True or not?


Mar 22, 2006
my infamous line again: why buy the cow when the milk is free ?
relating to Princesa post: is there really a difference between high class and low class women when it comes to sex ? maybe i'm just a low class kind of guy but i like barrio girls because they ARE the best in the bed comapred to rich girls who don't like to be hammered. rich girls just want to be seen out with a guy. barrio girls just want money any way it comes.

it's not about culture it's about the man.

That is GOLD, LOL!!


Yes , i believe so. In a poor country people get married because it is easier to eat. There r two people out gathering, working and can share.
Support at first, no. Spend money to get the Relationship you want. Yes. It is a little bit clearer here. A woman w/ limited means has exactly that. Her good looks and charms,.(wink).
When you are chasing her she knows that you will spend. Be it groceries, clothing, rest. or burger king.
Helping out. It is a tough call, hard fora lot of ex-pats to have other family over as said here. We men dont really need a woman w/ a degree. If she has a lazy brother? Family issues,,,Everytime i mention her family i get in trouble...The tales i could tell...
And by the way, if you end up in a relationship and don't want your girl going out w/ other guys, She has no job, no family money, no c.c., what would you do? Maybe send her money???
It's a vicious cycle. Getting separated from your honey and your money...


Feb 9, 2004
What "Princesa"? Where is anyone in particular mentioned in my post? Can you read?

Put down the mamajuana bottle and go sleep it off. This question was for mature, intelligent adults who know the difference between Financial Support and paying for dinner, movies and popcorn when on a date.

A-ha!!!!! In my opinion theres NO difference the world over. ALLLL women want YOUR money! Paying for her dinner IS financial support and she knows it , even if you choose to ignore it! Apparently it means that you care. Ever heard this crap before?
"oh but a woman needs these (expensive) things"
"i need to be taken out for a nice dinner, and be treated like the princess i am"
"you dont want to pay for my meal because your a tight a$$"
"if you make me sign a pre-nup it means you don't trust me"

Oh by the way if they don't recieve financial support during the marriage assured they will obtain it AFTER the marriage

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Feb 9, 2004
See below in red
I lived in the DR for some years and have some dominican girl friends over there (lower and upper class) and in my home country. If a guy wants to get with a Dominican girl as a rule he has to spend (alot :p) of money on her, it doesnt matter if the girl is low class or high class.

What I have noticed however is that the difference between high versus low class is, that with high class girls, a guy has to spend a lot of money on taking her to dinner, taking her shopping etc. before she will get to the point that they want to have sex with you.

NOW WHAT DOES THAT SOUND LIKE?????????????? You have to spend money on them before she will get to the point where she will have sex with you

They dont ask for money and you dont have to support them financially, but they expect you to pay (big time).

because if they do it will conform in their own minds what they really ARE

Low class girls in general are (way) easier to get in bed with, you dont need to spend a lot of money 'getting' them, but they do expect you to support them...even more so if a foreigner is involved. If you do, that is ofcourse up to you (I wouldnt recommend it).


Kansas redneck an proud of it
Apr 23, 2004
It is different in any other part of the world??

remember guys


Hookers you pay to go away, Wives and Girlfriends you pay to arrive. And after they arrive, you will pay and pay and pay


New member
May 29, 2006
A Dominican family do no expect for daughter's boyfriend to contribute or to support the family, but boyfriend will spend money on the girl (sometimes family) like restaurant, movies, etc because that is the way how he shows that he is not "un muerto de hambre, or hambriento, tacano, etc"
A good family will not accept money even if very poor but the boyfriend if he is serious he will buy a compra for the family.
A good family do not expect boyfriend to help with any medical bill but he will help if the relationship is for real.
Normally there is no money involved while being boyfriend and girlfriend but if he wants to see her with nice hair he will pay for the salon.
Dominicans have a lot of children thinking one of them will support them when they are old.
Dominicans think if a boyfriend is suelto, their daughter will be in good hand and when they are old the now husband/marido will not stop daughter to give them a hand financially.

If boyfriend lives in DR money involved is supposed to be used as saving for marriage.
If boyfriend does not live in DR money is send, meaning boyfriend is still around and family will not get the compra (if very poor) but reassure them that boyfriend is suelto and their daughter and themself will be in good hand if they marry.
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Sep 10, 2008
do we always do whats expected in our own countries ? its all about give and take, negotiation etc, surely everybody isnt the same and expects the same.
There are some sweeping generalisations going on here


Jun 2, 2006
Hookers are like catching a guagua. if you miss one, wait 5 minutes and another one comes along. :laugh:


New member
Sep 4, 2007
remember guys


Hookers you pay to go away, Wives and Girlfriends you pay to arrive. And after they arrive, you will pay and pay and pay

This is crude, but all so true!

On so many different levels;)


New member
May 30, 2008
This is crude, but all so true!

On so many different levels;)

Somehow may be true depending on the case. I have a friend that always supported her self from the beginning of the relationship to the end of the marriage and guess what her husband never bought her anything not even flowers....moreover she didn't take the alimony.

I do agree that hookers are less expensive then girlfriends they want one thing and one thing only money.


I wouldnt bother with it. If you like the girl then send her money, if not tell her its not my thing. Thats not no cultural thing, the bitch is broke and wants you to help her live a better life. Within reason its not bad, but if she s too needy that can be a problem. I got like 4 babes over there and I send them $ every now and then, but not too much. Maybe $40 here and there. I m not taking care of your family because they arent my family. And if you are not my wife then I m not obligated to take care of you neither. If She told you this, I d move on. My thing with women there(and I just came back on Friday, the 16th of Oct) is that there are too many pretty ones, too many destitute ones to make such a big deal. Thats why I have 4 instead of 1. One isnt interesting enough. I dont care about your problems or whatever, but 4 gives me an out when I dont want to deal with one.


It's not that it is different around the world, It's just that the Dominicans are just a little better at the game.These girls are great actresses.

i dont think they are "better" just prettier, in my opinion.

I dont care what culture it is, because actually it is the same culture in the US. But most guys I know cant pull it off. My best bud has to get 2 jobs because his wife aint working. And most household I know both spouses have to work. Many of the women you are referring to are lazy. They are an anachronistic cog in a wheel that doesnt spin anymore. They want to be dutiful housewives is what they want, while you re out there slaving. And many DOminican men cant compete, with average wages $270/month. Some of you guys work a day and a half and make that. So these babes see you as a viable candidate for marriage, it never really matters what you look like. I d just like to live the good life they say. But quite a few of the ones I met arent that interesting individually to pikc as a wife(to me). Bundle them together like a Credit Default Swap bond and then I m interested. I personally, aint getting married again so I ll just be novio'ing for years, I reckon. I went there with 98 rubbers came back with 6, so you know what I mean.


Active member
i dont think they are "better" just prettier, in my opinion.

I dont care what culture it is, because actually it is the same culture in the US. But most guys I know cant pull it off. My best bud has to get 2 jobs because his wife aint working. And most household I know both spouses have to work. Many of the women you are referring to are lazy. They are an anachronistic cog in a wheel that doesnt spin anymore. They want to be dutiful housewives is what they want, while you re out there slaving. And many DOminican men cant compete, with average wages $270/month. Some of you guys work a day and a half and make that. So these babes see you as a viable candidate for marriage, it never really matters what you look like. I d just like to live the good life they say. But quite a few of the ones I met arent that interesting individually to pikc as a wife(to me). Bundle them together like a Credit Default Swap bond and then I m interested. I personally, aint getting married again so I ll just be novio'ing for years, I reckon. I went there with 98 rubbers came back with 6, so you know what I mean.

Not only do I know what you mean, but I'm with you 100%. You and I are on the same wave length when it comes to this subject. I was married twice (both times to white american women), and I'll never marry again. I have a great time in the DR with the many different women I know and visit each time I'm there, which is quite often.
Women of all cultures want your money, just look at how the divorce rate has risen in the US as more and more men become unemployed. These men are now learning what the whores they married really wanted them for.

'Til death do us part, my a**.
Mar 2, 2008
What "Princesa"? Where is anyone in particular mentioned in my post? Can you read?

Put down the mamajuana bottle and go sleep it off. This question was for mature, intelligent adults who know the difference between Financial Support and paying for dinner, movies and popcorn when on a date.

Someone has a bottle of mamajuauna and is about to fall asleep?

Where is this happening?

Money is money, the world round, independent of cultural traits. and if it is being spent women (in general) will find a way to get close to it.

If that means telling someone who identifies himself as being "Dominicanero" that his 'culture' expects it, then I guess that person should reach back and check with his 'familia' to see if that concept is in fact the truth.

But if a person is going to throw something so absurd out there, then that person should expect some candid replies. That was what the original poster wanted, wasn't it?

In my opinion, Tambo's response was valid and credible, and Dominicanero's take on that response was way out of line and uncalled for.

But hey, that's just me.