The $50,000 Question


Mar 4, 2004
So what I'd like to know goes the business, chuckuindy? I presume it has moved on a bit after your visit down here?
BTW that wasn't you personally modelling the blouses outside La Romana, was it? ;)


Mar 8, 2004
Back in the USA

What an eye opening experience this trip the DR turned out to be. I had dedicated over 50% of my time to be spent on business related issues in trying to decide on what options would best serve my desire to create a small but profitable business in the DR.

The first issue was to sell the items that I had shipped to La Romana. My business associate had made several calls on local retailers and we had little trouble selling all 100 blouses for USD at around $9USD net profit per garment, all in cash. (I applied all of the $288 shipping costs to the clothing) The cosmetics on the other hand were a total disaster. Even with a cost basis of under $1USD per unit we could not be competitive in this market. We have sold only 25 units and barely broke even on the unit cost at this time.

At this time I am not totally discouraged by what I have learned. In meetings with DMS3611, AZB, Chris and others on this trip I know that almost anyone can find some success in doing business in the DR if, your pockets are big enough, you have a decisive plan, you are willing to put up with governmental problems, and you find the niche market.

I still feel very positive, however, I now want to rethink what is the best plan of action for success.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
chuckuindy said:
At this time I am not totally discouraged by what I have learned. In meetings with DMS3611, AZB, Chris and others on this trip I know that almost anyone can find some success in doing business in the DR if, your pockets are big enough, you have a decisive plan, you are willing to put up with governmental problems, and you find the niche market.


Let me let you in on a business secret, that is what is needed for a successful business anywhere on earth. If you really really want it, you will get it, but not without effort.

I'm glad you are not discouraged, because that shows me and others that you are determined to make your dream of owning a business in the DR a reality. As long that you continue to hope and work hard on that goal, you will turn your dream into reality.

"Never stop digging three feet from gold" - it's in Napoleon Hill's book "Think and Grow Rich". The book focuses more on self-motivation and how to think positively to get what you want in life, I think it will help you in your journey as an entrepreneur. You should read it when you have a chance, and never forget that quote.

Alot of people have missed this "promised" wealth (monetary, personal, or whatever type of wealth) because they stopped short of acheiving their goal. Don't ever quit and always keep your current attitude alive and you will succeed.

Jersey Devil

Jul 5, 2002

Nal0whs said:
Let me let you in on a business secret, that is what is needed for a successful business anywhere on earth. If you really really want it, you will get it, but not without effort.

I'm glad you are not discouraged, because that shows me and others that you are determined to make your dream of owning a business in the DR a reality. As long that you continue to hope and work hard on that goal, you will turn your dream into reality.

"Never stop digging three feet from gold" - it's in Napoleon Hill's book "Think and Grow Rich". The book focuses more on self-motivation and how to think positively to get what you want in life, I think it will help you in your journey as an entrepreneur. You should read it when you have a chance, and never forget that quote.

Alot of people have missed this "promised" wealth (monetary, personal, or whatever type of wealth) because they stopped short of acheiving their goal. Don't ever quit and always keep your current attitude alive and you will succeed.

I agree. Never let up.


Congratulations on your success. I hope that it continues and thank you for sharing the process with us all.

All the best,



New member
Apr 17, 2004
Free zones

veinard said:
Hi Charlie,
if possible, could you bring me in touch with these people who own that free trade zone business ?! Kept in mind my idea about solar cell business in DR ...

Thanks a lot in advance ...

Found today this thread Charlie :) I will read it to the end and then tell you what do I think about it :pirate:

Take a look to this website: There you will find the directory of the about 55 free zones and industrial parks in the DR.

Good luck with your initiatives :)

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New member
Apr 17, 2004
Go Charlie!!

I see you are already in the pool, i hope it had water!!!

You are just trading others brands right now, clothing will always make it, make up not really... i made it with clothing (it was female underwear) and crashed with make up some years ago.

Now you should keep sending your clothing every time in a bigger volume, how much can you send via usps before it gets too expensive? What is the volume/weight that claims to be sent by a freighter? You have to calculate both shipping methods to pick the appropriate.

Next stage, you made it with other brands, and have an important demand with dominican retailers (try not to stick with a single brand, mix brands) why not to trade your own brand? You don't need to invest in an apparel plant, just to find a good manufacturing supplier/s.

Some of this manufacturers have models they can supply (not owned by specific brands). Sometimes if you get to know the right person, you can have access to information about models/fabrics and other materials and have your brand a lil bit more sophisticated/better quality.

Place orders directly to manufacturers (have the brand owner and american retailer's profit for you), and have them deliver your product directly to a dominican based warehouse.

There are several warehouses you can contract here, if you keep doing good, next stage should be have your own warehouse down here.

Once you have your own warehouse, you can use an area for your stuff and rent the space you dont really need. Actually, that would be a very good business opportunity here, I have heard my customers have many problems with subcontracted warehouses here, specially temperature controlled ones.

Other way to do it!! You know there are several free zones in the DR with lots of apparel manufacturing plants, this scheme let those companies sell about 20% (don't have the exact percentage) of their production in the local market. You can go around and see what companies would be interested in making business with you. In my previous post you can find the directory of those free zones, they have contact information of every single company. That information is not THAT accurate, but if the email doesn't work, you still have a phone and a fax number.

Anyway, that was just thinking out you know... I really enjoyed this thread :) and will keep an eye on it. Not both! just one ;)

See you later

Jess :classic:


New member
Aug 24, 2004
American style Strip Joint !!!

chuckuindy said:
For several months now I have toyed with the idea of starting, purchasing, or investing in a business in the DR. I have looked at several options and at this point have not seen any thing the peaks my interests. Possible some of you can give me some ideas to investigate.

Here is what I am looking for. For the $50,000USD investment I would like to have a total return on investment (ROI) within 3 to 5 years. At that point I would like to control at least 51% of the ongoing venture and have an income of $25,000 per year from its operation.

My $50,000USD is all risk capital and I realize that I could loose part or all of it. I am interested in a product or service in one these categories:

A product or service that appeals to the masses and can be afforded by the average working Dominican. Preferably a disposable product that is used only once, yet has a high demand.

Second would be a single large ticket item that would be a durable good and could be sold to the wealthy Dominicans or into the tourist trade.

I am not interested in real estate or banking.

Please do some brainstorming for me and let me know what you think. I am very serious about this venture and have a person in the DR that I can trust and act as a front.


Don't give up on your initial idea just yet Charlie...

I have owned several strip joints here in Canada and I must say that I have been very successfull at it. However, if I had listened to all the crap I had heared, I would have never got involved... sure there are some curves on the road, but nothing that can't be overcomed. If it was so easy every one would be doing it!!!
Now I am looking myself to retire in The DR and I am thinking of opening up a High Class strip club (Gentlemen Club) with Canadian and Eastern Europeen girls. However, this would not be a Brothel, any kind of prostitution would be strictly forbiden. I know this concept can work...people want what they can't have... professional strippers here make much more then hookers, beleive me!!!
Also it would be completely legal (less hand outs), much cleaner and offcourse a lot of fun :laugh:

I have help an associate open one in Paris and he is doing GR8 !


Mar 8, 2004

Lambada said:
Just interested in hearing whether you have had a chance to rethink your plan yet, and what conclusions you have come to?
i have rethought my plans and and will start a new post named "The new $47,600 question" soon.


New member
Aug 24, 2004
Strip Club in the DR

Lambada said:
I believe there was one a few years back at Plaza San Marcos, entrance to Costambar road, Puerto Plata, which used Canadian dancers. Not sure why it closed.

I know of one in SD on Malecon and it's rocking!!! They don't even have the right girl's or the right concept. but it's always full...

Anyone else care to comment on this?


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Please do some brainstorming for me and let me know what you think. I am very serious about this venture and have a person in the DR that I can trust and act as a front.


Hi charlie, I know exactly what is cheap, easy to sell and, to the masses, women underwear.....I ve seen many womens selling underwear at work and let me tell you they do buy a lot!... And you ll only need a small salesforce of womens, to sell those at their jobs.
