UN Rep says the DR has no head nor tail


Jul 10, 2004

Social spending is not keeping pace with growth.

C/P from DominicanToday:

Santo Domingo.- UN Program for Development (UNPD) local representative Valerie Julliand affirmed Thursday that to improve its economic growth levels and social situation, Dominican Republic needs a change of mentality, which in her view can be reached by educating the young, who are 50% of the population.

She said Dominican Republic ?is a country of contrasts: it?s one thing and the opposite of that same thing? because despite economic growth nearly as high as China?s, the social situation doesn?t improve likewise. ?The problem is that this economic growth doesn?t coincide with the rate of social growth, for two reasons: wealth wasn?t distributed in the same manner and spending in the social sector hasn?t been proportional either to the growth?

She said the country hasn?t grown economically and socially at the same pace, ?but we cannot say that the country has not grown in the social sectors.?

Julliand said the UNPD?s information for the last 20 years shows that all the countries have grown in social terms, including Dominican Republic, the problem is that in the Dominican social case it hasn?t grown in pace with most countries because of lower social spending.

Interviewed by Pablo McKinney on CDN channel 37, the UN official said the authorities understand and know the imbalance which the sustained growth in the economic aspect implies and the slight improvement in the social sphere.

When asked why despite the UNPD?s yearly studies don?t perceives firm actions to brake Dominican Republic?s poverty, the diplomat noted that both leaders and citizens ?need to change their mentalities? to change a situation. ?There have been changes in the country?s structure, there are very good laws, we have modernized the country incredibly, but what hasn?t changed is the way the system is handled.?