$RD 1200 for a local pie guru


Jan 12, 2007
DV8's pie sounds wonderful.  For the Fruitcake, in the refrigerated desert case in Playero they had some good looking fruit cake.  Can't vouch for taste.  Am not a fruit cake lover. 


Nov 2, 2006
1200 pesos for a pie?

That's way too much.
In the DR a pie should be no more than 500 DOP
In Cuba, no more than 265 CUP
In Jamaica, around 1200 JMD
In the Bahamas, 10 BMD
and Antigua, 27 XCD

Those are the pie-rates of the Caribbean.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
1200 pesos for a pie?

That's way too much.
In the DR a pie should be no more than 500 DOP
In Cuba, no more than 265 CUP
In Jamaica, around 1200 JMD
In the Bahamas, 10 BMD
and Antigua, 27 XCD

Those are the pie-rates of the Caribbean.

touche, beeza..


hasta la tambora
Apr 4, 2005
1200 pesos for a pie?

That's way too much.
In the DR a pie should be no more than 500 DOP
In Cuba, no more than 265 CUP
In Jamaica, around 1200 JMD
In the Bahamas, 10 BMD
and Antigua, 27 XCD

Those are the pie-rates of the Caribbean.

We are talking about DV8's pie here now, you can not put a price on this!


Apr 29, 2014
The continuing saga of the pie

A little annoyed with myself, wanted to bring a fork with me but I forgot. Only had to buy 3 sets of wiper blades and pay for 2 car washes going through Puerto Plata. Reached my destination without creaming anyone or being creamed myself. Figured I should be easily identifiable so wore a solid bright red t-shirt covered in red maples leafs - subtle camouflage at work with that shirt.

Met the Butcher of POP er I mean to goddess of Costambar. The reason there is no sun on the north coast today is because my shimmering golden pie soaked up all of today's solar energy.

We exchanged pleasantries as well as two mortal enemies can. I made sure to point that this solitary act of kindness would not alter our online relationship at all - it'll take many more such offering to soothe my skipping spirit. That's not going to happen so it's the status quo well into 2018.

I took my leave while the getting was good. When one steps into the lioness's den, hanging around too long is not a good idea. My police escort met me at the community gate and were quite professional getting me through POP and past Jumbo without any sudden stops or bumps to knock the still cooling pie to a disastrous meeting with the floor of the car.

Pie and I are now home, safe and sound. I am tempted to move Christmas dinner ahead a day and feast today instead. I poked the turkey and it's not quite thawed so we may have to do pie today and fowl tomorrow. The plan remains fluid.

As I was pulling away, I heard the Butcher calling after me, "I hope you like spice!" Now I am a little concerned that cinnamon and gloves may have been replaced with Cayenne and Ghost peppers. That irony would not be lost on me.

Merry Christmas everyone. A special thank you to dv8 whose kindness and generosity should immediately be copied by everyone, even if only for a fleeting moment. It won't be long now before my next post gets deleted, maybe even this one...


Sep 27, 2006
and to think i could have poisoned the pie when i had the chance... bon apetit and merry christmas.

ps your offering pleased me, mortal.


Apr 29, 2014
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While the parents huddled by their monitors in hopes that the pie report would soon be there...

On that note we turn this over to our reporter on the scene in Sosua, Myrr Frankincense for late breaking developments.

Good evening everyone and a Merry Christmas to all. I am in front Gringo Fortress within the municipality of Sosua where a crowd has gathered to witness the aftermath of a holiday tragedy. Details remain unclear but here is what we know so far. Christmas dinner inside the palatial home was a smashing success. Even now, diners can be seen shedding their belts as the have run out of holes with which to loosen them. The trouble began after the dishes for the main course were cleared in preparation for desert. My sources tell me the whipped cream was peaking perfectly with just enough sugar added to bring on diabetes in just about anyone who consumed a mouthful.

As the now famous pumpkin pie was being transferred from the refrigerator to the counter, apparently one of the two dogs onsite ran between the legs of his owner causing the pie to fall to the floor. Cdn_Gringo, having eaten so much turkey and fixings just minutes before was unable to bend over sufficiently to retrieve the pie. Seizing upon the opportunity, both dogs began to devour the festive gift from on high in big gulps, forgoing any attempt at chewing. In desperation Sr. Gringo threw the bowl of freshly whipped cream at the dogs in a futile attempt to dissuade them from further debauchery. This just intensified the feeding frenzy and in short order the kitchen floor was cleaner then it had been all week.

I am attempting to contact one or both of the dogs for comment, but am having difficulty locating them. A neighbor commented that she thought she heard yelping and the distinct rapport of two shotgun blasts not 45 minutes ago. We have only seen the people inside intermittently as they appear at the side of the Villa to toss some of their possessions into an idling car. Barely audible over the murmur of the gathered crowd, I am pretty sure I overheard C. Gringo requesting airline tickets for the first flight going somewhere.

That's all I have for you at this time. I will update this unfolding story as new information becomes available. For now, it's back to our regularly scheduled programming - I'm Myrrh Frankincense on location in Sosua, back to the studio...

...While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads; And mamma in her ’kerchief, and I in my cap, Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap...