Universities and Money


El Leon de los Cacicazgos
Mar 27, 2004
I am wondering, what are the current endowments for the universities in the DR?


Jan 1, 2002
Closely guarded secret. Many of the universities are "for profit" like UNIBE where it cost just as much to go there as most US universities...or UTESA....

Others are very private, like UNPHU - basically broke, I hear; INTEC closely held; or PUCMM (controlled by Dominican Council of Bishops). These people do not talk about any endowments they may or may not have.

I do know that the PUCMM pension fund is huge and growing. It is a major stockholder in the Santiago airport, the HOMS medical center, the land where Pricesmart was build as well as the new development in back of the shopping center. But that's a good thing since I am planning on living a very long time:p:p:p


BTW: Here they are called "Fondos de Patrimonio"


Tropical geek in Las Terrenas
Jan 1, 2002
HB, what?s your opinion about UAPA ?

I have many friends studying there, and I am curious to have your views about reputation, ranks, level of teachers...


Retired Ussername
Jan 9, 2002
Hillbilly, I'm sorry, but for once I have to speak up on your bashing of UNIBE. It is a blatant lie that "it costs just as much to go there as most US universities". Tain't so, and it isn't even close, unless you want to compare a community college in Arkansas or West Virginia. I know because I am paying tuition at UNIBE.

And what's wrong about something being "for profit"? Is operating with the goal of making a profit worse than operating with a goal to lose money? If a parochial school runs a deficit, who makes up the difference? The parish that operates the school, after the father or preacher shames the parishioners into coughing up some more do-ray-mi for the difference... is that somehow better? I fail to see the logic.


Jan 1, 2002
Gringo: You are paying Dominican fees. Inscription fees per semester are over $3000 and tuition for studying medicine is about $20,000 per semester according to my latest information. Of course, this is to study Medicine in English.

"For profit" per se is not evil. What is nasty is that, if to make a profit, you hedge your academic values. Like UTESA (known far and wide as Brutesa) where you'd really have to do something horrible to fail out. I know some UNIBE professors and i know that they are very serious about their classes, and I know a few students there that are paying such fees..however, anyone paying out that kind of money is generally speaking pretty serious about their studies.

BTW: I bash all the universities, in some form or another.



Jan 1, 2002
Squat: UAPA, a university for adults (35+) is a good thing, and it is meeting a need among a segment of the popultion that did not, in their younger years, have a chance to get to university.
That said, many of their students are not really university material, but hell's bells! they are trying. I know a few graduates, one of whom was a justice of the peace for years before graduating as a lawyer from UAPA. A student i know raised three kids before going to UAPA...


El Diego

New member
Apr 24, 2006
what about PUCMM,,,, i've heard it's pricey... and i've been to its website
and for the inscriptions fees are really high.. either domin pesos or in dollars.
True, one must remember its high profile good reputation, good professors... but compare to other univers it's pricey.


Retired Ussername
Jan 9, 2002
Hillbilly, that's true, the tuition is for their spanish program. UNIBE still isn't cheap, with tuition for dentistry in Spanish now at about RD$31,500 per semester. Plus buying all of the required instruments and supplies for the clinical work, etc. on top of that. But still less than US$5000 a year for everything.

As far as an endowment at UNIBE, I don't believe they have one. If I'm not wrong, a week or so ago, there was a story about the biggest debtors in the DR. I think that UNIBE was near the top of that list, which says to me that they used borrowed money to build their beautiful facilities, and not cash.

I doubt if the UASD has an endowment, based on the fact that they get shut down for months at a time over such huge issues as raising tuition from 15 pesos a credit to 20 pesos a credit, or giving raises to the professors.

I doubt that UNPHU has an endowment either, as they appear to be struggling financially. Their campus next to Americana on Kennedy in Santo Domingo was up for sale, with a big sign on their grounds.


Tropical geek in Las Terrenas
Jan 1, 2002
HB, thanks for the feedback... Your comments meets my impressions... The adult education is a good concept in such a country as ours, where some folks just don't get a chance at first...
I get the big picture....


Jan 1, 2002
El Diego, you sort of get what you pay for. While it is far from perfect, the PUCMM has tried to get it right. They have been pioneers in many areas, and are recognized as the best in the DR. All the others aspire to obtain such a status.

That said, what do you mean "pricy"? For Dominicans? For foreign students?
Fact: IF you are a good student, you get student loans. The PUCMM also is recognized by the US government student loan programs.

FYI: It costs the nation a lot more to produce one graduate from the UASD than it does from the PUCMM. There is "expensive" and "costly"."Expensive" is when you buy a $600 pair of Italian shoes that fall apart in the first rain storm.
Costly is a Rolex watch that lasts forever. The PUCMM may be costly, but it is worth every penny..if you want to learn...


bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
It is also recognized by the Canadian government for student loans, and what is expensive. Central Washington University in Ellensburg Washington cost about $18,000 per year for FOREIGN Student and this is below the American average.


El Leon de los Cacicazgos
Mar 27, 2004
Thanks HB for the info. I sort of anticipated that it would be secretive, it is hard to find information, I can't even find the cost per semester/ year for undergraduate studies. I would like to know what Dominicans find "expensive", I mean in the US it's crazy and I swear my tuition is increasing a $1,000 a year.

In the US the endowments are ridiculous, the top universities seriously have too much money, I think some endowments equal that of third world country GDPs.