Slingbox and Preferable ISP Question


Sep 27, 2014
I'm planning on purchasing a Slingbox 500, so that I'll be able to watch my domestic TV while in the DR. I have a friend who has procured a dedicated HD cable box for this venture. Is anyone doing anything like this? I've done my research on broadband providers, and it looks like Tricom offers the fastest speeds. I'm thinking of using Tricom as my provider, as they provide up to 100Mbps, although, at 20Mbps/2Mbps I think I'll be fine streaming the Slingbox to my tablet and chromecasting it to my TV. Is this logical and possible? Also, is Tricom a good ISP? Thanks!


New member
Jun 4, 2014
I may be wrong but I think you need to be specific about WHERE in the D.R. you are talking about.....and I think one solution that you find may not be valid in another part of the country....again...not sure....but best be specific. will probably get opinions of others but little hard info(hope I am wrong).


Self-imposed banned🫢
Oct 9, 2014
at 20Mbps/2Mbps I think I'll be fine streaming the Slingbox to my tablet and chromecasting it to my TV. Is this logical and possible?

Yes - I don't see why not . I use a Sling Adapter connected to Dish network ViP? 722 receiver to stream from the US and it works quite well in the DR (with a 3Mbps Silvercable internet service ).

I also have a Slingbox PRO-HD streaming from the UK and that works well in the DR too .

Hope this helps!


Sep 27, 2014
Yes - I don't see why not . I use a Sling Adapter connected to Dish network ViP? 722 receiver to stream from the US and it works quite well in the DR (with a 3Mbps Silvercable internet service ).

I also have a Slingbox PRO-HD streaming from the UK and that works well in the DR too .

Hope this helps!

Yes. This has been very helpful. I truly appreciate it.


Active member
Oct 13, 2003

Yes. This has been very helpful. I truly appreciate it.

Remember there is two ends to this (your home internet and your internet here in the DR). Your home internet (where the slingbox is connected) should be more than the receiving end as my set-up

I have my slingbox connected to time warner in Calif at 10Mg and here in the DR with claro at 6mg. I found it fine for watching the dodgers and now the lakers (time warner owns the right and a messy story in LA about this, but thats another story).

I had delancer before at 3mg and it ran too poorly to be watchable with sports. Hope that helps Im in the Sosua/Cabarete area if any laker fan wants to come over and watch ji ji ji)..



New member
Apr 2, 2014
Anyone with Updated SlingBox Advice ? I have one running back home in the USA ( 500, with HDMI & Composites both used ) and watch in Cabarete, the flashing between what appears either poor signal then at times what appears is High Definition then the screen pauses goes blank for 5/7 seconds then back to a poor picture where at times captioned words are indiscernable. I run on 6mbs upped it from 2mbs at Cable Del Norte. They said they would send a tech out, maybe they will arrive today??

Any Ideas guys


Aug 13, 2006
Anyone with Updated SlingBox Advice ? I have one running back home in the USA ( 500, with HDMI & Composites both used ) and watch in Cabarete, the flashing between what appears either poor signal then at times what appears is High Definition then the screen pauses goes blank for 5/7 seconds then back to a poor picture where at times captioned words are indiscernable. I run on 6mbs upped it from 2mbs at Cable Del Norte. They said they would send a tech out, maybe they will arrive today??

Any Ideas guys

Make sure you really get the speed you pay for. Do frequent speed tests and complain to Cable del Norte if your internet speed is well below 6/2Mbit. Poor / unstable internet is the main problem for streaming. Is your sling device wireless? I haven't used one. But try to do speedtests connecting your PC directly to the modem with LAN cable and compare it to the speeds over WiFi. If the difference is significant - it may be that your wifi signal is weak. With standard DeLancer modems like Motorola with very short antenna on top of the modem you will be OK with just one wall between the modem and your wireless device. The further you move from the modem - the weaker the signal is and thus - the slower the speed you get.


New member
Apr 2, 2014
Sorry for the late reply...didn't know you had more info. I have not checked the delivered speed , what site would you use from here to check that ?

I think you are right the Poor/Unstable signal is what I seem to be perceiving, on my SlingBox Dashboard it displays a wireless signal & that signal goes from like 5 full vertical bars to 2 or none, at the particular moment the picture goes to how I wateched TV as a Kid with Rabbit Ear antennas

The SlingBox at home is NOT wireless it is HDMI & Composite Cable, this I thought was the problem but now I don't think so.

My Microsoft Surface does not have an Ethernet Connection, perhaps I will try the wife's laptop to check the speed directly plugged in.

The One Main room is Open wide & that room is slightly better than the Master BR which does have a Wall, but it is not SOLID block or concrete it is the Newer construction , with PolyIso in the center & like 3" of cement on both sides.

Where is the best place to buy a NEW WI-FI Router on the North Coast ?
Thanks for all your help - PS The Cable Del Norte Tech never showed up. ....



Apr 29, 2014


Jan 18, 2012
I had Slingbox for more then 7 years and it works out quite well for years. But when things go bad, make sure you have somebody at the other end that has a knowledge of what you are trying to do. Asking 14 years old nephew how to setup newly arrived box was just painful.

I had lost my connection to brother's house. But I think if you reserve about 2MB+ of speed for SingBox and have internet with 5MB+ down speed, it will be watchable on most devices.

Now that you mentioned this, when I do go back in couple of month, I will see if my old box is still functioning with proper update and setup.