So let's kick off with the menopause -only ladies post


RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
This seems to be a hot topic in other forums atm. This was posted on the thread suggesting this forum.

"Don't read all the forums Matilda, it's that simple. I guess you have gone through menopause or have not started yet."

This is the second time the M word has been mentioned (not Matilda) in the last week or so - can't remember if the same person.

In the DR, especially here in the campo, women have no idea what it is, when it happens, why it happens, and in fact several in their late 50s have come to me thinking they have cancer when their periods stop. Others do have cancer and think it is this mysterious menopause.

Anyone have any experience of how Dominican ladies deal with this, or if they know about it. Do they take HRT here or use natural remedies, or just put up with it?

Remember ladies only to reply, post.



Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
I remember my MIL at that time. Emotional rollercoaster to say the least. I knew she was going through menopause but it was never talked about. I can only remember one comment made. It was when the grandkids were asking what was wrong with abuela, why was she crying one minute, screaming the next. My SIL who is a doctor replied, she is changing. That was all that was ever said. She did however start drinking tea, she said it makes her feel better when I asked her about her new found love for tea. My SIL who is a OBGYN has told me that many women come to her not understanding what is happening. They think they have some dreadful disease. Even when she explains it to them they still have doubts. I know she has been to seminars on menopause but I do not think women are as open in the DR talking about it than they are say in the US.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
I've never heard any Dominican woman discuss it at all. I do know that the women in my campo have a tea for every ailment. They are very precise too...has to be exactly 7 tiny hot peppers mixed with exactly 3 of a certain leaf, etc.   

When Mr AE had dengue, the maid insisted he drink guava blended with red bell peppers.

There HAS to be something for menopause. Hot flashes in 90F heat can't be ignored  


RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
The problem is the lack of knowledge about health care and their own bodies is amazing. And goodness knows how they cope with hot flushes (flashes in US) here with the heat.



RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
And I was told today by stepson the way to get rid of amoeba was to eat garlic crushed with water.



Jan 1, 2002
As with many things in the DR education will be the key for women to know what is real and what is an old wives tale. I have never heard a Dominicana discuss menopause either. I suspect that when a women is going through it people/family members and friends think it is a mental problem.
Heck, when I went through it I went to the doctor because I literally thought I was going crazy. I was ready for the loony bin. I did not have a clue that my mental state was caused by menopause.
Mine was quick and drastic because it was the result of a radical hysterectomy. At that time women in the US were not educated about menopause either. I learned quick. The hard way.
Imagine the poor Dominican women not knowing what is going on with their body and mind caused by hormonal changes? 


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
So true about the lack of health education in the DR. The lack of education turns into fear which probably prevents many women seeking out care/advice about menopause. From the hot flashes to heart palpitations without the proper education it is no surprise many think they are dying as opposed to just through the "change".


RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
i had IVF several times between 35 and 40 and it never entered my head having 10-20 eggs taken out every time would mean I would run out of eggs early. At 44 my periods were every 2 weeks,lasting a week each time, which is an issue when you are a diving instructor and in the water all day long - Hello Shark!! I was put on progesterone which sorted it, I think 10 mg and have slowly over the last 20 years cut down to half a mg but if I stop taking it, back come those hot flushes like every 30 mins!! Wierd - so I keep taking the pills.



Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Warning - may be TMI :D

My SILs have only mentioned it in passing. I'm sure they have at least basic knowledge of what it's all about, especially the one who is married to a gynaecologist, but we haven't had any in-depth discussions. It's not because they are coy about such things, either. They were very frank about their periods - for some reason they always felt the need to let all and sundry know that they and their daughters were menstruating. I'm not sure that as a teenager I would have appreciated my mother informing a roomful of aunts, uncles, cousins and random friends of the family that I was having my period!

For the last couple of months I'm having what I think may be hot flushes (hot "flashes" always makes me think of something completely different) but although they are unpleasant they are not that noticeable in the heat. I know more or less what to look out for because I went through 2-3 months of induced menopause at the age of 38 pre-surgery to remove uterine fibroids but the hot flushes I had at that time were much more obvious.

I did ask my gynaecologist about supplements but she reacted as if she'd never heard of such things. I'd been recommended supplements like black cohosh and wondered if that might be helpful. I've never heard of any Dominican natural remedies to ease the symptoms either.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
I must be lucky. Like dulce I had an early total/complete hysterectomy, about 22 years ago. Never took a pill, never had a flash or any other symptom.

My Dominican sister-in-law mentioned she's getting flashes, I think she thought I'd have suggestions, but alas.......


RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
Chiri you would know re hot flushes. They often happen at night and they are so bad the whole bed is soaking in minutes. You have to lie on top of the covers till you dry off. If you can be bothered you change the sheets but this can happen 20 times a night. They are often accompanied by nausea and dizziness in the day, so deep breathing till they pass.
And yes is odd they tell everyone about periods. Neighbour came to me wanting tomatoes and I told her to go and pick as many as she needed and she told me she couldn't as had her period and if she touched the plant it would die!



Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Not nearly as bad, but milder versions of what you describe, so yes - it could just be the heat. But they do come and go very suddenly. I do have more dizziness than usual (although not nausea) but as you know I've had some other unrelated health issues this year so it may be due to that.


RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
Well despite what the men are saying me personally I don't get nasty, but Dominican men must think that as when I ask my Dominican husband to buy me menopause pills he says yes of course or you will throw things at me lol.



Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
113 spouse will always say "do you need a pill, you know sometimes women need them". No I don't need a pill, I just need you to stop what your doing that aggravates I do not remember seeing my MIL having hot flashes but I do remember her having to go lay down a lot. I was looking online awhile back and seeing all the possible effects of menopause. OMG are there a lot but luckily not all women suffer the same symptoms. Leaves me to wonder how many physicians in the DR are really familiar with treatments for menopausal women. I am sure there has to be some out there.


Just A Few Words
Oct 27, 2014
I have no input that is DR-related, but I hope that this forum is a little bit more forgiving that what the boys dish out. Which is why I no longer post anything at all on DR-1.

Purely personal: my menopause was pretty insignificant. I think I had 3 hot flashes. The boobs, however, dropped overnight. Literally. I looked at myself in the mirror one night when I was 55 and I thought, "OK. The girls look good. We are holding it together." I woke up the next morning--I am not lying--and everything from my face to my knees had fallen to my ankles.

My sisters, all younger than me, suffered horribly with headaches and hot flashes for years and years. I have one sister who insists that when I die, she will write on my tombstone, "...and she lied about menopause."

It is an intriguing cultural disconnect to think about Dominican women and "the change." I have several very close Dominicana friends, my age or a bit younger, and I know it's happened or is happening, but it is totally off-limits. And we talk about everything else.

Is it because of macho culture? Or because my friends are way more traditional than I am? Or is it because, mentioned in an earlier post, that women in this country are just not given great information about their bodies, what's going on, self-esteem as women?

I love this forum.


Jan 1, 2002
Off topic a bit but I really think we need emoji buttons for this forum. It's not enough to simply like the posts. :p 


Jan 18, 2008
Insomnia was my special menopause curse but that and no other symptoms thanks to a 1/3 dose of estrogel with prometrium to protect the uterus lining.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Maybe Dominicanas don't talk about it because they think it signifies they're old?   

Retiree, I always thought you were a guy!


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Oh yes, let's talk about insomnia, or in my case - early waking. Mod - separate thread or OK here?


RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
Oh yes, let's talk about insomnia, or in my case - early waking. Mod - separate thread or OK here?

Maybe separate thread as am sure loads of people suffer from it, and it would great to hear what works for people.

Mod Matilda (lol)