U.S. Ambassador allegedly stops newspaper from entering official event in retaliation

Exactly my point.

It is not the job of the Ambassador to openly tell the people of the DR how they should live or what morals they should accept and for this there has been a huge backlash....which likely brought things to the point they are today.

Regardless of your position on whether his position is right or wrong and to reiterate the post above, he has neither acted like the diplomat he is supposed to be.....nor has he acted very diplomatically in handling the situation.


Playa, other than drawing breath as a gay man and not being ashamed of that...can you please give some examples of how he is telling people how they should live and what morals they should accept? Is there something else?

Also, other than that one particular cardinal who loves a camera and is very funny and the bishop of santo domingo I couldn't find much evidence of outrage on the internet. At first discussion, yes. Ongoing outrage regarding an ambassador appointment? a little dramatic, I should think.

Oh, and btw, he is the ambassador of the United States, and as such he does represent his government and his people in the way his boss chooses. Not you.
He should stand for better health care for many of the poor around the DR... I would support him.

you don't need to support him. Only the secretary of State needs to support him.

and I doubt you would turn down an invitation to the embassy. And you would likely save the fancy gold embossed invitation with 24c gold. You would stuff you're face with shrimp, given half a chance. You would have gone to Leonal's Casa Blanca for the same treatment.

BTW, i am 100% certain the ambassador of the united states "stands for the better health care for many of the poor". Do you doubt that? He uses his undue influence to promote worse healthcare? Think. And just admit the reason you don't support him. Cuz he's gay. That's cool. Just admit it. You're grandkids would think it's old fashioned. That's all.

How many other embassy's concern you and their interest in health care for the poor. I'll guess precisely ZERO.

bob saunders

Women had this issue however many years ago..

Burn the bra marches, etc.

Looking for social changes.... which came after a longer than wanted wait !!
Gays are in the same boat these days.

Nothing new .... really

Was the catchword.... 'Feminists' ??

And just like feminists, there are those that push an agenda across the line pass equality.

the gorgon

Playa, other than drawing breath as a gay man and not being ashamed of that...can you please give some examples of how he is telling people how they should live and what morals they should accept? Is there something else?

Also, other than that one particular cardinal who loves a camera and is very funny and the bishop of santo domingo I couldn't find much evidence of outrage on the internet. At first discussion, yes. Ongoing outrage regarding an ambassador appointment? a little dramatic, I should think.

Oh, and btw, he is the ambassador of the United States, and as such he does represent his government and his people in the way his boss chooses. Not you.

trust me on this one, mofongoloco. playacaribe is just upset because the guy was appointed by Obama. first he drones on about him being a political appointee. well, maybe playa needs to be informed that nobody appointed more political buddies as ambassadors than Ronald Reagan and Gerry Ford. then he tells us that the guy is telling people how to live. like you, i see no indication that he is telling anyone how to do anything. the guy has his lifestyle, and he has been very open about it, but that is not the same as being an advocate for the style. to hear playa tell it, one would believe that the guy is trying to convert the entire Dominican society to his way of life.


the gorgon

you don't need to support him. Only the secretary of State needs to support him.

and I doubt you would turn down an invitation to the embassy. And you would likely save the fancy gold embossed invitation with 24c gold. You would stuff you're face with shrimp, given half a chance. You would have gone to Leonal's Casa Blanca for the same treatment.

BTW, i am 100% certain the ambassador of the united states "stands for the better health care for many of the poor". Do you doubt that? He uses his undue influence to promote worse healthcare? Think. And just admit the reason you don't support him. Cuz he's gay. That's cool. Just admit it. You're grandkids would think it's old fashioned. That's all.

How many other embassy's concern you and their interest in health care for the poor. I'll guess precisely ZERO.

you are at the top of your game today....
Playa, other than drawing breath as a gay man and not being ashamed of that...can you please give some examples of how he is telling people how they should live and what morals they should accept? Is there something else?

Also, other than that one particular cardinal who loves a camera and is very funny and the bishop of santo domingo I couldn't find much evidence of outrage on the internet. At first discussion, yes. Ongoing outrage regarding an ambassador appointment? a little dramatic, I should think.

Oh, and btw, he is the ambassador of the United States, and as such he does represent his government and his people in the way his boss chooses. Not you.

For those unaware, he made a video pushing his LGBT agenda....squarely aimed at the DR....while ambassador. He mentions the DR several times. He would have been better served just making the video without reference to the DR. And the backlash from the beginning has put him at odds with both the government and the church.

But his lifestyle is not the issue for me, the issue is his professionalism...or lack thereof...in handling his duties.

Yes he is an ambassador, and an unqualified one at that. His job and the job of all ambassadors is to act in accordance with the policies as outlined for all ambassadors in the Foreign Service Manual.....not to go rogue....and certainly not to publicly chastise, however subtle, the country you were sent to be a diplomat......but to act diplomatically....and take the discussions behind closed doors. That is how real diplomats handle things.

His boss did not write the Foreign Services Manual that is supposed to be followed by ALL ambassadors. Last I checked I am part of the people you refer to....and I have every right to be critical at his lack of professionalism.....and I am critical, regardless of whether you agree or disagree.


the gorgon

since , unlike playacaribe, i do not have all the answers regarding the roles and functions of ambassadors and other diplomats, i defer to those who have actually worked in the field

Jim Gordon, went to grad school in the topic. Was a foreign service officer. Worked in Mo...
2.8k Views • Upvoted by John Burgess, Former US diplomat with experience primarily in the Middle East

I would recast the response somewhat. An Ambassador's responsibilities include:

Finding out, understanding and accurately informing his government about the interests, policies, actions, laws and decision processes of the host nation. If the Ambassador is fortunate, his government will follow or take into account his recommendations or reporting.

Informing the host government of the interests and policies, etc. of his nation, and securing the host nation's support, acquiescence or forbearance regarding his nation's actions and interests.

playa might inform this former diplomatic attache that he is wrong, because he says so.
An excellent example of how ambassadors can go awry with their duties, was shown on the prime time CBS show "Madame Secretary", in which the ambassador to Mynamar (Burma for the disinformed) went off-the-reservation and held the President of the country captive in the Presidential Residence...an interesting story, probably modeled after our esteemed Ambassador, here. Instead of homosexual, he was a crazed Bhudist! Go figure...
For those unaware, he made a video pushing his LGBT agenda....squarely aimed at the DR....while ambassador. He mentions the DR several times. He would have been better served just making the video without reference to the DR. And the backlash from the beginning has put him at odds with both the government and the church.

But his lifestyle is not the issue for me, the issue is his professionalism...or lack thereof...in handling his duties.

Yes he is an ambassador, and an unqualified one at that. His job and the job of all ambassadors is to act in accordance with the policies as outlined for all ambassadors in the Foreign Service Manual.....not to go rogue....and certainly not to publicly chastise, however subtle, the country you were sent to be a diplomat......but to act diplomatically....and take the discussions behind closed doors. That is how real diplomats handle things.

His boss did not write the Foreign Services Manual that is supposed to be followed by ALL ambassadors. Last I checked I am part of the people you refer to....and I have every right to be critical at his lack of professionalism.....and I am critical, regardless of whether you agree or disagree.


So that's all you got. He made one video "pushing his gay agenda". Would that be one of those videos where adults tell teenagers "hey, don't kill yourself"? What kind of video are you objecting to?

Really, I ask you and all you got is he made one video?

Why twist yourself in knots to say you don't have a problem with his lifestyle when you clearly do?.

Sure I think Wally was petulant, but I'm a kill-em-with-kindness kind of guy.

If he was straight and made a speech in support of gay rights would that be okay?

for sure the uk has made similar speeches, even had a wedding on DR soil.

But just Wally gets your goat?
So that's all you got. He made one video "pushing his gay agenda". Would that be one of those videos where adults tell teenagers "hey, don't kill yourself"? What kind of video are you objecting to?

Really, I ask you and all you got is he made one video?

Why twist yourself in knots to say you don't have a problem with his lifestyle when you clearly do?.

Sure I think Wally was petulant, but I'm a kill-em-with-kindness kind of guy.

If he was straight and made a speech in support of gay rights would that be okay?

for sure the uk has made similar speeches, even had a wedding on DR soil.

But just Wally gets your goat?

You are entitled to your opinion, but I have said it multiple times that his handling of the situation was unprofessional.

His handling of the whole situation from the video to the war of words that ultimately ensued from the church leaders, the government, and the Diario Libre story posted here is unprofessional, given his position as Ambassador.

The Ambassador should have taken the high road.



I doubt you would turn down an invitation to the embassy. And you would likely save the fancy gold embossed invitation with 24c gold. You would stuff you're face with shrimp, given half a chance......And just admit the reason you don't support him. Cuz he's gay. That's cool. Just admit it.
Be careful with your logic. Some may conclude the only reason YOU support him is that YOU are gay.
BTW the US Embassy belongd to the UNITED STATES and its people. One can accept or not sn invitation to the embassy regardless of one's opinion of the Ambassador.

Sent from my D5503 using Tapatalk


Live everyday like it's your last
which means it might have been for purposes of limited consumption, for his facebook friends, and not for Fausto and Belkis.

Gorgon, on facebook everyone has the option of having pictures viewed by friends or for the
general public. Obviously on his setting he chose public(viewing). So now anyone can view, copy and paste photos from his timeline including Fausto and Belkis. If he doesn't like it he can, at anytime, change the setting.
Have you already read Fox News' Obama?s patronage appointment to the Dominican Republic? Seems relevant to your question.

Yup virgo, that article was relevant to my question. Seriously weak news article. Again, its only possible concrete criticism is that he supposedly threaten to "withdraw US Support" of dominican tourism. Not sure how an ambassador can do that.

And, hate to burst your bubble, but this is DR we are talking about. banana republics are exactly what political appointments are for. I doubt the secretary of state puts as much thought about wally brewster as some of you old guys here on dr1.

the gorgon

Yup virgo, that article was relevant to my question. Seriously weak news article. Again, its only possible concrete criticism is that he supposedly threaten to "withdraw US Support" of dominican tourism. Not sure how an ambassador can do that.

And, hate to burst your bubble, but this is DR we are talking about. banana republics are exactly what political appointments are for. I doubt the secretary of state puts as much thought about wally brewster as some of you old guys here on dr1.

thanks for making that p?int , mofongoloco. as with every single President in the history of the USA, Obama made certain appointments based on political favoritism, and some based on tenure in the foreign service. Ronald Reagan made more political appointments than any other president, followed by Gerry Ford. the ratio is about 60 to 35, qualifications to friendship. EVERY president does it, and guess where they are going to send the buddy ambassadors. certainly not to Moscow and Beijing.