Varying Degrees of Intolerance to Homosexuality - Why?

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May 16, 2010
I should not be squirting fuel in the fire like this.....and I do feel bad....

mocking again - Harpie Maddow style, while being TOTALLY indifferent to a MAJORITY opinion - I uderstand Ur reasoning.

THEN, IF I were to 'casually' ask you as to your sexual peferences, you'd 'still stay INSIDE' but yet want a beer?

Snarky is as Snarky does ...

I'm just responding on the Down Low.

<a href="" title="uncle-sam-ranting by bocachica64, on Flickr"><img src="" width="250" height="328" alt="uncle-sam-ranting" /></a>

<a href="" title="captain-obvious-8-ranting by bocachica64, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="441" alt="captain-obvious-8-ranting" /></a>
May 29, 2006
I disagree with the premise of this thread. I don't think there is less tolerance of homosexuality in the DR. I think there is more. There are pockets of acceptance in the US, especially in urban areas, but there are also regions where the viseral irrational fear of homosexuals is regarded as the norm. This was on a Texas broadcast a couple weeks ago:

Courage Campaign | NBC TAKE ACTION

Once upon a time, more than 70% of the white population in the south believed that the best use of Blacks was for them to be used as farm impliments. That doesn't mean they were right.

Argumentum ad populum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I learned about that from Rachel Maddow, who happens to be gay, and is prob smarter than pretty much anyone here. If you happen to have won a Rhode's Scholarship, I stand corrected.

The Tea Partiers are mocked because some of them say some pretty dumb and even crazy things. When the "sane" tea partiers still support them, it makes the whole group look crazy. The revolutionary costumes and mispelled signs aren't helping either. If you can say O'Donnell is at least partly looney for saying that there are mice with human intellegence, or that she once had a "date" on a satanic altar, you can score a point or two on the credibility scale. If you agree with Rand Paul that coal mine companies will keep the mines safe all on their own without regulation(to keep the workers happy), you may lose a point. If you think Glenn Beck's technique of using marionettes to explain the John Soros "conspiracy" is a convincing way to go, or you believe his theory that American Indians may have been descended from Egyptians, you may have a hard time being taken seriously--by anyone. Me, I think he is a nutball.

The "lame-stream" media has been using a very effective tactic in attacking the "reality conflicted" members of the Tea Party. It's called "Record and Play." It's a pity that the Tea Party started out with a fairly simple, "cut big goverment" message-- it's been completely co-opted by fundamentalist social conservatives.

At least with that crazy Allen West guy in FL, you have some racial diversity now. But really, what is the deal with his nutball chief of staff, Joyce Kaufmann? I mean there is crazy and then there is REALLY crazy. She makes Glenn Beck sound like the voice of reason.
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May 29, 2004
At least with that crazy Allen West guy in FL, you have some racial diversity now. But really, what is the deal with his nutball chief of staff, Joyce Kaufmann? I mean there is crazy and then there is REALLY crazy. She makes Glenn Beck sound like the voice of reason.

Joyce Kauffman!! what a blast from the past. there was this am talk radio station WFTL in ft laudedrale back in the 90's with some phenomenal hosts both ultra conservative and ultra liberals. Steve Kane, Craig worthing, Joyce Kauffman, Rick Seiderman, a gay conservative Al Rantel who went on to KABC in LA, and many many more.

Callers, hosts, guests... all battling it out for days and weeks on a topic. hosts staying over into other shows. was really great entertainment and very on top of the day's news and issues.

What a great station that was!! Joyce, an aging Jewish hippie, is an absolute nut job, but I grew to love her insanity over the years and she should well know the south Florida constituency.

thanks for the memories :)
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May 29, 2006
When she says stuff like, "If ballots won't work, bullets will,"(7/04/10) maybe she shouldn't have security clearance to be working on Capitol Hill.

Being "colorful" and saying illegal immigrants who break the law should be hung before having their bodies shipped home* is all well and good if you want ratings with the KKK demo, but somewhere there is a line as to who and who should be allowed to be on staff. I think that line has been done stepped over.

*yep, she said that too!

-- on a side note, Malcom X said something similar. He said, "it's either a ballot or a bullet." She is saying if the ballots are not in your favor, then feel free to pick up a gun.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
The "If ballots won't work, bullets will" is a reference to the long-standing premise that when a gubmint becomes deaf to the complaints and concerns of the people ("Let them eat cake") then revolution is a viable alternative.

And it is.

Revolutions have happened throughout history. The western world had had it's share. Ask King George or King Louis...

That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.

It's not so crazy to state historical fact. We may be more sophistocated but sophistocation doesn't mean people are willing to accept what they colectively see as gubmint oppression. Of course the supporters of King George and King Louis didn't think the people had reason or right to act, either. They should have paid better attention.

Gubmint should fear the governed. When it doesn't there should be no surprise when the governed act.

I wish Col. West well when he shows up for his first CBC meeting...:cheeky:

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
I disagree with the premise of this thread. I don't think there is less tolerance of homosexuality in the DR. I think there is more. There are pockets of acceptance in the US, especially in urban areas, but there are also regions where the viseral irrational fear of homosexuals is regarded as the norm. This was on a Texas broadcast a couple weeks ago:

I learned about that from Rachel Maddow, who happens to be gay, and is prob smarter than pretty much anyone here. If you happen to have won a Rhode's Scholarship, I stand corrected.

At least with that crazy Allen West guy in FL, you have some racial diversity now. But really, what is the deal with his nutball chief of staff, Joyce Kaufmann? I mean there is crazy and then there is REALLY crazy. She makes Glenn Beck sound like the voice of reason.

I agree with your premise that there is less tolerance in the US of A, but there are stronger laws(gay rights) in most western countries than the DR.
Rachel Maddow is definitely intelligent but she has that touch of arrogance that many educated people, that has her believing that she knows more than everyone. She is full of it.
<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>
As far as Allan West, I listened to him and read pros and cons on him and he doesn't sound crazy at all.


Dec 20, 2009
or canada :(

we had a real nut job...and he was destined for higher positions
until he got caught in a rape and murder scandal


Dec 20, 2009
same with all these crazies like
manson -who woulda thought a hippy would do that?
hitler- who woulda thought a corpral would becom a mass murder
or that a nation would believe in him
dahlmer-- don't even want to go there :(
mass murderers

there's alot of sick people out there nowadays and most times we don't catch them until it's too late
with the exceptions i've just made...sometiimes they're normal then.... SNAP

no way to see it coming


Because some of "us" have nothing to add on the topic of this thread.


and for others of the genetic pool of lower expecetency with life's comprhension with difficult questions, one can always take the 'Chinatown' bus to get Goolong Tea on Canal street in NYC.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002

and for others of the genetic pool of lower expecetency with life's comprhension with difficult questions, one can always take the 'Chinatown' bus to get Goolong Tea on Canal street in NYC.

Try spell check, it'll improve your credibility, and perhaps our comprehension of your rather weird postings.


Aug 22, 2008
Try spell check, it'll improve your credibility, and perhaps our comprehension of your rather weird postings.

Doubtful - whatever is posting is angry about something or someone and has an obsession with tea.

It cannot express itself, obviously.

Must be very frustrating.


Dec 20, 2009
he went off on the deep end on greydread the other day
in the moving to washington post few days back
most of what he says is drunkin garble from what i can figure out :)
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most of what he says is drunkin garble from what i can figure out

And you can figure out WHAT again - exactly? I’d luv to see the credibility factor from the very obvious Maddow supporters.

Of course, paraplegics need not post unless they’ve been cleared by the properly anointed, self imposing important people – lofty figments in their own mind.

HE didn't know WTF he was talking about - much like the mischaracterization here on one's leaving the Top 10 places in their former land so as to suffer on some island somewhere.

1 Hull
2 Cumbernauld
3 Morecambe
4 Hythe
5 Winchester
6 Liverpool
7 St Andrews
8 Bexhill-on-Sea
9 Basingstoke
10 Hackney

ffice:eek:ffice" /><O:p></O:p>
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Sep 8, 2010
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Jan 1, 2002
Tha....tha....tha...tha....that's all, Folks!!

Enough is enough and this is so far from the OP it isn't even funny...

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