The Sentence of the Constitutional Tribunal

Do you support the sentence of the Constitutional Tribunal?

  • Yes, I agree completely.

    Votes: 24 63.2%
  • I mostly agree, but it needs some changes.

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • I don't agree.

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • Not sure / don't care

    Votes: 3 7.9%

  • Total voters

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Buddy , why are you working so hard at attacking me rather then the issue ?
Just because I disagree with the courts decision does not necessarely mean I am pro Haitian or anti Dominican.
In the time of slavery , a lot of white people sacrifice there lives in the name of Freedom !
Did they love there slaves more then there country ???
During the holocaust a lot Germans gave there life's and fortune to save the Jews .
(Schindler for exemple) . They did not love there country any less.
There heart was good and they where not blinded by hate and racism such as most of you on this forum.
They chose the right side, they chose good over evil .
Now if this makes me a nega lover or Haitian Lover ! So be it !

what in Sam Hill is a nega lover?


New member
Jan 24, 2008
Migration in any form has always been a problem since the dawn of time. New people coming with new traditions or taking land to plant crops and/or herd their beasts. It is such a hard issue when two countries are on an island as the boundaries can and do move over time. Also the different political decisions have meant that there is a clash of traditions/cultures/languages etc., the men at the top want power and this can mean that those at the bottom of the chain need to move from their homes to provide a better life for their loved ones, no one can blame them.

In Europe they are going through much the same issue. They have opened up their borders and now there are so many people wanting what everyone else has (particularly the handouts / free medical care in the case of those moving to the UK). There are thousands of women per day trying to get to the UK so that they can have their babies in the UK so that they can be awarded a British passport.

Personally, until you have given something into the system I don't believe you should get anything out. And if your child is born into a country then you and 'it' should be able to live there but not bring the rest of the family who were born elsewhere. They need to be able to prove that they too can contribute to the system and not live off it.


New member
Jun 24, 2013
Dominicans want ANY person with a drop of Haitian blood, deported back to Haiti, always have, always will!
They fail to realize that would mean most of THEM would have to go too!

Hum! Interesting point! Lack of education is a disease! I think


Nov 1, 2009
I had forgoten to post this article about a march in support of the TC sentence right outside Santiago, marches like these have also taken place in SD, Higuey and other towns. All these NGos, Pro-Haitians etc. have been underestimating how nationalistic Dominicans are, these idiots might have awaken a monster, if there's one thing the vast majority of Dominicans agree on, is that Haitian masses should be deported, and that Haitians should never be allowed to become a considerable minority, or hold too much power in the government, that's the defense mechanism Dominicans have develop ever since those people have threatened our existence as a nation. Call it racist, xenophobic or whatever the F you want, but I nor most Dominicans care what most of you foreigners think of DR, most don't even live in the island and aren't affected by this problem.

Ahh gotta love the picture below, unbelievable how beautiful that flag is, and you can perfectly see how the majority of Dominicans are exact clones of Haitians, damn I don't get how we can tell both groups of people apart.

Realizan marcha por la dominicanidad en Pu?al de Santiago


SANTIAGO. - Con el prop?sito de crear conciencia sobre la nacionalidad y en apoyo a la decisi?n del Tribunal Constitucional de la Rep?blica, decenas de personas realizaron ayer una marcha por la dominicanidad en el municipio de Pu?al

En la caminata asistieron representantes de juntas de vecinos, directores de distritos municipales y todas las autoridades de Pu?al, en un recorrido que se inici? alrededor de las 3 de la tarde, seg?n se inform? en un comunicado de prensa.

El presidente de la C?mara de Diputados Abel Mart?nez apoy? la marcha y dijo que "valora positivamente esta expresi?n patri?tica del municipio de Pu?al y exaltando el esp?ritu de nuestra dominicanidad y soberan?a".

En el trayecto se entonaron cantos a la Patria y se tocaron merengues como "Dominicano soy" de Fernando Villalona, y otras piezas que exaltan los valores patrios.

La marcha hizo un recorrido de varios kil?metros desde la estaci?n Petronan en la autopista Duarte hasta la parroquia San Antonio de Padua y se prolong? por varias horas en esa zona municipal. Durante el trayecto las personas se iban integrando y exhib?an s?mbolos aleg?ricos a la naci?n como banderas, carteles con la frase "Yo soy RD" y otros distintivos con los cuales mostraban su solidaridad y apoyo a ese movimiento.

El joven comunitario Sue Grull?n Batista, uno de los que encabezaron la actividad, resalto el valor de la manifestaci?n en defensa de la soberan?a y los valores patrios[/CENTER]

Realizan marcha por la dominicanidad en Pu?al de Santiago -

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"Mod POWER" has gone to "Nal's" head!!!
"Don't LIKE IT???"
"Delete IT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Nals",Keep us all here in the Dominican Republic posted,tabout how the "Haitian Final Solution" is moving ahead!!!
From your house in Connecticut,(Or However You Spell it??) that is!!!!!
It's really nice here in the DR!
Come visit us sometime!

"Dominican Patriotism",..."Oxymoron"!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aug 21, 2007
I have photos of inside the squalid shacks of Haitians. The Dominican flag is proudly present.

I don't know the answer for the Supreme Court decision. If the US cannot figure out their migration problem, how is the DR? Historically, the Statue of Liberty welcomed the troubled and poor. Haitians were never ever welcome in the DR- except to harvest cane.

I work with those in extreme poverty. Doesn't matter to me what their ethnic origin is. I have helped Dominicans and Haitians equally. But this is what I do know.

I placed a Haitian family who was suffering from Cholera-like symptoms in the hospital. A non-profit helped with expenses. I nursed the 4 children, placing drops of formula in their mouth from a dropper. Shortly thereafter, they would vomit up those couple of ounces. I changed the diapers of the children who were 3 - 8 years old as the sickness took its toll.

And when one child died, I was there in the hospital when we attempted to complete the death certificate, necessary to remove the body from the hospital to bury it. The parents were illiterate. They didn't know how to spell the child's name. They were not sure how old the child was. They did not know the birthday. This, even though they had been in the country for years, first coming to harvest cane.

The final problem was that the Dominican Republic did not award this child birth documents. Without birth papers, she does not exist. The four year old little girl could not be declared dead if she didn't exist in the first place. Her body could not be removed from the hospital. She could not be buried to rest in peace.

What had to be done was illegal. False birth papers needed to be created so this human being, whose life was not even recognized in death, could at least rest in peace.

Of course, there was someone in the governmental office willing to take a bribe to give a paper to make this child officially alive so she could now be buried. Now that she is no longer taxing on the Dominican Republic.

I don't know the answer to this problem. I am not on one side or another. All I know is that we are all human beings who, for a reason unknown to any of us, is born into one life situation or another. And this experience was emotionally traumatic to me and continues to be to this very day.

I just hope that, in developing policy to implement the Court decision, the Dominican Republic uses her heart.



Aprendiz de todo profesional de nada
Aug 18, 2007
I understand this is not DR problem only
As you will find children born of Haitian
Parents in Haiti without documents.

Even fome Dominicans have never been
Declared in DR, this is a mater of education
in the family.

Dome people are born the natural way
snd they remain salvages the way it
Was in the begining or the humanity.



Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
It seems like a lot of people are not aware of(have not been keeping abreast of what's happening)
The Haitian Gov't will provide for those illegals living in the DR with documentation so they will
obtain Haitian citizenship.

Something good is coming out of this after all. If anyone who needs to have a heart is the Haitian
Government for not providing documentation for its citizen and they in turn crossing over into
the DR and creating this chaos.

And to those foreigners living in the DR who continue to spew venom and hatred towards
the DR in this present crisis and who think that just because Dominicans who do not live
there shouldn't be voicing their opinions let me say this:

The Dominican diaspora is just as involved in this as local Dominicans. If it affects them
it affects the Dominicans living abroad for we have family members, loved ones
who live there as well. We send remittance on a monthly basis and therefore contribute to
the DR economy and having dual citizenship can vote and have a right to voice our opinions.
Whether living there or not we are citizens(born in the DR) and that's our country whether
some like it or not and whether we live there or not we will show our support to the ruling
of the constitution.

How come those Dominican haters aren't saying the same thing about the Haitian Diaspora
who has been rallying in favor of the illegal Haitians living in the DR? Double standard, eh?

What baffles me is that the DR is being condemned by abiding by its Constitution which as
a sovereign nation has every right. However no one condemns the Haitian government for
violating its constitution which indicates that those who are born abroad are entitled to
Haitian citizenship. It took the DR to stand firm in its constitution so the Haitian gov't can
begin to abide by theirs. It is Haiti who has their people stateless.

Yet no one has condemned Haiti for this. Sounds like a plot to me.

On the contrary the heart of the Dominicans gov't and the people is turning
ice cold towards Haitians during this crisis because they are slandering and
trying to get other countries to sanction the DR. There will be no such request
to have a heart.
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