Soy taca?o?


New member
Dec 9, 2011
Okay, I had it up to here.. (where?!) :dead: - LOVE DON'T COST A THING!

.. okay, I don't feel like typing that much! Basically I would like to have a word with people who are not Dominican but ended up with a Dominican girl. I ain't saying that I'm about to merry a Dominican girl but I'm just dating and no I'm not head over heels.

But still..

I got "western" or "Dutch" standards when it comes to dating.. or maybe they are just my own standards. Because I'm more than willing to pay whatever that needs to be paid, but wtf!?!

She's asking me to pay for her salon, but when I first met her she looked fine as hell.. so who paid then and why should I pay now!?!?!?

Dumb, stupid, silly little things like this made me end whatever was going on between us. I mean, where did you guys draw the lines!?!?

Of course I'm not stupid to not pay everything during the date, but damn woman.. get your own clothes, get your hair done, your nails done and whatever you need to be doing without bothering me!

My a.k.a. now is taca?o, but rather that than sitting home with 3 of her sisters, her mother and paying everything one can think of! Like, where to draw the lines!?!? :ermm:


Jan 1, 2002
Okay, I had it up to here.. (where?!) :dead: - LOVE DON'T COST A THING!

.. okay, I don't feel like typing that much! Basically I would like to have a word with people who are not Dominican but ended up with a Dominican girl. I ain't saying that I'm about to merry a Dominican girl but I'm just dating and no I'm not head over heels.

But still..

I got "western" or "Dutch" standards when it comes to dating.. or maybe they are just my own standards. Because I'm more than willing to pay whatever that needs to be paid, but wtf!?!

She's asking me to pay for her salon, but when I first met her she looked fine as hell.. so who paid then and why should I pay now!?!?!?

Dumb, stupid, silly little things like this made me end whatever was going on between us. I mean, where did you guys draw the lines!?!?

Of course I'm not stupid to not pay everything during the date, but damn woman.. get your own clothes, get your hair done, your nails done and whatever you need to be doing without bothering me!

My a.k.a. now is taca?o, but rather that than sitting home with 3 of her sisters, her mother and paying everything one can think of! Like, where to draw the lines!?!? :ermm:
I could write a half page answer, (Some will I'm sure) but it's part of the game. Novio's are expected to pay for all this for his share of the p*ssy. Eddy's rule #1 : No matter how decent (sic) your girl is, ALLWAYS give her some pesos the next morning before she goes home. NEVER NEVER NEVER let her go without some $$$. Also, don't call her for at least a week. Don't let her get to the point where she calls you her novio. Novios pay the bills. Enamorados get it for free.

A wannabe enamorado. ;)
Jun 18, 2007
The average Dominican woman is raised to give it up in order to get some money, the perfect ho!!
Had a conversation with a PR couple and a Dominican woman one time and they asked me what my opinion was about the DR. The Dominican woman got upset when I mentioned that I started to loose respect for women and that I started to stereotype the DR women. She said we're not all ho's. Then I asked her if she had a marido, she answered that she recently broke up with him, I asked her why. Her answer was " el no suelta el es tacano".
I told her that she proved my point which shut her mouth.


New member
Dec 9, 2011
The average Dominican woman is raised to give it up in order to get some money, the perfect ho!!
Had a conversation with a PR couple and a Dominican woman one time and they asked me what my opinion was about the DR. The Dominican woman got upset when I mentioned that I started to loose respect for women and that I started to stereotype the DR women. She said we're not all ho's. Then I asked her if she had a marido, she answered that she recently broke up with him, I asked her why. Her answer was " el no suelta el es tacano".
I told her that she proved my point which shut her mouth.

Uhmmm, 5 out of 5 girls I've been seeing said the same thing.. they all broke up with dude because he is !?!?!?

Basically, I don't know their history and I don't care about it.. they told me how guys in DR supposed to be and how they are used to certain things. Then I told them what I'm used to and how a girl should be if I want to be with her.

The funny thing was, I didn't call them for a week but they did and sent messages.. so the first time when I get back to them I told them if they understood everything I said and that I basically don't have time to hang around with a broke S beach who keeps asking me money over and over again. I told him, if I want to have a puta I would go to one. THEN I LOOKED THEM IN THE EYES TRYING TO SAY: "OR YOU GONNA TELL ME YOU'RE A PUTA AS WELL!?!" They understood that one.. ahahahaha.

Point is, I've been given many advices and been told what to do.. but I simply not that type of person to bend over because of this and that. I guess me being stubborn worked. AND YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN THEIR SMILE WHEN I BOUGHT THEM A NEW ROPA! - And that I love doing, not because I was forced to but I felt like doing it. :)
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New member
Dec 9, 2011
Now you are starting to see the reality here.

I've been told about it yes, I thought I could wear an S on my chest and not be bothered about it..

It's even worse than I've expected, I'm even at a point when going from home I calculate what I'm going to spend and I'll take that + 100 just in case of.

Because I sure was giving the wrong message when paying for a bottle of Coke with a 500 bill.


Dec 14, 2008
Why kill oneself?

The average Dominican woman is raised to give it up in order to get some money, the perfect ho!!

.... or a visa... :cheeky:

"Un ciudadano norteamericano que se hab?a casado con una joven nativa de Constanza, decidi? ahorcarse en una habitaci?n de hotel de esa ciudad. El suicida fue identificado como xxxxxxx.
Su esposa no estaba en la habitaci?n a la hora de la tragedia, ya que el extranjero hab?a rehusado consumar el matrimonio hasta tanto no se llevara su consorte con ?l a Estados Unidos." (yesterday's news)

BTW, I think the writer of the above article put it wrong somehow. However, it would make sense to me if HE were SHE / HER .... ;)


william webster

Jan 16, 2009
It could be worse....

Calculate cocktails, dinner, drinks, wine, after hours club in any North American city and then MAYBE, she'll come across.

Here, its pretty simple... dinner is easy, a beer, some dancing and in the clover.
So you pay for nails, hair, etc.... so what?

If you don't like..... you know what to do.


Nov 17, 2004
These types of Dominican women don't care about what you think or feel on this subject. So stop lecturing them to death about how you think things should be like dating a woman from your country. They cannot and will not understand your point of view. If you want it any other way, stay home and date locally.

If you ain't gonna pay, someone else will. They'll stay on their front porch waiting and waiting and waiting for "Super Pendejo" to fly out of the sky and pay their bills.

The foreign remittance culture in the DR has turned some Dominicans into lazy, entitled opportunists. If you've ever had the pleasure of listening in on a conversation at a call center and a Dominican is talking to someone, rest assured it's about "los quartos" and nothing else. Meaning, whatever money the person on the other end is sending, it's not enough "porque las cosas estan mala".

As for the girl you're dating having looked nice before you hooked up, rest assured someone paid for that. It wasn't enough so she got dressed and did her hair to meet someone else who'll provide more of what she needs.

You can play the game, rest assured you'll lose one way or another. You want love? Buy a dog. If a Dominican chica is dating a foreigner and he ain't ponying up the loot, she'll be the laughing stock of her community. Believe me, you aren't being kept around for your charm and good looks.

This may sound harsh, but these type of people on the island can be ruthless. So adjust your game accordingly. How you choose to navigate this minefield is up to you.


New member
Dec 9, 2011
It could be worse....

Calculate cocktails, dinner, drinks, wine, after hours club in any North American city and then MAYBE, she'll come across.

Here, its pretty simple... dinner is easy, a beer, some dancing and in the clover.
So you pay for nails, hair, etc.... so what?

If you don't like..... you know what to do.

I'll tell you what and I've been saying it to everybody who asked me this question.

For me personally all the above when it comes to money it's a non issue, when it comes to principals it's going to become a very very big issue! My main question here is where to draw the line?

What message would I send to a lady if I offer her to pay for her salon!? What's next!? In case this girl is going to be the one I'll spend more time than just a month.. what type of ish will she throw at me a month later!?!

I told her now I ain't with all that BS, so for all the BS that comes a long she already knows not to bother me.. but when some of the BS will come a long in "a random told story" I can rather score points by taking care of that BS than losing point by every time not take care of that BS because she already knows what the deal is with me.

So what!? - So everything that will comes along with the fact I already opened the door which allows her to come in with more and more and more..

Before you know she's got an aunt in Punta Cana who is about to die unless they can pay for a doctor that's only 5000 DOP.
* before someone attacks me that I'm fckd up for not paying this bill, I mention this bill because it's non existing but chula already got me by the balls so she just makes up this bill because she knows how stupid I am to fork over money.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Just part with the $$$ reluctantly...

Its all part of the deal..... saying 'No' shouldn't be a problem.

Of course, if you choke back on the $$$ too much..... you may need to find another novia......... or choke the chicken !!! LOL


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Berzin is right on the money with his post.

We live in a Dominican town, I'm the only American around. There are two homes owned by Canadians, one on our street, and one on the next road. That's it. There are several homes owned by Dominicans who live in the US.

One of the neighbors has a teenage daughter. Since she was a girl, the mother has drummed into her head that she must find a Canadian to take care of her. I'm not sure why it's so specific, I presume an American or European would take just as good a care. The odd thing is that foreigners here are few and far between as tourists, I rarely see any, so I don't know where she thinks she's going to find her knight in shining armor. The way this girl has been "trained" is not uncommon, and you are seeing the result. She has been told all her life to demand, because she's entitled.

One of these days, she'll end up in Santo Domingo working in someone's house as a maid or babysitter, searching for the brass ring - a gringo.

My husband calls these girls grillitos. [sp??]

Don't confuse them with the middle to upper class Dominican girls, who often will not give the time of day to a foreigner.


New member
Dec 9, 2011
These types of Dominican women don't care about what you think or feel on this subject. So stop lecturing them to death about how you think things should be like dating a woman from your country. They cannot and will not understand your point of view. If you want it any other way, stay home and date locally.
* Oooh wow, so now I should take a flight back home because dating here is different.. I'll book a flight as we speak.

If you ain't gonna pay, someone else will. They'll stay on their front porch waiting and waiting and waiting for "Super Pendejo" to fly out of the sky and pay their bills.
* Let them, for real.. let them! It's not like chula is my wife or baby momma. If an other dude is taking care of her looking good and all that and I take her out to the movies.. shhh.. next thing you see me doing is helping her to find more guys like that.

The foreign remittance culture in the DR has turned some Dominicans into lazy, entitled opportunists.
* And that's where I come in, oooh.. I know I ain't going to change the world by doing this. I know, but someone should make them see the light. And if they're not open for it, they're a lot of fishes in the sea.. from my and their point of view.

If you've ever had the pleasure of listening in on a conversation at a call center and a Dominican is talking to someone, rest assured it's about "los quartos" and nothing else. Meaning, whatever money the person on the other end is sending, it's not enough "porque las cosas estan mala".

As for the girl you're dating having looked nice before you hooked up, rest assured someone paid for that. It wasn't enough so she got dressed and did her hair to meet someone else who'll provide more of what she needs.
* Like I said, we need that dude back in her life a.s.a.p!

You can play the game, rest assured you'll lose one way or another. You want love? Buy a dog. If a Dominican chica is dating a foreigner and he ain't ponying up the loot, she'll be the laughing stock of her community. Believe me, you aren't being kept around for your charm and good looks.
* Oooh wow, I though I was the black version of Brad Pitt.. ow well. :cry:

This may sound harsh, but these type of people on the island can be ruthless. So adjust your game accordingly. How you choose to navigate this minefield is up to you.

So at the end of the day, all we do is generalize.. and that's for a reason of course. The same reason I don't fall for their mind games because I read a lot about everybody's generalized vision of Dominicanas.

But besides that.. I'm still wondering how you people, who are not Dominican but ended up with a Dominicana, played the game.

Like give me an example or a short story.. :)


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
If she is calling you taca?o to your face, then I guarantee her and all her friends are calling you pendejo behind your back.

I suggest you move up a level (educated, smart, working etc), unless your just using her for sex, if that's the case, I guess she's just using you for money.


May 16, 2010
Okay, I had it up to here.. (where?!) :dead: - LOVE DON'T COST A THING!

.. okay, I don't feel like typing that much! Basically I would like to have a word with people who are not Dominican but ended up with a Dominican girl. I ain't saying that I'm about to merry a Dominican girl but I'm just dating and no I'm not head over heels.

But still..

I got "western" or "Dutch" standards when it comes to dating.. or maybe they are just my own standards. Because I'm more than willing to pay whatever that needs to be paid, but wtf!?!

She's asking me to pay for her salon, but when I first met her she looked fine as hell.. so who paid then and why should I pay now!?!?!?

Dumb, stupid, silly little things like this made me end whatever was going on between us. I mean, where did you guys draw the lines!?!?

Of course I'm not stupid to not pay everything during the date, but damn woman.. get your own clothes, get your hair done, your nails done and whatever you need to be doing without bothering me!

My a.k.a. now is taca?o, but rather that than sitting home with 3 of her sisters, her mother and paying everything one can think of! Like, where to draw the lines!?!? :ermm:

The Salon, your kiddin me right?

Back in the day, for what was being brought to the table, for myself anyway....The Salon was a small price....(Dominican beauty tax?)...(shakedown money.....but in a good way....)....(guilt it outta me?) to pay for what was goin on in my life.

And well worth it, "Papi I need Salon" "No problemo, take your time, I see you in 3 hours, me go Mona Lisa in Santo Domingo for especial massage"......."Ok, I see you later"

Those were the days, Boy do I miss that girl.......


Aug 9, 2004
I married a Dominican woman, but I can honestly say that while we dated she never once asked me for money for the salon, or nails, or anything of that nature. Over several years I tried to help her out when I could, with what little I was making. It's like I always say, if you're serious about a woman tell her you don't have any money, or very little. You'll find out real fast if she likes you for who you are, or what you are (Gringo meal ticket). Of course she spends the hell out of my money now.

I've always wanted to make t-shirts with " Soy Taca?o", and "No Soy un Banco". Also, "Quien Es Tu Papi!".


New member
Dec 9, 2011
I married a Dominican woman, but I can honestly say that while we dated she never once asked me for money for the salon, or nails, or anything of that nature. Over several years I tried to help her out when I could, with what little I was making. It's like I always say, if you're serious about a woman tell her you don't have any money, or very little. You'll find out real fast if she likes you for who you are, or what you are (Gringo meal ticket). Of course she spends the hell out of my money now.

I've always wanted to make t-shirts with " Soy Taca?o", and "No Soy un Banco". Also, "Quien Es Tu Papi!".

I've already ordered my Dutch team and Arsenal team shirt (soccer) with #9 - Taca?o. I'm still thinking about the "Gringo" version.