Strange thing on the North Coast


Jul 9, 2010
Last week a few of us packed up and drove from the Bavaro area to the north coast for a few days. Overall the trip was great.
The road from Nagua to Cabera could use a lot of work but the rest of the roads are in great shape.

We stayed at Hispanoial Residencial and the house we chose was nice but a little worn.
We spent time in Cabarete, Sousa, Confesi, and Puerto Plata. All good.

The strangest thing I have ever seen in the DR happened in Sosua. We had lunch in the Brittanica restaurant and when we where leaving I noticed the restaurant next door, The Jolly Roger was full but it was very quiet. Kinda spooky quiet. As we approached I thought maybe a prayer moment for a friend or something similar. But as we got closer it was even scarier than I thought. They whole crowd was playing bingo.

Thats right bingo. And they all weren't 70 years old. Scary as hell. Some even looked like they were enjoying it!.

If you go to that Bingo please, please do not drink the coolaid that is provided......


Oct 11, 2004
Before the Jolly burnt down I was at Alberto's across the street having dinner and saw something that bothered me so much it is the sole reason I wont go there. There is a crippled guy in Sosua - many may know who I'm talking about - one of his leg is curled in, both of his arms curl in and he struggles to walk - his face is somewhat deformed and I think he has both a physical and mental handicap - he doesn't communicate very coherently. Yes he begs but he also is out in the street picking up tins and garbage for pesos - he does try to earn his keep. He passed there on this night and I think he was asking the people at the tables on the sidewalk for $ (very common) and a big dude that worked there at the time came out, grabbed him from behind, lifted him right of the ground and hurled him into the street. It was disgusting. After wards some other people (non Dominican) who I believe were management came out of the establishment like patting him on the back like what he did was great. The guy who got hurled is harmless and had they said get out of here he would have left :(

On another note - a couple friends of mine (who I would not call old) play bingo there all the time and one of my friends wins $$ quite often!


Just A Few Words
Oct 27, 2014
Before the Jolly burnt down I was at Alberto's across the street having dinner and saw something that bothered me so much it is the sole reason I wont go there. There is a crippled guy in Sosua - many may know who I'm talking about - one of his leg is curled in, both of his arms curl in and he struggles to walk - his face is somewhat deformed and I think he has both a physical and mental handicap - he doesn't communicate very coherently. Yes he begs but he also is out in the street picking up tins and garbage for pesos - he does try to earn his keep. He passed there on this night and I think he was asking the people at the tables on the sidewalk for $ (very common) and a big dude that worked there at the time came out, grabbed him from behind, lifted him right of the ground and hurled him into the street. It was disgusting. After wards some other people (non Dominican) who I believe were management came out of the establishment like patting him on the back like what he did was great. The guy who got hurled is harmless and had they said get out of here he would have left :(

On another note - a couple friends of mine (who I would not call old) play bingo there all the time and one of my friends wins $$ quite often!

It was not a surprise to me when JR had its electrical malfunction,,,,,


Just A Few Words
Oct 27, 2014
It was not a surprise to me when JR had its electrical malfunction,,,,,

I'm not saying it was right. But you know the way the "electrical fires" go here.....either you're too successful & didn't BOHICA properly or .... whatever. Napkins were supposed to be blue that day.

JR is not my scene, but they do a fab biz & keep many happy. They also do great nonprofit work.

You won't see me there, but I respect what they do.