Solido, Como Sammy Sosa

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
President "HP" takes "Dominican Line" on Sammy!!!

When you catch a Dominican in a LIE(Which is quite often!) they have three pat responses.#1.,I didn't do it!!!!!If they are caught with the "Smoking Gun",and they realize that "I didn't do it!" is not going to work,they select "Option #2","It's not my fault,"Fulano" did it!"If this doesn't fly,(When lying to another Dominican,the subject is dropped,because they both know it will be a waste of time to continue!)they move on to #3,which "HP" used when asked if "Sammy,s" image would be harmed by the "Corking Incident".("HP" was "Opening the "4th.World Cock Fighting Championships at the time!Editors note:,"Ya Gotta love watching "Roosters" hack each other to death,right??")I digress! #3,used by all Dominicans,even "HP"! "Everybody does it!""HP" said that "Everyone in the "Big Leagues" does it!"......"I don't thinks so "HP"!!!!It just proves my point,that the major problem in the DR is that no one is ever held responsible for their actions.Not children,not adults,and certainly not the Government!!!
Now we can hear from all the Dominicans who will protest that,"Its not like that in the DR,we are the most honest people in the World,or,Americans lie more than anyone,or "Everybody Lies!!!"Take your choice.Cris Colon
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Super Moderator
Staff member
May 29, 2002
I say we take turns and beat him with a corked bat!!lol

I am upset at what Sammy did because corking a bat does not guarantee and advantage. I honestly do not think that he needed to do that. There will always be that questions as to how many homers has he hit by cheating

They did not find his other bats corked..what a surprise!

like the guy is going to cork all his bats!

he mentioned in a press conference that he had the bat corked for batting practice only...another words....he deliberately deceived fans who watched him taking batting practice by trying to hit the ball harder and farther.

I am shocked that he did not use Criss's # 2 option...BLAME THE BAT BOY!!!


Feb 24, 2002
Couple things out of my top drawer

There would never-ever-ever be a reason to cork more than one bat. None. Unless, perhaps you only use them in batting practice, but I digress.

Think about it. If it breaks, you're found out.

It's appalling to me that the MLB principal Sandy Alderson would come to his defense (I didn't hear the interview, I saw it and the main points being listed on a ticker - it appeared he was defending SS, perhaps I'm wrong) and say that Sammy's story stands up because none of his other bats were corked. As TonyC said,,,,,, all the apologists....

He's a great poster boy for the sport so they are not about to root him out.

For example, sometime in the future I think you're going to read that Michael Jordan didn't really retire the first time from the NBA.

If my hunch is right, he got booted for gambling. They gave him a paid vacation really. His image is too important to a lot of people - the NBA namely - and they didn't want him to tarnish what he had almost singlehandedly created.

He's notorious for going through six figures at a poker table in an evening. He gambles on everything. I think he got booted for a while, then came back, and they made it look voluntary.

A similar approach could happen here, they don't want to hurt the game - as attendance continues to plummet - and ruining Sammy would only hurt the game.

Great research/article Porfio_Rubirosa:

How long til we find out that Baninter is behind the fixing of the Ms. Universe pageant? I'm just waiting for Polo (golo) to break the news.

Tony C

Jan 1, 2002
cmedina07 said:

he mentioned in a press conference that he had the bat corked for batting practice only...another words....he deliberately deceived fans who watched him taking batting practice by trying to hit the ball harder and farther.

Turns out that excuse doesn't wash either. The Cubs Take batting practice before they open the gates for the fans. So their were no fans for Sosa's Show. Also isn't batting practice a Practice? What good would it do him to practice with a illegal bat? unless of course he was going to use it in a game!

MLB is going to downplay this incident. I don't blame them. After all it is a business!


Jan 5, 2002
I am glad you asked me into the party!!!!

Just for your information, The Dominican Republic Pageant IS owned by Ramon Baez "Figureo" Figueroa and Baninter!!! This is no joke. He owns the rights to all Miss Dominican Republic pageants for world competitions. Figueroa is a close friend and supporter of Juan Luis Guerra. Guerra is Amelia Vegas uncle!!

Not only that. Something that has not come out in the Central Bank documents is that Baninter owns all our Baseball teams in DR now. Notice how even their uniforms have Baninter, Fuji Film, Listin Diario and other Figueroa companies in the back. Figureo owned La Vega Carnival too.

As for Sammy, the problem is that we have made Sammy the moral, social icon and role model that he is not, and unfortunately, he sought professional help to manage his image, got great advice and rose to the top of image-making. So much so, that he was baseball*s U.S.A. best selling commodity.

But Sammy(like Amelia Vega will someday) was bound to make a big mistake. In fact, he has already made a few, but his teflon cover protected him. His foundation has gone thru several scandals. His involvement with Figureo was extreme. His wife has been rumored to be playing hanky panky, even with ugly chopo stinko Sergio Vargas, who himself has been taken to court several times for not paying his musicians.

Sammy should just have been another Jose Canseco. I admire Canseco more than Sammy because he is for real. This guy doesnt hide anything, and he is a super talent, who may just miss the Hall of Fame because of his bad back, not because of his foolishness out in the streets. Canseco has beaten on girls, guys, photographers, disco bravucones, he has gotten more speeding tickets than me, managed to lose more licenses than me and he admits to taking Barry Bonds and McGwire brand pills to muscle building. He even snitched on a few ball players in his book. Canseco deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. He was better than Sammy. This guy is the best Home Run-Base Stealer of all time.

Had Sammy stayed just like he was, a disco chump who wore metal pointed shoes without socks every Wednesday at Cairos disco in Chicago, chasing all the girls while his wife stayed at home, and wasting a whole 100 gram Vaseline Container in his oily afro curls, everyone would have just laughed this thing off.

Notice how Carl Everett, baseball*s most hate ball player after Albert Belle is swinging the bat as good as ever. He got caught with cork and everyone has now forgotten. But they expected that, and more from nasty Carl.

Notice also how all the guys who were caught collecting cork from their wine bottles were all very nasty guys, who were hated even by their team. Sosa did not fit the mold, but he had all the ingredients. The other cork-heads like Wilton Guerrero, Mickey Hatcher and Craig Nettles were all Carl Everett twins. And even George Brett, who got caught with tar was no slouch either.

I think Sammy should go back to just being a bad boy. Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig did not get where they are by being good boys. He should admit that he has used corked bats once in a while, but that most times he uses the normal bats. And thats that. Whats the big difference anyway?? Corked bats are used everywhere and only 5 guys in history have hit 60 hrs.

Dont they use aluminum in Japan? Whos hitting 60hrs. there?
What about one of the greatest pitchers of all time and one of my favorite Giants, Gaylord Perry? His fastball was so wet that the catcher and the umpire had to use a box a cleanex every game. He used up the entire stock of Ace Hardware*s sandpaper in San Francisco to doctor his baseballs. A great Hall of Famer.



Nov 15, 2002
Re: I am glad you asked me into the party!!!!

golo said:
Just for your information, The Dominican Republic Pageant IS owned by Ramon Baez "Figureo" Figueroa and Baninter!!! This is no joke. He owns the rights to all Miss Dominican Republic pageants for world competitions. Figueroa is a close friend and supporter of Juan Luis Guerra. Guerra is Amelia Vegas uncle!!
So are you suggesting, stating, and/or implying that Amelia Vega's win of the Miss Universe title was fixed?? And in another thread you said her questions were planted? OOOOHH, just wait 'til I tell Donald Trump and NBC!! OOOOOHHHH!

Wait for the scandal, guys!


Feb 24, 2002
Everything is fixed

I'm sure someone's going to tell me that Cricket, Futball and F1 are the only sports in the world that are not fixed, and they have the most fans and yadda yadda yadda.

But really, why wouldn't the pageant be fixed? Everything else is.

Just follow the money.


Nov 15, 2002
:sigh: I guess you're right, Cleef. Donald Trump and NBC have everything to gain by fixing it so Miss Dominican Republic would win Ms. Universe. :sigh: And here I was, all happy and excited.

The Na?ve Idealist


Feb 3, 2002
Wasn't Donald Trump vying to build a huge Casino/Resort in the DR a while back? I thought he got denied at the time, because the spot is where the dominican navy has one its bases..Maybe...just maybe this will help him get that approval.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
100 points for "Suarezn!

As "Cleef" said,"Follow The Money!"The "Judges" were not the caliber of beauty "EXPERTS" who could be persuaded to vote for a certain candidate,...........or could they??????????????????????You tell me! Any one of them would vote for a pig with lipstick for an all expenses trip to Panama,"VIP" treatment,hotel suite,International TV exposure to help their carers,and lets say $10,000 in "Spending Money"!CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC;) ;) ;) ;) ;) :bandit:
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Super Moderator
Staff member
May 29, 2002
Tony C said:
Turns out that excuse doesn't wash either. The Cubs Take batting practice before they open the gates for the fans. So their were no fans for Sosa's Show. Also isn't batting practice a Practice? What good would it do him to practice with a illegal bat? unless of course he was going to use it in a game!

MLB is going to downplay this incident. I don't blame them. After all it is a business!

You are right on the money. Baseball does not need this headache right now. I just hope that Sammy learns from this.


Jan 5, 2002
Did you know???

That one of the judges in Panama, who is a Telemundo star in a show called Al Rojo Vivo has been forced to force feed into the program a Dominican story almost daily, because of pressure from Dominican TV entrepeneurs who own rights to the program in DR, and because of the stiff competition with another program from the Miami area, she has to follow directions from DR.

In addition, she is negotiating a deal to have a villa built in Casa De Campo, just like Trump. Trump has a deal going with Hippo for this, and Hippo needed Miss Universe to pull a PR stunt for his reelection. Unfortunately, the Sosa situation ruined the celebration by at least 50%. Notice that Dominicans did not go out to the streets with their typical "carros llenos de lata", a chopo activity Dominicans like to do whenever we win something. Sosa's cork toast came as bad as a "cucaracha en el sancocho".

She was so biased towards our costumed "seaweed" that she even declared that "it was time for a Dominican to win and her decision had something to do with". If this is not a confession, what is? I understand she even had Amelia as favorite before she even went to Panama.

Believe me, this lady is practicly an agent and lobbyst for DR.
Of course, she needs us more than we need her. She is stuck on a beach head. Who can blame her?

Some comedians on DR TV last night, making fun of Amelia's mermaid suit suggested that they were also in the contest for the design of the "typical dress", but that they lost because they had added "an octopus hanging from the dress". For those who didn't watch, her costume had seahorses, starfishes and others crustaceans. Of course, an octupus would have been too much!!!



Dec 24, 2002
chriss not for nothing but you should be familiar with this phrase (Dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres) if you have caught so many Dominicans in a lie is either you are working with the Criminal Division of the National Police or your profession is not so legit! maybe when i moved downthere later this year i'll remember your advice but until i see it with my own eyes i really think you are genaralizing too much i've never seen liers in my familly therefore i can assure you there're thousands of famillies in the DR like mine. The D.R. is not different from any other country in the world at any point in time a generation of any particular culture can make mistakes and drive a country downward for a minute, culture shock doesn't give any foreigner grounds to openly critisize a culture making others dislike a country or culture before even meeting them, i'm pretty sure that nobody discriminate agaisnt you in the D.R. right? people treat you very good downthere right? you enjoy living there right? even with all the harship and the up and down of the economy you're still living there like millions of foreigners that shapes the Dominican Republic from generation to generation.

Those are my 2 cents.