Our second car accident in the last 2 months


Jul 3, 2002
Many years ago, my Dominican gf (ex) had my Mitsubishi jeep in town, POP, parked, and when she came back from store a motoconcho had hit it, while it was parked (the car), and it was surrounded by motoconcho drivers who wanted 'justice' LMAO...they didn't know she was crazy, she just got in the car, just before she yelled that anybody not getting out of the way, will be run over, with that crazy look in her eyes that I know all too well.....needless to say, they parted like the red sea when Moses approached. Of course, only a Dominican can do this....don't try this as a gringo....I was not there, by the way...


Sep 27, 2006
miesposo told me once about some high rank police dude in POP who was hit by a motoconcho. in a moment there were 20 drivers there, all shouting and banging on the car. the dude pulled out a shotgun from under the seat, got out and yelled at the top of his lungs. in a split second the street was empty. everyone, including injured driver run for cover like roaches :)


New member
Mar 25, 2013
I witnessed an accident a couple of months ago. Gringo started the wrong way down a one-way street and realized it right away. Then he started backing up without looking. Backed right into a motoconcho. Not very fast mind you, but knocked the motoconcho back a bit and was crunching the front so the guy couldn't move. The guy was honking his horn furiously and kicking out at the truck to get it to stop, which it finally did with no seroius damage.

Police happened to be close by so they were there in a hurry. Gringo exits his truck (keep in mind this one really was the gringo's fault) and starts yelling at the motoconcho driver that he is an idiot and then starts yelling at the police that they are idiots because the street wasn't big enough for two ways (hmm...hence the one way sign though I know most people ignore them). Guy was right in the police officer's face too. I thought for sure he was going away.

But the motoconcho driver just said it was no big deal and just a few scratches and everyone just left with nothing.

Still, the law is the law, no matter how stupid it is, and can be interpreted many different ways depending on who is interpreting it at that time. The fact is the law allows for the arrest of the owner of any vehicle that is involved in an accident with injuries. I guess this is to give the police time to investigate but who knows. The law is supposed to apply to everyone but you know how that can work.

We gringos are the minority here so we should always be extra careful. I almost always have a camera/recorder with me when I'm out and about just in case and keep my lawyer's number and my embassy's number on me. So far I never had to use them, but better safe than sorry.


New member
Mar 25, 2013
One more thing to point out. If someone else is driving your car and it is involved in an accident with injuries, as the owner of the car, they will be looking for you. Everything is in your name. You have to be careful about who you let drive your car more so here than in many other places. Especially if your insurance has no coverage for that particular driver. My lawyer has always told me that the owner is as liable or more liable than the driver. If the driver has no money, no vehicle or whatever, the owner can be made to pay instead. The exceptions would be cases where you are renting a car and control and liability is passed on from owner to renter and documented with the contract. Yes, I asked my lawyer about that case as I have rented a lot and though it would make the renting company liable but it does not.


Jul 10, 2004
well, that is in keeping with the national motto of the DR; no es mi culpa. you can hit a parked car, and blame it on the owner.

That law is emblematic of that exact style here. Amazing you could be locked up for an accident someone has with with your legally parked car. Law or not:

Did that ever happen to anyone?

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010

And here you had us thinking YOU were the DR expert!



they have companies that purport to be insurance companies, but , having worked in the field for over half a century in the USA, i see absolutely no resemblance between what i consider to be insurance and what passes for it here.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
That law is emblematic of that exact style here. Amazing you could be locked up for an accident someone has with with your legally parked car. Law or not:

Did that ever happen to anyone?

first of all, the police have no business entering into the affairs of a vehicular accident, unless something illegal is involved. one guy crashing into another guy's car is a civil matter. i am aware that the DR legal system does not appear to be able to distinguish between civil and criminal, which is why guys can end up in jail for owing another guy money.


Nov 4, 2011
they have companies that purport to be insurance companies, but , having worked in the field for over half a century in the USA, i see absolutely no resemblance between what i consider to be insurance and what passes for it here.

Also gorgon I have never been to a place as small as DR with so many lawyers LOL

I think its about 10,000,000 people on the island with 15,000,000 lawyers on the island and EVERYBODY knows a lawyer.

BTW Nice!!! response to Pichardo post.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Also gorgon I have never been to a place as small as DR with so many lawyers LOL

I think its about 10,000,000 people on the island with 15,000,000 lawyers on the island and EVERYBODY knows a lawyer.

BTW Nice!!! response to Pichardo post.

actually, JMB, everybody does not know a lawyer. everybody is a lawyer.