous

The immigrant population began to petition for, and be granted, the right to carry their FULL culture into Cdn society.

I'm all for protecting heritage, but shouldn't it follow, not lead, the Cdn culture.???

This and other posts above are not a subject for this thread!


New member
Dec 17, 2012
That's why! Almost have of dr1's are Canadian and there is no "sense of humour in dr1" People coming from bad weather countries have a miserable sense of humour. Look at the dominicans, their lives are crumbling around them but they always have a smile and a "good morning" for you. Can the rest of us feel the same? We tend to complain and to cry for the minimal
thing touching our lives and one reason most are hidding in the dr, including hidding from high prices back home.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Somebody speak for the Cdns and their 'melting pot' mentality.

After I left Canada, things got out of hand - correct me here somebody, if I err - the streets and signs in Chinatown-Toronto are dual (forget the French for a moment) and one immigrant, after being admitted to the Mounties, refused the hat - insisting on his turban .
As I recall, he won his case !!!!! Ludicrous

The immigrant population began to petition for, and be granted, the right to carry their FULL culture into Cdn society.

I'm all for protecting heritage, but shouldn't it follow, not lead, the Cdn culture.???

that is the fault of Canada. it should let these people who want to conceal their faces in the bank stay OUT of the bank. if you cannot comply, nobody is handcuffing you to Canada. go home, where you can do as you please, since we are not going to change for you, especially since your government will lock my ass up if i tongue-kiss Mary Sue on your main boulevard.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
like what? caucasian kinda thing? i think people see it as quite offensive, no? personally i never saw the issue. i come from extremely boring country. nearly everyone is polish and white. i always find it interesting to learn that people may have a problem with self identification regarding nationality or ethnicity.

No, not caucasian kinda thing. Polish, Italian, Russian, Greek kinda thing. Ethnicity. Or Heinz 57 Variety for those of many multiples of ethnicity, whose roots have been in America for hundreds of years instead of just since early 1900s.

I have always been confused by hyphenated americans. If you don't consider yourself an American, call yourself something else, instead of a Jewish American or why not just Jew?

I have never called myself an Italian American. I am an American of Italian descent. In the US, I am Italian. When I step over the border to anywhere, I am American. When I first met Mr. AE's grandmother back in the mid 70s, and she heard me speak, she asked him if I was American. He said yes. She later said that I looked Italian [her father was], and he said that I was. And it confused her, how could I be American and be Italian. Dominicans see ethnicity differently. Mr. AE has Italian ancestry on both sides of his family, but he doesn't acknowledge it any more than he does his Spanish ancestry. He's Dominican. Period.

The reason for the hyphenation is sort of like the reason for latino surnames.

Latinos use the surnames of both their father and mother, to preserve the family name, and honor their heritage. It also makes things easier in terms of politics in the home, esp. with big families.

Likewise, Americans "hyphenate" to honor both their past as well as their future. There is no country in the world that is as large a true melting pot as the U.S. Because of the lack of homogeneity, we don't really think of being "American" as an ethnicity so much as extolling a set of virtues (freedom, democracy, all that).

So, it is nice to be able to describe where our ancestors hail from in the same breath as proudly proclaiming our Americanness.


william webster

Jan 16, 2009
that is the fault of Canada. it should let these people who want to conceal their faces in the bank stay OUT of the bank. if you cannot comply, nobody is handcuffing you to Canada. go home, where you can do as you please, since we are not going to change for you, especially since your government will lock my ass up if i tongue-kiss Mary Sue on your main boulevard.

I'm with you, Goo-Goo.... but my tongue has been sliced out by another CDN....

the shame of it...:bored:

I'm a real freak - I was born in Canada..... thats like being born in California......
Actually, so was my father....


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Can't reply as mine isn't covered :( unless I could select both UK and Western Europe.
I thought you are from Gibraltar? That would go under UK. Its only in overseas colonies in the Caribbean that Caribbean should be chosen. Otherwise the country for which the colony belongs to should be chosen. I know technically they are not called colonies anymore, they have all sorts of fancy names, but they are colonies. lol


New member
Dec 17, 2012
That's is exactly the difference between Canada and the USA. In Canada you are not forced to BE WHAT YOU ARE NOT and as in any CIVILIZED SOCIETY the rights of people with different cultures ARE RESPECTED and as a NEW CANADIAN your rights are protected as well. Canada is on the forefront of RESPECT for every Culture, religion and nationality that resides in its borders, Canada is the Future of how mankind will live. Long live Canada a truly 1st world country! The weather sucks but hey perfection is not normal eh.....


Aug 26, 2012
That's is exactly the difference between Canada and the USA. In Canada you are not forced to BE WHAT YOU ARE NOT and as in any CIVILIZED SOCIETY the rights of people with different cultures ARE RESPECTED and as a NEW CANADIAN your rights are protected as well. Canada is on the forefront of RESPECT for every Culture, religion and nationality that resides in its borders, Canada is the Future of how mankind will live. Long live Canada a truly 1st world country! The weather sucks but hey perfection is not normal eh.....

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the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
That's is exactly the difference between Canada and the USA. In Canada you are not forced to BE WHAT YOU ARE NOT and as in any CIVILIZED SOCIETY the rights of people with different cultures ARE RESPECTED and as a NEW CANADIAN your rights are protected as well. Canada is on the forefront of RESPECT for every Culture, religion and nationality that resides in its borders, Canada is the Future of how mankind will live. Long live Canada a truly 1st world country! The weather sucks but hey perfection is not normal eh.....

i beg to differ. there is a difference between respect and capitulation. the country had elementary statutes for obvious reasons, such as non-concealment of one's face in a queue at the bank. the teller needs to be able to see with whom he or she is transacting business. that is not an onerous, nor unreasonable demand. it is self explanatory. now people from other cultures, who practice facial concealment, wish to disrupt Canadian requirements, by saying they will not remove facial obstructions from recognition. well, Canada has no right to grab these people, and rip off their facial cover. to my thinking, it still retains the right to tell these people that they cannot transact business in a bank in contravention of already established statutes, which were in place long before they chose to move there.


Jul 10, 2004
Can't reply as mine isn't covered :( unless I could select both UK and Western Europe.

It must have been painful for your mother to have you in two different places at one time. Did that make the Guinness Book of World Records for maximum places for one birth?


Jul 10, 2004
I have always been confused by hyphenated americans. If you don't consider yourself an American, call yourself something else, instead of a Jewish American or why not just Jew?

You happened to pick the one sub group that is perhaps the most confusing since Jewish people not only have a religion but a homeland in Israel and be born in another country. I could be called a Polish American, but I just go with American of Polish descent.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
It must have been painful for your mother to have you in two different places at one time. Did that make the Guinness Book of World Records for maximum places for one birth?
Not that it really matters in the scheme of things, but as a "colonial" - a rarity in the 21st century - one is my geographical/cultural origin and the other is my nationality on paper. I would have to choose one or the other - NALs said in post 32 that I should choose based on nationality alone - but neither would be 100% accurate. If I had to choose I would pick geography and culture but it is not an option for me as the territory in question is not on the list.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
that is the fault of Canada. it should let these people who want to conceal their faces in the bank stay OUT of the bank. if you cannot comply, nobody is handcuffing you to Canada. go home, where you can do as you please, since we are not going to change for you, especially since your government will lock my ass up if i tongue-kiss Mary Sue on your main boulevard.

Only if Mary-Sue is married to the cop. In my hometown you can suck face and smoke a joint walking down the street and you won't get arrested, but ride a bicycle without a helment and you'll be stopped and ticketed.


New member
Jan 13, 2010
I feel like in the 1990 census when you could only choose one racial category.

I'm PUERTORICAN Dude!!! Hispanic! I'm not black and I'm not white, I'm brown!!!
Even the 2010 census was an issue. I'm not black AND white either.

I have always been confused by hyphenated americans. If you don't consider yourself an American, call yourself something else, instead of a Jewish American or why not just Jew?

Maybe it's my English, but I've always read that as the person saying he is American and the other word being a modifier, like you're giving more information about yourself. Saying you're Chinese American as you would talk about the yellow car. It's a car, and the color is yellow.

In a place where Kentucky Fried Chicken becomes K.F.C. and Burger King becomes B.K. because it's too many words you can't really expect most people to say they are "American-of-Chinese-descent".