So much rain !!!


Just A Few Words
Oct 27, 2014
We've been spoiled the last 3-5 years by not having the rainy season we are currently experiencing. THIS IS THE WAY IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE! Because, if not, 'memba the drought for the recent 3-5 years?

Mother Nature sometimes forgets. But she forgives, if we let her.


I love infractions!
Sep 2, 2011
And yes, i know its the rainny season.

But even so, its been raining every single day.
Not that I mind, though. Garden and conuco looks great.


Water ( mains ) is dirty !!! And i mean really, really dirty.*
Open the tap, fill *mug, leave it out on the table, wife will drink it thinking it is weak coffee. ;) ;)
I kid you not.
It comes out cleaner, but not clean ( not that the mains water is*ever clean ), so lets say clearer.

Problem #1. How to wash clothes ? Especially white clothes. Dirty whites are stacking up :(

Problem #2. How to stop alguae from growing on the bottom of cement thingys ( like flower beds, etc....) ?
Of course they are all white so that doesnt help.
Wifey scrubs with bleach and*ace ( ? cheap soap powder ? ) and pi?on ( nice smelly thing used to wash floors and stuff ).
But then it rains ( pours really, thats not drizzle or even rain, its more like end of the world stuff ) and we have to start over again. ( yes,*we, cos the new cleaning lady she hired wasnt to my liking, so got rid of her......hence wifey excerts vengeance by getting me to help her :( ).
I proposed painting everything green to solve the problem :). I thought it was a good idea. She didnt. She gets the last word. ( well I didnt argue too much, since it would be me painting the 15 tree beds and the 90 or so meters of flower beds, mind you ).

Problem #3. If you dont maintain the pool clean every single day, the alguaes creep out at night and smother one in his sleep.
And even when cleaned, the water still has a*murky look to it. I doubled everything, cloro, acid and soda . And tripled anti-alguae ( and got 2 diffrent brands to be on the safe side ).
There again no evaporation problem.
Thank God, cos I cant top it up with dirty mains water :(.
Any ideas ?

So how long will this weather last ?
Google mold, and black mold.


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
Google mold, and black mold.

Just did :)*

Thankfully doesnt look*anything like that ..... ouffff.( Completly off topic but if one uses google to check symptomes on anything, one comes away thinking he has bubonic plague, that the dog is possessed by evil spirits and the house is haunted by a demoniac ectoplasm. ;) :) )

Its more like green lines on the white paint, at water level, and only on flower/tree beds wall thingys. Not on outside house walls, and God forbid, not on the inside either. Or I would have napalmed everything on the 2nd day ;).

I forgot to mention it is cold
Well its not, but everyone says it is. Dominican campo cold.
And everyone is ill at the in-laws. But they always are ill, always something. So i didnt pay any notice.
But now wifey is ill. But thats ok. Because she is woman-type ill, as my mother would say. Not like me who is man-type ill, when ill ( which thankfully *is a very rare occurance ), again as my mother would say.
In practice that means if i have the flu I ,
# 1 complain like a dying man,
#2 insist to be injected with atropine directly into the heart by cracking through thorax.
# 3 alternate between the need of constant attention and the need to be left alone to die in peace.
That is if my mother is to be believed.

But shock and horror one of the dogs has the flu !!! Arghhhyhyy
Last time it spread through the pack like wildfire.
And I suffered a week of coughing and retching....... and they are noisy :(
And since defense system was low in dogs, one of them got " gale" ( well we think - bare patches, itchy and all ) and i had to rub home made ointments on it 3 times a day...... smelly stuff made out of garlic, savila and a bunch of other herbs.


I love infractions!
Sep 2, 2011
Just did :)*

Thankfully doesnt look*anything like that ..... ouffff.( Completly off topic but if one uses google to check symptomes on anything, one comes away thinking he has bubonic plague, that the dog is possessed by evil spirits and the house is haunted by a demoniac ectoplasm. ;) :) )

Its more like green lines on the white paint, at water level, and only on flower/tree beds wall thingys. Not on outside house walls, and God forbid, not on the inside either. Or I would have napalmed everything on the 2nd day ;).

I forgot to mention it is cold
Well its not, but everyone says it is. Dominican campo cold.
And everyone is ill at the in-laws. But they always are ill, always something. So i didnt pay any notice.
But now wifey is ill. But thats ok. Because she is woman-type ill, as my mother would say. Not like me who is man-type ill, when ill ( which thankfully *is a very rare occurance ), again as my mother would say.
In practice that means if i have the flu I ,
# 1 complain like a dying man,
#2 insist to be injected with atropine directly into the heart by cracking through thorax.
# 3 alternate between the need of constant attention and the need to be left alone to die in peace.
That is if my mother is to be believed.

But shock and horror one of the dogs has the flu !!! Arghhhyhyy
Last time it spread through the pack like wildfire.
And I suffered a week of coughing and retching....... and they are noisy :(
And since defense system was low in dogs, one of them got " gale" ( well we think - bare patches, itchy and all ) and i had to rub home made ointments on it 3 times a day...... smelly stuff made out of garlic, savila and a bunch of other herbs.
Over here in San Pedro, everybody had the flu last week. As I was honking and blowing my brains out, I overheard my neighbor (over the wall) laughing about it. Guess what Mr. Neighbor has this week? Poetic justice? No. I don't like to see anybody suffering. But this flu/gripe/mala cosa is sweeping the entire country. It's the "cambia de la clima'. Cambia de la clima? No, it's the flu, and the whole damn country has it! Ok. I joke a bit, but I did have it for 4 days. Was not fun. Everybody I have run into since has had it as well. If not them, somebody in their house, or down the block, or on the other end of the country. Oh well.


I am a out of touch hippie.
Nov 13, 2006
Used some of that rain water, which*is very clear ( not to sure about clean though ), *to do clothes washing. Which solved one of the problems.
Well if it's been raining a lot lately and you're in the campo most of the dirt should be washed out of the air, so the water is probably very clean.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Over here in San Pedro, everybody had the flu last week. As I was honking and blowing my brains out, I overheard my neighbor (over the wall) laughing about it. Guess what Mr. Neighbor has this week? Poetic justice? No. I don't like to see anybody suffering. But this flu/gripe/mala cosa is sweeping the entire country. It's the "cambia de la clima'. Cambia de la clima? No, it's the flu, and the whole damn country has it! Ok. I joke a bit, but I did have it for 4 days. Was not fun. Everybody I have run into since has had it as well. If not them, somebody in their house, or down the block, or on the other end of the country. Oh well.

We had around 150 children off with it this past week and four teachers. My wife has had it, so I anticipate getting it as well. Yes, Dominicans blame it on the rain.


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2008
I got stuck trying out new tires. Waiting for things to dry. I do have a filter that might work well for you though


Dec 5, 2013
#2. No electricity, no automatic pump kick in. And me fresh from 1st world still showered, flushed toilets....... pipes ran dry. Electrity comes back on, pump runs dry, need to go and prime pump. ( which is built in a small cave under the house. I would mumble and mutter going to prime pump. Then bang my head 9 times on the ceiling of the cave built to dominican campo proportions, ie if u under 165 cm u are ok----- i am not. Coming back from primming pump i would be swearing and kicking things :) ).

In "normal" conditions the pump should not get dry at all, if after a blackout it does (when the house pipes are already dry), you should get the valve in the cistern checked. Only if this valve is broken, or badly installed, should it let the pump dry out. Otherwise the pump should be able to continue working alone even after blackouts.


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
it is the caribbean rainy season. it is not going to be over next week, i can assure you.

This more like indian monsoon.....:) :)

After a nice dry day, that even dried out the conuco a bit, which allowed me to let the dogs out back, its bucketing down again !!!!
It took a whole 20 minutes to fill those blue plastic drum containers !! *I just turned them upside down.... :( :(

Upside, I had a shower under roof pipes evacuation*:cool::cool::cool:...... that rocks :)

No fun though if u live in a zinc roof, half block-half wooden walls house.*
Was at a neighbour when the downpour started...... its like constant artillery/sharpnel hitting the roof. Shout to be heard !!
( that was a wink-prod to the thread on "poor" dominicans living in concrete painted appartment blocks lol--------- in some households if u neeed to take a dump, like right now, u will be soaked getting to the outhouse........ nature's own*bidet on the way back ;) ).

Oh ! And i nearly forgot.*
Last time in ochoa I picked up by mistake some*sodium alumino, ( or something like that ), thinking it was*cloro granulado. It seemed to work well on the algae, so quite happy.
Lets see the state of the pool tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed.


Feb 20, 2016
About the present rain, the more it rains the faster the garbage is washed out to sea. that is natures cure.................


Active member
Jun 18, 2011
On Sunday afternoon, I placed an empty Campbell's Soup can in the center of my Patio (in Sosua).

It is now full. 4? of rain in 2 days, and the rain is still coming.


Oct 26, 2005
We are drowning here in the North Coast, this rain just does not stop..... did someone mentioned a Noah's Arc and reservation, could we have some prices and T&C please - I hope it is not by weight... !? lol, not for me but I know some people who won't make it in that case...

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
This more like indian monsoon.....:) :)

After a nice dry day, that even dried out the conuco a bit, which allowed me to let the dogs out back, its bucketing down again !!!!
It took a whole 20 minutes to fill those blue plastic drum containers !! *I just turned them upside down.... :( :(

Upside, I had a shower under roof pipes evacuation*:cool::cool::cool:...... that rocks :)

No fun though if u live in a zinc roof, half block-half wooden walls house.*
Was at a neighbour when the downpour started...... its like constant artillery/sharpnel hitting the roof. Shout to be heard !!
( that was a wink-prod to the thread on "poor" dominicans living in concrete painted appartment blocks lol--------- in some households if u neeed to take a dump, like right now, u will be soaked getting to the outhouse........ nature's own*bidet on the way back ;) ).

Oh ! And i nearly forgot.*
Last time in ochoa I picked up by mistake some*sodium alumino, ( or something like that ), thinking it was*cloro granulado. It seemed to work well on the algae, so quite happy.
Lets see the state of the pool tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed.

now i know you are not a caribbean man. *we love to sleep with the sound of rain pelting down on zinc roofs.*


New member
Jan 16, 2010
Kids are happy, school was canceled. No additional classes such as swimming (well, may be for the whole family if it keeps that way), tennis, etc.


Oct 15, 2015
now i know you are not a caribbean man. *we love to sleep with the sound of rain pelting down on zinc roofs.*

It's one of my favorite childhood memories. My grandparents had a tin roof in Wisconsin and the sound of rain would lull me to sleep.

The building next door is under piecemeal construction of concrete and rebar. The latest installment was doing a finishing layer to the second floor. The owner then immediately built a zinc shanty on top. I now get to listen rain on zinc. (As well as a Turkey to wake me up in the morning).