Prostitution in DR

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New member
Mar 10, 2003
Re: Re: lalla & salito123 photo...

jazzcom said:
Great Photo... Hard to believe you are relaxed and on vacation with the "TOUGH" look upon your puss's. You both ought to smile a bit, ya know, like the whores do to attract a guy, instead of the "I am gonna rip your mofo head off" look. You must have run across some fugly hoes my friend. I have seen working gals with a just as attractive facial features and nicer bodies so you must have just run across the triple bag crowd.

You know, the ones that are so ugly they should apologize to you for just being there. Hell I would put up anyone of my Dominican wives in a beauty contest.

Good luck!

uhh dude, you paid for it.....................



Jan 2, 2002
Lalla remember yesturday when you said I interupt. Well what would you do with a comment such as jazzy's. Sould I

A. Delete his post
B. tell him to back off the personal insults?
C. Close thread, ( only last resort)

hollywood north

New member
Dec 11, 2002
Lazy! Yeah Cris! Guess it's really not WORK to do whatever you have to to get the customer off.......sometimes yes, sometimes no-more likely it IS work!!! (I am sure you are more of a pleasure than true hard work!!!)))) Ha ha ha! With the skills you have under your belt....

Well, if you can make three times the amount you would doing a 'regular' job, in half the time or less, and are ok with that, why the hell not?


New member
Mar 10, 2003
Anna Coniglio said:
Lalla remember yesturday when you said I interupt. Well what would you do with a comment such as jazzy's. Sould I

A. Delete his post
B. tell him to back off the personal insults?
C. Close thread, ( only last resort)

Don't do anything, that post right there shows how STUPID he is (notice i did not use the word ignorant because it does not apply)

he assumes everyone is like his mother and for sale............


Mar 10, 2003
Anna Coniglio said:
Lalla remember yesturday when you said I interupt. Well what would you do with a comment such as jazzy's. Sould I

A. Delete his post
B. tell him to back off the personal insults?
C. Close thread, ( only last resort)

well anna lol, i think u should leave it, we are after all entitled to personal opinions. and we may not be his cup of tea lol
thats fine, he was speaking based on a picture, no sweat.....
but ur the moderator, its your call...i wasn't insulted though! :)


Jan 2, 2002
Salito that goes for you as well. let's stick to the topic please and leave the insults at the door or garbage can


Jan 2, 2002
Lets cut all the Bullcrap.....

You johns want cheap hooker action so you all come forth on their defense. I really don't think these dirty hoes are doing all this so they can feed their kids. The vast majority of them do it because its almost free / easy money. They like sex and if its an old man then they just close their eyes and think of the money (often, this thought is enough to get an orgasm).
many of these hookers have expensive cell phones which they change on monthly basis. They buy expensive clothes and when some money is left over, they send it home as well. These girls drink like bums from bowery st. and steal your money like a NYC pick pocketer. Many of them do go to university and work as call girls. You would be surprised how many are call girls in cheap universities. They often go back home to spend some time with their illegitimate kids (fathers unknown in many cases) and rest up and go back to work to make quick money and live the easy life. Many of these girls have kids from guy whom they were screwing for money. Often times i think they make kids so they could have an excuse to become hookers.
They were neighborhood sluts before they became professional hookers. they are almost all low lives and liars. They are from broken up families or thrown out from homes because they were a shame to their families in the first place.
Please stop defending these girls. I have seen many up close and many were my patients for low back pain (walking on high heels). These girls are all lost and not many are innocent as you all would like to think they are.
You johns defend them because many are in love with one of these girls and some of you losers are actually married to ex: hookers.
It is pathetic to compare sleazy sosua hookers to your wives. I mean, it makes me wonder where some of you people are coming from? Don't you have any pride in your family's name?
If my sister or my daughter were to turn into a hooker, I would hope she dies a horrible death, thats if I don't bring it to her myself first.
I hope I make my point clear.
Stop sugar coating these sluts and take them for what they are, whores = whore= whore. pay them money and get your money's worth while they are still young. Other than that, if you compare them to your wives and sisters, I feel you belong in the same filth as these scums of the streets.
have a nice day.


Mar 2, 2003
I'll take their side

I have had some good talks with hookers, and I disagree that they don't work very hard. It's dirty work sometimes, but somebody has to do it.

Obviously it takes alot of emotional strangth to do that kind of thing, not only is every customer a potential nightmare but you also get marginalized by your own society and have to lie about what you do to your family and future boyfriends, husbands, etc. if you ever choose to do something else.

Also the occupational hazards as far as disease are pretty sobering.

When I first came to this country and didn't know anybody I met a few prostitutes who I thought were really nice girls, and their profession was unfortunate, they could have done well in any number of other situations had the opportunity arisen at the right time. Also since I'm pretty open minded about sex and things of that nature it was refreshing to talk to somebody with no pretenses. Now that I've been here awhile, gotten married and have had to integrate more or less into "polite" Dominican society I've left those kind of activities and associations behind, I realise this isn't really necessary and alot of married guys do it but I don't believe in lying so I don't do anything I might have to lie about.


Mar 10, 2003
I agree.

I didnt meant to start a huge debate and have people insult each other, it was a simple question on peoples thoughts, no one was judging, merely EXPRESSING....and hey maybe DEEP down inside we were judging, but then again, who are you(general) to JUDGE me because i am juding?? u know???

interesting to have seen everyones opinion, thoughts, JUDGEMENTS.....

very interesting...
shall we move on to the next topic now that we have established where everyone stands??

we know we'll find colon at the plaza with a chick in arm....we'll know u paid for her lol


New member
Mar 10, 2003
Re: Lets cut all the Bullcrap.....

AZB said:
You johns want cheap hooker action so you all come forth on their defense. I really don't think these dirty hoes are doing all this so they can feed their kids. The vast majority of them do it because its almost free / easy money. They like sex and if its an old man then they just close their eyes and think of the money (often, this thought is enough to get an orgasm).
many of these hookers have expensive cell phones which they change on monthly basis. They buy expensive clothes and when some money is left over, they send it home as well. These girls drink like bums from bowery st. and steal your money like a NYC pick pocketer. Many of them do go to university and work as call girls. You would be surprised how many are call girls in cheap universities. They often go back home to spend some time with their illegitimate kids (fathers unknown in many cases) and rest up and go back to work to make quick money and live the easy life. Many of these girls have kids from guy whom they were screwing for money. Often times i think they make kids so they could have an excuse to become hookers.
They were neighborhood sluts before they became professional hookers. they are almost all low lives and liars. They are from broken up families or thrown out from homes because they were a shame to their families in the first place.
Please stop defending these girls. I have seen many up close and many were my patients for low back pain (walking on high heels). These girls are all lost and not many are innocent as you all would like to think they are.
You johns defend them because many are in love with one of these girls and some of you losers are actually married to ex: hookers.
It is pathetic to compare sleazy sosua hookers to your wives. I mean, it makes me wonder where some of you people are coming from? Don't you have any pride in your family's name?
If my sister or my daughter were to turn into a hooker, I would hope she dies a horrible death, thats if I don't bring it to her myself first.
I hope I make my point clear.
Stop sugar coating these sluts and take them for what they are, whores = whore= whore. pay them money and get your money's worth while they are still young. Other than that, if you compare them to your wives and sisters, I feel you belong in the same filth as these scums of the streets.
have a nice day.

i'm with you

now kill the thread. theres no point anymore................
Mar 21, 2002
Anna Coniglio you're the moderator? Can I have some fettucine alfredo with that please? Viva Italia if you're Italian and if you ain't then Viva________ fill it in yourself.

All must address AZB as your excellency cuz Hippo has given him the title of Chief Promoter of "ei cibao" and ajacent areas.

It's a wonder that AIDS isn't more widespread with all of that hoeing going on.

To Criss Colon you Sirrr are a pig. I challenge you to a duel Sirrr. Just kidding. What you just said would look horrible on a resume. At the bottom under community service you'd place that. Aiding young destitute women by providing a donation for fellatio.

What a goat you are!

MRMIKE you Sirrrr are a gentleman and a scholar.


Jan 14, 2002
Re: lalla & salito123 photo...

Robert said:
I'll let you form your own opinions :)

Another one, hehehehe, my opinion is formed :)


Wow, now she has a nice smile and looks attractive. Much better than the other one. She is as pretty as my dominican wife.

Anna HERE:
You got one shot at each other. That's it
Last edited by a moderator:


Mar 10, 2003
Re: Re: lalla & salito123 photo...

jazzcom said:
Wow, now she has a nice smile and looks attractive. Much better than the other one. However the guy she is with looks like a low life! LOL She is as pretty as my dominican wife.

Criss, I will go to 400 pesos!

EASY there buddy, this is the BEST man on the face of the earth....and I GOT HIM....ur just

I have a handsome INTELLIGENT man by my side, which my dear friends is the reason the whores want him too, but then i come out and karate chop their asses back into the cabanas to go wash their BUTTS!!!!



Jan 2, 2002
Lalla is Hotttttttt!!!!!

You are all jealous of salito because he is "da man with THE woman" while many of you are still dreaming of being with your boca chica cheap puta.
Lalla looks like the younger version of Paula Abdul.... you lucky dog (salito).

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
I must apologize to both of you!

"Lalla",and Salito! I did not know that the pictures were really of you!

"Lalla" you are one "Fine" look'in Lady"!!!!! "Fine Look'in"!!!!

"Salito" Your Lady is "Fine like Wine"!! Stay close to home boy,cause I won't be far away!!!! "Fine Look'in"!

If you come to the DR please let me know,I would just like to get a "LOOK" at "Lalla"!

"I like the "LOOK" you "got on" in the picture! Thats why I though Robert took it from a magazine or something!


Be a little more "Chilly" on DR1!


New member
Mar 10, 2003

she is beautiful, that i already know....

jazzcom, i got to read the post before you edited, and in response to that, You have a right to feel anyone you choose, thats your bussiness and i can't fault you for that.

as far as that, this is the net and i hold no hard feelings or grudges...


Mar 10, 2003
Re: Lalla is Hotttttttt!!!!!

AZB said:
You are all jealous of salito because he is "da man with THE woman" while many of you are still dreaming of being with your boca chica cheap puta.
Lalla looks like the younger version of Paula Abdul.... you lucky dog (salito).

boca chica cheap puta?? ahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha

try saying that fast ahahahahah what a tongue twister


Jan 14, 2002
Re: Re: Re: lalla & salito123 photo...

salito123 said:
uhh dude, you paid for it.....................


You don't have to pay for a woman in the DR. All you have to do is to raise your hand.

Hell, do you know what 300 pesos converts to? A whole lot less than what it costs you to buy your girl a couple of drinks in NY. Most women in the DR even the ones that aren't hookers are for sale. They just want to be taken care of and provided a home. I am talking beautiful working women that aren't hookers. They just are so use to Dominican men not being right that they glom onto any foreigner.

Does this dude remind anyone of Leonardo? LOL
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