Soy taca?o?


New member
Dec 9, 2011
My God Man, you`re a young buck, and Im assuming that you don`t look like a Troll, so I ask myself why are you allowing yourself to get into these situations??
- There is a first time for everything, I never ever dealt with situations like these.. so to say I allow myself. I wasn't aware it would going to happen.

I totally agree that you should not be paying extras, i.e. hair nails, etc. Yes, only dating, and like so many others have said...........give an inch......take a mile. I think that would even apply to a lot of other relationships no matter what country. Like another said, if you were to stop paying the `extras`you would soon find out how much your chica was interested in you, and you without your $$$
- I am doing that right now, and in all honesty.. non of 'm backed out. I just made it clear that I'm not a bank, I mean.. when going out on a date I take care of everything. But there were some things I never dealt with and I wasn't about to. Those little things are things they were used to they told me, I gave them a counter strike and told them I'm used to girls who are able to take care of themselves.

We just eliminated all the BS. At the end of the day, of course they know I got money and all that.. I don't know if they look at me as a one way ticket out the hood or they really want to know me.

Hence the "dating" part, we're get to know each other..

Nice to hear that you are the kind of guy who would be quite willing to pay hair and nails for that special someone in your life. Be honest with yourself, you will know the difference, actually you already do, soooooooooooo.......
- Yeah, for the one I call my wife I do everything.. it's a shame if I would sit here saying "even when she's my wife she still have to hold her self down!" LOL!

Good Luck to you my friend
- Thank you, we'll see what's going to happen! Besides this type of BS, I'm still waking up with a big S :)

But then again, the ladies I'm referring to in this topic.. I've all let them know the type of person I am and all are down for the ride. But it was just the begin of the ride that made me wanna start this topic.

So we're going to see what's really good.


Nov 17, 2004
The so-called "university" chicas who come from so-called "good families play this game, too. Except the stakes are higher. New cell phone and hair/nails done? Try a new jeepeta and vacations at Casa de Campo.

There is a misconception that just because a young, beautiful, educated Dominican woman has her own money she isn't looking at guys and sizing them up. That's a myth that's propagated very much on this forum by guys who don't know what they're talking about. Not to say that regular Dominican women aren't interested in dating foreigners if properly introduced (another obnoxious myth) but if you either don't live/work there are travel frequently (once a month) it ain't happening.

The issue seems to be that guys head to the DR and try to get it for free, not understanding the politics of dating either at home or in the DR. They bring their frustrations from not being able to conquer A-1 tail at home because the price is too high, hear stories about the DR and think their "foreignness" is enough to maximize their "pimpnosis" skills.

They are then frustrated because they believe these women should love them just for showing them a good time, or the misconception that these chicas should appreciate being treated to a night out to the point where they should automatically drop the panties in appreciation. If that's the issue, the OP maybe should consider dealing with prostitutes. You pay an agreed-upon fee and all that childish game-playing is no longer a factor. It brings a certain clarity to the transaction which make threads like this redundant.

But what the OP wants is not advice or lectures. Hew wants to hear stories similar to his so he can compare notes. I've yet to read one, so I'm imagining such stories will not be forthcoming. He may have better luck over at ISOC. Sounds like it would be more his speed.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Herer's a test........... similiar to HB's 3 rules.

After a date, suggest another date - tomorrow , maybe.
Arrange it for a semi-distant place. A guagua or publico ride away.

She might complain about the cost of transportation, might not.

Anyway, give her 100-200 pesos for the trip.

If she shows up at the appointed place/time, maybe - just maybe - you have a 'keeper'.

If she doesn't, have a beer and go back to the drawing board.

Cheap way to determine the interst level , honesty and quality

Whatcha think???


May 1, 2011
You've been there!?!? I threw it back at them when telling them they're taca?a for expecting me to pay for things ANY REGULAR CHICK can do.

NOW THAT WAS FUNNY TO WATCH! - Lol, they never saw that one coming.
The best of it was; i was standing at my local colmado with my best dominican friend,i did not even know this bario mujer,i had seen her around,but never spoke,she ask me to buy her a drink,& i said why,she said something like i was a americano with dinnero,i said mabee,but i cant afford to buy all strangers a drink,she walked off muttering away and then turning around getting more angry;my friend & i laughing away.I do however give to the poor here when i can;after nearly ten years here on & off i know who to give to & who not to.Beware the pro beggers.:classic:


Sep 27, 2011
There is a misconception that just because a young, beautiful, educated Dominican woman has her own money she isn't looking at guys and sizing them up. That's a myth that's propagated very much on this forum by guys who don't know what they're talking about.

I don't think that your misconception theory is thought by many if any, maybe of men still wearing 'L' plates in the women department. If a woman is independent then it should by all means be EASIER to work out if she is a parasite as she doesn't need your money but will still make a play for it. Any man with enough experience under his belt can see that a mile off no matter what country they are in DR, UK, USA, Canada. The issue for men in DR is when a woman has no money and they can't tell the difference as there is no other option but to use your money, she has none and so to a large extent the whole experience is a gamble, especially if new to this particular breed, many men are more than happy to use and be used. It just makes life easier if you don't want to take that gamble to avoid that class of woman, then you are playing ball at international level on an even ground.
By going for higher class woman you take the 'Dominican' steriotype out of the equation and can consider the relationship as you would anywhere else in the world. A parasite is a parasite no matter where it comes from, if you can't spot one then you're in for a bumpy ride no matter where you are.


Jan 3, 2007
But what the OP wants is not advice or lectures. Hew wants to hear stories similar to his so he can compare notes. I've yet to read one, so I'm imagining such stories will not be forthcoming. He may have better luck over at ISOC. Sounds like it would be more his speed.

I have to disagree with you on this one rare occasion. That would be the absolute worst place for a guy who by his own admission does not consider his Girl "marrying" material but only "dating" material yet wishes not to spend the odd 500RD here and 1,000RD there on her vanity issues. C'mon Man! $13 for this and $26 for that? Why does she even have to ask?

I know that many here do not appreciate that other board but it does have among its membership a few ex-pat's as well as extranjeros who understand that there is nothing wrong with a Man offering fiscal support to a Woman with whom he happens to be intimate, especially when his disposable income is an order of magnitude greater than her total income.

She may even like the guy for whatever charms he's packing, still it doesn't absolve him of the responsibility of being the Man in the relationship, however superficial and fleeting and helping her out where he can. If he feels that she isn't worth it then he should be honest about that so that they both can move on. This is the way of the World, regardless of education or social "class" as some would try to have us believe.

If you can't afford it, move on to the "clearance" rack.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
This guy is getting WAY too much attention.

He clothes his parsinonious personality with an air of false dignity....

"How dare she ask me for money .... before I'm ready to give it?"

What a load of cow feces.......

My Guess?
He has little, can't afford to part with that little bit he's got and is here for an "affordable" vacation.

Meanwhile, he throws barbs at older men dating younger women who are doing what he won't or can't do ........ paying a little respect - monetaryily or otherwise.

Take your balls and go home............ is what I'd say if I was the female in question.
Sure as hell that would be the case wherever he comes from


May 16, 2010
I'm not some 50+ old white dude who took a flight to Santo Domingo because his chances in mainland are over so he tries to relives his youth be going after girls who could be his daughter.

I'm only 26, and nah.. my game is terrible. Whuahahaha, I mean.. it doesn't help if after most things she's saying I have to say que!?!?

But then again, the ladies I'm referring to in this topic.. I've all let them know the type of person I am and all are down for the ride. But it was just the begin of the ride that made me wanna start this topic.

By the way, paying salon for your real girlfriend / wifey.. I do that in a heartbeat. But we're just talking about dating material, no wifey material.

Your 26, dealing with this S--T....SAD. You should be gettin it for FREE, somewhere in the world.

You are redefining the word CLUELESS

You are obviously NOT rocking her world, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

Because if you were, the Salon would not be an issue.


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
It seems when a " barrio " girl asks for money or " gifts " it is to be expected but when a higher class-educated girl wants the same some are surprised. Just because your "educated, higher class" does not mean you have not been raised to think that you need a man to provide the nice things in life. Just my opinion but....some men will complain more about it when its the "barrio girl " they are with asking for it when on the other hand if they feel the woman is a " educated, higher class " girl the are a bit more silent about it. This scenario is not unique to the DR, it happens everywhere.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Thats the quote I was talking about R&B....:D

How do you spell "suave"..... this guy ain't it !!

Empty vessels and empty boys are the ones that make the loudest noise.

Sham.... false.......... imposter.... masquerade..... Call it anything you want.

Rhymes with baloney.....phoney

Call these women/girls anything you want --- stupida won't be one of them.

Eyes wide open......... dumb like a fox


Nov 17, 2004
I have to disagree with you on this one rare occasion. That would be the absolute worst place for a guy who by his own admission does not consider his Girl "marrying" material but only "dating" material yet wishes not to spend the odd 500RD here and 1,000RD there on her vanity issues. C'mon Man! $13 for this and $26 for that? Why does she even have to ask?

I know that many here do not appreciate that other board but it does have among its membership a few ex-pat's as well as extranjeros who understand that there is nothing wrong with a Man offering fiscal support to a Woman with whom he happens to be intimate, especially when his disposable income is an order of magnitude greater than her total income.

This is actually what I meant. You know how it is on DR1, we have a few cats who define themselves by the fact that they supposedly don't have to "pay" for it because they're so worldly and charming, blah blah blah.

But there is an aspect of Dominican culture they miss, which is if you ain't providing, she ain't applying.

The chica doesn't necessarily have to be a straight-up cuero, but understanding of the culture dictates that some chicas from the more humble backgrounds are put under pressure to either come home with some kind of loot or to have a foreigner pay for stuff a regular barrio Dominican will either not be able to or doesn't want to pay for.

The chica in question could very well like you for you, but her peer group isn't going to understand the concept of a foreigner who isn't paying for something outside of dinner, drinks and the hotel.

You know what the reply from her friends will be if the chica in question goes home with this story? "Pa' eso que se busque un cuero!!!" Semi-ironic, isn't it? Ah, the wonderful contradictions of Dominican culture, gotta love it...
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Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
I'm not some 50+ old white dude who took a flight to Santo Domingo because his chances in mainland are over so he tries to relives his youth be going after girls who could be his daughter.

No offense but whether your 50, 60, 70 or even 26, money is still money. Maybe money is not the issue you are having. Maybe it is who you are choosing to keep company with.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Even seen a 26 yr old whose chances might be over?

Its pretty pathetic

Don't worry. I'll stop soon........... the golf is coming on.
There are some 26 yr olds I want to watch.:D


Sep 27, 2011
I suppose you could consider certain aspects just old fashioned values with modern expectations, which as you say is a contradiction in itself.


New member
Jun 30, 2011
when in Rome

Lets be clear....gringos are an easy target for mami to drill into hija's brain.....but this is not just about the gringos. My domincan brother in law has a full time job and earns decent money.....and he loves his multiple novias, and he is forever buying them all is so funny to watch, cuz I know it's not just my gringo as* thats gets drawn (not much and not anymore) into this type of behavior....for many (not all) here it is indeed about money and finding a man (or woman) or multiples who will buy you security, or gizmos, or hair extensions or all of the above.

And that's life in this particular Rome,....but universally love costs....we all pay if we want love in some manner.
To put it in terms of the beloved Blackberry: You can buy prepaid cards, pay as you go, or get a long term contract with the added (so called) benefits....we all pay either with dollars, gifts or is not free. Prostitute, stuff, (smartphones/hair extensions/ropas or marriage), choose your weapon, but you wanna play......yaddyadda

I love the guys that say "I don't have to pay for it"....We all pay sunshine.

Berzin is right on the money with his post.

We live in a Dominican town, I'm the only American around. There are two homes owned by Canadians, one on our street, and one on the next road. That's it. There are several homes owned by Dominicans who live in the US.

One of the neighbors has a teenage daughter. Since she was a girl, the mother has drummed into her head that she must find a Canadian to take care of her. I'm not sure why it's so specific, I presume an American or European would take just as good a care. The odd thing is that foreigners here are few and far between as tourists, I rarely see any, so I don't know where she thinks she's going to find her knight in shining armor. The way this girl has been "trained" is not uncommon, and you are seeing the result. She has been told all her life to demand, because she's entitled.

One of these days, she'll end up in Santo Domingo working in someone's house as a maid or babysitter, searching for the brass ring - a gringo.

My husband calls these girls grillitos. [sp??]

Don't confuse them with the middle to upper class Dominican girls, who often will not give the time of day to a foreigner.


Jan 3, 2007
I suppose you could consider certain aspects just old fashioned values with modern expectations, which as you say is a contradiction in itself.

Old fashioned values?

My Dad's Mother was born in 1898

He was born in 1913, a year after she was married.

She never worked a day in her life (outside of baking sweet potato pies for Grandpa to sell during the depression).

Back then there was no question about taking care of your Woman. Some of us don't question it to this day.

Apparently old fashioned values travel well with modern expectations.


May 16, 2010
Lets be clear....gringos are an easy target for mami to drill into hija's brain.....but this is not just about the gringos. My domincan brother in law has a full time job and earns decent money.....and he loves his multiple novias, and he is forever buying them all is so funny to watch, cuz I know it's not just my gringo as* thats gets drawn (not much and not anymore) into this type of behavior....for many (not all) here it is indeed about money and finding a man (or woman) or multiples who will buy you security, or gizmos, or hair extensions or all of the above.

And that's life in this particular Rome,....but universally love costs....we all pay if we want love in some manner.
To put it in terms of the beloved Blackberry: You can buy prepaid cards, pay as you go, or get a long term contract with the added (so called) benefits....we all pay either with dollars, gifts or is not free. Prostitute, stuff, (smartphones/hair extensions/ropas or marriage), choose your weapon, but you wanna play......yaddyadda

I love the guys that say "I don't have to pay for it"....We all pay sunshine.

I agree, everyone "pays" in some way, or another, be it, dinner and a movie, a cell phone, WHATEVER....

But this guy is 26!!!!!!!!!

There are plenty of Chicas that would love to have a Gringo boyfriend.....(especially if he's 26!!!) steady, or on the side, who pays a long as she is compensated in other ways.......AHEM.....I realize most will go to the highest bidder.

He should have 5 or 6 regulars on speed dial at all times.

Advantage, HIM....he should be TURNING it on her, sure, he should pay SOMETHING, lay down some basic parameters....

If she balks, there's the door, and don't let it hit you in the azz on the way out.

He should be havin the time of his life, and he's sweatin the small stuff, like payn for her Salon????

This guy needs some GAME, and needs it fast, or it's gonna be all over by the time he hits 35......


Not a good way to go out.....

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
His GAME seems to be over already.....

A bit too smart for his own say nothing of the underwhelming morality


New member
Dec 9, 2011
This guy is getting WAY too much attention.
- Are you hating on me!?!

He clothes his parsinonious personality with an air of false dignity....

"How dare she ask me for money .... before I'm ready to give it?"

What a load of cow feces.......

My Guess?
He has little, can't afford to part with that little bit he's got and is here for an "affordable" vacation.

Meanwhile, he throws barbs at older men dating younger women who are doing what he won't or can't do ........ paying a little respect - monetaryily or otherwise.

Take your balls and go home............ is what I'd say if I was the female in question.
Sure as hell that would be the case wherever he comes from

Are you so happen to be one of the girls I'm talking about!?!? Everything I write in this forum is true, you have to understand that the reason I'm on this forum is because I genuinely would like to learn or at least understand a couple of things from people who've been here and done that.

I've only been here for less than a total of 45 days, so everything I ask is based on the true or else I won't learn from it.

Why should all of this be BS, believe me.. if I wanted to spitt BS I would tell stories like "and today I went home with 3 chicas" and bla bla bla.

Do I have little, well.. let's give it to you. I'm broke as fck, I came here because instead of just living my life wherever I live.. I thought the last bit of money would be well spent here in Santo Domingo. Now I find out that even that is too much for my type of money. And yeah, you got me.. that is actually the reason I'm crying because salon money is something I can't afford to hit that PUHC! :cry:

Homie, make a new account.. present yourself as someone who goes to Santo Domingo for the first time and look at all the warnings you'll receive from people here when it comes to Dominicanas. That is what has been stuck on my mind also prior to register here.

HENCE MY QUESTION: I mean, where did you guys draw the lines!?!?

Just wanted to see what's up..