Particular dental procedure-performed in the DR?


hasta la tambora
Apr 4, 2005
Here is another link to a hotel in Medellin, Colombia that is affiliated with a dental clinic.

The link goes directly to the pricelist(which needs to be downloaded), is in spanish and quoted prices are in colombian pesos.

Club Medellin Colombia Mansion Hotel Resort Accommodation Free Internet Tours Real Estate Free Dating Introduction to Latin Colombian Women Aussie Greg

Now that is what I call a "Full Service" dental clinic!
Do they offer a discount if you fill multiple cavities?


Nov 17, 2004
Now that is what I call a "Full Service" dental clinic!
Do they offer a discount if you fill multiple cavities?

I am in the preliminary stages of info gathering. There really is no information on medical tourism for the independent traveler on the internet so there is not much I can pass on here.

What I mean by this is most medical tourism is done by american companies who jack the prices up because they have an all-inclusive approach-airport pick-up, hotels and transportation to and from the clinics. I am just looking for clinics and prices. The rest I can do myself.

But so far from what I have researched the work that I am looking to have done will be cheaper in Colombia and Costa Rica than in the DR.

I have a friend whose cousin is a dentist in Barranquilla and I am planning on going there first, as I will be able to get braces for around $500 or maybe even less.

From what I was told I would need the braces and do the implants after they come off, so the work will be done in stages and will take more than one visit.


Nov 17, 2004
Here is the reply I was waitng for...

This is the e-mail I just received from Humberto Jaime. I think this should be a good starting point for anyone wishing to look further into this procedure in the Dominican Republic.


Thank you for contact us. We have 3 dental offices in DR with a very qualified team where all your needs can be satisfied.

I know the implants you mention; OCO is definitely a very good option. In Dominican Republic you will find ENDURE Implants and MDI Sendax Mini Dental Implants. Both are USA manufactured, ISO 9000 certified and FDA approved.

ENDURE is the most advanced and easy implant system, if your clinical evaluation indicate that you apply for conventional implants ENDURE will be the most cost effective option in the market.

If your clinical features do not allow you to get conventional implants, we have the perfect alternative, MDI Sendax Mini Dental Implants.

MDI Sendax Mini Dental Implants are designed to stabilize partial or total over dentures, they are approved as long term treatment and in most of the cases are immediate loading. Actually IMTEC has the patent of this product as they invented it, so all other brands ?included OCO- came to the market with similar systems after MDI Sendax Mini Dental Implants.

So if you are looking for implants I suggest you to arrange an appointment with Dr. Rojas so he can evaluate your needs and then propose you the best treatment for your needs.

Please click at Dental Cibao so you can know more about our services and let me know when you prefer to have an appointment.




809-629-1723 Mobile in Dominican Republic

hjaimedr01 in SKYPE


Nov 17, 2004
A DR1 member, ctRob, has given me permission to post some information that he has on the subject of dental implants in the DR.

After speaking to Humberto Jaime he had a consultation with Dr. Rojas(there are two of them, a husband and wife team) in Moca. He was very impressed with the facilities and mentioned that the equipment was nicer than the stuff his dentist has back home.

After beginning some minor prep work, which he mentions was reasonably priced, he received a quote of US $1650 per implant which surprised him given the fact that the costa rican site charges between $500-$650 for the implant procedure they advertise.

Stay tuned, as I have yet to hear from my contact person in Baranquilla, Colombia to see what prices are available there.


Mar 4, 2004
For those who might wish to know - Dr. Fredy Lepe of Puerto Plata now does implants. I had two done this morning: 1.5 hours being worked on which included 2 extractions. US$850 per implant.

It wasn't as bad as I expected :cheeky:. Worst bit was I asked for topical spray first to dull the anaesthetic needle injection & the spray substance went down the back of my throat constricting muscles somewhat - once that wore off everything else was fine. Dr. Lepe is a stickler for sterility - even wearing shoe covers & get this, covering my face with a green sterile cloth which just had an opening for nose & mouth (despite my 'you have to be kidding'). After anaesthetic wore off there was some discomfort, nothing major. When Dr. Lepe was suturing he said BushBaby had requested this be done to the lips...........:laugh::laugh:

Nice touch - he phoned tonight to see how I was. :) I go back in a couple of months for moulds & crowns. I'll post an update at that time.


Jun 3, 2006
For those who might wish to know - Dr. Fredy Lepe of Puerto Plata now does implants. I had two done this morning: 1.5 hours being worked on which included 2 extractions. US$850 per implant.

Lambada, thank you very much for this information!

US$850 per implant - is this total or there is separate charge for the crown? What is the price in total, including appointments, x-rays, etc.? What kind of implant was that?


Mar 4, 2004
Lambada, thank you very much for this information!

US$850 per implant - is this total or there is separate charge for the crown? What is the price in total, including appointments, x-rays, etc.? What kind of implant was that?

Titanium, I'm assuming - they certainly look like metal. There is a separate charge for the crowns which is in pesos - around RS$16,000 but negotiable downwards if you're having several done. I had a panoramic X-ray done at different location before the diagnosis was made (that was RD$400, I think). X-rays during the proceedure ( there were 4) are all included in the price & show up on Dr. Lepe's computer in minutes, so if you can get the green sterile cloth off your face you can see what's happening on the computer. Appointments are included in the price. First appointment was diagnostic & we discussed the proceedure. Second yesterday to have it done under local anaethetic. I will pop in in a week or so for him to check how it is healing (appointment not necessary for this, just pop in & catch him when he's there). Then go back in a couple of months for taking moulds for crowns, then final one for crowns to be fitted.

Today, the day after, there is no pain but my body feels like it had an op. yesterday! Right side of face has swollen a bit, probably the result of all the pummelling (drilling into jawbone etc) - I don't think this is the start of an infection but will monitor because I have to have antiobiotics administered intramuscularly so they don't transit via the stomach (this links to a colon spasm issue, nothing to do with dental work). The good news is that the facial swelling hides my wrinkles...........:laugh:

And for info, Dr. Lepe has fluent English so for anyone concerned about lapsing into native tongue when undergoing the proceedure, he will understand you. Even with your mouth open!


Apr 28, 2006
We await your new jaw so you can bite the head off the cobra.....all in jest folks. Wishing you speedy recovery.:cheeky:

Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
Do me a favor and ask about a "full mouth, upper and lower denture implant".
My teeth are "going South" at a rapid rate and I'm thinking of having full dentures done to replace them.
A price quote would be nice to have, also.
Do it via PM, email or post here for those who may be considering the same procedure.

Texas Bill


Mar 4, 2004
Just returned to this thread to do a final update & find a little job waiting for me since August! TexasBill, you should have PMed me if you wanted me to find out something for you - sorry, only just seen the request. I expect you've found out the info for yourself by now but if not Dr Lepe's number is 809-586-6666 so you can call him.

OK so the update. I went back end of October for the moulds for the crowns to be taken. These took a while to come back (laboratory man was on a course in Europe I believe). They came (as bare titanium) back end of November, & I went for test run. Then they went back to laboratory for ceramic cover. Came back in December - all was ok. Then they went on their final journal back to laboratory for the glaze to be added. They were returned to Dr. Lepe early January and finally last Friday they were placed in my mouth & all is well. Initially felt like two foreign objects in my mouth after 5 months of nothing being there, but beginning to get used to them today.

So, whole thing was not as bad as I initially anticipated (see post in August) and I would certainly recommend Dr. Lepe's professionalism. Watch the sense of humour though! He'll tell you with a totally straight face that they are now offering a distance service model whereby you remove painful teeth, send to him, he repairs and returns via courrier.............:)


Nov 9, 2006
There is a separate charge for the crowns which is in pesos - around RS$16,000 but negotiable downwards if you're having several done. !

Do you mean RD 16,000? And was that for all three?

So roughly $850usd + $5333RD for a complete implant?

thanks in advance


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
Porcelain crowns range from RD$10k-18k each depending on the type of crown. Full porcelain, fused metal to porcelain etc. Insurance will cover 40-60% of the cost if you have local and the right coverage.


Mar 4, 2004
Do you mean RD 16,000? And was that for all three?

So roughly $850usd + $5333RD for a complete implant?

thanks in advance

RD$16,000 was the price quoted for one crown - I got it slightly cheaper because I was having 3 crowns. See Robert's post for range of prices. A complete implant was US$850 + RD$16,000.

Yes there was a typo in my earlier post it read RS$ it should have read RD$. Well spotted!


New member
Jan 19, 2008
how many total visits for implants?

I've already had one implant done here in the US and it cost about $3000US !!--Now I need another implant (isn't it fun being an aging boomer with fragile teeth!?) and would love to have it done in POP or Santiago--

Questions for Lambada and anyone who's had the procedure:
1. How many separate visits will it require?

We have a small vacation/rental house in Las Terrenas, but only make a couple trips each year from the US so I need to see what's feasible--

2. Would it be easier to drive to POP or Santiago from Las Terrenas?

Many thanks!


Dec 12, 2004
Having retired from the US Army Dental Corps many years ago I had my doubts about having work done in this country. I took a chance when I was given the opportunity to be the "model" in a Implant program in Santiago. I had (8)eight implants done for $1500.00USD. I was put to sleep in the doctors office and woke up in my bed in Santiago. The total procedure was "painless". I praise the meticulous and professional work done by the "Dominican Dentist'. This was in September of 2006. Last year in August i was in the states and needed to see a dentist for a slight discomfort in one area. After prescribing a few antibiotics for the discomfort he asked me where did i have the implant work done. I told him in the DR. He told me that in his small town in South Carolina the work would have cost me in a minimum of $35, 000.00 for all the work he evaluated. He also said in a normal town with a normal population the cost would exceed $40,000.00.
I post this to endorse anyone thinking of how professional DR Dentist are. Of course there are bad apples in the bunch....but a lot of those grow on trees all around the world.


Mar 4, 2004
Questions for Lambada and anyone who's had the procedure:
1. How many separate visits will it require?

Hi Susan,

If you read my posts above, you'll see I detailed each visit: August, October, November, December & January.

Las Terranas is a bit of a hike from Puerto Plata. You might want to look for somewhere nearer.